So, one of GoT writers was hired to 'consult' new Amazon Lotr series. How bad will it be? Apparently he was responsible for books lore accuracy and wrote the episode where Sansa was raped by Ramsay. That was some lore accuracy for sure. I guess we should get ready for Numenorians rape scenes.
Amazon Lotr
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can't wait to see the glorious 70% POC cast of elves and men
its a good thing they dont have the rights to any of the stories so anything they actually make up will be fan fiction pretty much
POC naturally look like orcs though
lots of the orcs were played by new zealand natives
>so, why did Frodo not take the ring to Mount Doom and instead went whoring in Rhun?
>well, he kinda forgot
GoT writing at its best.
They will make it about the Second age. That means they have rights to the Unfinished tales at least.
No. They are making about a young Aragon.
If they were smart they would do Children of Hurin.
All the orcs will be played by Whites and the Elves will be played by Maoris, the opposite of what they did in the movies.
You don't know shit, that suggestion was disproven ages ago.
The truth is nobody knows about the details of the deal between the Estate and Amazon, it's not disclosed in any capacity. All we know is that the Estate is involved and the story takes place in the second age. They may just as well be adapting The Silmarillion and we may not know it yet.
Tolkien’s estate still holds the rights to The Silmarillion
Yes they do, the thing is they may be co-producing this show. We know 100% they are involved, we just don't know how much.
My personal opinion is that it won't directly adapt The Silmarillion, but it won't shy away from explicit references to it. Expects lots of name drops regarding the lore, unlike PJ's movies. In my head, it most makes sense that the series will cover Sauron's rise to power judging by the marketing material.
And casting a young, hot, fair Annotar will certainly be nice for the marketing.
dont watch it
Tolkien’s estate most likely gave them some major things they can do like Sauron's rise to power as you said but just the have the in between stuff be completely made up but still follow the lore
Are you actually cyring because some guy wrote a rape scene in GoT?
OP decides to be a faggot once again
This. It's historically accurate that most men were rapists who would force themselves on any woman they could. 5000BC to 1990AD was pretty much a non stop rape fest. It's only recently that it's become a crime.
All men would rape if they could get away with it. The only thing stopping men from raping women, historically and today, are external consequences like being killed by a mob or sentenced to prison.
Liberal lies.
Muh all men are rapists.
Married woman can't be "raped" by her husband: it's her duty to honor the holy contract of marriage by having sex with the aim of procreation.
Has nothing to do with liberalism, it's reasoning based on human nature and evolution - if there were no consequences, men would rape women. The only thing stopping men are external consequences, any ideas of some internal code of ethics being the driving factor are delusion. You're just too scared to admit this, because it destroys your ego built upon flimsy notions of inborn morality.
A LOTR adaption full of cussing, tits and gore would be pretty based actually
this is your brain on leftism
Why do they need to ruin everything? Make something new
You are fucking dumb. That user is talking about "human nature"
>all men would rape, the only thing that is stopping them is other men
It's just another person so stupid they can't understand how retarded their points are, and most likely never will.
Here's your elves bro
>All men would steal if if it weren't for external factors
You are pretty dense not to understand his point about human nature hey?
>he thinks its not a feminist talking about the true nature of men
get your head out of your ass you dumb fucking nigger
Again, you're too stupid to understand that the people preventing men from raping are men. All men would rape is a fallacy, otherwise they wouldn't stop it. But you will most likely never understand because you aren't capable.
stop projecting your own rape fantasies on the entire male gender
you're sick, seek help for your autism and rapist tendencies
every single amazon LOTR thread gets spammed by /pol/ shitters crying about diversity.
GoT managed to stay very white throughout, not sure why you are suddenly expecting black elves in Lothlorian. Its not made by Netflix
they do though, they bought rights to the appendices from Saul Zaentz.
>young Aragon.
nope its second age with Numenor, they released this map for it and seems like they are using the appendices from ROTK
>feminist talking about the true nature of men
What does feminism have to do with it you single digit brainlet? His point was 100% about human nature, which triggered you.
You absolute fucking imbecile, I merely pointed out that his point revolved around human nature, which it does. You are so delirious and stupid to have made a comment about "All men want to rape, it is only other men stopping them", what you are describing is human nature, sure he has used a fallacy, however his original argument is that, given the chance, a man would rape a woman, or a man would steal, or commit a crime.
Shut the fuck up you idiot
Tolkiens son and grandson ageee to give them nothing afaik, they have nothing to work with, 100 % pulled out of their asses, season 7 and 8 of GOT but without the previous seasons to carry that corpse over the line.
