ITT: shows that literally only you watched

ITT: shows that literally only you watched

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I would watch this if not for inexplicable loathing for Justin Theroux

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we had threads all the time

How can you hate such a based man?

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I read the book.....

I remember there was some nudity and I have vivid memories of a younger horny me always wanting to see it but never quite being able to. Like I remember someone ate chocolate of some bitch's tits and I was like wow horny

Penis envy

I feel like only me, and maybe two other anons on this board watched this.

Its pretty fucking kino though. The small threads that hit like 40 replies were great.

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Yea Forums loves The Leftovers. Kino show that plebs hate because it frustrates them for not spoonfeeding

I've seen it. It's good. Kinda up its own ass sometimes but I'd call it kino anyways.

I watched it

I hate the best actors working too

Lindelof should be banned from writing anything beyond a grocery list.
Ambiguity is not storytelling. Fuck even his grocery list would be incomplete.

Missed the fucking point by like a god damned mile

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>Lindelof should be banned from writing anything beyond a grocery ah ah AHHHHHHHHGGHHHHHHHHH HEEEEELELELEPPPP MEEEEE-

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Did I miss the point with leftovers?

How about Lost? Oh right he told us to read some random redditors fan theory on all the unanswered questions because he just couldn't be asked to actually finish a story line.

How about Prometheus? That sure is fun to discuss until you realize that no one can ever be right because again Linelof literally doesn't write answers. Just just throws out ideas with no end goal or purpose.

And you can be damn sure watchmen is going to be the same fucking thing. Oh look there is a Rorschach gang roaming the streets. Why? Where did they come from? It doesn't fucking matter because Lindelof doesn't explain shit. He is like a shitty dungeon master. That den of goblins right next to town might be fun to fight but the moment someone looks a little bit deeper and is like "hey why are these monsters here anyway?" he starts sweating and stammering until the party decides to argue about it themselves. Fuck I fucking hate him.

Only watched S1, cried rivers when the black guy in jail died, are the following seasons as good?

He has a theme, but it worked for the Leftovers. The entire point was that you don't get to fucking know and how hard that is to live with.
He may only write one type of thing, but for the Leftovers, it worked

This season had the stupidest ending. Possibly worse than Lost's

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I'll give you that.

Yeah, I love the series, but I think season 3 kinda slows down even more, its very slow burn. All around a great series. Good ending as well.

House rip off

you're not missing anything. the show is devoid of any actual content and is nothing but forced melodrama.

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>the guy who made that
>made this

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its not even a burn, really. Its just the story of a man going from a very tightly organized life slowly unclenching and spreading out. Dealing with what was taken from him, and getting no actual justice.

but a lot of people here watched it while it was airing. Hell, it was before everyone started calling literally fucking everything "kino." Most of them had the good sense to leave since then.

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I miss Hannibal!

pushing daisies was pretty good though. It just got murdered by the writer's strike, as it was entirely dependent upon quality writing, and that stopped existing after the writer's strike.

Me too.
But the good news is that as Mads ages, they can do a Silence of the Lambs version soon

Read dit loves the leftovers. Further proof that Yea Forums needs to be nuked

Reddit hated it because it didn't give answers at the end

Anything to Win on GSN

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mads could never play a completely unhinged lecter.

Was Hannibal supposed to be unhinged in the Silence of the Lambs? He seemed in complete control

He was chewing the scenery and reveling in the reality of who he is. Whereas in hannibal he had a mask of normalcy to maintain.

Mads wasn't trying to play one. Neither was Hopkins when he played pre-caught Hannibal.

Hannibal only became unhinged after he got caught and no longer had to hide who he was. Mads' Hannibal was before he was caught, so why would he be all monotone and predatory when hes trying to just seem like a good doctor.

Mads Hannibal was his true self with Will. I could see that version with Clarice. No "sss-ssss-sss" or whatever the fuck Hopkins does, but the same kind of owning of what and who he is.

i am saying that mads milkensen lacks the tools an actor to play a lecter that isn't trying to maintain a mask of normalcy, you non-english native english speaking cretin.

he was not and you're an idiot for thinking otherwise.
>dude but he directly states it in dialogue!
and it came off as laughable, as there was no functional difference between mads' performance with/without will.

You wanted him to cackle and dance whenever he was the "real" Hannibal?
The best lie is the one with the most truth

and the entire idea behind the character is the lie grounded him, kept him from fully becoming exactly what he is. Fake it till ya make it and all that shit. So without any need for the lie, he becomes something else, something mads wouldn't be able to play.

