Jordan Peele

Why does he hate White people so much?

Why does he make it so his filmography revolves completely around demonising white people?

Why is he like this when he's half white and his Black father left his white mother when he was a child and white people loved and raised him in his fathers absence???????

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don't be so insecure white boy Jesus fucking Christ. Why don't you ask yourself why so many film makers in history hated black people or Asians or Arabs or whatever the fuck? If you want to watch movies with exclusively white people that are white centric you can start now and you wouldn't even be finished the moment you fucking die. Have sex already and occupy yourself with something more useful than seething over race bait in Hollywood. Fucking loser.

Settle down. Nothing worse than an uppity nigger.

Not an answer nigger

Hating white people is fashionable. That's literally it. These people don't actually believe in anything, they just follow the trends.

Chicken nugget scoon

Niggers gonna nig

>when incels get BTFO and all they can do is type the N word on the internet

bix nood

But I just watched Us tonight and it didn't demonize whitoids.

Because he's sort, fat and ugly and still thinks he's the result of "hybrid vigor." What a joke.

>These people don't actually believe in anything, they just follow the trends.
Sadly this is really all it boils down to.

Yeah, its kind of weird how his entire career seems to be all about that shit.
Has anybody asked him in a interview why he hates white people so damn much? I know must interviewers are just doing marketing and not really trying to get an honest question, but you get some crazy ones from time to time.
Would love to see someone just outright asking him whats his problem with white people, I mean, even Spike Lee wasn't this fucking obvious.

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Because he's half jew

He looks like a chimp in glasses.

this the most sympathetic guy was tim heidecker minus the real girl that was switched with her twin of course

If I looked like that I’d hate white people too

Black people are super racist that's why, brown people in general are super racist.

What is the racial message of Us? If you try and look at it as the underground people are blacks the movie becomes icredibily racist. Blacks are poor, they only communicate through monkey noises, they are violent, they should be locked up. What is the message?

>black director makes movies for black audiences
>insecure faggots who have nothing going for them but being white

If a white person started making movies exclusively about how evil another race is they'd be jailed for hate crime.

My Egyptian coworker has a lot of negative things to say about blacks, but that's not racism, it's prejudice. Non-white people can't be racist.

b/c its 2019 onions boy shits not ok anymore.

This is Jordan’s wife. She doesn’t like white people either. Stop staring at her nose, user.

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back to fag boy

We calling filthy half castes black now?

This explains much.

>the nog cries out as he strikes you

They’re not used to it being towards them. It’s fine when it’s other groups but once they get a taste they cry, take their ball(s) and go home. Just how white people are

>implying blacks aren’t good enough to make movies for all people, not just blacks
>implying that being white automatically make you better than someone else
holy fucking shit, user, check that goddamn privilege

>Non-white people can't be racist.
I loved how the Left tried to push this meme so damn hard

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>His mother is a Jew
>Marries a Jew
Yeah, I wonder why he hates white people so much...

black people have been taught all their lives that white people are the cause of all their problems, and society rewards them for saying so. instead of the culture evolving a few decades after the civil rights movement, it has stayed the same, as though they are still oppressed

>assuming gender
better stop posting, user, before your social credit score collapses — seriously, wait till Facebook finds out about this. shame.

I think a lot of it is just politicking. He knows SJW is in, so he makes it really fucking obvious.

Martin Scorsese doesn't really make movies about black people, for whatever reason, he just doesn't. Doesn't want to tell "those stories," or whatever. And sure, if Martin Scorsese said in an interview that he couldn't imagine ever casting a black actor as the lead in one of his movies, lefties would tar and feather him. Banana Peele just has the bad taste and political cover to open his mouth when he shouldn't. It's not like he should be required to make movies with white people as the heroes.

More perplexing is why they keep rebooting The Twilight Zone. I appreciate that the original was very influential, but it was only moderately popular and was cancelled three times. They've been reviving it every 17 years since the mid 80s with diminishing returns.

mein sides

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>all movies are white
>lol u cant appreciate films and characters without regard tp character? fucking nigger. how about make your own movies?
>black guy makes movies with colored people

you people are fucking hypocrites and literal unironic retards.

