She's just in the next room, why don't you go in there and rape her? I'll hold her arms down...

>She's just in the next room, why don't you go in there and rape her? I'll hold her arms down. You can stick a rag in her mouth and you won't wake the boys.

What the fuck?

Attached: betty and henry.jpg (648x365, 38K)

Rape wasn’t taboo in the 50s

women are just as fucked up as men

Betty was a scum bag

Anyone got a video link to this scene

It was a mix of jealousy, comedy, horniness, bitterness, and autism wrapped up in one sentence. Women are weird sometimes dude, and they're obsessed with rape. It was good writing.

it was 90% jealousy.
she's like
but then she decides to mask her seething by wrapping it in a joke

>they're obsessed with rape

Never continue going out with someone that talks about rape or has been raped. Not your problem

But the girl wasn't even that hot.

Sally was way hotter.

please tell me that you're joking and that wasn't said on a real show that has/had real influence..

Yes. She's talking about her daughter's 15 year old friend.

Another reason not to is because their scrambled brain may confuse them into thinking you raped them during normal sex. They may also just accuse you because you pissed them off and they'll be believed.

It literally was
The writing on Mad Men, while overall great, was fucking absurd at times

This is and that cock mongler in the stables telling her how profoundly sad she was. Nobody fucking talks like that.

Betty had all the weird lines. I don't think anyone else has the kind of dumb things to say that she does.

oh my god guise, for real?

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This was a very weird scene.

does anybody else feel like January Jones just added lines when everybody comes into the line reading session, and the produces just let it go because she's a childish diva?

I don't know. But when watching the show her character was the only one where I ever thought, "that's a weird thing to say."

He was my favorite supporting character in the early seasons, and I wish he had stuck around.

Attached: paul kinsey.jpg (427x640, 56K)

Maybe it's her wooden delivery.
But yeah, I can picture January sitting at the table with Weiner and going
>Well *I* feel like Betty would say this, and I should know because I *am* her
And Weiner just rolls his eyes and goes ok fine whatever January

It's propaganda from the tribe getting you to see anyone that is blonde as "weird" or a bad person

I raped a girl. It was fun.

he had no personality or story arc whatsoever.
his entire schtick was "guy who looks like seth macfarlane would have in 1960"

Attached: seth macfarlane.jpg (259x194, 6K)

>It's propaganda from the tribe getting you to see anyone that is blonde as "weird" or a bad person
How deluded are you? You could say the same about black haired and brown haired people in the show.

>Maybe it's her wooden delivery.
That's what I thought most of the time. But I don't know how any actor could tell her husband that he should rape their daughter's friend and make it sound natural.

He's clearly Orson Welles. But the show's biggest flaw is clearly the way they handled Sal. I always expected him to come back, or get more of a proper sendoff.

I (half) jokingly told my wife I wanted to rape my hot coworker one day and she said "I bet she would like that!". really made me think.

>But the show's biggest flaw is clearly the way they handled Sal
Same, pettynes from the writers and creator destroyed the best fag character

if he came back it would destroy the show and it's then stable good writing
your american mind intoxicated by hollywood crap can't understand this

Take your meds

>The writing on Mad Men, while overall great, was fucking absurd at times
What did you expect with (((their))) writers? Watching modern TV is the most cucked thing you can do, non-sexually anyway. What an evil show.

sure you did, incel, sure you did

I at least think he should've been given more of an ending anyway. He was a big part of the show, but then he gets fired suddenly and is never heard from again. I would've liked to see a little bit more of him and his wife. It just felt like his story wasn't over. They gave Kinsey one more episode to wrap him up. Sal needed one more.

Oh look how many (you)s I get, funny how this type of comment can't be ignored. Honestly don't you think it's the least bit strange when untalented people get to star in huge productions? Or how you can commit unforgivable crimes and get standing ovations at the Oscars i.e R Polanski

No bully.

>shows shy away from anything controversial to avoid offending people
>"fucking jews, people can't say anything on tv anymore what the fuck!"

