Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
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faggots go make a discord server
This is now a dubs posting thread and checked OP
Bless this thread with Holy GETs, /comfy/ vibes, good discussion, fresh OC, free /healings/, and free /repairs/.
gay, also check these
Latest Version
pathetic, this is how you do it
Hello new bread, please be healed by Arita!
>still waiting for the bluray
If I get dubs alitafags have to leave Yea Forums and make a discord server
Lol, the numbers have spoken.
Is Alita still screening anywhere in the US? I see those IMAX listings, but I know they're all Aladdin.
Berlin, Germany (3D): May 24th to 26th
Stockholm, Sweden: May 24th to 26th
May 29th: Barcelona, Spain
June 1st: IMAX 3D in Oslo, Norway at 14:30 or 15:00 local. Shout out if you want tickets.
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Outdoor: Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark, near Tempelhof
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Indoor: Hackesche Höfe Kino
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air Sommerkino
If I get 'em you watch the fucking movie
sooo close to quads, damn you
This is officially a American Psycho thread and checked
Guess we're here to stay
just watched GiTS and it was actually a very good adaptation despite what capeshit cucks say. this gives me hope when Alita comes out on DVD and I watch it I'll like it too.
probably rereading my old books while I wait
Looks like I don't have to, If i get dubs this becomes an American Psycho thread
If I get a number you watch the movie.
>pothead :D
Last thread was the uncomfiest thread in the world
Could someone put Bale's Terminator character on the beach? Perhaps parachuting in?
I am really torn over this. I mean when some alita posters came out as occasional jerome posters I wasn't too upset because I thought they meant a post now and again. Trolling has really been bad lately with lots of big false flag arguments and shitflinging. For all of that trolling to up and stop as the meet up happens is pretty fucked up.
Now things are really weird when you consider there is no trolling and no meet up reports at the same time. None. No campfire pics. No meetup updates. Nothing. You can tell the regular posters that have been all excited for the meetup aren't here for sure as most of the comf, floof, boop, ect posting is gone as well.
So you admit that you didn't even watch it yet you come here to soil our thread with your ignorant opinions? What made you this way?
>>tfw realize /alita/'s most supportive posters may be its worst trolls
>I really hope this doesn't turn out to be true. That would kind of ruin these threads for me. I am gonna take a wait and see approach for now I guess.
>who else could be as obsessed about this movie? enough to fuck with it daily? the board always has shitposters but this thread was untouched by trolls as the meet up was happening
people are saying it was a coincidence, but lets look at Yea Forums today.
today Yea Forums had,
chernobyl trolling,
terminator dark fate trolling,
game of thrones trolling (as usual)
some porn threads
brie larson trolling
rotten tomatoes/ disney trolling
aladdin trolling
yet none of those trolls, dozens, maybe hundreds of trolls fucked with /Alita/? none of those trolls fucking about brie larson and fucking about aladdin and about terminataor came here to fuck with us? not ONE? the entire fucking day?
>I was in several of those threads throughout today. You're spot on. I didn't even give it much thought but the trolling was fairly consistent to the norm on Yea Forums for those threads. None of the usual trolling happened in our general at the same time that I remember. Alita general is kind of an anomaly. Most of Yea Forums doesn't come here. Its just diehard Alita fans. That makes it even weirder that Alita general's more outstanding fans are coincidently not in today's threads much except to brag and egofag about the meetup while troll posting has fallen silent.
i saw this but we had new thread
to the people that say that Yea Forums was slow today, it definitely was not slow. i was here for the Aladin shitposting and the terminator and Captain Marvel shitposting. i was not in the Alita thread since it was slow, but Yea Forums was not slow at all. and there was a lot of trolling
I hate to admit it but the meet up and the jeromes going silent today is very weird. it is creepy
It'll be comfy since this is a Dubs thread now
I like it!
>Jerome stops posting
>Jerome starts posting again about that he stopped posting
nigger i watched the original Motorball sequence before Youtube was even a thing, you are not fit to wipe the flan crumbs from my Jashugan bodypilow
Truly magnificent IQ
Awhhh why you so sad bitch huh
*Slaps her in the face*
Answer me bitch
*Slaps her again*
*Throws her on to the floor*
*pulls down pants*
*Rapes her like a dog*
>Now things are really weird when you consider there is no trolling and no meet up reports at the same time. None. No campfire pics. No meetup updates. Nothing. You can tell the regular posters that have been all excited for the meetup aren't here for sure as most of the comf, floof, boop, ect posting is gone as well.