Brothers on FOX starring Michael Strahan. I watched the whole series
The audience score for it is 0%

>the entire idea behind the character is the lie grounded him, kept him from fully becoming exactly what he is.
What? Hannibal never tried to not be himself. He never wanted to be "grounded". He thought he was superior to everyone else and always acted that way

What was the white cult's problem? That dummies ending in season 1 was kino

People tried to move on and ignore the fact that the world fucking ended

the "lie" as in reference to the facade of normalcy he needed to maintain in order to remain free.

I remember thinking the daughter was cute.

>holy fucksticks it was so kinoesthetic when a bunch of geriatric chainsmokers were suddenly fucking ninjas when the plot needed them to be!

ah, leftovers fans. true morons.

Apparently, I was the only one watching Counterpart. The first season was kino. Although they added a black, Muslim, possibly lesbian super detective in the 2nd season, it was still largely enjoyable to watch.

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everything in the first season was a reference to the stages of grief. denial, anger, depression, bargaining, acceptance. The cult was anger, and they were angry about the denial they saw everywhere else.

He just concealed his view of how superior people should literally eat the inferior.
The rest was out in public. Mads Hannibal was the type of guy who would ask if you liked opera and if you said no, he'd nod and say "If that is your opinion". But we all know he thought you were shittier for it

canceled tho

the problem with the show is it didn't start really exploring it's own concept until near the end of the second season, just as it was preparing to basically ditch it's own concept. also it would've been more surprising had james cromwell not been infected. As that was pretty fucking obvious.

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... so that's the third time you've managed to dodge understanding the idea I'm attempting to impress upon you.

Abigail Spencer looked good in it

That means you've failed to express it properly.

I watched the first two seasons but I has to dtop it a couple episodes into the 3rd season. it got too gay. Looking back I'm disappointed I watched the 2nd season at all.

>the leftovers

also if you think a mini-rapture occurring would cause christianity to die out you are fucking delusional

Or, more likely, you're an idiot. As I've expressed the idea every way possible, its just, clearly, beyond your capacity to understand.

the idea that nothing biblical followed the not-rapture and most of the christians were "leftover" is what killed christianity.

Why do only retards hate the leftovers?

yeah right, christians would take that as a sign that they aren't "doing the lord's work" well enough as the reason why god didn't go full rapture and they would go full handmaid's tale mode

Tell those christ cucks to pull up then. I'll put them down like a stray dog from the back of my imaginary friends sick truck

It's melodramatic pointless shit

So you're saying an inarguable "act of god" occurring that is not in line with anything in the bible would have zero effect upon christianity.

this is moot anyway, as the entire point of the show is how people deal with loss. As you can't tell a now childless mother that her daughter slowly dying in senseless agony is part of the grand plan of a loving god.

>as the entire point of the show is how people deal with loss
excuse me, I meant to say that's the entire point of the first season and book. The second and third season are just LOST 2.0

yeah that fictional child is suffering because people aren't being proper christians and it's the lord warning them to change their ways. Thus people would infinitely multiply their zealotry until the US was a massive authoritarian hellhole. That is how it would go, not "oh I'm still here and I was a gud one, I guess jesus wasn't real after all."

if what you're was true, and not just half-baked third world teenaged idiocy, we'd be living in a one-world christian theocracy.

Kevin Garvey is my nigga

Yeah he’s just insufferable

uh we haven't had a mini-rapture so yeah... kinda the reason why it isn't the case in reality.

He didn't go to the gym once during the whole show.

He was jogging during the Event

Jogging doesn't give you triceps.

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The point you're oh-so-deftly dodging is fanaticism has an in-built breaking point, and can only tolerate a small number of inconsistent results. The idea behind the not-rapture is it was a global version of the good and pious offspring of devout christians dying in senseless agony. There was no way to put it into a religious context, thus, no way to use it as a catalyst for religious extremism.

Man early-mid 2000s nostalgia's kicking in dammit

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I started watching "The OA" because it was mentioned in the same sentence with "The Leftovers" on some website, and man, The OA blows in comparison. Shame on that dude.

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Why were cops and firemen together like that anyway?

Fucking amazing show

you realize in real life there are televangelists who genuinely believe we have already had a mini-rapture and the full rapture hasn't happened for the exact reasons I stated? Do you live in a bubble? How can you know so little about extremism?
To you, a miniature version of a biblical event occurring is an "inconsistent result." An event from the bible actually happening albeit in a limited capacity is what would cause christians to stop believing. That is some fancy mental gymnastics and plain ignorance.

