>tfw no pink floyd hbo docuseries
it would be kino and you know it
>tfw no pink floyd hbo docuseries
it would be kino and you know it
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what’s the story on that picture? is there any truth to that?
Christ, it's just rock music you nutcase.
Yes. Syd Barrett's story is pretty sad desu
I would personally bankroll any Pink Floyd TV series that exposes Roger Waters for what he is
I don't think so. I'm no big Floyd trivia guy but as far as remember syd didn't vanish, he just went crazy. Even made a solo album later on
Syd's story is very sad, listen to Wish You Were Here (song and album) by pink floyd, beautiful
It wasn't a song, the whole fucking album was dedicated to him. It was called Wish You Were Here
>On 5 June 1975, on the eve of Pink Floyd's second US tour that year, Gilmour married his first wife, Ginger. That day, the band were completing the mix of "Shine On You Crazy Diamond" when an overweight man with shaven head and eyebrows entered, carrying a plastic bag. Waters did not recognise him. Gilmour presumed he was an EMI staff member. Wright presumed he was a friend of Waters, but realised it was Barrett. Mason also failed to recognise him and was "horrified" when Gilmour identified him. In Mason's Pink Floyd memoir Inside Out, he recalled Barrett's conversation as "desultory and not entirely sensible". Storm Thorgerson reflected on Barrett's presence: "Two or three people cried. He sat round and talked for a bit but he wasn't really there."
>Waters was reportedly reduced to tears by the sight of his former bandmate. When fellow visitor Andrew King asked how Barrett had gained so much weight, Barrett said he had a large refrigerator in his kitchen and had been eating lots of pork chops. He mentioned that he was ready to help with the recording, but while listening to the mix of "Shine On", showed no signs of understanding its relevance to him. Barrett joined Gilmour's wedding reception in the EMI canteen, but left without saying goodbye. It was the last time the band members saw Barrett until his death in 2006. Barrett's appearance may have influenced the final version of "Shine On You Crazy Diamond"; a subtle refrain performed by Wright from "See Emily Play" is audible towards the end.
Shine on is also a great song about syd
One of their best songs ever
(S) hine on (Y) ou crazy (D) iamond
Yeah, its completely true.
Syd Barret had a mental breakdown from LSD use. The band hadn't seen him in years and then when they were recording the album Wish You Were Here, which is all about Syd and his breakdown Syd randomly showed up in the studio while they were recording.
It's actually worse, because he didn't vanish, the rest of PF just decided one day that they weren't going to pick him up to go to the studio. He was crazy and not functional at the time, though
>syd creates the pink floyd
>sole reason for their sucess
>peak drug culture
>bandmates do fuck all to help
>bring in new guy
>kick syd out of his own band
>forget about him
>tribute album
>cant even recognize him
>plentiful themes/songs attributed from syd
>success was built on the demise of syd
yeah fuck the band
>Yeah sorry buddy just sit over there while we make millions of dollars exploiting your tragic story
I don't see what they could have done. Syd had a complete mental breakdown and refused any help. I suppose they could have tried to have him involuntarily committed to an asylum but that's a hard thing to bring yourself to do.
fuck Syd Barrett that album they did with him was garbage they're so much better off because he went nuts
it's a similar thing with the beach boys, except brian didn't go full schizo, and the other members weren't talented enough to totally jettison him. fuck mike love and fuck roger waters, all the same
damn, he cute
Was he on mettle?
>Piper at the Gates of Dawn
keep listening to The Wall kiddo
Gilmour/Waters > Poo > Barett
Everything before Waters took control was awful psychshit excluding a couple of songs. They made some classic dadrock prog after syd was dropped.
>>bandmates do fuck all to help
They did quite a few things, but one it became noticeable that there was a probalem there wasn't much that could be done.
>>kick syd out of his own band
It was either that or break up, Syd wasn't doing shit.
Piper at the Gates of Dawn is far from my favorite Floyd album but it certainly doesn't suck.
>Roger Waters for what he is
Someone based that is against interventionism, against israel, and against the industrial military complex? Sounds great
Syd is ok, I had my Syd phase before I even got into their other albums. They went on to become one of the most influential bands of all time without him though.
You're wrong. He really did go missing due to a drug trip and really did come back unannounced.
Syd going bananas was the best thing that happened to them desu. If he had have stuck around they would never have progressed beyond being some barely-remembered psych-pop-rock band like Hawkwind and not gone on to making earkino like The Wall, Dark Side and Animals.
This is why you don't fuck with LSD. A guy I grew up with started doing it when he was about 19 and his whole personality changed to the point he was a different person.
>Out going
>Rugby star
>Loads of friends and girlfriends
Some drug fucked idiots got him into LSD and one day took a dose that changed him forever. ID see him shuffling along the street, barely able to talk or hold eye contact and he looked sad. Bumped into his mother one day and she was still furious at his "friends" who got him into drugs. None of them even bothered to go around and see him.
complete garbage
Yeah. Syd is really fucking sad and tragic, but thats life. The real genius in pink floyd came from all the other members, Syd was what helped them start.
the wall is shit but it better than that garbage
user, i get your point, but this isn't Metallica non telling Dave to stop drinking so much, this is as if Dave actually had crashed the fucking car on their way to NY, then got so drunk that he brakes his own arm and loses most of his fingers.
The Wall was entirely Roger jacking himself off. It would've happened no matter what because of his daddy issues.
> Does anyone here remember Vera Lynn?
> Remember how she said that
> We would meet again
> Some sunny day?
t. has never done psychedelics
The danger is fixating on thoughts which are already in your head. LSD doesn't turn normal, well adjusted people into lunatics. Psychedelics can however hasten an already inevitable mental decline.
Junkies are cowardly fucks who do this shit all the time. They refuse to see the consequences of their actions and turn their backs on anybody who reminds them of those consequences.
As someone that has taken massive amounts of LSD themselves, I'm extremely skeptical that it can lead to some sort of massive shift in behavior.
