Why is he sucking Trump's dick so hard?

Why is he sucking Trump's dick so hard?

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He's a near-death ex-celebrity irrelevant for decades. He is trying to get his name heard and has been a contrarian rightist for awhile now. He even said he regretted protesting against the Vietnam War. Who the fuck says that?

have el sexo

How can you trust Schumer?

Most of the Hollywood elite is (secretly) right wing, he's just got the balls to actually say it.

white peopel racist af they hate black when we successful so they want to take away food stamps

Probably just trying to piss off his daughter one last time before he kicks the bucket.

>we successful
>on food stamps

Trump is based and this old coot is fresh out of fucks to give. Let the seething kikes fume.

What does this have to do with television and film?

Trump loves the Jews tough

Why would Jews be upset about their pet getting more support?

Only the right wing ones any more.

Maybe, just maybe, he isn’t anti-Semitic but just maybe he isn’t as much a tool of the likes as certain paid online shills would claim?

After all if he was so good to and for the Jews perhaps they wouldn’t be on the verge of shitting their pants and crying at all times?

Seems like there is room for some concern that certain portrayals of Trump online might not be honest, and instead are one of the last ditch efforts by the very Jews who supposedly love him, to actually poison the well against him?

But, no, it’s not like Jews have a millennia long reputation as liars and well poisoners. That’d be crazy talk.

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based milo.

>they wouldn’t be on the verge of shitting their pants and crying at all times?

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Still better than Pedo Joe, that’s all he needs to win 2020. Stay ass burned.

At least you admitted that Trump is a faggot. That's something we can agree on.

weren't the democrats the instigators of that war?


a good reason

It's true, I've seen the scriptures.

>near death
hes younger than sly and arnie tho you dumb retard
and clint is 17 years older than him

I don't know, but from a outside view, Democrats seem really crazy to me, so its not like there is any other choice in America

reminder that democrats got 62m votes in the midterms. That means the Country is doomed sooner or later as there's too many gibs me dats voters

Why do you care?

When Trump wins again in 2020 your salt will be something to behold. What with your mental health already teetering on the brink, they might run out of meds to try.

Maybe it’s time to check out before you’ve completely demoralized yourself.

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Because both suck Jew dick.

Fucking based


i believe Jon Voight used to be an actor of some kind in the distant past.


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Not at all. It physically pains me that the election and the public destruction of Trump is still so far away. I know it will be worth the wait in the end. And when the day comes, I will descend upon /pol/ like a lion among the gazelles. A truly sumptuous bounty as you realise that the country has slipped from your grasp forever. Holy shit, I have to fucking jerk off right now just thinking about it.

I mean, can you blame him?

Zionist Kikes control Hollywood, don’t be fooled by the “liberal” bias, the guy who directed the Dick Cheney movie said in a interview that Israel was against the war in Iraq lie France and Germany when this is obsviously false, if a war with Iran happens there is gonna be a movie about how Israel was giants the war.