alita dubs confirm, and yeah no one at the beach meet up ever checked on with us and never told us how it went. at the last meet up it was the same, everyone was busy having fun and the shitposting was low as well
>I've been watching shit quality video for decades so that means shit quality video is still ok
user, something weird is going on with the sudden drop in Jerome posting coinciding with the meetup. I went through some of the meetup threads linked in the previous thread on 4plebs. There is lots of trolling that happened around the beach meetup planning in those threads. Definitely meetup planning anons were present during that trolling. Its just something that needs to be discussed since its quite suspicious all that trolling slowed down to nothing the past 24 hours.
dogs are actually terrible at rape so you just played yourself
t. zoophile
you are a soft baby incapable of dealing with the rigors of 280p and your children will die off
> gets mad at the jerome meet up posting
>has no problem with the Patrick Bateman off topic shitposting.
was there trolling during the planning, but not trolling the day of the meet ups?
I don't like either. Can we talk about Alita now?
What cool outfits/costumes do you wanna see on our girl in the sequels.
I'd like, whether it's manga canon-or not, to see her in the Clint Eastwood-esque poncho, a full on tracksuit Bruce Lee/Beatrice Kiddo style, and a bikini
I don't know what your problem is with this discussion. Do you support spam and trolling in these threads? That's pretty fucked up if you do.
I think the implication is that he's the one who rapes dogs? Idk
>dogs are actually terrible at rape
Do you speak from experience?
> desperately yelling at people to stop talking about the beach meet up and jerome
why such desperation over this? you sould actually hurt by these posts.
he seems to have no problem with real shitposting but gets mad at people calling out shitposting.
remember who this looks like the next time you see someone yelling reddit spacing :
Pretty much yah. From I remember at the end of this week trolling started slowing down as the CO anons started on their trip to Cali. All the weed posting stopped and Jerome posting slowed. Trolling was really down on Friday as the Cali anons started their weekend meetup plans. Now the meetup is happening and there is zero trolling. This is the complete opposite of threads that involved meetup planning. Those threads are full of shitposting, lewd posting, trolling and false flag arguments. Whoever was in those threads meetup planning the past few weeks was obviously there for the trolling and arguments happening at the same time.
>Alita: Beach Angel
>instead of winning a motorball championship she wins a wet t-shirt competition
lol, anyone who reddit spaces is that one guy. Yeah, sure.
Can a Centurion get some knee high socks? That's all I want.
>user, it's so BIG!!!
yeah, lets continue to post American Psycho pictures shall we?
But how? She has no nips.
Her Berserker body conforms to her mental self-image. So if she thinks she should have big jugs...
Chill out user. No one is arguing or yelling here or last thread besides you and the reddit spacing faggot in the last thread. Funny coincidence that you are trying to shut this conversation down while at the same time defending the meetup anons in question.
all this detective work is starting to point to the CO anons, or any user that was not present at the last meet up but attended this meet up.
that rules out the people from the last meet up like VA and the others, like the gun anons too.
damn.... the CO anons were telling everyone to kill themselves and saying that the mods should ban everyone in these threads... holy shit, i hope the other anons at the meet up at least know this is going on.... thats why it was good to talk about this because it cleared the other anons.
if we had shitposting and jerome posting on the previous meet up then it is very easy to single out who was telling us to get fucked
>All the weed posting stopped and Jerome posting slowed.
I don't know about the pro-'all pot comes from the cartel' guy, but I saw the anti-'all pot comes from the cartel' guy. Neither him nor I (well, I can't speak for him) were intentionally trolling to derail the thread, just spastically getting mad at each other, trying to prove the other wrong. Again, I can't speak for him, but I stopped talking about it, well, frankly, because he stopped talking about it, and it was clear from the rest of the thread posters that nobody wanted to hear it anymore and the whole thing was off-topic. I agreed with that sentiment and stopped posting about it.
It's not all conspiracy. You're scapegoating a handful of people, trying to pin all Jerome-posting on them, when that's literally impossible, even IF they are responsible for some of it.
> Funny coincidence that you are trying to shut this conversation down while at the same time defending the meetup anons in question.
dont forget he lives in CALI too
>There was no arguing in the last thread
>no one is doing this behavior that I say is bad and am shaming them for except the people who disagree with my conspiracy theory
Dummy. Check'd, though
No I don't. Like I said, I lived in Cali briefly for school I never lived there anytime I wasn't in school for those 4 years and I'm not there now, I wasn't at the meet, and I don't care if you don't believe me because I'm not 'reddit-spacing' now. I like I said, I space how I like when I like and that doesn't make me reddit nor Jerome.
