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whats your malfunction tonight?

fuck man, that poor animal


This only make it a woman instead.

Poor animal.
What's wrong with it?

surely you just put it out of its misery at that point

he ate to much spaghetti haha

Spaghetti octopus infestation

worms are getting out, he should be alright


hahahahaha fuck stupid ass cats

- this post was made by dog gang

the fact that its shitting out the worms is a good sign. Its the effect of giving it medicine for worms.

How does this happen

Jesus christ, how does it even get worms that badly?

This makes my booty hole itch

I'm very curious as to what's going on in this webm thanks

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Do you think that cat has died by now?

He will be fine. I adopted a stray dog as a kid and I saw worse shit than OP and he was fine.

Cat got wormed. Took medication. Now the worms are dying and exiting the body.

The cat will be fine.

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Cat given worm medicine shits the worms out

>high school graduation
>family gives me this big balloon
>eventually my cat pulls it down when no one was home
>ripped off the string and ate it
>didn't know this until I saw him dart out of the bathroom with 6 feet of shit covered yellow string trailing behind him
>help my little bro by stepping on the string until it ran out of his ass
>little bro was ok
>laughed for days
I miss him.

wait was it your cat or your brother

Why not both you bigot?

question for pet owners, do you just continually keep getting new pets as they die or what

Had a dog, watched him die three years ago. Not that I'm traumatized, but I just don't feel like getting a new pet.

Yeah im unclear on this detail as well

Op was a cat.


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My thoughts exactly. Word for word

Had 3 dog at one time.
Oldest died in the middle of the night. Buried him.
One got so sick he started wasting away. Lived in the middle of nowhere Alaska so I had to put him down myself. Never killed anything before, but I would never trust anyone to do what I had to for him. Worst night of my life.
I went a whole year with this awful feeling knowing I might have to do it again.
Last dog got sick and I put him down too.
I took both of them out into the wilderness on moonlit nights.
I will never take another dog.

mama mia lol


Or some say Kosm.

had one for 13 years, he was a gift to me as a child from my dad and i took him with me when i moved out. got old and sick and i had to get him put down last year. worst day of my life, ill never get another dog but i keep thinking about getting one because i love dogs so much but i dont think i can go through that pain again

Anybody ever had worms themselves?

Why is it I can watch people get their faces skinned off or exploded by a train or wrapped around an industrial lathe without flinching but this shocks and horrifies me?

cuz it's more likely you'll get bum worms in your life than have your face skinned

When I was young, aye. Late 80s I think. Mum was a nurse and told us to check our shit because there’d been reports at school. I remember seeing these little white wriggling things crawling out of it. Was fuckin’ rotten, man. Had two weeks of drinking this foul pink stuff twice a day.

the medicine should have killed them though so they either didnt give it enough or used cheap quality
