
Are you going to see it?

No one will believe me but I actually worked with the crew on this and the general collective opinion of everyone is that the film is garbage.

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That's what happens when poppa Harv can't make sure your career stays afloat

How fun is it working with the crew for movies?

want to know how I know this movie is garbage? my gym was shilling it.

If being about women is the only appeal why would I want to watch it? That's not enough.

I liked it but it’s still Superbad’s little sister and the politics were grating, I was cringing through all the nasty woman shit in the first 20 minutes

Crew is chill, everyone else involved in movies is fucking scum of the earth especially anyone involved in marketing.

Olivia is a cunt btw. Her bf/husband is pretty cool though.

>we are getting creamed by the big dogs

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How is she a cunt? And I can't really get far in this film. it's like female Superbad, if Superbad wasn't funny

I'd cream olivia wilde

would like to see olivia get creamed by a big dog haha. just kidding but could you imagine if she did though?

how much creative control does Olivia Wilde have in this? she doesn't strike me as someone who actually knows what she's doing

trailer :
>muh vagina
>i masturbate my vagina
>we are smart and funny
>all women are beautiful
>women want "consensual" sex
>muh vagina
>womens panties that protect the vagina

movie looks great, i wish they hit a few more identity politics talking points though


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Do you at least have some evidence like a crew shirt or something?

I wasn't going to see this movie anyways because it's just Superbad with females.

Then I saw another ad with the main characters pushing MUH STRONG WOMEN and now I hope it fails miserably and hopefully everyone involved with the film never works again.

>I can arrange a threesome with Olivia Wilde
what did Harv mean by that?

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Didnt people say that jeanette mccurdy movie was the female superbad, months ago.

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I reject 13's hypothesis.


I'd watch her getting creamed by a big dog.

Im jacking off

Uh no sweety vox and RT gave it 97% and 4/5

>creamed by dogs
what did she mean by this?

They should call it superbad flow this month lol

I guess she ain't getting creamed by the right kind of big dogs any more lol

Why the fuck would you release a small comedy in the middle of a block summer blockusters? Of course it is getting missed.

Uhhh what movie are we talking about here now

>we are getting creamed by the big dog
>white women


The one I watch to jack off.
Open your mouth. I'll cum on your tonsils.

>How is she a cunt? And I can't really get far in this film. it's like female Superbad, if Superbad wasn't funny

Paul Rudd likes to come to his hometown and pretend he's the king of KC and we indulge him. Let him throw out the first pitch and whatnot. Every time he brings Olivia she looks like she's about to barf.

my apologies, she's married to Sudekis. Paul Rudd also likes to come back and pretend he's the king of KC but at least he was an esteemed product of the KU school of drama (dropped out).

KC has a bunch of mediocre shitty comedians with Paul Rudd, Sudekis and Rob Riggle.

isn't Sudekis January Jones' baby daddy or am I thinking of someone else


I just randomly googled "Sudekis" right after reading your post just to see what I could find about him and KC and this was literally the top "recent news" result

Thought you might like this

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>highschool friends
isn't she like 40 or 50?

they were real cunts about that 'big slick' thing which Rudd and Riggle got pulled into.

They were doing a 'charity' poker tournament and taking a rake for themselves. Got their wrists slapped by the Missouri Gaming commission.

They've been doing bowling and top golf or some other bullshit since they are now banned from gaming activities in the state.

I don't really know why Sudekis and the lot didn't think they would get caught by the Gaming Commission for taking a cut. They literally named the event "Big Slick" which is poker slang for an illegal poker game.

she's directing it I guess. Sudekis is the principal.

that old bag hit the wall so hard

She's 35

>Going on 60

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She was my waifu 10 years ago. I dumped her though.


I saw it. It wasn't good and it wasn't bad. The cringe balanced out the funny. I regret spending money on it seeing that tweet though.

If your selling point is "women", then you deserve to fail.


nah, just nah

the excuse is that movies made by and about women are shit

I assume it’s a high school graduation movie released right when everyone is graduating


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>Are you going to see it?

Only people who would actually watch this shit are people with horrible taste or npc's.