>Brad Pitt eats.
>Tom Cruise runs.
>Tom Hanks pisses.
>George Clooney condescends.
>Sean Bean dies.
>Sam Rockwell dances.
>Tom Hardy mumbles.
>Ryan Gosling stares.
>Samuel L. Jackson says "motherfucker".
>Nic Cage yells maniacally.
>Vin Diesel growls.
>The Rock raises an eyebrow.
>Bruce Willis smirks.
>Jean-Claude Van Damme shows ass.
>Eva Green shows tits.
>James Marsden gets cucked.

What are some others?

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CIA does the power stance.

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I chainsmoke

Owen Wilson goes "wow."

brendan frasier pays alimony

I lay in bed all day and watch movies

bravo user


>Leonardo screams.

Sneed feeds

keanu reaves whoas
owen wilson wows

>Johnny Depp acts weird

>Warwick Davis gets starved and/or kicked in the head

>Christopher Walken.........takes random... pauses

>Jeff Bridges abides

>Bruce Willis phones it in

>Michael Rooker calls someone 'Boy'

Christopher Walken literally dances in every movie he's in, he makes a point to have a dance scene forced in every movie

>James Marsden gets cucked
Holy shit thank you for pointing this out.

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I think you got them all

will ferrel acts like a retard

colin farrell acts like an irishman

>Matthew Mcconaughey says alright

>tom hardy mumbles
Hes just doing a Brando impersonation

Brie Larson acts like she is seething with a simmering rage but in different characters

Al Pacino either says Hooah or raises his voice at random words

Dwayne Johnson says 'whoopass'

Anne Hathaway is a queen 'B' for bitch whos always leading some caper

Adam Sandler proceeds to not be funny.
Woody Allen talks Jewishly.

He should be called Christopher Dancen

>Robert Downey Jr takes off or puts his glasses on

Actually Tom Cruise rides a motorcycle. It's written into almost every movie he's ever been in.

Johnny Depp makes an over exaggerated facial expression without saying anything

Brie Larson acts like she have ass

She only act,so it's not true after all

Bill Murray gets cucked

Steve buscemi dies

>will smith smacks lips

>Brie Larson refuses to smile

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>Brie Larson slays

Paul Dano gets the shit beat out of him


>John Goodman elevates absolutely everything that he is in and makes it watchable

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>Monica Bellucci makes my peepe grow

>Gary Oldman has played 16 iconic film characters and has never won an Oscar because Hollywood is gay like that.

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people only realize that it's him in retrospect.

>Deniro always repeat lines
>Mickey Rourke scratches corner of mouth with pinky
>Washington does 'the Denzel walk'
>Harrison Ford does the half smile

>acts like a crazy bitch

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his blessing is his curse
hes so unrecognizable he can play anyone, but it also means no one recognizes him outside of his characters

>Alec Baldwin treats normal conversations like a business meeting, and treats business meetings like writers pitching a Hollywood movie to executives.

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except he won an Oscar in 2017 for his portrayal of Churchill in Darkest Hour

Jim Carrey flails


fuck you user I read this in his voice and now it won't go away.


>Willem Dafoe knows every thing


Sneed sells feed and seed

I dont think that's really a trademark, more a way of life.


>Vince Vaughn plays a character who's not Vince Vaughn, but has the same exact personality as Vince Vaughn.

That’s Tommy Lee Jones’ shtick as well.
For a bit Will Smith has a rap for some of his movies (MIB,WWW) but now it’s his son.

Mel gibson suffer

>She just wouldn't

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