Missing from piper until wish you were here?
I have never done them. Why the fuck would I when iv heard so many bad stories about what bad dosses can do to your mental health.
LSD is non addictive. There are no LSD junkies.
have sex
>i've got wild staring eyes
>and i've got a strong urge to fly
>but i've got no where to fly to
>oh babe when i pick up the phone
>there's still nobody home
He went crazy, made two albums, then disappeared. The photo is from 1975, when he had been living with his mother for five years
There’s way more to Floyd than just their early drug hippie days. Waters did great work.
>had a extremely awful trip
>decide to put myself first and work on my projects and better myself
>start frogposting 5 times more
You willingly do a drug that can fuck you up this badly, defend it, and disregard friends that it destroyed, then you're no better than a junkie.
It is true,
If you are not comfortable with your own mental health you are gonna have a real bad time and you can turn out different after the trip. I have seen a friend turn that way and even myself almost felt for it.
When on hard drug your mind is open, like a mall, you can go everywhere you want in your mind, but you can be lost and if fix on hard stuff, you will have a real bad trip.
Because like almost any activity frightening outlier occurrences are always more commonly discussed and remembered. I bet you could bring to mind the details of a few aviation disasters. What about the millions of miles flown perfectly safely and uneventfully that make up the vast majority of flying experiences?
He didn't go missing, he was living in some London suburb with his sister. He just had no contact with the band, they just drifted apart.
>syd era
>first and only band album is universally recognized as top tier
>gilmour/waters era
>6 years of shit before they start releasing their good stuff dark side animals wywh wall
>their good stuff was mostly tributed towards syd barrett tragedy
gilmour/waters/band were releasing shit before they started basing their most successful ideas from syd lmao
No. Wish you were here refers to his mental state, not like they literally didn't know where he was
He went through some rough patches but the stories about him are always exaggerated
>he had no contact with the band
That's what going missing is genius. Sure he was safe, but nobody but his immediate family knew where he was.
i think so too. he probably just fucked off and became a regular old person
>That's what going missing is genius
So everyone you went to high school with is "missing"?
That's a stupid misuse of the word.
If you had a complete mental breakdown (the catalyst is irrelevant) most of your friends would abandon you too. Normal people don't know how to help crazy people and don't like being around them knowing they can't help.
based, I can't wait to see the mental gymnastics he uses to refute this
The story doesn't make sense. They ask him how he gained weight and he references a residence by telling them about how refrigerator and then what they just let this guy shuffle out of their life then claim he dissapeared?
The truth is you take a drug and you start to notice that you're controlling the people around you. You thought people loved you and had their own inclination to look after you if you had mutual beneficial relationships but they don't they just kept into the background npc world. The story doesn't make sense and only has npc logic. The guy just dosed and realized he was masturbating using npcs and decided to stop. He finds out they are writing a song about him and he shows up but nothing they had to say about him hit home so he left. He didn't feel like becoming anything because his entire motivation system melted when he realized the cause and effect of his own participation. If I stop making them love me so they still love me? Turns out: nope.
junkie cope
He's not some high school nobody. He's Syd Barret. The band couldn't find him and started memorializing him. Your samefagging your own agreement is also pathetic.
You've only ever been around cowardly pieces of shit, user.
>He's not some high school nobody. He's Syd Barret
So the meanings of words don't apply to him?
>The band couldn't find him
They could, they just didn't want to. Notice how they never contacted him after the WYWH visit?
Dave Gilmour grew up with him, he knows where his family lives, he easily knew how to get in contact with him.
He used to stand on stage and play the same chord for the whole songs while shouting gibberish. It must have been pure kino.
Pink Floyd is the cringiest shit I’ve ever heard. The song about the faggot who gets dosed up with painkillers and cry’s about how he can’t feel anything is like 13 year old edgy tier. Anyone who does lsd is a retard.
Drugged friend that had mental breakdown just bring more shits in your own life, they have excuse for everything or bring everyone down in there shits. Almost got brought down by this, but luckily I could take that shit anymore.
I kinda feel bad, I always try to help others, but I was in a bad state also and did not need more shit, I only hope this guy is doing good now.
Based zoomer
Do you think wish you were here was literally about his location, user?
that song gets to me everytime
You sound like an 18 year old. Mental illness, real mental illness, not just a rough patch of your life isn't something your friend group can just band together and help you through.
Who /went to The Wall concert back in the early 2010s/?
yeah, mentally ill
Well you ended up here so likely your life was never going to be good, should've helped him get his shit back on track and maybe you would've gotten laid already kek
that riff at the beginning and end of the song is beautiful, but I’m not a fan of the long runtime and psychedelic noise in the middle
Why did the other members think he was crazy because of Vegetable Man? It's a pretty kino song
That song is about Syd and is real you fucking imbecile.
Comfortably Numb I presume? It's about Rog
that songs better than any of their later, dad rock songs I’ve heard.. I’ve only ever heard stuff like dark side of the moon and wish you were here and I didn’t like it at all, but that is genuinely good
no you’re talking about two different songs and two different people
I would be surprised if you did half thing I did in my life at this point. And for the record, I am quite happy how things are going now, so probably I made the good decision at that time.
On this, I say good evening sir.
They are giving Pink(Syd) painkillers so he can fucking perform because he is so drugged up
I don’t think that’s it at all..
What's lsd like? Better than alcohol, heroin, or meth?
>The lyrics were inspired by Waters's experience of being injected with tranquilizers for stomach cramps before a Pink Floyd show in Philadelphia on the 1977 In the Flesh Tour.[6][7] "That was the longest two hours of my life," Waters said, "trying to do a show when you can hardly lift your arm." The song had the working title "The Doctor".
Nobody tells the story of what happened to Syd Barrett accurately, and most of it is jsut publicity and marketing for some of their albums. He was never diagnosed with any mental illness.
He had one song on Saucerful of Secrets
>He was never diagnosed with any mental illness.
