Things you can say about a movie but not your girlfriend

>things you can say about a movie but not your girlfriend

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It's big

Two thumbs up

man i really hope that bitch gets blacked

It sucks

it's enjoyable enough

It's certainly lacking in depth.

The sex scenes were boring.

It’s too loud.

It exists

i want a refund

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It exists

Just turn off your brain


It doesn't feature dicks

It's a bit bloated in the middle.

I can't believe I forced myself to sit there and watch the whole thing


Yeah, I'd see it again

I prefer the director's cut

Its not as good anymore, probably because it is 15 years old.

everything looked fake as fuck

I can't believe how much it cost to get in to see it.

I paid $12 for this?

It makes me happy

Decent popcorn flick

It feels its length

You can cut a lot out and not miss much of the plot.

It looked better in the previews

its things you CANT say about your girlfriend user

It's pretentious.

"that ending sucks"

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fuck that kike shit

Boy that dialogue was really engaging huh

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"I can't even remember the name."


At least it has a happy ending

Shallow and pedantic

Can't wait for the next one.

No matter how many times I see it, I never get bored of it.

I enjoy experiencing it in the dark

Too diverse, I wish there was less black guys this