>Smith’s Genie, always reliable for a wisecrack, harkens back to previous anthropomorphic depictions of social subservience and alter-ego psyche — from Mark Twain’s Nigger Jim to Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio and the black crows in Dumbo to Eddie Murphy voicing the serpent in Mulan and the donkey in Shrek, all products of the American romantic imagination. Smith’s alter-ego figure projects authority and confidence — an innocuous bogeyman lurking within the insecure dominant class’s illusion of progress.

Will Smith is over.

Attached: 12_years_a_slave.png (1098x589, 840K)

uncle remus was literally the best part of song of the south besides the animated bits

Cringe. There is nothing good about a black slave whistling dixie to entertain his oppressors.

Wtf are they even saying.

Also can c e l l e d

shut up nigger

the real question is why didn't Aladdin wish to be made white?

That he's literally the magical negro trope.

All images of black males in media must be in positions of dominance over whitey, because slavery.


So gandalf is a nigger?

So was robin williams also an uncle tom?

How is Donkey subservient? His whole schtick with Shrek was that he did what he wanted, much to Shrek's chagrin.

No, you idiot. The Robin Williams version was just a racial caricature like blackface minstrels.

you don't remember the beginning part where shrek goes to that enslaving fairy tale place and said "aye, giv'me yore negroest fhairly tale khreecha, I n'eed me a slave."

Why is this considered an acceptable image for blacks, but not the crows from Dumbo or all those other “racist” stereotypes from over 70 years ago?

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>"We need more black people in movies"
>"But only if they act the way we want them to act. That nigger should have been killing whiteys not singing and having fun and making the best of his situation!"
Liberal trash.

Robin Williams was in blue face doing black face

What did you want him to do? Start breakdancing after holding up a liquor store?

where do you autists go to find this? are there just random dudes that hunt for these over the top articles to post on Yea Forums?

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Because (((they))) said so, now shut your mouth you stupid fucking goy.

respectability = "acting white"

Because then (((merchants))) would have started bribing the Satraps to welcone refugees and send a military regiment to protect Judea.

A zip a dee doo dah day to you too sir.
Genies are magic, Will Smith is black. That’s on casting if anything.

It's by Armond "King of Yea Forums" White

Most of this stuff is written by people just above average intelligence, who consider themselves to be smart but are too stupid to realize how dumb their points are.

I thought Armond hated it when critics politicized movies

it's Armond WHite I'm surprised nobody had noticed. he's the "BASED BLACK MAN" of Yea Forums criticism because he's a conservative elitist.

>black people can be magic in films now because then they would be the magical nigger
Good one

this nigger smoked too much crack this time. harken back into rehab you fag

kek I never knew Yea Forums is this redpilled all over these years I used to think that aside /pol/ all of these other boards are bunch of bluepilled faggots who needs to be gassed.

Shut up faggot

fuck off nigger

Newfags will be thrown in the gas chambers with the niggers and kikes.

>Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio
What the fuck? Jiminy was black? What?

You seriously didn't know that?

While true you're clearly responding to a false flag.

i was a child when i watched it and wasn't aware of racial sterotypes

Grasshopper, moon cricket

>“Jiminy Cricket” was a polite euphemism for Jesus Christ
How is that even on the same level of bad as Jigaboo? Also, Uncle Remus was based and had good stories

This operates under the assumption that Aladdin is white
The actor is Egyptian
Therefore asserting that Egyptians are white
Therefore debunking that Egyptians are black
All written by a leftist
You heard it here first

Green is the new black.

So basically Will Smith for all his career, is what they are saying

Attached: file.png (317x445, 239K)

Based on yhe talent of the performer, and not the depth of the character, user.

Literally unironically black culture though.

Because he isnt socially dominant, therefore he is a field slave. See? This is why we can't trust black people to make their own decisions about what is and isnt appropriate, they go and do things like read a script and decide to play a role in it.

>Eddie Murphy voicing the serpent in Mulan
It was a dragon. Chinese dragons are wingless. Why the fuck are these people so ignorant of other cultures yet constantly bitch about muh oppression?

Attached: Chinese-dragon-black.jpg (447x640, 77K)

a was a field slave of the evil oppressor ogre

Armond is more of a contrarian than anything else really