ITT: Meme shows Yea Forums tricked you into seeing

I dare anybody to justify this fucking trash.

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Mad Men
Twin Peaks
Twin Peaks the Redditurn
The Terror
Breaking Bad

It's literally the greatest television show of all time. And one of the greatest pieces of audio visual art in the history of the medium. How much of a pleb are you?

Name 3 shows or movies that are better than it.

you're worse than op you stupid faggot.

Kill yourself retard tourist

Person of Interest
Better Call Saul

Granted I still have quite a bit on my backburner, so this list is apt to change potentially.

I haven't seen this one yet. How's the camera?

>Person of Interest
>Better Call Saul
Kill yourself faggot

Breaking Bad is really BAD. Literally the most overrated show in history. There will never be a more overrated show than Breaking Bad.

no u

It looks like your sisters cunt

if you want to get serious with your bait you have to post the wire m8

u reddit

The terror
The wire

I thought it was pretty good. Overrated for sure, I agree with you on that, but it wasn't all that bad.


kill yourself faggot

don't sage my thread

If you don't like it that's fine with me. Im actually glad pathetic losers who don't like that show exist. Makes my life easier. Imagine a world where every man sees something of himself in Tony Soprano. Competition would be too tough for jobs, pussy, money, everything. So if men don't like Sopranos I always know what pathetic limmped dick loser I can step on first to get ahead in life lol


have sex

There is nothing interesting about king pasta nigger's mid-life crisis. And all the characters are annoying except Tony. Every single one.


weak thread

>Better Call Saul
I don't care for Sopranos but motherfucker you triggered me.

>And all the characters are annoying except Tony
Imagine thinking a character being annoying means a show is bad. I can't even relate to being this much of a pleb.

Kill yourself reddit nigger

His character is unrealistic in that an obese guido would be highly unsuccessful at seducing women.

I like Jimmy's growth as a character. Don't care as much for the Mike/Gus plot, but when Jimmy is on screen, I love it.

Imagine being stupid enough to take the bait

James Gandolfini became a sex symbol during the shows run. You are fucking delusional. Women LOVED him.

>you triggered me.
are you an obese blue haired hole?

Watching a show in which every character is annoying is just masochism. You could be watching a show with great characters but no, you choose to watch retarded dagos fuck around New Jersey. Anyone who watches this show for anything besides >muh violence and >muh tits probably needs wellbutrin.

you deserve to have your fucking retarded throat cut.

>It's literally the greatest television show of all time
Hearing this sentiment repeated so many times only reinforces the idea that tv shows are garbage for plebs. Even though I liked it Sapranos is anime-tier.

incels that are mad are cute. Keep raging little incel. It's a fact alright. Women LOVED Tony Soprano and James Gandolfini. He's an ALPHA MALE.

Which was your favorite subplot? Jimmy trying desperately to sell his commercial slots or be out a couple thousand dollars? Or perhaps Jimmy going on a job search so he can make money while suspended? Or maybe even neither because this show is boring as shit and that's why its viewership cuts in half every season.

It's contrived. Women love desired men. Tony is desired on the show. That doesn't mean Tony being desired on the show was realistic. Obese men who don't lift don't score like Tony did.

>all these seething Mad Men fans

I liked all of them. I take them as a whole because I view it more as the slow, grinding journey of a man who is constantly being beat down no matter what he does, both through his own choices and through events out of his control, and slowly being transformed into a terrible version of himself.

I like that. It's better than 6 seasons of fucking Sopranos chasing around goomars and gabagools again and fucking again while [important character] gets shot again.

dumb fucking incels. You will never learn that it's not about looks but about your attitude. I guess you can't learn how to be as alpha as Jimmy Gandolfini. He was born with it. He just drew people in and commanded every room he was in. He was the BIG GUY. a true leader. Women love this. Tony was a desired man and so was Jimmy. There's not much difference between them in that regard. Just Google this - you will find countless articles of women lusting over him.

What's the transformation? Since the beginning he's been a competent lawyer who is a bit short on ethics. Obviously he's going to give up on the ethics thing at some point. There's no mystery here.

Band of Brothers

You think they would lust after him if they showed him hitting on a woman and she said "get away fatass," which most of them would do irl? No, it's completely contrived by the show.

>Trying to elevate one show by shitting on another
They're both soap operas targeted at women.

Why would you watch a show based on a checklist if the subject matter doesn't appeal to you. Watching things for cred is some stupid shit and if you want to do this I don't want to talk to you.

Sopranos is awesome in any case.

Lllmmaaaaoooooo. My god you really need to have sex.

Go pop another ritalin kiddo

>There's no mystery here.
Never said there was, but I enjoy that journey from questionable ethics to saying goodbye to playing by the system altogether. Jimmy's transforming into a man who's seen it all and decided if he's going to get fucked, he's going to fuck back.

It's a lot of subtext that I enjoy watching and picking up on that happens over the course of seasons and that's just a thing I like.

Sopranos, on the other hand, is basically like a fucking anime as another poster said. Every episode, fat piece of shit guidos do shit, kill people and fuck goomars with barely any interesting subplots happening. There is literally no story. How the fuck can I get invested in that?

You're being shit on because you're gobbling bait like you gobble cock, no one disputes gandolfini being popular with the ladies. 90s born queers were a mistake.

>t. seething fat fuck

>dumb fucking incels
Reddit nigger kill yourself

I didn't watch it for cred, I watched it so my opinion could be valid because I see so many people praising it like Jesus. I wanted to see what the hubub was about. Needless to say, I was disappointed.

you need to go back to facebook.

I don't think he was baiting. He's just genuinely that much of a bitter incel. It's sad how young men ended up this way. Waddaya gonna do. They could watch Sopranos to fix themselves but they grew up exposed to Jewish capeshit designed to make them low test so they can't enjoy Sopranos anymore. A vicious cycle.

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That shit lost my attention at season 5 because the episodes became too dull and action scenes barely happen anymore

>for cred
kill yourself zoomer poof


Mind if I save this Pepe paisano?

2 points per week

Based. This show is nothing but boomer fantasy, imagine actually believing that hot 10/10 girls will hop on your dick if you act alpha lmao. Also 90% of the show is basically a montagr of obese boomers stuffing their faces while converaing in a bastardized Anglo-Pasta dialect. What a abosultely retarded snoozefest

Aye marrone! What do you think I am, a gold mine? Get outta here!


>some women liked a millionaire actor from the 90s
>this means women are attracted to fat fucks
Read the fucking sticky.

He was a literal nobody when he got the role. How do you think he got that? By sitting at home crying cause he's a fat fuck or smth? He was a bouncer too. I can assure you he got pussy before he became a star. Incels make everything about looks but forget that their personalities are subhuman trash tier.

It objectively is. There's nothing wrong with character drama that aren't filled with action, but this isn't a good one. Unrealistic characters doing uninteresting things.

go back

Read the fucking sticky.


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Gravitas. It's called gravitas. People revolve around you because the envy you, respect you, etc etc.



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Jesus Christ, what is going on in this thread

Discussion about television but not film.

OP never had the markings of a varsity athlete