I want to see Alita in a flying nun get-up. No real reason. Just think it'd look funny and cute on her.
Here is your (you) faggot. Shit post all you want to try and cover up what is happening here. It won't work. One or more people from the meetup are gonna have to explain themselves soon. The last thread really dug up some coincidences that need explanation, especially the fact the Jerome posting died as the beach meetup weekend was in full swing.
>All the weed posting stopped and Jerome posting slowed.
I don't know about the pro-'all pot comes from the cartel' guy, but I was the anti-'all pot comes from the cartel' guy. Neither him nor I (well, I can't speak for him) were intentionally trolling to derail the thread, just spastically getting mad at each other, trying to prove the other wrong. Again, I can't speak for him, but I stopped talking about it, well, frankly, because he stopped talking about it, and it was clear from the rest of the thread posters that nobody wanted to hear it anymore and the whole thing was off-topic. I agreed with that sentiment and stopped posting about it.
It's not all conspiracy. You're scapegoating a handful of people, trying to pin all Jerome-posting on them, when that's literally impossible, even IF they are responsible for some of it.
Alita wins every contest in my heart at least
any time someone freaks out on us, we will lnk to your pic post, any time someone spergs out. we know who did it. thats for all the insults. good night
And there was fucking Jerome posting in the last thread, like at least 5-7 posts, all of which you conveniently ignored to say IT WAS FREE OF TROLLING, OMG, MUST MEAN BEACH-ANONS ARE JEROME!!!11!! Let's all just drop it.
Speaking of dropping...
The beach meet anons are probably having group sex RIGHT NOW
Yeah, I'll take Things That Will Never Happen for $400, Alex.
well if you were at the meet up today, who was new? who was there that was not at he last meet ups? like we all said earlier. today was WAY too quiet and WAY too peaceful to be just a coincidence. and like two other people pointed out, Yea Forums today was on fire over the Mexican terminator trailer and the Aladdin "women power" stuff from the movie. i went back on the archive for today on Yea Forums and it was not a slow day... this tread was dead like if jerome had the day off or like if jerome was busy doing something.
I thought we were all incels, user.
oh yeah, the jerome posting started as it got dark in California and the beach was closing. how convenient.....
yeah theres definitely shitposting and people calling us nigers just as the meet up wrapped up. nothing weird about that.
>floplita is an absolute abomination of an adaptation
>performs appallingly at the box office
>trust me guys, there will be a sequel!
Well, I'm convinced
Thanks for (You)ing me, but you're really not helping matters BY YELLING LIKE THIS AND NOT ACTUALLY CONTRIBUTING ANYTHING TO THE CONVERSATION. Rule 40, user.
Why don't you tell me your answer to this:
incels are incels because they have high standards, are ugly and have personality problems. in an online meet up everyone knows each other from posting online and everyone is equally ugly so those two things are not a problem, everyone is equally awkward so there are no normies getting weirded out.
so if you put 10 incels together, they can actually have sex with each other since they cancel out their weirdness with each other
You're really persistent aren't you? I said drop it. Why are you ruining this thread like you ruined the last one? God damn it's so fucking obnoxious what you're doing.
i have been lurking right now and i dont have anything to say but i have a lot of art pics to post from before. should i start posting a lot of art pics to change the meet up subject?
there's like 3 or 4 people talking about the conspiracy of the meet up dude. you have to be more specific. if you are trying to protect someone at the meet up or don't want to face the truth then say so. say it out loud
>mmmm oranges, my favorite, mmmmmm
>well if you were at the meet up today, who was new?
Who said I was at the meet-up? I didn't go, I'm nowhere near California.
>this tread was dead like if jerome had the day off or like if jerome was busy doing something.
Maybe they are off. It's Memorial Day Weekend. This is one of the few times of the year that even Jeromes might have something better to do than browse Yea Forums.
Did Walmart sell out of their Funko keychain option? I tried a couple of zipcodes, and no hits.
I just want this conspiracy bickering nonsense to stop it's getting pretty fucking stupid and it took up an entire thread time.
Why would you make it so obvious? You're clearly not one of us. We never make blanket statements like that out of nowhere, and we'd never use an image like that. Troll harder.
have sex
Omg I fucking love alita
The fuck is up with you guys? Its like everyone gets salty and jealous when a meet up happens
>What cool outfits/costumes do you wanna see on our girl in the sequels.
If there's no panzer bride I will be sorely disappointed.
h h h h...hi... y yy you're...c cute..
