Was this scene really necessary?

Was this scene really necessary?

Attached: 1557880116812.webm (304x540, 2.85M)

imagine the smell...

>finally...i am a strong independent woman

What the hell is happening there


Whats with all the Yea Forums threads today? Fuck off cunts.

i couldn't finish it bros. what happens?

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Is it supposed to look like that tho


Absolutely kino. This scene should be shown in every film school.

A Jewish person followed the advice of another Jewish person.

Surely one day we will look back at this as mutilation, in the same way we look at lobotomies today. Right?

>i couldn't finish it bros.
Watch it you pussy.



this is what happens to you when your janny submission gets accepted

>one day

We have 10 years left, at best. There's no future

She (formerly he) was excited of her (formerly his) new vagina (formerly penis)

that would require leftoids to have some self awareness

islam is honestly an improvement

I regret ever learning English, had I remained ignorant I would have remained oblivious to this horror, if only for a few years longer.

that doesn't look like a vagina though

Attached: white people.webm (800x502, 2.8M)

i never thought i would be a status quo conservative. i thought i was a radical. i thought i was the cutting edge. i was wrong.

white boys make the best traps

Someone with medical degrees volunteered and ot paid for this

>one day
there is not future on this shithole, just look around for 1 second.

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They make the best everything.

what do you mean

the way s/he hugs the mother tells all

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ok someone explain me why there are spaghetti spilling out of its hole

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Cotton wool

Yeah, what is that?

does anyone have source for this vid? I can't seem to find anything about this