No one has said that
youre a fag
it’s not better or worse than anything, it’s just different.. makes you think about things in a way you never would before
Which was actually him telling the band to go on with out him, as he knew he was holding them back.
his sister did
Cool, the song comes off as a 13 year old girl crying about her life. The only reason you like it is because it’s old. It’s shit. “As a child a had a fever.” Boo hoo faggot, boomer taste is shit.
>helping an addict
Confirmed for never having dealt with addicts. They they're only happy if the people around them are as miserable as they are. Nothing is their fault. It's always the fault of those around. You offer help, and you get nothing but lies in return. Eventually you just say fuck it and move on. Addicts are all so self centered that they cannot fathom that their condition makes people around them want to leave, and then they blame their shitty lives on you not helping, despite your best efforts.
Fuck Addicts.
He also had a mouse named Gerald
whats even worse than addicts are enablers. enablers need to rot in hell for propagating the cycle
No one has said what? You need to clarify user. No one said he was diagnosed with any mental illness? That's laughable because you can read this thread and it's full of people calling him a crazy schizo. Or are you saying that no body said he was never diagnosed, because that would be false. His entire family testified to this by saying, he had no mental illness, aside from possibly aspergers. Regardless, Waters still laughably to this day claims that he had schizophrenia. Incredible how someone suffering from such a debilitating disease could create 2 solo records.
his psychiatrist did
Ayahuasca for toddlers
People think helping an addict is staying around after everyone has left. No, by staying you're telling them "you're not wrong, all those others are. There's nothing wrong with your behaviour." They have to lose EVERYTHING before there's even a chance of them seriously seeking help.
And it was one of the best songs on there desu
Is there anybody in there?
Just nod if you can hear me
Is there anyone at home?
Come on, now
I hear you're feeling down
Well I can ease your pain
Get you on your feet again
I'll need some information first
Just the basic facts
Can you show me where it hurts?
There is no pain you are receding
A distant ship's smoke on the horizon
You are the only coming through in waves
Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
When I was a child I had a fever
My hands felt just like two balloons
Now I've got that feeling once again
I can't explain you would not understand
This is not how I am
This is what boomers consider ground breaking lyrics. Even nigger rap is more compelling. Boomers need the rope.
I’ve seen better lyrics from a dr suess book, do boomers seriously listen to this shit?
Aww mad that Pink Floyd DUDE LSD BRO is objective trash?
sorry, but my opinion is objectively fact
>objectively trash
>takes LSD turns into literally me
If I take LSD will I become normal?
Show me a thought provoking lyric from them. Your 50 year old ganja infested brain tricked you into thinking a 13 year old girl’s self harm journal lyrics were art. I dab on your corpse niglet.
If your favorite band is Pink Floyd, your favorite band sucks
>I enjoy listening to fart sounds looped for an hour straight, therefore you can’t call my taste objective shit
Post a good lyric boomer
It's not our fault you are a zoomer pleb, user. Try listening to them
Well since that's subjective why don't you start by telling me what you find to be "good lyrics"
That's just trash
I've never taken more than a tab cause I just don't find being so out of it enjoyable. But I feel like it's pretty much lost it's magic now that I understand it's all just perception fuckery rather than actually becoming one with the universe and all that shit
I think they are under exaggerated. I think he was struggling with his sexuality in a rock era where you could not be gay and that plus the drugs and bullying led to a breakdown. Lots of things about him and his music hint at that.
fuck all pink floyd fans and fuck him
Definitely nothing in the song “comfortably numb”, it comes off as a narcissistic 13 year old girl journaling about how she got sunburn at summer camp. I literally don’t understand how an entire band just went along with it. They were all probably fucked up 24:7 subhumans who thought it sounded good.
I’m probably older than you faggot. I just can’t stand drug addicts who think a suicide journal put into song is the deepest thing ever.
Bollocks. People with mental illness who unravel using drugs doesn't put the drugs at blame.
People do the exact thing you just mentioned with Marijuana too.
>People with mental illness who unravel using drugs doesn't put the drugs at blame.
Surely then it's a good idea to warn people about the dangers of taking drugs
Some people just snap when taking any psychodelic. I was completely normal until I smoked weed for the first time. My entire life, my mind had worked differently since then. I used to be a great student, athlete ect and for whatever reason I guess I’m one of those rare people where it triggers schizophrenia and my life has never been the same. My personality changed over night.
Yeah, conservatives world wide are really lax when it comes to informing people about the potential dangers of taking drugs when you are mentally ill, the really need to pick up the slack.
We should probably also increase the rate of non violent drug 'offenders' doing hard time in prison, that should be a really effective deterrent.
If you were a person who had ever actually taken drugs and danced all night long under the stars or in a warehouse, or even in a living room with friends, I might rate your opinion.
Who said it was the deepest thing ever? Your personal biases don't mean it's bad lyrically
So you don't have any examples of good lyrics?
It is bad lyrically. It’s a grown man crying about being so privileged and narcissistic, he gets to be pumped full of painkillers and gets to play music for people. Boo hoo, it’s trash on every level.
Kendrick lamar control
where is the crying in that song?
Also, kendrick in the TDE cypher. Post 2013 Kendrick is mainstream trash so disregard anything after m.a.a.d. city
He’s obviously whining and trying to garner sympathy for being a millionaire who gets to get shot up with diheroin and play a show for a million people. Fucking cringe.
Sorry but that's nonsense, lots of people do LSD and then are fine the week after. I'm not saying LSD can't possibly have negative effects, but blaming LSD as the sole reason that you went downhill is ridiculous.
Oh god you really are a zoomer. Well Floyd doesn't have any lyrics about the struggles of modern black folk so I doubt you would find any enjoyable
I’m white and I was a Kendrick fan until to pimp a butterfly when he sold out. Up until then he was the best lyricist in the world. I hate niggers but he was just good.