You incels are so obsessed with blacks, god
they bought the name and thats pretty much it
the show is going to be based in the second age so it will have absolutely nothing to do with any of the characters in lord of the rings and they did not buy the rights to the silmarillion so they can't use any of those stories fully as told by tolkien
>sure he has used a fallacy
>however his original argument is that, given the chance, a man would rape a woman, or a man would steal, or commit a crime.
It's crazy you don't even see what you're saying, you say he's using a fallacy, yet you use the same fallacy. All men would not do that given the chance, if that was true, we would have never evolved beyond the point of preventing such things. But you aren't capable of learning or growing mentally, so you will continue to double down until you stop getting replies.
I just told you, they bought rights to the appendices, you don't need to drop $250 million for the fucking name you moron. That means all of the events and characters of the second age and much of the third so long as it doesn't touch on the lotr books themselves.
dude nowhere in the article does it say they bought the appendices
Tolkien's son was replaced as the head of the Estate a month before the deal. The family literally took out the old man so they can give Amazon what Amazon wants.
>wrote the episode where Sansa was raped by Ramsay.
At least he is not a faggot. The story and in LoTR isn't as complex like GoT so they really can't fuck it up as long as they stick to the story. And unlike GoT, LoTR is a completed story and has been out so long that everyone knows the story and characters.
>All men would not do that given the chance, if that was true, we would have never evolved beyond the point of preventing such things.
How are you so dense? HOW?
I never, ever said that they would, you dense, dense motherfucker.
>amerimutt: the post
>film and tv industry shoehorning blacks into everything obsessively
>people who notice are the ones obsessed
>however his original argument is that, given the chance, a man would rape a woman, or a man would steal, or commit a crime.
Yes you did, and you are defending this point, saying all men would given the chance all men would rape and steal because it's human nature. Which is of course a fallacy, because if that was true by the nature of all men, they would have never stopped such behaviors, because they would actually be humans just be mindless monkeys and those concepts of ownership, theft and rape would not ever exist.
that would be dumb and off putting
like star trek STD cussing it just doesnt feel right and i dont like it
I'm sure like people with a sub 50 IQ always want to rape or something, the military won't even accept people with below an 85 IQ because they are not capable of learning. So maybe he is trying to say it's in the nature of very stupid people to just want to do these things.
>explaining his point is about human nature
Damn, you are a fucking idiot. I never once said I agreed with it. I explained that you were fucking dumb for not understanding that his point was about human nature.
That is possible, but they would be more the exception than the rule as they would have mentally retarded levels of intelligence.
His entire point was a fallacy that you defended, all men would not rape or steal given the chance, otherwise they would not have evolved beyond that point because that would have been acceptable behavior. That is his point on human nature and the point you are defending, which is built entirely on a fallacy and does not even hold up to mild scrutiny. But this is just going around in circles at this point, as you will try to slink away from the only point he was making while still defending it.
I'm British you retard
proto amerimutt
You just know Frodo and Sam would have constant gratuitous sex scenes and all the other characters would talk about how super awesome gay the hero hobbits are. Except the evil characters, of course. They'd all be equally vocal of their disapproval of super heroic gay hobbits.
Kill self
There's about 6 pages worth of information (counting the literally bullet point timeline) on the second age to "adapt" and if they tread into the specifics of The Silmarilion/lost tales/etc they will be sued faster than someone writing something slightly inflammatory in an English newspaper.
They already showed canon maps of the Second age. They clearly have the rights to the materials at least about that period. And Numenor appeared on the map only in the Unfinished tales.
Learn to read, it's already discussed that we don't whether they have the rights to The Silmarillion/lost tales etc or not. The Tolkien Estate is working with them on this, they may literally have all of the rights to everything Tolkien's pen has touched.
>the show is going to be based in the second age so it will have absolutely nothing to do with any of the characters in lord of the rings
Are you retarded? It's literally about the creation of the Rings. Sauron would be practically the maine character. Also Elrond and Galadriel were there too. Amazon already stated we'll see characters from the Lotr.
It has been stated explicitly that the rights are the same rights that Warner Bros used to make the films.
>but just the have the in between stuff be completely made up but still follow the lore
Funny you say this, because there is simply no 'in between stuff' written by Tolkien about the Second age. The story about the forging of the rings and Numenor story are described very briefly. So, Amazon will have to make up a lot of stuff even if they have all the rights.
No it wasn't. Or show me the article stating this.
>showing the map of fucking Numenor from the Unfinished tales
>they have the same rights only for the Lotr guys!