>show includes wildly unexpected fucked up line about rape out of nowhere
>"fucking jews putting all of this degenerate filth in our shows!"

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There were a lot of rumors when the show was on that Matthew Weiner and the writers hated her because she was a huge bitch. People theorized that's why Betty became such an insufferable and useless character over the years. Basically the writers did it on purpose because they hated her.

Toward the end of the show (1968-1969), they really got hamfisted with the delivery on the civil rights shit.
I don't recall the exact conversations, but some of the dialogue was just really really cringe inducing.

Character 1:
>Come on now, we need to focus on our jobs and sell these ads
Character 2:

come the fuck on (((weiner))), can you even have the most basic level of subtlety


Well at least they had Pete call them Negroes. I can deal with that stuff as long as it's period correct.

I liked that they added one black character who was a bitch.

>I don't know. But when watching the show her character was the only one where I ever thought, "that's a weird thing to say."
Matthew Weiner wrote his own son into the show as the autistic weirdo that collects hair.

it was a different time

Didnt Roger dump a bucket of water out the window on the protestors or something? LMAO

literally never happened, did we watch the same show?

Fat Betty best Betty.

Now, that was an unrelated office building.

This. My wife has her moods too. I honestly wish they were more frequent, cause when she's in them holy fuck the sex is hot. She's not a prude and has no problems with porn and sex talk in general, but as far as in bed she's either a fucking huge pervert and its some of the hottest dirty talking sex imaginable, or its "I just want you to make love to me" where she lies on her back and its pretty meh. But goddamn, women do have dirty minds to. Like when she's been in her moods we've talked about raping people we know, fucking jailbait boys and girls, her getting gangbanged, me ravaging other girls we know in front of her, etc. I just wish that it was consistent, cause the sex is either hot as fuck like that, or its just typical vanilla shit where she doesn't want to do much. But yeah, women can get really fucking perved out in the right state of mind. And they definitely have a thing for rape and being dominated or seeing other women get dominated by men.

Something like that happened between Peggy and her black secretary at CGC.

Have sex

That is so disgusting, I hate normalfags, truly.

>her getting gangbanged

No offense but I have more respect for scat fetishists. You people give me the creeps

>Accept rape or you're a hypocrite

G-d, Jews really do a number on your retards with the semantics. You literally never stood a chance did you.

It was an argument between harry crane and pete
>”i had no idea we had a prejudice in the office. Let me put it in terms youll understand, [martin luther king] had a wife and children”

>Uhhhh B-betty I can't, it wouldn't look good for the Governor
What a pussy, if only he knew how old Nelson went out

it happened during the MLK death ep, it literally was never brought up again. dont be dumb

nobody is asking you accept rape, dumbshit

>The writing on Mad Men, while overall great, was fucking absurd at times
the word you're looking for is 'surreal', because despite being an ostensibly 'normal' period show, it does veer into surrealism.

I don't think that's bad either. 'Realism' isn't important.

He wasn't nearly as charming as that young hat Cosgrove

>It's funny how whites love family values, well if you liked them so much you'd give all your money to gay people raising trans kids, You hypocrites

Stuff like that

fuck off rape-loving kike

how old are you user?
reddit boomer or incel?

genuine question

This is hot

Those are the only two options? how is that a genuine question? not them btw

guys mad men threads used to be one of the last places left on Yea Forums untouched by this faggotry, surely theres a mr ratburn thread you can contribute to

>mr ratburn

Literally call people faggots for not liking faggots

shut up faggot

Or what? you'll be gay at me?

Don't know the full context of this scene, but my wife says stuff like this sometimes. She only gets off to rape fantasies if it's other females being raped, not her. It's fun.

Attached: BITCH.jpg (1280x720, 62K)

Why didn't Don rape her?

Attached: Screenshot (972).png (1366x768, 1.23M)

how old are you?

Why did it have to end like this for Sal?

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Felt bad for that faggot. He deserved one more episode.