Dude, some people have pre-existing issues where even the most minor psychoactive drug can change their brain chemistry for life. Smoking weed literally fucked my brain up forever. I was normal until I smoked this probably laced with something shit and my mind hasn’t been the same since. There’s a reason the CIA fucked around with lsd in the 70s, if you have certain genes it can literally fuck you forever.
This. Also pink Floyd are commie boomers
where is the whining in that song?
>comparing rap lyrics to psychedelic rock lyrics
Apples and oranges
Lol you are gonna have to post some lyrics of his to prove he is good.
>to pimp a butterfly
Oh I am laffing
Reddit spacing and having shit opinions go hand in hand as always. I dab on your corpse.
Yeah I’m laughing at that album too because it was race bait after he became famous. That and his next album were shit, thanks for agreeing with me.
Just listen to it dude. I’m racist as they come but this shit is just good. The flow. Rhyme scheme and everything is just great. You can’t compare this to a dude crying about getting free medical grade heroin and crying about having a fever when he was 5.
>rapper has race bait
I could have guessed that. Post his lyrics so I can continue my laff, zoomer
Not knowing what reddit spacing actually is and commenting about it like it's a clever comeback to an actual point of view tend to go hand in hand too.
Protip it's not one space between sentences or paragraphs. That is called making text easier to read on a fast moving Lithuanian soviet furry porn appreciation forum.
I'm not listening to that shit. Post the deep lyrics
>(the catalyst is irrelevant)
You are going to lose alot fewer friends if you are biopolar compared to being an idiot who thinks poisoning themselves will lead to spiritual awareness. Fuck you junkie, humans have an enormous capacity for sympathy but we also don't like people who fuck themselves over and then blame the world for it.
>it's not one space between sentences or paragraphs
it is though, reddit.
>making text easier to read
Gee thanks, now I can know if I want to upvote or downvote your comment without straining my eyes.
man this thread got cringey fast
Contrarian boomer uncle visting Yea Forums demands it user. But please don't shit up the Syd Barrett thread with mtv rappers. Fuck off and start your own thread.
Where is the crying in that song?
His verse here, lookout for detox, his BET cypher and section 80 are my personal favorites. You won’t listen though but he used to be a poet over beats. Shame he became like everything else popular: shit. Nothing that becomes for the masses gets better.
I went to three shows. It was awesome.
>a poet over beats
Lol aren't they all? Just post them, don't be embarrassed
I love just winning an obvious victory on the internet over 105 iq psueds. Really makes life worth living.
You were the one who wanted examples of good Floyd lyrics, since that's a subjective request I need to see what you consider good lyrics first. I understand if this is too much work for you but I'm just trying to help you out
You got blown the fuck out. Get over it, Pink Floyd sucks.
Oh god I couldn't make it thru a full minute. It's typical rap that they have been doing for decades. Floyd is definitely not for you, friend
Wrong guy, I love Floyd, and I love comfortably numb. My child is grown, my dream is gone.
I am particularly partial to this Aussie doom metal cover.
Same for me.
Where is the winning in your posts?
ITT: pink floyd fans get completely destroyed and figure out that the lyrics of their songs don’t matter whenever you’re high and listening to “chill” guitar riffs. Boomers are fucking pathetic
Oh shit I love doom metal but I can't do the cringy growling or screaming shit
We get it, you think Kendrick Lamar is deep
What happened to you?
>Oh shit I love the colour black, but not when I look up at the night sky
He was 6 years ago. Everything mainstream is shit. They have to start catering to people like (you) to make more money. (100 iq retards)
>matter at all
cringey rapist
Oh you didn't know the scream/growl is a cringy subsection of doom? Check out electric wizard, user
Was that when you were 14? Or is the meme about being 12? Somewhere around there
Syd's best song. It's one of those literal rock songs. He fucking hated Roger's girlfriend and her stupid cat.
ucifer Sam, siam cat
Always sitting by your side
Always by your side
That cat's something I can't explain
Ginger, ginger, Jennifer Gentle you're a witch
You're the left side
He's the right side
Oh, no
That cat's something I can't explain
Lucifer go to sea
Be a hip cat, be a ship's cat
Somewhere, anywhere
That cat's something I can't explain
At night prowling sifting sand
Hiding around on the ground
He'll be found when you're around
That cat's something I can't explain
I’m 26, what’s up faggot? Mad that Pink Floyd is trash? Too many fucking graves to dab on nowadays.
Piper really had some decent rock riffs
Why would I be mad about your opinion? The only thing I know about you is you are young and think Kendrick Lamar is deep
Any other Floyd fan here who's never done drugs?
I met a lot of fans who only listen to the music when high.
He was until 2013 and I’ve provided evidence of him blowing the fuck out of a literal manchild narcissistic retard making an entire song about him getting shot up with dimorphine to make a million dollars playing a show. You are over the age of 30 and everyone who knows you wants you to die. I’ll be there to shit on your grave when that happens because you have no argument and refuse to even listen to the oppositions’ songs when I’ve heard your whole shit tier band’s album. Again, I dab on your fucking grave. You win some, you lose some. You lost this one.
Why would you want just the lyric's for a musician? That's a decent criticism for a poet but you know the lyrics are meant to be accompanied by music right?
Fucking evicerated.
You haven't posted any of his lyrics. I listened to one of those YouTube songs and it was awful. Nothing nigs like Andre 3000 didn't perfect and do better 20 years ago. Post some deep lyrics
I think the one thing we can all agree on is that the solo at the end of Comfortably Numb is one of the best solos in rock history.
The thing about Floyd is all their instrumentals were always very sound
Yeah no Pink Floyd only made actual success when Gilmour took the lead. Before that even, Waters was carrying the band. Syd is highly overrated.
>his friends did fuckall to help
Things don’t work like that. Everyone was doing drugs. Syd was the only one that didn’t know when to stop and would be a pain in the ass for everyone. Same thing happened to Dave Mustaine, Ozzy Osbourne and many others. In the end, getting shitfaced is dumb as fuck because you’re unable to watch over yourself, and no one except maybe your mom and dad will bother to take care of you.