>clearly not one of us
Woah we got fucking Inspector Poirot in this thread?
Way to call the bleeding obvious you tard.
Hey guys! I unironically put my semen in the cupcakes. Goodnight! I'm the guy who wore the pink shirt!
That's a little better. Next time a simple "I love Alita so much" with a basic smiley pic like pic related would have you set. Don't forget to call the movie "based kino"
well we always knew there were multiple jeromes. that was always a sure thing right? at least more than 4 or so? it was never ONE guy.
so you are to tell me that i have to believe that ALL multiple jeromes that have TORMENTED us for WEEKS, ALL of them had the day off from Yea Forums? all the jeromes, every person that fucked with this thread all had plans?
and didnt post to fuck with us ONCE? not even on any other special weekend? not even on mothers day or saint patrick's day? the jeromes were all fucking with us during mothers day, but somehow Memorial day weekend was the weekend they took a break from fucking with us?
i mean, okay that would be one hell of a coincidence i guess
>Continuing to ruin the thread and gaslight everybody
I said drop it
We are all Jerome on this blessed day.
>pew pew
are you peaches?
nice thanks, saved
I want her to kiss me on the cheek
>that was always a sure thing right? at least more than 4 or so? it was never ONE guy.
I explained this here:"There's no ONE main Jerome. There's definitely like 3 or 4. I'm not even so sure if our first original Jerome, the troll we first dubbed as 'Jerome', still visits us to shitpost."
Also, like he said: Even if maybe a couple of the beach-anons are Trojan Jeromes, it's impossible for them to be behind everything. It just makes more sense to me that it's all a coincidence and the Jeromes were away.
>and didnt post to fuck with us ONCE?
Not true, allow me to link all the Jerome posts in the previous thread that everyone's apparently blind to:
>i mean, okay that would be one hell of a coincidence i guess
ding ding ding
Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.
God damnit you need to die
Oh, hey, another Jerome. Thanks for joining us.
These threads are maintained by a group of 5 deviants and their faggot janny ally.
Just get a prostitute and be done with it, then this shit can be shut down.
the only thing today proves is that the most hardcore jeromes were at the meet up. thats all. the people that constantly fuck up the threads and show up every single day to shit post was them.
sure we had OTHER jeromes as well, other trolls, but there is no doubt in my mind that the CO anons were the ones having the long drawn out fights.
thats the point. the troll jeromes that got into long winded arguments were probably them. maybe to keep the threads interesting or to keep the bump count. i always knew the trolls couldn't be so passionate about hating this movie.
in fact, a lot of people always asked them why they kept coming back to hate on the movie, may times on many days people always asked the trolls why they bothered to fuck with us daily.
now we know why
those posts you quoted are single line posts. every post is single line besides ONE post
theres not even any energy in those shit posts from today that you quoted, single line shit posts are not jerome's style. he always argued about the box office and argued about the sequel getting cancelled and jerome always argued about Rosa being an ugly goblin.
come on now... those posts are nothing like the posts jerome makes talking shit about the box office
prostitution is illegal and can land you in jail and give you a permanent record. who would be crazy enough to risk their live for sex?
>dude I forgot my own name lmao
I don't even know what a Jerome is supposed to be you fucking lunatic. We're trying to have a comfy thread and you just won't drop the stupid subject you fucking psycho
>Somebody's got some explaining to do!!
>It was somebody from the meet!
You are the most pathetically delusional retarded psycho I've ever meet on this website. What do you plan to do? Kill somebody for shitposting because when the Meetup happened there was less shitposting? What the tuck is wrong with you? You unironically need to get a psychiatric evaluation right now
>prostitution is illegal
what's it like living in the third world?
Here's a little tip for you: ask to film it. It's legal to make a porno and no undercover officer will agree to being filmed.
I've missed you flop-friend how are you?
Based Victoria checking in
he was at the beach today eating cupcakes
Those shades are cool Alita where did you get them?
I want to kiss her on the lips!
Feeling floptastic
Honestly after the commitment to posting that pic he deserves it. Hope they were good cupcakes.
>but there is no doubt in my mind that the CO anons were the ones having the long drawn out fights.
Well, you're wrong. Like I said here:
I was one of the 'pot anons' who was arguing. I'm not from CO, I didn't go to the meet-up, and I stopped because it was annoying and derailing the thread, although I didn't intend it to, but people were asking politely to stop so I stopped. I can't speak for the other guy. Maybe one of the CO-anons is the anti-weed guy, but I extremely doubt it, lol.
