Did anyone else feel like the fourth gangrape scene was just gratuitous?

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>Shouldn't we stop Army Dog from raping those corpses?
>Nobody stops Army Dog.

>that scene where he just kept firing
Those were fucking KIDS man

disgusting or not, you have to admit it was a very concise commentary on the US's obsession with war and "heroism"

i think the village burning scene was way too explicit with the burned corpses and shit

I'm tired of zoomers complaining about "gratuitous" scenes in war films. I've fucking served in 3rd world hellholes. When army dog started drowning and eating civilians just to remind himself that he was a living being that could still feel emotions, I felt that shit. Nothing sticks with you like the taste of human flesh.

>that scene where none of the villagers will admit to being rebels so army dog just starts randomly executing them

I felt as if it was necessary to really drive the point of Army Dog's deteriorating mental state home. It was a little over the top though. I mean, I think it wasn't necessary to show how that child was raped. They could've easily left it to our imaginations and it could've achieved the same effect.

What if funny dog movie was not so funny

>that scene when Army Dog commands the Pit Bulls 4th Infantry in taking Ho Chi Min
>WHO LET THE DOGS OUT starts playing

>the post war scenes where Army Dog sits with his muzzle shoved into the corner of a room while his whimpers and trembles for literally hours on end as his master cries while begging him to eat

>mfw the Abu Ghraib prison torture scenes
And this fuckin' movie was rated PG13. Unbelievable.

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>the boot camp scene where the puppy eats himself to death in protest

what the fuck kubrick



this movie was rough

I thought the imagery of a jerky bone juxtaposed with the blown off leg worked very well. Excellent cinematography.

Some may disagree, but I think he wasn't in the wrong in that scene. If none of the villagers was a rebel, they would've said something and his orders were clear: kill all the rebels. And those rebels did some real nasty shit. In any case, he gave them a fucking chance when he told them that he would let any civilian go unharmed. Army dog may be a lot of things, but he's not a liar.

you should grow some balls

like that dog in the 4th rape scene

>"Who's a good boy"
>Private Connor looks towards the sunset
>He doesn't acknowledge the comment
>He's not a good boy anymore
>He remembers that small gook village he called the napalm strike in claiming they had weapons caches and armed personnel
>Was just a primary school and a farming community
>Shame that his platoon was all wiped out from a mix of the napalm blast and the "firefight" with charlie that he told command
>it was that his platoon couldn't stomach Connor raping the half dead charred bodies and threatened to tell the brass

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>that scene where Army Dog hires, and then mercilessly beats that Taiwanese ladyboy hooker to death
>that scene where Army Dog starts sniping random civilians and claims it’s a safety precaution
>that scene where they dangle an old man over a bridge to intimidate him into answering their questions and Army Dog pulls him back up to beat his head into the cement and then throws him back over the bridge anyway
>that scene where Army Dog decapitates a farmer and fucks his wife in front of their kids
>that scene where Army Dog shoots that kid and loudly calls him a rice eyed gook
7/10 movie, really shows how grotesquely our soldiers can act sometimes, even the furry ones.

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>"When I left the kennel I was no more than a pup, just a little pup trying to find a bone in this big wide world. I didn't know we were going to fight, and die, for the corporate American military machine. My best friend, Beethoven 2nd, he took a bullet to the head 3 weeks into our deployment. I'd never seen a friend die before. It wouldn't be the last time... I can't sleep anymore. I drink whiskey from the bottle from the bowl. It doesn't stop the pain, but it numbs the mind, and makes this old boy forget about Beethoven and Snoopy for a moment. Not that I want to forget. The relationships we forged over there are more meaningful than any relationship you can have back with the civvies. Canines just walking around on their leashes for their stupid middle class owners. My owners werent little kids and soccer moms. I was owned by the Israeli puppets. I was just a pawn to them, and now I'm just a three legged dog to you. Sitting here, writing out this letter, with the noose prepared and anchored to my kennel. I won't have to disappoint you anymore. I'm can never be a good boy again, not in this life. Old dogs can't learn new tricks. Don't pray for me. Not all dogs go to heaven."

>when they threw the grenade and half the platoon chased after it

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I personally thought they went over the line when Connor's first sergeant had to be puled off of the dead Vietnamese girl after beating her with the buttstock of a M16 for over seven minutes, it really showed the extremism and insanity that permeated every rank of the military but in such a sickening way

That one scene towards the end of the film where his PTSD induced massacre of the town is halted by his former commanding officer

>”Private Connor! It’s me! General Howitzer! Stand down immediately son, the wars over!”

>”It isn’t over...not for me....it’s just begun sir...it’s just begun and it’s ruff...”

Everything after the forced abortion scene was gratuitous. It was like the writers said "fuck it, let's see just how edgy we can go."

Didn't need the little girl from the village walking through the mine field for 20 minutes

>that scene where Princess gets lost in the forest and is brutally raped by YMS
Almost threw up

>that shot of her feet carefully moving through the field
>takes another step
>shows her entire fucking body being blown to pieces
>Army Dog: “kibble and bits, back on the menu! And it’s wonton flavor!”
What the FUCK were they thinking?