Dude just give up, your grave has been dug, you’ve been thrown in and been dabbed on. I linked videos you refuse to watch because you’re too cool or something. Just admit defeat, loser.
The fact you say someone's been dabbed on makes any point you try and make irrelevant.
Kendrick Lamar isn't deep dude.
His best cd is obviously his first. Just another ghetto stories album. Musically he isn't responsible for the beats. He even gets outdone in money trees.
He's not even a top 5 rapper right now. I'd easily put Lil uzi, yachty, ASAP rocky, kodak, Lil pump, drake, juice wrld, Travis Scott and 21 over him. And if 69 wasn't in jail he'd he making more music.
fucking zoomers
>reddit spacing after quoting my post
You’re that nigger aren’t you? I rest my case.
There’s no way you are over the age of 20
Nah, I'm someone else, but paragraph breaks are not reddit spacing, mate.
Yeah you don’t belong here.
Gilmour is what gave them the classic sound. He's one of the best guitarist ever. Waters had a good idea of the direction of the band. Their combo is great but in the end I think waters lost it. But pink Floyd without him didn't feel the same.
Probably been around here longer than you, bud.
>Oh you didn't know a morning sunrise is way better than the sky at night? Check out a sunrise user.
Fuck off zoomie.
I'm way over 20. If you still listen to rap for the lyrics you're not just a retard, you're a cuck.
Rap has always been a background noise party music. The kind you listen to when riding to a party or playing sports. If you listen to Kendrick and get emotional then you're a fag.
Get a room
Yeah Kendrick is shit now. He used to be good, those other rappers you listed are trash dude. If you want to incorporate juice wrld you have to add lil peep and even bladee in the discussion.
I said I listened to one of your songs and it was bad. What now? I woukdnt post those basic lyrics either but at least argue in good faith
Lol you thought they didn't know where he was? They literally wanted him to be in the studio?
the division bell is leagues better than the final cut, holy shit i hate that album.
Dude just admit you used the term doom metal without really being familiar with it, it's fine
No I'm good, unlike yourself, I actually attend concerts with real bands and have even met them. Just admit you aren't familiar with sub genres like stoner doom, which encapsulates Electric Wizard.
I think you are the one who accidently let slip you didn't know what doom is, not me
>telling bands what genre they actually are as opposed to what they classify themselves.
Absolutely get fucked. Also you need to be at least 14 to post on this site.
>mfw old "friends" from highschool invite me to party
>take some acid
>not feeling anything let me take another tab
>having a good time haven't felt this happy in ages
>half the trip in start experiencing severe time dilation
>sends me into panic mode
>mental breakdown ensues
>spend the next 6 hours squatting at a corner going down the rabbit hole of my entire life
>dopamine receptors completely fried on the upswing
>decide it's time to kill myself on my way back home at the tube
>waiting catatonic at the platform
>security staff sniffs the situation and pulls me away as the train is coming
>end up in the hospital
>spend the next month writing compulsively in my journal trying to make sense of it all
>figure out the meaning of my life
>start tackling deep problems that were previously obscured to me
>slowly but surely start getting out of a 7 year-long depression
>become happy and well adjusted person over the course of the next few years
>started doing psychoanalysis so I don't ever fall into that hole again
I would do it all over again
What band did I say wasn't doom?
Well it's not easy to explain and I can't blame my degeneration solely on weed, but it did trigger something which made me change for the worse. Became a bit unstable and erratic..
I'm sorry that it happened to you too.
You could have sorted out all that mental shit in less than a year if you had not dabbled with psychadelics first, just saying.
>Oh you didn't know the scream/growl is a cringy subsection of doom? Check out electric wizard, user
You implied that "scream/growl" is a "cringy subsection" of doom, when in fact the complete opposite is the case.
Even a simple search of a basic source like wikipedia will explain to you that the first original doom metal bands are considered to be Black Sabbath, and bands like them.
Stoner and sludge etc are considered the sub genres, not the other way around.
Just accept that you got it very wrong when you called "scream/growl' doom metal a sub genre and move on with your little shitstain of a life.
You consider black Sabbath to be cringy growl doom?
Let it go, Dave
No. I don't consider "grow/screaml" to be "cringe" either.
I was stuck already for 7 years, the problems I had to tackle began manifestnig years even before that, I don't think I was getting out on my own anytime soon. How your mind works is like a ski slope, when the snow is fresh you're free to descend any way you want, but after a while paths become ingrained and deep and it's hard to steer away from them. That's what habits are... if it's hard changing physical habits, imagine mental ones, most of us aren't even aware of them. Psychedelics can function a lot like fresh snow, there's a lot of research being conducted right now for medical purposes. If you're struggling in your life I'd recommend giving it a shot, but go in prepared and do it in a controlled environment with people you trust.
This, the Final Cut is absolute shit, AMLOR is shit as well, but The Division Bell is a good album
So you admit Sabbath is the basis of doom but don't understand the growl shit is a subsection?
It's okay, just admit you tried to lecture a stranger about "stylistic divisions" of a music genre without really understanding the history of the genre at all.
So you admit you are implying Sabbath and Vitus and every single band credited with being the originators the genre of Doom metal don't both scream and growl in just about every single song?
I did LSD when I was 18 and I've had a messiah complex ever since
Sabath growls in every song? I would def contest that assertion. That also implies the growl doom you posted isn't a subsection of doom which doesn't do that the majority of the time. Even bands like electric wizard has growl like songs, but it would be disengenuious to then lump them with bands that primarily do that style, correct? You seem to be trying to conflate the two while also claiming subsections exist, so which is it? Also don't samefag, come on
>poisoning themselves will lead to spiritual awareness
>Fuck you junkie
Wow you seem upset. Definitely don't feel that way. LSD is for fun like any intoxicant. It's not for self improvement/discovery. No shit. I just take it and geek out for 8 hours on a day off like every 18-24 months. I have never suggested it to anyone and don't bring it up unless asked specifically about it. Don't @ me unless you're completely drug free.