>the troll jeromes that got into long winded arguments were probably them.
Probably not.
>i always knew the trolls couldn't be so passionate about hating this movie.
lol, think again We're always at the top of page one. Most people are too stupid to filter our thread out, so they 'get annoyed' (jealous) of always seeing our thread around and at the top.
>now we know why
Because they have nothing better to do and putting people down makes them feel good.
>theres not even any energy in those shit posts from today that you quoted
Disagree. Same amount, or lack there of, of energy as usual, just not as many posts as usual. Which can, again, be explained by the long weekend.
>single line shit posts are not jerome's style.
There are multiple Jeromes, remember? Meaning there'd be multiple styles of shitposting.
>jerome always argued about Rosa being an ugly goblin
Lol, that's literally always been Suffering-user. Just her. Nobody else has ever called Rosa a Goblina. So, there's an outed Jerome, an Alitan who didn't go to the beach meet.
>come on now... those posts are nothing like the posts jerome makes talking shit about the box office
Yeah, they are. But, hey, if you want to cling onto your conspiracy theory, along with Big Foot, the Loch Ness Monster, and the Earth being flat because you're a real /x/-head, fine. Just keep it to yourself and quit clogging the thread up with it. I'll stop replying too, and we'll all go back to focusing on Alita.
The dump. You're not the only one with connections.
Are they specially Zalem-made? Do they do infrared?
this was actually discussed on another Yea Forums thread many months ago,
that can only work if you are not the one fucking but filming, or if a friend of yours acts as a director and films you
according to law, this porn work around only works if theres 3 or more people (ligthing, sound etc) and if your camera looks good quality and it is not just your phone
and the lady is going to ask about where is being uploaded if it is a cop, shes going to ask for the website and going to ask how long you have been doing it
and in some cities you need a permit for porn or something like that, or at least it needs to be a real business you have, like a legit job kind of thing
it is not just start filming with your phone and thats the end of it, there was a long discussion about it before the mods deleted it
I'd expect no less from you.
pot user was never a troll or a jerome. people just assumed that the pot arguments were from someone on the meet up
they were not saying pot user was jerome, they were saying that the pot drama was coming from someone on the meet up,
no one was accusing pot user and jerome to be the same, someone was saying that pot user and jerome could have met today
>according to law, this porn work around only works if theres 3 or more people (ligthing, sound etc) and if your camera looks good quality and it is not just your phone
LOL, then how do you explain the millions of amateur videos with only one to two people, poor lighting, and poor camera? All illegal? Oh, well, I guess they do it for free. That's the illegal part, paying for it when it's not a professional porn?
Newfriend here
I love alita
What was thread 99 like? That's a special number for alita I know that
Okay, well, I'm one of the guys who was arguing back and forth about all pot being cartel-linked or not (it's not). I wasn't that one asshole who's like NO BOOZE, NO WEED, FBI WATCHING, NO FUN ALLOWED!!
>All illegal?
Maybe they're not done with prostitutes, but with willing women? You know, there is such a thing as a woman that wants to fuck a man without a monetary incentive, sure, they don't want to fuck you, but a guy who's actually desirable.
It was insane. Apparently it hit bump limit in less than an hour. Everyone was freaking out and celebrating.
I only know this from the legends. I've only been here since #139
It's archived, so you can see for yourself
Thank you!
Hello newfriend! It was pretty crazy- hit bump limit after half an hour or so but it wasn't like every post was huge quality it was just incredibly fast. The threads afterwards were kind of funny too with us trying to figure out what to do.
>state of the art cgi
Infra what?
She's had enough to drink
Oh fuck I forgot that I posted for all the anons who missed it because someone requested it in that thread. I love you all through everything.
Yes. that was covered too, apparently as retarded as it sounds, theres a difference between getting a porn star for a shoot and getting a prostitute from the internet. apparently you have to hire them differently and porn stars are hired from more than one hour, while most prostitutes only work for one hour, and someone said that with porn stars sometimes there are different angles and different scenes,
no one explained how the hiring worked or how you are supposed to get one but it wasn't someone from a prostitute site
and even those amateur porn guys need a license or something. i dont know, people didnt specify. the calling sheet is different too,
and porn stars get paid much more than prostitutes. like 3 times more
it depends on the city, Miami allows porn and nude stripping but the rest of florida is more strict. places like Orlando wont allow strippers to go full nude but they need to put tape or stickers in their boobs for example. same state but nudity and sex work are completely different.
someone was saying the fbi was watching these threads because of the movie rip being shared. but someone else was cartel user. and then someone else was straight edge user saying that he did yoga and other faggy things. i read all 3 arguments lol, i think it was different people
>you want the full Iron City experience?