>that scene where we learn how Fido learned where the Vietcong were located
>cuts to a 20 minute FLASHBACK of a mother being anally raped in front of her squealing children
>he starts bashing her head into the table
>scream out WHO’S A GOOD BOY, GOOK!? as he cums
Unironically had to stop and call my therapist after this

can you actually shoot up milkbones?

What haunted me was how Army Dog came home from war and all he ever wanted was someone to say 'good dog good boy' but that war was evil, doggone horrible and against everything wholesome in this world, so a bunch of fucking hippies called him a 'bad dog' 'very bad dog' and so he snapped and his bowl was always full of bourbon and alpo until his suicide attempt scene which ruined my faith in veterans affairs forever.

>that scene where Army Dog rips that hippie’s throat out in the back alley

That part when Army Dog realized he had shot a famous writer. I wasn't ready.

>visiting dad and grandpa for Father’s Day
>ask me if any good war movies have come out
>pop in Army Dog
>we get to that scene where Army Dog eats that little girl in front of her dying father
>dad looks at me visibly shaken
>grandpa begins to shake and breaks down and starts screaming that the Vietcong are invading
>me and my dad detain him and he gets taken to a mental institution
Thanks, Army Dog.

>that scene where the whole squad ties Army Dog to his bunk and beats him with socks full of rolled newspapers after he fails suicide eating all of their MRE chocolate rations
war is hell

Quentin Tarantino is reading this thread and he is making notes. and he has an erection.

>4K HD Director's Cut
is it worth it?

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>that seen where his war buddy bites the cat's spine out and Army dog just has to sit and watch as the dog-catcher comes
Real downer climax, man

Why is it always a golden retriever in every dog movie?

>when army dog is back home and misses being in the shit so bad he swims thousands of miles back to nam and rips the throat out of the first gook he sees
Did Mark Wahlberg make this movie?

that role did put him on the map. IDK if he was really acting though, that penetration looked real to me.

>that scene where Army Dog fucks the general’s barely legal daughter and creampies her
>mfw the general took all of the hybrids and threw them into a wood chipper
They fought in the war and the general came back to a litter of half dog half human puppies.
What would you have done?

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golden retriever is like the proud white man

the stereotypical white dog to appeal to stereotypical retarded white single mothers stocking up from the walmart bargain bins for fodder to feed the glass babysitter

>that scene where Army Dog gives Rex a “forceful neuter” as initiation
>the following scene where Fido is breeding Rex into the night as the entire platoon ignores his cries
An abusive gay sex scene get REALLY out of place.

fuck I forgot about that scene.
so what is it, 9 rape scenes in a 2 hour movie? how do those even fit in the runtime?
the one with the tranny poodle raping army dog was the best

>he didn’t see the extended cut
>that scene where Army Dog tells that pit bull about the tranny poodle
A gay rape scene turned into a murder, like SERIOUSLY? What the FUCK did this add?

All this sex stuff literally didn't happen in the movie you guys are making it up, anyone that has actually seen the movie knows that the only pleasure army dog gets is from killing, army dog is an asexual psychopath.

I really don't know but that shit was savage. And the scene after that of him beating the fuck out of his daughter for almost 5 minutes too. I honestly thought he beat her to dead. Her face was unrecognizable. It didn't even look human.

>that origin story scene where it shows why Army Dog joined the army
Like, I get it’s set in the 60’s, but did they REALLY think adding in Army Dog and a bunch of other labs and huskies hunting down a pit bull, falsely accusing him, and then beating him to death was the best way to build him up? How did Kubric even know about Raimi?

>that very next sequence of scenes where he gets arrested, and the next day we see Army Dog reading about it in the newspaper, and the cut to Army Dog entering her hospital room
Like, what the fuck?

technically every scene involving Army Dog having sex involves him being physically forced (like by the tranny poodle) or his commanding officer coercing him (like the corpse rapes)

He is asexual, but sex does play into things. If you think there was no sex, you may have seen the R-rated cut.

The feet smelling scenes were Kino

>feet scenes
Did you watch the sequel instead?

oh shit you're right i get it now, he only used sex as a tool to inflict pain on others, he didn't enjoy the sex itself but the pain he was causing.
The more i watch and discuss the movie the more sick and twisted things i notice.

Ok but why didn't Army Dog help his friend when he saw that the whore was about to stab him in the back?
did he want the guy dead so he could justify biting the whore's throat out in front of her mother?

>Army Dog throws a tennis ball across a field
>Anyone who tries to fetch, is a VC! Anyone who doesn't, is a well-trained VC!

>The scene where Army Dog lets the guy go, only for it to get his squad mate killed after he went to alert the hajjis.
Made the scene where Army Dog forces the man at gunpoint to eat the cooked flesh of his family pretty justified, imo.

>Charlie dont woof

>That scene where Army Dog notes that despite only making up 13 % of the dog population, 53.1 % of murders are committed by Pitbulls
Honestly surprised they were able to drop that fact into the film.

>I'd wake up and there'd be nothing. I hardly said a woof to my master, until i said 'yes' to being a good boy. When I was there, I wanted to be here, when I was here all i could think of was getting back to the dog park I'm here a week now... waiting for a walkie... getting softer. Every minute I stay in this kennel, I get weaker, and every minute Fluffy squats in the litterbox, he gets stronger. Each time I looked around the walls moved in a little tighter.

threads dead but you still deserve a (you)

>goes home
>"Who's a good boy?"
>he doesn't know anymore