Whites don't usually make movies about how niggers are fuckups who are mostly responsible for their own problems despite whites bending over backwards and fucking themselves in the ass to help them.

he's to white to be an honest black and too black to be considered white
such is life for a mongrel


watch US yesterday.

it is better than get out, but that doesnt mean anything.

i couldnt, again, understand, what the fuck this imbecile wanted to do "tell".

> predictable plot twist
> stupid text explaining more than it should
> characters taking stupid and ilogical decisions for the sake of moving the story foward

and them comes stuff like: fucking HOW the kids would be the same? a man has millions of sperms, what the logic of you having the same kids as your counterpart? none. fucking none.

"thats not the theme..." fuck the theme, the theme is "we all have a dark side", boo fucking hoo, everybody knows it.

and for a guy so proud to be black there are dozens of moments were its impossible to see lupitas face. its all black, no fucking joke, no memes, it simply is.

and it goes without saying that the guy has a problem with white people, not even dw griffith would show blacks with the lack of empathy or dignity that this asshole does with whites.

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Because he's insecure.

If you're willing to put the BBC memes aside for a second, there were lots of dudes like Jordan Peele who actually grew up in upper-middle class families and attended schools in majority white neighbourhoods, where they had to encounter 6'4" white blond blue eyed chads all the time.

I'm really not shitting you, I can't find the article at the moment but there was some guy who wasn't Jordan Peele but was a similar "type" discussing this.

Anyway, the point is people all have insecurities and neuroses, and when they're artists, these things manifest in quite frankly pretty embarassing ways.

He tried to get with a white girl and she btfo of him and he was forever sipped and got mad

I'm sort of a black-Irish type and in highschool i had a crush on a hapa chick who chose a mulatto over me. She went on to cuck him with a tall, blonde, blue-eyed surfer type dude. The memes at least aren't 100% accurate.

>Why does he make it so his filmography revolves completely around demonising white people?

You mean like the media for decades against black people? Oh did your fee fees feelings get hurt? Awwwww pooor baby.

Post body


Anointed token who thinks his shit is smart and edgy because limo libtards stroke his ego at every Hollywood party.

mutts always absolutely despise one of their respective races, it's just one of their many issues. i'm guessing he chose whitey because it's trendy, but he has a white wife of course.

'media' take women and pseudo minorities 'serious' for one thing and one thing only: they buy shit, all the time.

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Blacksploitation works.

Because Key constantly outdid him when it came to comedy, and Peele blamed Key's white half.

>even Spike Lee wasn't this fucking obvious
Fuck you're right. That's disturbing.
Spike is so fucking unsubtle he had an animation team make an absurdly violent prerendered GTA clone to show the world that video games were evil.

>he's married to the infamous nose goblin with the drawing of her profile
Holy shit.

Still trying. It never worked and it's still disgusting.

Because he feels inferior because he knows he'll get amazing service at a white owned restaurant, and get shit service at any black owned one, and all black ppl have to deal with that in all aspects of life.

Because he was raised by a single white mother and he feels insecure about how he doesn't connect with other black Americans because of it.

Pick one and only one

Nice air intake

remember, if something seems obviously wrong to you then maybe you're missing something

Why are incels so easily offended?

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>it’s the Jews fault nobody likes me

Everybody hates incel neckbeards

Imagine these fat, repulsive, entitled NEET pieces of shit that have never contributed a dime to society sperging out at your work because there's a black guy in it.

They're degenerate pedos that fap to hentai but decry others for "degeneracy"

They're socially awkward virgins that bitch about the sexual habits of others

They're holocaust deniers that bitch about "muh historical revisionism".

They're physically feeble cowards that post on a cartoon board yet bemoan others for a lack of masculinity

They're entitled NEETs that live off their parents but bitch about the welfare state

They are THE lowest class of creature on the planet. They can't even be called human. And yet here they are, talking to you as if they're normal people. In the olden days they'd have been abandoned to die like the burdens they were,

I'd be pissed too.

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You came in hot, my nigga. Chill out

Based and redpilled

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Have sex

It isn't even noon. You guys are pimps.

lol you can't answer his question, can you nigger?


>implying Egyptians aren't black

Because he’s black and is aware there is an audience for it with niggers and virtue signallers


imagine being black and having white people heap praise on you out of sympathy.

>oy vey the goyim know

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what is every "white person goes to teach in a hood school" ever