>sure, that's $300 an hour
i would fuck her with the costume on
>land of the free
>based porn poster
>the full Iron City experience
Please, please, please link me that one with her and Venom.
just search alita on porhub. its the only result
much obliged, desu
Enjoy :)
How the fuck do we live in the dimension where we figured out how to make shit like this before the cure for the common cold?
Well, tp get nerdy and technical
There are hundreds and hundreds of cold virus strands,
Doctor scientists cant really predict which strand will attack every year, they can only guess.
Also the cold virus itself is not as bad as the symptons it causes.
And most of the symptoms are your body overreacting to it. Your body causes the worst symptoms out of freaking out about the cold.
God damn it, I didn't need the lecture. I said common cold because I assumed it was easier than cancer. My point is that we used amazing technological advancements to render something so frivolous and pornographic instead of something that could do so much good and we would assume we would've prioritized the latter first.
Good night anons it was really cool meeting some of you today, I'll talk to you soon
Well now you know why you get the cold.
>storm rolls in, can't sleep
>catch up on /alita/ while it passes
>everyone's responding to some insane jerome conspiracy theorist
>over and over and over
>sufficient to ruin consecutive threads
This is exactly the kind of endless bickering that made the first half of this month so miserable. I love you guys, but you sure can be gullible sometimes.
Storms are lovely friend if you're cozy. We had once here just before.
That's a great Alita pic and know that those of us who love this thread are still here in the background.
And now the thread is super dead. It looks like we reached the limit of these threads.
So long as there's a spark left in me, these threads will continue. After all, whose rules do I live by?
I love me a nice storm, but this one's a bit too rowdy to sleep through.
You're right, it's just frustrating is all when idiocy strings people along for hours on end.
meetup user here, was a big success and I smell like bonfire smoke. Was a blast and a great time as usual, expect pics soon
Yeah it can be frustrating for sure but we will live through it all. We're stronger than everyone else. I miss having someone cozy to curl up with on the quiet rainy evenings but it will come soon enough.
Fucking NICE give us the updates soon friend. You guys are super cute and it makes me happy that these always go so well.
>alitafrens have another successful meetup
Heartwarming. Looking forward to the full debrief.
As is always the case
You know it.
First for our neon angel
Angelita is best Alita.
These threads are just sad at this point. It was a decent movie, no need to turn it into a religion that you talk about 24/7 for months. C'mon bro move on with your life.
How did the beach meet go?
I have a good life thanks to the guidance of my angel Alita.
I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of our ceremonial Yeow!ing.
If you had a good life you wouldn't be posting on Yea Forums, much less more than once a week, this is fact.
Yay! Glad you guys had fun as always. Please let us know the details when you can
Speaking from experience?
>Ceremonial Yeow!
Excellent idea I love it user
100% from experience so listen well and move on from the faggotry that is general threads.
religion of peels
You first
Then why are you still here? Seems counterintuitive.
Just checked into a hotel! It was an excellent time, everything went pretty well. was super nice meeting everyone
Idk about now, but these threads were really beneficial to many anons health
To help others where I can't help myself.
>"healed by Alita" said the sick man for the 10,000th time, unwilling to admit to his accelerating degeneracy and utter stagnation
>"go away" said the sick man to the self-aware sick man, unwilling to admit to needing better treatment
Yeah, my God, the first 300 threads, it seemed every fucking user was being /healed/, eating right, getting more sleep, working out more, getting jobs, being more social. Amazing.
Imagine the meet ups when the blurays drop. Shits gonna get comfy. Who's place are we meeting at and do they have slumber party fort materials??
And there are still people being inspired by ourgirl. We stay because we know that the people will come for healing once the BD drops. I'm so proud of everyone.
We're also gonna do a streamed watch with /Alita/ as a whole
For real though. Plus these fun/successful meet ups are extraordinary on their own.
That should be an every night thing, and if these threads die because if it then fuckin whatever, im still happy.
>are extraordinary on their own.
Actually. I mean, we had some pretty nice meet-ups locally back in my old DMV/soc/ group, but the majority of Yea Forums meet-ups are abject abysmal, embarrassing failures.
This is still the cutest Alita to me.
>alita and chiren want to give you a bath
>what do?
Alita inspired me to pick up writing and weightlifting, while setting me on a much more consistent sleeping pattern. I don't know where any of it will lead, but I've kept it all going to this day and don't see any reason to stop. Still too much of a hermetic autist for the "more social" bit - as I probably always will be - but there's some things even Alita can't heal. And hey, at least I have all of you.