God only knows how many other people have gone into lifelong illness with psychedelics being the trigger. Poor Syd.
>some white kid who listens to rap comes in screaming about kendrick lamar
I have only done lsd once and from what I experienced on it I will say that you are an idiot for not thinking that what can be felt in there could absolutely fuck someone up forever, acid changed my life for the better and just like that it could have left me worse off
drugniggers are absolute scum. I've seen so much destruction from drugs I will never ever touch any of that shit.
You are always better off without drugs
you must be fun at parties
>dude the lyrics to this song suck
>no I'm not going to try to understand broader context, I want everything to be as cynical and "mature" as I am.
>fuck whimsy
>fuck trying to explain transformative experiences in simpler terms
what kind of music do you like? be specific, I want to shit on what you like
Habits are difficult to break but you learn a lot of excellent problem solving skills by working through them face on instead of relying on antidepressants/psychedelics etc. to do the work for you.
I’m glad that you have found a path that makes you happy, but the drugs alone didn’t do anything it was 100% the isolation and introspection that followed. How using drugs to fix you brain works is like using hydrocortisone cream to fix your phimosis. It can help some people but most people don’t need it, and for the people who do use it they need to actually be stretching and cleaning their forskin or else it does nothing, worse that nothing it even increases risk of infections so even if they aren’t stretching their forskin they need to now avoid infections.
For me it's Ian Anderson
Is that tom bambadil?
LSD It fixed things; it fixed you, no matter how broken you were. It made sense to me. Acid was like a therapist that got access to everything that you couldn't bring into your sphere of actuality. It knew you, because all 'it' was was a reflection of you; a molecule playing with the thoughts you already had.
When I was on it, it felt like I could pick out the preponderant forces messing with my brain. I could step into valleys of distress, poke around, learn, and then climb up mountains of pride. The brain became mappable and understandable in my own terms.
And that, unfortunately, was the problem.
Acid is like reverb - it doesn't add any information, just makes you think that the echoes of your own thoughts are something else. I think it's part of the reason some people ascribe the psychedelic experience to a higher power.
That's profound, of course. It's definitely helpful in constructing ideas of self and building confidence. But it's also harmful. Because when all you're doing is reverberating, you're not learning, just ruminating: you're dwelling on things, for better or for worse. If you're like me, it keeps you in your head, going over the same themes, the same thoughts, in an endless navel-gazing experiment.
The last time I tripped was about 3 months ago, and these thoughts are just coalescing now. The trip felt empty and dull. I still have a degree of HPPD from it.
This isn't a total condemnation of LSD as a tool. It helped me a lot while it could. But after a certain point, unless you're just tripping to see fractals and Dumbo-vision, I think it can become more harmful than helpful.
So, if you're like me, or if you've had some of the same thoughts I have, please keep what I'm saying in mind. At a certain point the drugs stop working.
>Is that tom bambadil?
Can you keep a secret, lad?
B-but are you messiah?
I used to be like you, so I can attest, you don't know what you're talking about. Psychedelic experiences have been a part of culture and religion for millenia, for a reason. Like I said, fresh snow. It's one thing to know you have to change your habits or worldview, and even what you need to change, and even how you should go about it, but it's another thing entirely having what it takes to actually do it. It's not simply a matter of discipline. Sometimes you need a blank slate, or a revelation, or a trauma, and these are hard to come by in everyday life.
I had never done antidepressants and I never will because it has always been quite obvious to me that depression is merely a symptom of deeper things wrong in one's life. I was already isolated and involved in introspection for a decade before I had that one acid trip. A single one, never came back to it. And it changed my life. Perhaps if I was extroverted and didn't take to writing, the outcome would've been another, perhaps I would've remained stuck, only further traumatized. Anyway, the demonization of natural drugs is a tragedy, for all we know they could be medicin for the soul. Btw I don't condone recreational use, never have.
I would, no gay 2bh f4m
You do know they kept sending him royalties even on all the songs he had no part in? He died very very rich,
You called a band who sound far more like the origins of a genre a sub genre when they are a direct extension of the origins. Stoner doom is a sub genre, bands like Futility are Doom metal, not a magical genre that you just invented in your head to post here. Growl metal? You're actually a 12 year old girl right? You can tell us.
If you are really as thick as you seem to be, then take it from people who have heard more Doom metal than you ever will in your life.
Note the genres?
only dubs will tell
But in spite of that you get invited to heaps of parties right? You seem like a really fun sort of far right extremist. I bet you have to beat the girls back with your dad's swinging cock.
Recreational has as much meaning in this context as existential. Don't try to define what drugs are for who and when and why.
Oh no no no
Did you intend to imply Sabbath is death metal? Or death isnt the sub? I wasnt gonna call you on this but its redundant to say "stonner doom". Look I get you are an Aussie but it's 4 am here and I have kids so I need to go to bed.
I'll be honest, I'm not convinced at all that you didn't listen to a few local bands and accidentally misrepresent doom metal and then Google doom metal for the first time tonight, but all things considered it was fun talking about doom on this board of all places, so I hope you have a good day.
The thing is about psychedelics you're supposed to have a guide through the trip, shaman what have you. Without the proper guidance you can lose your mind and have a terrible trip like Syd did or people who do shit like say they're a tomato on a public bus and can't move or they'll burst. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of people that can handle the trip, just traditionally these psychedelics were done with guidance.
I have seen Sabbath, Saint Vitus, Electric Wizard, Futility and many more live, I don't need any lectures from you.
You tried to define a mythical sub genre of metal that fits your personal beliefs and preferences, and I did not.
I like "stonner doom" too, but when I mentioned a doom metal band that covered Floyd, you went off on a sad dad rant about what metal actually is and what I needed to listen to to meet your amazing high standards of what is passable.
