What does Yea Forums think of this show?

What does Yea Forums think of this show?

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it's a radical leftists fantasy show for edgy spergs

It's shit

I think Dutch angles are faggots

Tyrell is the only good character

Only 5 eps in but I'm noticing a lot of lefty stuff. also heard there's a trans character

Iv'e only watched the first episode.
It's fucking kino, I want to watch more of it

got all political with the muh russia muh drumpf shit, but the first season was pretty kino. also where the hell is season 4.

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I like when the hot orange haired girl swaps spit with Mrs. Robot

tries so hard to be a david fincher movie that its almost comical.

couldnt pass the second episode - the pilot is brilliant, anti social depressed guy has casual sex with a crack whore drug dealer who happends to look like a smoking hot model.


fuck you.

The main plot is that they want to kill ALL debt from society. Later this show goes full antifa and Elliot goes on constant uber edgy sperg rants only 15 year olds resonate with. It's a pathetic show. I still watch it for the train wreck that it is. S2 was really bad. S3 a bit better.
Pic related is best character

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It's filled with fight club references

Why is he soooo obsessed with The Number Five?

then it must be based

shit, imagine that? borderline cringe territory, the charm of references if the whole easter egg thing, fight club is one of the most basic bitches references possible.

Yea Forums will probably say its reddit


>Mr. Reddit

>edgy spergs
90s born queers were a mistake.

Drones this shit halfway through season 2. Fuck this garbage ass show. Still like Rami tho he’s great in The Pacific

opinion discarded

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>mr. reddit

You won't find many honest opinions of it here, considering the main character is your average 4chanposting loser dialed up to Chad level for entertainment purposes, and also to poke fun at the whole "epic anti-mainstream rebel" thing, which double offends everybody here. It's bretty gud.

My favorite scene is when Angela gets blacked for no reason at all. It served no purpose for the plot. I just smirked cause I knew people here would freak out over it.

why tho

Shh, try not to make it so obvious you're the only one who got offended. It was glossed over that he was FBI, and her "blacking" was glossed over as well. Cry regardless.

It's absurd and ridiculous basically cringe

You didn't actually watch S2 and S3.

S2 established that the hack to erase everyone's debt backfired made life worse for everyone.

S3 even opens with Elliot admitting that he and FSociety were wrong to even try and fuck with E-Corps and that he brought about the nightmare dystopia he was against. And ends up working with E-Corps to undo the damage he did with the hack

This show is actually anti-left and antifa.
Their dream world is actually worst place then before and i bet in final season they try to fix things and get revenge. I don't think it will end good for these characters.

Its not feminist either and in S2 Elliots sister fucks everything up and she even admits that she isn't a leader and cries like child.

And its funny how these antifa kind of hackers are really used by bigger players like in real life when they think that they have made these hacks by themselves. No no no... they are used and many of them are killed after that.

Usefull idiots like left and antifa in real life. Disposable.

The first episode was good and then from the second episode onwards, it was the worst TV show I've ever watched.

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This show was so "expectations subverted" before "expectations subverted" was a thing that people don't even realize expectations were subverted yet. They don't get what this show is about & think it's liberal propaganda despite all the best characters in the show being the literal opposite. It's fucking based & redpilled.


>You didn't actually watch S2 and S3
Yes I did. What makes you fucking think I didnt?

Cringecore for netsecs.

>I'm the biggest loser of all time!
>does drugs, has sex, has family, has and makes friends, has a job, is smart

yeah okay

Almost all shows are "lefty" because only liberals are allowed to produce media and gatekeep the platform

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She still fucked a random nigger she just met

when did the topic shift to your mother?


kino scene

I will never understand this stupid cropping. This show goes way too far with it

Kys nigger

The quadrant system

this is a fair point

Fight club : the show.

oh so you're MAD mad

>>S2 established that the hack to erase everyone's debt backfired made life worse for everyone.
>S3 even opens with Elliot admitting that he and FSociety were wrong to even try and fuck with E-Corps and that he brought about the nightmare dystopia he was against. And ends up working with E-Corps to undo the damage he did with the hack
so whats the point

lmao gg no rm

lol what a nigger. Learn what words mean.

I enjoyed S1 and watched like two episodes of S2 and never finished it. Does it remain pretty good? I don't care about an imaginary female character having intimate relations with an imaginary male character who happens to be of a different race.

I see you're running Gnome

it started out like shit with too many references to other 90's movies without a real original plot. but then it turned into something fun with very original ideas for title screens or creative ways to portray episodes, i.e. style changes in editing or camera work or even music. I know most of the guys here hate it but I actually found myself enjoying it for what it is after some time. that one episode they filmed seemlessly in one take and holy balls the organisation around must've been a nightmare, with people raiding the building etc.

I enjoyed it, it does try too hard sometimes but that's forgivable

It's about mental health more than anything



It might be watchable if they cut the over-the-top drug content.

why are Americans such prudes?

Meant for

That sounds like kino

it's hardly fight club, they do try aping it pretty hard though.

its a combination of fight club and taxi driver

I wish I could be this innocent again

Made schizophrenia more understandable to normies.

you're one of them faggot

Didnt have any access to streaming services when I first saw this, had to download it, really added to the le hacker experience. Ate some really moldy shrooms and watched all of season 1 in one sitting. Very visually pleasing

Easily the best show currently being made.
No show even comes close to it in terms of cinemtagoraphy and editing. It really changes what "cinematic" means for a tv show.

Re-read your first post, you didn't watch it. It shows the "leftist" agenda made things worst and that Elliot admitted he was wrong.

Go watch it now.

My only exposure to this show is that one scene where Mr Robot is in a confession thing with a le evil christian man talking about how beat up some paki because he was black and god willed it.
I still don't get what he meant by that but I'm sure it was something fucking stupid.

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it was kino when he was doing street level shit like fucking with drug dealers. went cringe when it was le anonymous and fight club meme shit

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It's on the brink of kino and absolutely awful tryhard which generally happens a lot with writers and showrunners that want to do good. The cinematography is fantastic and so many sequences are creative. But then you have the story which is clearly a rip off of Fight Club and then subsequently just a pedestrian take on young revolutionaries.

It also portrays all these characters as completely unrealistic. The whole "dude hacker culture is drugs and edge" thing is not a meme. They totally play it up, even if the hacking scenes feel realistic. It's never going to hold up as a cultural mainstay, it already has lost too many people. But it's decent, better than most shows.

the shot composition triggers me

It's unironically Pleb Filter. It presents itself as some Commie Power Fantasy for modern-day woke "Anarchist" Libs, and then turns the narrative on its head and becomes a major redpill about pretty much everything. On top of that it's a really well made show. It'll go down as one of the greats.


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>It'll go down as one of the greats
pretty much no one raves about it anymore after S1

>normalfags checked out after it was revealed that it wasn't a Tankie Wank
What's the problem here?

critics don't either, it'll go down as a probably pretty decent show that was underrated by some and overrated by others

>caring about critics
WEW! Nobody gave a shit about Black Sails either, but it's a hidden gem that belongs in every man's Top 10.

Ok so here's the problem, it can't go "down as one of the greats" if no one is putting it down on anything


>The whole "dude hacker culture is drugs and edge" thing is not a meme
The show doesn't portray hacker culture as being about drugs and edge.
It portrays Elliot and Darlene as associated with "drugs and edge" because they're flawed individuals, with Elliot having very severe mental health issues.

I liked it user, pretty based but 3rd season has good writing and directing. Hope to see 4th season this year.

>Mr Reddit