Take a shower instead
I'm honestly proud of you friend and I hope you're well.
I woke up feeling unusually morose for whatever reason and this little /healing/ chat in the last half-hour wiped it clear away. Moments like this are why I'll always stick around, no matter what.
That's why we'll always be stronger than the detractors because we have the power of love and healing.
Is this fandom similar to those for Plan 9 From Outer Space or The Room?
Why do bad films attract cult followings like this?
Well Alita inspired my to sort me and my lazy ass life out. I've just been procrastinating with learning to drive and getting a proper full time job. And alita helped me get out of that loop of sitting around and watching life pass me by.
>Bad films...
>go to bed to wake up to jerks trying to make excuses for how its ok for /alita/ threads to be ruined by trolls
Fuck this. You fags need a tongue lashing so here it comes.
I can't believe you are trying to cover for these assholes. Even if you are one of them fuck you for shitting up threads.
Bullshit. Jerome posting has been dead for 36 hours now.
How pathetic.
That desperate to hide your double life Jerome? Sad really.
>all this coping
If you aren't in Cali then you really have no idea what you are talking about. You don't have any proof of anything. It sounds to me like you are trying to cover for one or more of the Jerome posters.
>just stop
No. Hard questions need to be asked and guilty parties need to respond and soon.
Those aren't Jerome posts you retard. Most of them look like false flag shitposts trying to cover for the meetup fags who are actually responsible for a majority of the trolling the past several weeks. Its a not a coincidence the trolling dropped off as the meetup started several of the meet up anons are clearly responsible to the heavy trolling.
>trying desperately to cover for the despicable actions of others
Why would you do this?
No is buying your bullshit. Even if you are a regular troll in these threads it doesn't change the fact that several meetup anons are trolls. Fuck you for being a troll and shitting up our threads. You can fuck off and not come back. Ni one wants you here.
Its turning out to be more then a conspiracy sweetie.
The wolves have returned to the fold I see. We expect an explanation for the lack of trolling while you fags were having your weekend. Its pretty fucked up that you have been ruining these threads with spam, trolling and Jerome posting. I mean why would you do it? You could have posted fun posts if you wanted to manufacture shit to keep threads bumped. I can't believe the arguing, bickering and negative threads you are responsible for. Fuck you fags.
hello friends!
what job
>meet up is over
>trolling slowly picks up again
like clockwork
never forget. these late night anons were desperately trying to shut everyone up. they furiously tried to mock and change the conversation
the CO guys at the meet up are the shitposters, never forget
Hello strange orangelita. Let's all have a nice day.
How did you get so orange?
Good morning to all my sleepyhead alitafrens. Here's a very smol big woo to start the day off right.
She basked in orange radiance of Trump. XD
morning sweetie
That is a tiny woo but still powerful
Had a part time, weekend job only. And had been procrastinating using my accountancy qualifications to actually get a job in that field. But here we are...
At least you are not neet. Im proud of you
Just use a fucking discord you mentally ill faggots
Porn drives technology. I fully believe that we'll first get to Mars not because of a desire to colonize other planets or the need to mine resources because the ones on Earth are depleted, but because some pervs want to see people screwing each other on Mars.
AI is being perfected right now to use for sex robots
Since Alita is a being without an actual vagina,
Doesnt that technically make her a transexual? A being with the brain of a woman but a genderless body?
Alita is a cyborg, not a human. And I'm pretty sure cyborgs can't be trannys....
I don't think it works that way with cyborgs. You could make that case for Sechs though, since he's a clone of Alita but decided to have himself inserted into a male cyborg body.
Is the face the same as alita? I know he modified it, but is it the same as alitas face?
Honestly sechs is a pretty interesting character despite being a massive dumbass
unironically this
Hey good on you user I'm proud of you!
Actually he got more interesting than Alita in LO and the only character with consistent developepemnt. Everyone else from supporting cast was popping out for too short to actually develop. Sechs was the only one who stayed and could get fleshed out. We got new information about Alita but she basically stopped evolving as a person.
An excellent plan for a backup planet in case Earth is unusable.
It was absolutely cringe last when posters were defending manufactured conversations and trolling to keep the threads bumped. Then the defenders tried false flagging cheesy pasta troll posts to make it look as if trolling was happening to cover for the meetup anons. The couple of angry anons that tried to shut the conversation down were obnoxious too. Obviously calling out the meetup anons as the trolls and jeromes really struck some nerves.
only dubs i usually get are 99s
Zapan did nothing wrong. Alita did everything wrong.