You are retarded.
what are you on about, there's Akallabeth and a ton of info on the rulers of Numenor and the downfall. Not to mention it isn't exactly hard to make a show out of even a few plot points for the downfall. Just:
>Numenor is happy utopia land all is happy
>Elves request help on middle earth against Sauron
>big battle, Sauron captured, happy times
>sauron starts to corrupt king, who also is enjoying power over men in middle earth
>king goes evil, builds fleet, the catastrophe falls on Numenor
>meanwhile huge sub plot of how erendil and sons are elf friends and have to hide when the King goes evil
>Whole story of them escaping numenor and landing in middle earth, the men there looking to them for help.
Thats a lot of story points which can be easily filled.
Akkalabeth is literally a several pages user. And they need at least five seasons.
There are no dialogs from the characters of that age written by Tolkien though, for starters. Also there are no charater descriptions and such things. It's mainly a brief list of events, like a history book. They have to construct Sauron personality all by themselves.
>Amazon said it will produce the series along with Tolkien Estate and Trust, the book publisher HarperCollins and the film studio New Line Cinema.
Tolkien Estate is co-producing the series and whatever rights they have sold already cost 200 million on top of that co-production involvement. There is a chance it includes the rights to a shit ton of material including the Silmarillion and the Unfinished Tales.
The only reason Amazon didn't straight-out announce a Silmarillion TV Show is that they are probably not as confident that they can adapt the whole book on its own. It will probably be a pick-and-mix type of thing dealing with the Second Age.
mate there's an entire story dedicated to the first King to start sailing on voyages and how his wife gets pissed off, there's the perspective of Cirdan and middle earth. It's a bigger story than lotr in terms of characters and chronology, and it's not like it is particularly ambiguous. There is nothing about it that would be challenging from a writing perspective.
Shield Maiden of Rohanda and Legoass the Greenpear at your service
>The only reason Amazon didn't straight-out announce a Silmarillion TV Show is that they are probably not as confident that they can adapt the whole book on its own. It will probably be a pick-and-mix type of thing dealing with the Second Age.
I agree. Also I think they decided that there should be characters which movies audience know already. And if they want to keep the main title as Lord of the rings, Sauron's story is the best choice.
Except Numenor wasn't happy already when they captured Sauron. Ar Pharazon was already corrupted and has taken the throne by force. Numenorians became envy of the elves immortality long before Sauron came there.
Yup, there is a lot of stuff we don't know about the production but when you think about it, it's obvious what they are going for: the forging of the Great Rings and the rise of Sauron. They are basically going to make a whole show from the prologue of the Fellowship of the Ring. According to wiki:
>"The Tale of Years" in Appendix B of The Lord of the Rings outlines the major events of the Second Age, especially as they relate to the Rings of Power and the events and characters of The Lord of the Rings. Appendix A of The Lord of the Rings contains genealogies of the royal house of Númenor. Appendix D of The Lord of the Rings gives details of the Númenórean calendar, including special intercalation in the years 1000, 2000 and 3000, and notes on how this system of intercalation was disrupted by the designation of S.A. 3442 the first year of the Third Age.[3] In addition, several sections of Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth deal extensively with Númenor and several of its kings. Also, at the end of The Silmarillion, "Akallabêth", or 'the falling of a star,' recounts the fall of Númenor and its kings, and also the rise of Gondor and Arnor.
So they'd need the rights to The Lord of the Rings books, Unfinished Tales and The Silmarillion and considering both New Line and Tolkien Estate is involved, it looks like they got everything they need for it.
>all men would not rape or steal given the chance,
>Says me
Dumb fuck, you realize that there is an entire religion based on it? It's quite literally called "sin"
I will defend human nature, but I won't defend that other men are the only thing stopping it.
which just makes writing it even simpler, but the backstory would almost certainly be 'muh promised land and holy mountain' in episode one to make the fall more tragic and play on themes of human nature being ambitious and greedy rather than grateful. They could show how hard life on middle earth becomes for the men there, which would briefly shame the numenoreans who live in luxury, only for them to regress back to envy of the elves. Shit would write itself, it's easier to write in between the lines than to have to stick to book dialogue or make changes.
Since you are such a dumb fuck, I will try and explain it again. The original user argued that if it was not for external factors, see "the only thing stopping men are external consequences", sure, his argument is poorly worded, however it is still an argument for human nature, you dumb fuck. His argument centres around the idea that someone will naturally commit a crime, if they are not taught not to.
>In the West, one traditional question centred on whether humans are naturally selfish and competitive (see Thomas Hobbes; John Locke) or social and altruistic (see Karl Marx; Émile Durkheim). A broader problem is that of determining which ostensibly fundamental human dispositions and traits are natural and which are the result of some form of learning or socialization
Tom Shippey and John Howe are apparently working on this too as consultants
Sauron kind of forgot about the one ring
the one ring was useless against Numenor though, them being an island nation he had no chance of assaulting. Corrupting them was far easier.