Do Americans really do this?

Do Americans really do this?

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Not anymore.

Do what?

So do you think in season three they've had sex yet?

Just the white ones

Two young men hanging out and reading comics is fairly common.

sleep over at your gf's house? Yeah, I still sleep in your gf's bed OP

Walk in shit then put your feet all over the furniture and bed

I take my shoes off as soon as possible when entering my house

Mike’s fucking skateboard girl behind her back

She looks fucking terrible
Why oh why do they insist on that middle part. Exactly 2 percent of the population is capable of ever looking good with that shit haircut

>when you hit the wall before turning 18
Why are Anglos such a shit race?

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I have always taken my shoes off at the front door. The fuck are you talking about?

I’m sure she’s already had her agent to put into the contract to allow her to have her own makeup and hairstylist team to handle her look in the show
If she still has the look she had in season 1 she’d look like a tranny

They hated Ireland and Scotland so much that they decided becoming inbred was the better choice

t. 30 yr old balding fat american that wears shoes in bed

No american wears shoes in bed. Is this some shitty yuropoor thing?

sorry, i didnt realize you are retarded

Yeah what the fuck

only one time
I got black out drunk when I was living in Canada and woke up in bed fully clothed with my snow boots still on

Finn Wolfhard is canadian

shes been on a steady diet of cocaine and jewish penis for the last 5 years, it takes a heavy toll.

No. No teenager in the 80s had a mid century modern nightstand like that.

I live in texas and it seems to be pretty common around here to walk around the house with shoes on.
The streets here are clean though.
Maybe if you live in pooinloostan then it makes sense to worry about such trivialities.

why not?

In the 80s yes, there was no such thing as the internet for normal people and no social media so you would hang out in your room with friends if you weren't outside and basically nobody carried around camcorders so there was never video footage of anything

>wearing clown shoes

It had fallen out of fashion by then. We all had stupid 80s shit that either was just cheap ugly wood or else it was some thing made to look like it was fancy 1920s furniture.

>those huge ass shoes
His dick must be huge.

>Shoes on the bed

>liberals being pedos again

>The streets here are clean though.
>Maybe if you live in pooinloostan then it makes sense to worry about such trivialities.

I just never thought about why these third worlders are always talking about shoes in the house

In every god damn american show or movie people just waltz in with their shoes on, and the second thing they do is go straight to the fridge for a bottled drink.
Explain yourselves Americans.

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You know the street is filled with dirt and dust right?

Crawl back under the rock from witch you came, am*rican filth!

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Look at how close they keep their shoes next to their feed. Imagine when they sneed.

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Yup their women age like milk

>16 years old

Small feet manlet being insecure

Do women also walk indoors with their shoes on?

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In every god damn Yea Forums thread people just waltz in and pretend to understand america based on what they see on Yea Forums and tv shows. Explain yourselves europoors

Finn's getting cuter, but he needs to do a nosejob

theres something oddly comfortable about coming home from work and passing out on your bed in your clothes and shoes.

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I knew they were making a sequel but I had no idea they were doing a Bill and Ted prequel.

Do what? Have 0 taste for interior decoration? Yes they do.

dunno lol

mad mutts itt

Based Finn

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Ok but seriously, no one actually wears shoes inside right? or ON THEIR BED? That's fucking ridiculous. Please tell me no one does that.

not pausing to take off all the characters' shoes helps to keep the scene moving smoothly. you're a nitpicking faggot.


Europeans are so used to filth they honestly can’t comprehend how clean American suburbs are.

Yeah, but you're weeaboos, you don't count.

No, it doesn't. It makes normal people cringe.

are european cities really that bad that there is just filth everywhere on the street that they have to worry about shit on shoes? Srsly disgusting

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>I can't differentiate between the character and the actor

Yes. Major European cities are absolute shitholes.

Do Americans really do this?

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>animals never shit on the street
Are all Americans this retarded?

Even in rural America? They still marry their cousins out there.

it's more that Europeans actually use their feet to walk to places. it creates all kinds of problems.

Reading with your mom is not that strange user


>By your powers combined

>Posts model shoot pic
>Asks about female normalfags

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They seem to manage okay in Asian movies and tv shows

is that James Cameron?

cute boys

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kek wtf

What you talking about?

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>2 mixed race marriages
>mixed offspring intermarry

trying to save the white race now that white people can't be bothered.

Name one good Asian movie or TV show you fucking weeb.

Stop being a weeb.

Doesn’t even look close. You’re horrible at the celebrity lookalike game.

For one, us first worlders have streets and pavement, not mud, dirt, and shit like you third worlders. Once we're inside, we have all sorts of flooring, while you're just walking on more dirt.

I only wear shoes inside and especially on my bed. I take a them off at the door when I go outside. I live in a first world country, streets are clean here.

>Finn has to wear that ridiculous 80s lesbian nerd hairdo and still manages to look adorable
based froggo


Wear shoes indoors? Yes.

Do what? Sit in a room with two lights?

Terrible post.

Finn Wolfhard is such a disgusting looking inbred Jew it makes my flesh creep and my blood boil and I hate it.

I know you meant to say bf, but this is still the funniest comment of all time.

Pose for promotional photos on a film set? Yes.

Lesbian couples?
I think they exist, yes

Why don't normal women look like her?

Hehehe just make these kids make out multiple times every year *rubs hands*

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Nice poster

>shoes inside the house
Bruh look at these mutts

>11 and Max aren't making out passionately while rubbing each other.
Why is this show so homophobic?

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wtf is this real?





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It feels fucking awful when you wake up though


Nice edit.
Found the original version through the hidden meta data.

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I do, not even joking.

Millie is cute and I can’t imagine how mentally ill you must be to not only see otherwise but to actually insult a teenage girl for her looks.

Fucking faggot pedophiles on my Yea Forums

What is wrong with you? Its acting and its a peck or 2. Grow the fuck up lol

>looks 40

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>Millie is cute and I can’t imagine how mentally ill you must be to not only see otherwise but to actually insult a teenage girl for her looks. Fucking faggot pedophiles on my Yea Forums

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