Guys. It's time to end these threads. They've had an amazing run and we've ensured a sequel. However, I will be reporting them as spam from now on.
Begone false Satan
Is this a meme or are you serious?
And I'm sure your reports will join the pile of others.
I mean by hunter law Zapan was only ever in the wrong at the very end.
You wouldn't be wrong in doing so. There is a ton of spam in these threads. Its also been found out that quite a few of the regulars in these threads are also responsible for trolling them. Trolling belongs on Yea Forums so that's something else that mods should probably be made aware of especially since rogue jannies have been protecting these threads while simultaneously trolling them.
Being a mercenary/bounty hunter is not a moral position to take. If they wanted to act via power, they should have had more power
But we know it was a law made by assholes for assholes and enforced by assholes, so no one really cares :P
you guys want to have sex with Alita?
Finally someone who understands!
Pretty sure he broke the law when he beheaded that cyborg and sliced Tanji in half.
I want to hug Alita!
Lita, you're dunk
>Stealing a colleague's bounty
>Doing their job
He's certainly doing a job
>Go to weekly family dinner
>Been lifting more seriously since watching Alita and being inspired
>Dad gives me a hug
>"Wow user you're getting really broad"
>Sister pokes my bicep and is surprised that there's muscle there
Thanks Alita
Well Zapan illegaly framed Hugo for the crime of murder. Which he never did.... Which lead to all the events after the bar scene...
nice work user. Still getting there myself. Gaining/retaining weight is a hurdle but I get muscle definition pretty quick so I guess it's better than nothing.
Thanks user it's good to see results
The guy who complains about "jerome" ruined these threads for me. I check in once every few days, but I don't really post anymore.
Of course there was more to it than that. The sperging about making threads that weren't numbered or didn't link to previous threads. People trying to congregate or ruin threads that weren't "real." A janny actually moving a healthy Alita thread to the trash because it wasn't a numbered general. All that was forgivable.
But the endless padded-room schizo rambling about "jerome" is too much.
When will we see pics from the meetup?
>Where is everybody?
So we can all confirm VA is a tranny now right?
I mean from her jawline it should be obvious
They went to the mall to have fun and didn't invite you.
Have been at work all day. :(((
Who this cutie?
And there's no pics of VA's jawline??? Also stop projecting your tranny fantasies onto others thank you.
I LOVE HER!!!!!!!
hey battle cutie
>Also stop projecting your tranny fantasies onto others thank you.
Alita is trans too
Omg you look so cute. Can I kiss you?
Riskin' a boop there pardner.
>Is that you K?
>10 hours
>only 282 replies and a good lot of them are trolls
Alright guys looks like its time to wrap it up
>Have been at work all day. :(((
Now youre back to /ALITA/ fren. Get /comfy/
>I bet nobody in here has ever even fought a hunter warrior
>My feet hurt
Glad to be back and very comfy. :)
Hi everyone. Guys would always bully me because I had big eyes so I was really insecure about them but it makes me happy there's a general where people dote over a disgusting freak like me so thank u
Wow, thanks for the kind words fren.
>tfw have a crush on /fa/ manlet user
>tfw couldn't say anything in case it ruined the meetup
So to the faggots who read the manga:
Should I read it first before seeing the movie or vice versa?
See the movie first, it's better when you go in blind.
Yeah I would second that, and as you go through the manga you'll see all the frames where some of the shots were a 1:1 copy of the source material.
>Tfw cucked by VA
Whoa, those leggings cannon??
Just copped a 55" 4k 3D TV, just so I can watch ourgirl in a glorious three dimensions.
Fucking nice dude jealous poorfag here
I think at least a few anons had a bit of a crush on VA
Really? Like who?
Dyou think the guy she kissed did?
Only got it because it was real cheap for what it was. :))
Stop samefagging, if not then post proof you were at the meet...
Allright anons, I'm going to bed. Good night and keep it comfy.
So were meeting up at your place then right??
Night fren!
If you feel like taking a plane to the UK then sure! :p
>Alita fan
I can see why!
Thanks for the meet-up guys. It was fun. Did someone end up taking the chocolate?
I didnt think she was a tranny, Jerome
It was great! Yeah we split it up. Thanks again man
Lol i know shes not, thats the ongoing joke. Sometimes i think im funny
Some meetup user better make the next bread with a pic of the meetup crew!!
I would but I'm still out. Getting breakfast