Has a film ever genuinely scared you...

Has a film ever genuinely scared you? Pic related kept me scared for weeks and I had to avoid wooded areas for like a year afterwards.

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its the only horror movie on my plex server for a reason


Love the movie but after seeing it at least two dozen times I have carefully decided the ending is bad

the first Paranormal Activity unironically kept me up the night I saw it

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blair witch still has me scared of the woods, grudge scared the piss out of me for some reason even though supernatural shit 99% of the times has no effect on me

I never get scared by movies that want to be scary or are suppose to be. Only shit that scares me is psychological shit. I had to turn off Melancholia for example. Freaked me the fuck out.

The Grifter

Not really scared but the ending of Occult was so bizarre compared to the rest of the film that it was almost startling. I thought about it for a few weeks afterwards.

Based, The Blair Witch Project is unironically one of the best horror films of all time, and that's coming from someone who didn't see it until 2005 and had no awareness of the viral marketing.

What part of melancholia scared you Im curious


The ending of deadringers left me disturbed.

What would had been a better ending?

Hereditary scared me, I’m pretty /x/ so seeing demons and cults but handled in a more down to earth way fucked me up. Same with Blair witch project, what terrifies me is those paranormal situations that feel like they could legitimately happen to anyone

smdh wypipo is so dumb

>muh ironic posing as a black/liberal

The Shining made me keep the bathroom curtains open even today.

I like the movie but the marketing really is what makes it so good, the "documentaries" are fascinating

(the latter two were made for BW2 I believe but they're very good nonetheless)

The atmosphere, natural acting and dialogue, and lack of concrete information about what's going on is what makes it so good.

Very funny

The part where the bride goes out and just randomly fucks a stranger. Reminded me of an ex gf. Hit home you know. Kill me now. That movie is just psychological warfare for people who aren't incels and had sex before.

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Have fun. The first scene is a god committing suicide by cutting out its internal organs

Nigga the woods was scary before.

Is the second one as shitty as people say it it?

Someone photoshop wojak in the corner please.

The ending to Blair Witch Project is hilarious, c'mon. The things that happened before though, all the weird shit, THAT was scary.

Also, is the sequel worth it?

you can't recover from such memories. The best you can do is NOT make the same mistakes. Best was it to give yourself OPTIONS.

I actually thought the second movie was good. Nowhere near on the level of the first but it did something different.

Why didn't Heather's friends get a map as well?

The scene in the bedroom where they put the powder down and you can see the demons spooky footprints

What did you guys think of the sequel from a couple years back? Wasn't on Yea Forums at the time so I didn't get to see how it was received.

I know it's mostly a meme but is the film itself actually scarier than most scary horror movies you will watch?

Don't know why hereditary gets shit on, it was pretty great imo.

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Final destination, its a horror movie right?
I was terrified of everything for months, and still today i have some unnerving feelings from time to time.

No, it is a black comedy.

It's a mess, but a strange/interesting one that should've been its own film. IIRC the studio made the director add stupid shit like excessive gore, a 90s metal soundtrack, and weird edits that make it feel really dated and confusing so we'll never really know how much better the original cut would've been, though I do imagine it still wouldn't be that good.

Bland sums it up. The time travel / forest manipulation was a cool idea but it never amounted to much - they wasted having a drone POV and they missed an opportunity to cause some time fuckery and have the ending take place concurrently with the original's ending. The series was doomed to never have a proper continuation - it's "better" than BW2 but not as interesting.

If they did end up using the time manipulation to cause both endings to occur at the same time would that have satisfied the movies use of it for you, or would you still have liked to see them do more with it. Personally I liked the films use of it since it added another overall sense of dread and inevitability to the whole situation. Also, what did you think of them revealing the witch??

Funny you mention the Grudge. I was working a movie theater when it came out Some co-workers and I saw it the night before it came out and I remember it scared the shit out of me. I didn't sleep the entire night; the scene of Kayako appearing under the covers just wouldn't get out of my head.
I don't think I've been truly scared of a movie since.

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Im still scarred

It would've been a nice payoff and made it a proper sequel rather than a (failed) soft reboot. Fairly indifferent about showing the witch - I guess they had to show her eventually, though there's a creepiness about showing her. That being said, the writer actually tweeted that wasn't the witch; whether that was damage control or not, I don't know.

That always got me

Your room under the covers is supposed to be your safe place. How are they allowed to do that?

The JKCinema Urban Legends series.

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a creepiness about *not* showing her

Von Trier is such a faggot I swear to god.

I don't watch horror movies

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Its because the lady appears out of weird place so you start getting paranoid and see things on the corner of your eye

>I can't believe you tried to kill yourself.
>shit, I've been trying to kill myself all morning!

>that wasnt the witch
So theres an equally disturbing eldritch monster woman that happens to creep in the same general area

Do you think they fist each other or is the director lying?

TBP really can have only been done before the rise of internet media.
I remember watching the film for the first time, trying to get a glimpse of the witch. I could have sworn I saw her flash on screen once, but many years later, it's obvious shes never shown.
Given that everyone has access HD resolutions and frame by frame slow motion, that type of ambiguity in films can never be replicated. Maybe it can be in a theater, during the first watch, but of course you'll then have 1,000 articles disproving it. It's a shame really.

Have you folks ever watched an argentinian movie called Aterrados?

It's not very good storywise, but very aggressive on the horror. Legit had me making look behind my back all the time after I watched it.

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Alien scared me cause I watched it for the first time when I was five.
But as an adult no movie has ever really scared me. The closest would be Kairo or any early Kurosawa horror film. Just the way he made them made me really uncomfortable. They just exude dread.

Yeah I was just about to ask this. Wtf was that then? Is it just a form the witch took on and not her "TRUE" form? That's the only explanation I can think of right now.

What's so special about it?

>cine nacional

>be 10
>watch Blair Witch Project two days before a school trip into the middle of the fucking woods to sleep in tents

One of my greatest mistakes.

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as opposed to illegitimately?
think before you post

It had been a long time so I found the writer's explanation - slashfilm.com/blair-witch-ending.

Elly Kedward (the woman accused of witchcraft and tied to a tree with stones to stretch her limbs) and the Blair Witch are separate entities. I guess the creature, given the long limbs, is Kedward.

But then there's this person in the house at the end (I actually didn't remember this): vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/blairwitch/images/2/29/The_Blair_Witch_(2016).jpg/revision/latest?cb=20180221183949

This could also be Kedward (in human form), or the Blair Witch.

Wouldn't be Blair Witch without ambiguity, but I think it's a little muddled.

Honestly, I have avoided the sequel from what I saw, and heard. It's a shame because the director made one of my favorite movies(The Guest) and other great ones like VHS and you're next. So I was let down.

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Wait, nvm he didn't work on VHS don't know where I got that from.

Noroi: the curse

I refuse to watch it ever again.

the borderlands had a very unsettling ending. shame the film is shit.

No, you're right - Wingard directed the wraparound segments in the first one, and the ghost eye segment in 2. Wingard's writing partner Simon Barrett (who wrote You're Next, The Guest, and Blair Witch) was involved too.

A Nightmare on Elm Street, the first one.

Series went to shit after Grift3r

Movie is unusually aggressive on the horror, nice "creatures" and not just a jumpscare fest. You don't get what's going on and has a very casual, neighborhood setting. Unsettling for me because I live in a similar one.
Give it a shot, Hernandez

Zoinks scoob

°REC had some really spooky final 10 minutes and it caught me by suprise because until then it was just another cheesy zombie film to me

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Ah, yeah. I forgot it was a collaborative thing.

Dead Ringers is genuinely horrifying.