Akira (2021)

Taika's directing Akira. Thoughts?

I unironically think Snyder would have been a good choice.

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I can't wait to see beautiful hand-drawn animation replaced by shitty cgi


I can't wait for the out of place jokes.

Idris elba


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What is their obsession with live action? IT's going to look like shit.

I get the feeling Taika will treat it seriously. Directors who tend to be good at comedy tend to be great at horror and vice versa.

I think the make or break point of the film is who will be casted in the film.

fuck no, how many classics does that fuck get to ruin before he's permanently blacklisted?

>a movie died for this

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>inb4 they put this fucking kid in the movie and the director is like HE HE DIS KID ACCENT FUNNY AND COOL and the whole world disagrees in unison

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Which role is Taika going to play? The colonel? The doctor?

i hope that people responsible for ideas like these are liquified

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I've already heard it's set in Neo-Manhattan rather than Neo-Tokyo

Taika Waititi is a great director but all of his movies are entirely the wrong tone for Akira

Well fuck.

Maybe it'll be like Bladerunner where Japan and Russian cultures kinda mixed together

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It'll have 10 different directors before it actually gets finished


Based and correct

what if this was really a bait and switch to make a live action barkley shut up and jam gaiden flick

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The whole point of watching anime is that it's not made by the contemporary film industry, which is complete shit. Them making a complete shit version of Akira is pointless.

I'm so tired with being angry at big dumb hollywood adaptations. I would hope that we could all ignore it but when the big shiny trailer comes out, everyone will be predictably upset.

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Taika Cohen keeps getting such big jobs, why is that?

What is it about numales and live-action adaptations that gets them so excited?

If he goes a completely different direction than his comedy stuff then I don't have a problem. But if the idea is that he's going to make it like all his other stuff then this is a terrible choice.

Snyder and Taika are the worse option
Taika took a sad and tragic history of the Asgardians and turned it into a comedy
Who watches his people and his father dies and feels no pain
What the fuck?
And the miscast of Snyder and Taika?
Tessa Thompson, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller
Imagine the disaster that will be the cast of Akira

These producers are not aware of the material they are adapting
It's the same as calling Woody Allen to make Bersek

I don't like Akira. It's grimdark porn.

eh, the movies story isnt really that great and kind of a mess tbqh
the animation is amazing though but that's not going to translate into live action. Also no way this movie can be cheap if made faithfully, its going to bomb hard

I can't wait to see Shotaroquada and his homies fukin up some white bois.