I just said I didn't like the sub of doom that you posted. You sperged out at the knowledge that it was a sub. I'm sorry to shatter your sheltered view of doom. I'm not a metal fan btw
I really don't think so. Doing ayahuasca with a shaman by your side vs. doing mdma in a club, doing pure acid in a clinical study setting vs. chancing some tab in a party, nothing alike.
There's too much mystique surrounding Syd Barret.
>"hurr durrr he went to deep with the LSD maaaan"
His music was mental before the supposed breakdown. He was doing acid for years. As for his appearance change, well, he got old.
All reports were that he was just a druggie flake who drifted away from the band.
It's not a sub genre of Doom metal, it is the genre of Doom metal. What you posted is a band that falls into the category of sub genre. I think that has been made exhaustively clear to everyone but you by now.
Ok, whatever. I've finished my beer and am taking a shit then I really am going to bed. What's your favorite doom band btw? Just curious, not trying to dad lecture you
Says you. There are plenty of people who had massive spiritual awakenings taking drugs in nightclubs, or more importantly at warehouse raves or private parties etc.
Nor is Ayahuasca native to shamans and the amazon. Common acacia bark contains DMT, add to that a common MAOI inhibitor, and voila, you have Ayahuasca. You can do Ayahuasca in your backyard. I know people who went to Peru to have the experience, and it is not an experience that only a native or shaman can provide for you.
This, all the junkie fucks ITT should be locked up.
Not sure if I could pick you a favourite, I am very fond of Uaral, probably them. They are not typical doom, but still fall under the genre. You would likely hate them, most of it is not uplifting.
Such is the case with about half the musicians I grew up liking. Just because they turned into faggots doesn't mean you can't find a universal truth in the music the produced in the 70s and 80s.
Yeah coz they were all hard right in the 70s and 80s right dickhead?
You're an angry man.
Never heard of them, but yea unless they are the stoner type I wouldn't like it. Like I said I don't really like metal
Also I don't know what you're implying or you think I'm insinuating. Very confused.
Bitch, Syd's solo album Mad Cap Laughs is a masterpiece. Fucking newfag trash. Zoomers should be gassed.
t. Black Cube
>This is why you don't fuck with LSD.
if you're schizophrenic maybe. Any neurotypical person should try it once. It fundamentally reveals the subjectivity of perception. It's part of growing beyond adolescence.
This is what drug addicts seriously believe.
There is no "greater wisdom" to be obtained from messing with your brain. I have spoken to many drug addicts, every single one of them repeats the same tired matra of "you've got to try it yourself, brah", while describing basic introspective concepts as if they've had an epiphany.
I don't know if drug use makes you a retard, or if retards are naturally drawn towards drug use. But either way, it's not something a sane person should ever bother with.
Saw him in concert last year, he still moves around like a madlad but his voice just isn't there anymore, poor guy
>Anyway, the demonization of natural drugs is a tragedy, for all we know they could be medicin for the soul
Cyanide is perfectly natural, for all you know it could be the only way to successfully release a soul from its flesh prison.
This kind of bullshit thinking helps no-one. Good job frying your brain and managing to think of it as something positive, but how on Earth can you take an experience that could have easily ended with your death and recommend it to others? Oh, right, your brain was destroyed, you aren't actually capable of thought anymore.
Seeing zombies like yourself walking around is absolutely terrifying. Maybe it would've been better if you died that day.
It's as sad as it is impressive how long they were able to cash in on his problems.
The world has its place for squares and druggies. To be honest you opinion is fine but it should stop at throwing the book at people who want to escape for a bit. Even police officers experiment with drugs. Prohibition just creates a lot of hypocrites.
>but it should stop at throwing the book at people who want to escape for a bit.
I don't think those kinds of people should be allowed to live, jail is too good for you.
If you can't get through the day, week, month or year without drug use, then clearly you are not in control of your body, and you pose an active danger to people around you.
Sad to hear that, but at least he’s still going around touring I guess. Pretty remarkable for his age.
Does he play Tull stuff or solo tracks only?
Didnt pass lit class, newfag?
Dude did a shit load of acid. Probably had schizophrenia running in the senpai. Goes full schizo and gets cancer and dies. Don’t know if it’s enough for a series or movie
ill never understand people who cant listen to songs because of muh long runtimes
Yeah, okay Spielberg. Clearly that's worked out for you creatively speaking.
ah yes, gassing 40% of the population (including 60% of the under-30 population) can only be a good idea
He is a communist.
>reddit spacing
It was always used here, you fucking faggot
This. Pink Floyd isn't remembered because of Syd's presence, but because of his absence. Most of their best music is just them trying to figure out what the fuck to do without him.
>want to try psychedelics
>schizophrenia on both sides of family
>This is what drug addicts seriously believe.
I'm a doctor. And I haven't done LSD in a decade. And LSD isn't really something you get "addicted" to. The concept of it being a "trip" is pretty significant. It's not like opioids that just make you feel good. It's something that fundamentally alters the "doors of perception" of your brain chemistry for a day.
And you don't need to even do a large dose. Just try microdosing like 14 mcgs or so and you still get the neurological benefits without losing your shit for 12 hours.
>There is no "greater wisdom" to be obtained from messing with your brain.
there 100% is. Particularly for people interested in their education and person journey or whatever. Your mind isn't really capable of achieving that level of perception on it's own, outside of when you have a severe fever or you're dying or something.
>I have spoken to many drug addicts
I work with them. Your anecdotes about people that you lie about on the internet aren't really an argument.
>every single one of them repeats the same tired matra of "you've got to try it yourself, brah"
LSD isn't cocaine or heroin. It's like saying "you gotta see the grand canyon before you die."
>while describing basic introspective concepts as if they've had an epiphany.
They're trying to describe a color to a colorblind person.
>I don't know if drug use makes you a retard,
you're not special because you're teetotal retard. You're just an ascared kid.
>or if retards are naturally drawn towards drug use
how much time do you spend consuming feels on your black mirror every day?
