Why do girls pretend to like Game of Thrones, and high-brow televisions shows in general?
Why do girls pretend to like Game of Thrones, and high-brow televisions shows in general?
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She is so cute.
>tfw no Rose gf
5 on 10 bait but this board will take it
Who is this qt
I forget. I know she occasionally does a youtube vid like once a year
Cast Rose.
>got high brow
Jesus Christ. You are probably worse than these sluts for even suggesting this. Do yourself a favor and literally commit suicide today.
have sex
1) game of reddit is shit
2) rose is better than that
I'd cast her right onto my dick, even now
That boy is cute
It’s randytaylor69. She got the normies’ attention after PewDiePie to her “internet discussion” vid. this is why we can’t have nice things.
Isn't Rose a physicist? She's probably smarter than you, faggot.
>falling for low lever bait
Who is this cutiepie?
What's her name bros?
She’s a freelance physicist living in elephant & castle
Rose Gotto aka randytaylor69
>115572591 (You)
she have kids now
>I'll never go back in time and wife prime, early 00s rose
why even live
stop talking about this attention whore
have sex. or at least go bungee jumping.
orly did they come out of her butt
nvm just foudn out she's a girl
Are you okay?
I miss all the late 2000s emo youtubers.
we can all dream user
Rose has been our Queen long before that board full of failed normies existed.
thats an old photo. dis bitch aged like milk. she looks 40 and has those gross mouth lines old broads have
Cute outfit
Kill yourself, amerimutt.
lmao bruh look at dis seething 3rd worlder
she has a way of catching the eye of a stranger...
does she have nudes?
>girls can't be into fantasy series
imagine having never met a nerdy girl in your life.
I met a girl once
They can't
>nerdy girls
le mao
wtf is freelance physicist?
based yify does it again
where'd you get taht pic? do you have more from recent?
I want to marry her so bad
did rose really fuck black guys
are u her stalker?more plox
Opinions on her latest Christmas video?
not as kino as her last one, still pretty good
Is it kino?
what is the target audience to this video?
Anything a woman ever does is for attention
got some ayy lmao eyes
>She got the normies’ attention after PewDiePie to her “internet discussion” vid. this is why we can’t have nice things.
What are you trying to say?
Its shit. All her videos after she learned people were watching are. Her q&a vids were great.
that's a man