> But either way, it's not something a sane person should ever bother with.
you're just a coward and you're afraid of the broader reality outside of yourself. Post pics of tits
It was a sad story, but nothing that you just said is true. Not even close.
And Pink Floyd were a much better band after Dave came in.
probably took LSD, has a legit breakdown and had to live with his family and then realized how based the neet life is living off royalties and fucked off into peaceful obscurity
Literally opens your mind to new experiences. Something about it affecting how the brain communicates with itself. You get sensory overload as well, swapping sound and vision for example. Very nice in moderate doses, but wouldn't recommend high doses where you can barely stand because everything is one big explosion of colour.
Don't take too much as it messes with your vision. Yiu become hyper sensitive to colour and sounds for weeks and months after. Taking too much for many years will make it permanent.
tl;dr do it once or twice a year and don't blast it
This. Pink Floyd under Syd had a completely different style that would have never caught on as much as it did.
To say he's a much better vocalist is an understatement too.
>better vocalist
user, no
Took to many madcaps
> Yeah drug induced psychosis is fake, just need a dude next to you to talk shit the whole time, that’s how you survive it brah
Junkies get the rope
for me, its echoes live at pompeii
Better than nothing
The best solution is obviously to never do drugs in the first place
Patrician taste, user. Echoes is sublime. Unironically, losing Syd to LSD was the best thing to happen to Floyd, as evidenced in the subtle guitar and vocals of Gilmour in this song.
What did he do for 30 years?
Godlike taste here.
>That minute+ long shot at the end where it just slowly zooms out to reveal a completely empty stadium as the instruments fade out one by one
Distilled kino, I tell you what.
Whoops, that's only part 1. Here: youtube.com
Yeah, I'm late
But fuck the rest of Pink Floyd. Syd taped out of public life and wanted his privacy, but you still have Roger Waters in 2019 calling him a schizo
LSD and psychedelics can trigger dormant schizophrenia. This is common knowledge.
People here also seem to forget that Syd didn't just do a few acid trips, but was doing the shit constantly. Also reports on people putting the shit in his morning coffee unbeknownst to him.
He lived most of his later life in Cambridge, about 60 miles north of London, and he lived with his mother, until she died, and stayed in the house after. His sister lived near.
>be extremely anxious person
>friend convinces me to try LSD
>bite the bullet and give it a go
>brace for the worst as i have the tab dissolving in my mouth
>end up just having a really good time and not thinking about anything profound or have any suicidal thoughts despite having horrible depression in the past among other things
Really strange not having some crazy experience like most people say, but then again, I did only take 100ug. Was my dose too small for me to have said experience?
The idea of becoming schizophrenic out of nowhere scares the fuck out of me.
They knew where he was - at least Gilmour did. He and Wright worked with Syd on his solo albums, and Gilmour made sure he got his royalties. He didn't just disappear, he did two solo albums and started a band called Stars, before giving up and retiring for good.
A lot of what people think they know isn't accurate. He wasn't a raving lunatic, more fragile. He lived a quiet life, painting and gardening. He was pleasant to people who ran into him, and was polite to the fans who knocked on his door once in a while.
Read some of the books on the band, the story is interesting, but not anything like what people always talk about.
I can relate. Smoked MJ occasionally but once had a bad, bad trip on MJ, but it didn't make me psychotic, just sort of paranoid about my health. I was already pretty OCD and weird before that. It changed me for the better though, as I've never done drugs since.
I've done a lot of acid, personally i think anyone can become mental if you dose high enough. Most people say that people that go mental already had dormant schizo, which could be true. I think the symptoms of a mental breakdown due to high dose of acid are just really similar to schizophrenia.
It's the 50th anniversary tour, it's all old stuff. His voice is gone, don't go, unless you just want bragging rights to having seen him.
i have no idea how high my doses were. gave my money to my friend, he went to his guy and got it, brought it back to me, said "just do one, this guys is the strongest i've had", and i tripped for over 12 hours. i couldn't sleep
Just a man with a bad period of drug use. I read somewhere that he once lived with two roommates who would put LSD in his morning coffee unbeknownst to him, a situation where he was later rescued from by friends, is there any merit in that story?
Painted, some gardening, puttered around the house. Probably read a lot of books, watched TV. He was a recluse, basically.
Which is not what you would expect a founder of Pink Floyd to be like. Hence why people say he lost it.
I don't recall reading about that. There's a lot of urban legend surrounding him at this point. Could be true, could be bullshit. I kind of lean towards the drugs amplifying what was already there, lurking.
I know, but a lot of people talk like he was in a straight jacket gakked on thorazine for 30 years. Nobody really knows the details of his day to day life after he went back to Cambridge, except his mom and sister, and they didn't share.
he wasn't that crazy. for the most part syd just gave up on music and dropped out and the crazy acid stuff is just incidents blown out of proportion and used to explain the disappointment.
No, but given his appearance it was clear there was something wrong with him after his acid trip. Look at him, fuck.
Found a bit about in on his wiki page, came from the book: Syd Barrett & Pink Floyd: Dark Globe.
>Other friends assert that Barrett's infamous flatmates, "Mad Jock" and "Mad Sue," believed that acid held all the answers and thought of Barrett as a genius or "god," and were spiking his morning coffee with LSD every day without his knowledge, leaving him in a never-ending trip.
>sole reason for their sucess
lol no
I'm not arguing that there wasn't anything wrong with him. By all accounts, he was just gone during their last tour with him, which is why they brought Gilmour in. But once he dropped out of the band he got more stable-ish over the years, and managed to get two solo albums out.
I would fucking kill anyone who did that to me or even attempted it.
That's my impression too, after a unstable period he recovered and just lived the rest of his life fulfilling hobbies and living of the royalties.
>there was a probalem
this is exactly what happened. he had some episodes and rough spots but he wasn't a loony. just a disappointment to fans of his music.
> wedding day
> completing mixing for album
> heading off on tour next day
I mean the given time line makes fuck all sense