>there are televangelists who genuinely believe
... you've seemed pretty dumb for a while, now you've cemented the fact you're a total moron

don't you just hate when your philosophical dick twirling doesn't hold up when challenged by actual reason? Now run along and play bioshock infinite or watch another season of LOST so you can calm down.


>dude profit-motivated TV stars totally believe what they're spewing and belief is the only reason they keep spewing it!

friend, you shit all over yourself, you've been shitting all over yourself this entire exchange, and now its over.

yeah being a pedantic retard over one small detail so you don't have to address the main point means you refuted everything I said. congratulations! you did it!

>one small detail

Your every post has dripped with teenaged naivete that you've confused for logic/reason. You have literally zero understanding of any of the concepts I've been spiking back into your court, and now that the ball is in another hemisphere, you've confused that for a win.

And EMTs don't you forget sonny

you can't refute the central premise that christians would go batshit in the event of a mini-rapture so you result to throwing insults and beating your chest like a retard. I get it, you think the show is SOOO deep, and your smooth brain can't handle that it is heavily flawed in its conception.

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I dunno why I never see anyone talk about it. Comfy Netflix kino set in a French small town.

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Friend, what I've been trying to express is that your assertion is gibberish. Faith breaks on a daily basis and the show is built around a globalized version of such faith breaking occurrences. The only people who seem unfazed by things not happening in accordance with their faith are those who aren't actually faithful (read: television evangelists) and are only using faith to get easy money.

Hell, the show directly addresses that only 2% of televangelists got poof'd. Thus annihilating the credibility of the remaining televangelists. Same goes for the rest of the religious leaders. For if it was the rapture, and the people who believed themselves/others to be paragons of christianity we're left behind, no amount of mental gymnastics could reconcile the reality with what is now, clearly, a bunch of bullshit. Especially since nothing else happened in three years. No anti-christ, no book of revelations, no seals, etc. Just a completely random poofening and then nothing.

>thinking Handmaids Tale world is a bad thing

>Thus annihilating the credibility of the remaining televangelists
>no amount of mental gymnastics could reconcile the reality with what is now
>Especially since nothing else happened in three years
extremely wrong

it's abundantly clear you are invested in this fictional show more than the reality that is how deeply entrenched belief systems are and think a writer stating "and then the dum dums stopped believing in everything because they felt bad" is a good enough basis to dismiss faith from the minds of the characters entirely. That is your delusion and incredibly low standard, nothing more.

she a cute. alot of weird moments tho, kino

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Coon is my mommyfu

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its abundantly clear you didn't watch/understand it. which is pretty sad, considering it's moronic tripe for emotional children.

But please, feel free to explain to me how "all the good Christians will be saved from the endtimes" via the rapture, not actually taking all the good christians, and leaving even the most devoutly faithful behind, would empower christianity.

The show is very simple to understand for what it is, it just has an incredibly flawed premise. The fact that you would confuse the two things speaks volumes.

again, please explain the flaw in that premise.

It'll be amusing watching you try to argue the psychology of loss out of existence to support your naive arguments.

>this angsty teenage atheist shitting up the thread

>not actually taking all the good christians, and leaving even the most devoutly faithful behind
You are probably self-inserting as someone thinking about the situation and not seeing it from the standpoint of a devout christian which is why you can't understand their psychology in the slightest. Having something that can be interpreted as a biblical sign as colossal as a mini-rapture would undeniably reinforce their faith and thereby bolster christianity's influence. Them being left behind isn't "punishment" or "betrayal" it means they have more work to do before they too are taken.

the show is actually incredibly anti-religious so great reactionary take there my guy

>complaing about not understanding things

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negro, you're forgetting the part where said devout christian believed with every fiber of his being that he'd get raptured. This devout christian now on a post "rapture" earth, where the devout and non-devout alike were "raptured" at complete random.

Reddit didn't seem to enjoy it as much as Yea Forums did. Largely because they can't understand something that leaves anything open for interpretation, they need to be told what to think.

>Them being left behind isn't "punishment" or "betrayal" it means they have more work to do before they too are taken.
yeah the writers really got you good or you literally know nothing about faith

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the leftovers isn't open to interpretation. It tried to be, but all the answers are just dumb.

also complaints are geared to how they kept mining the departening for further magical plot devices because they lacked the writing ability to develop any of the characters organically.


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so you're really arguing that a person who followed their faith to the letter, being "punished" for doing so, while literal godless heathens got the reward he devoted his life to, would not trigger a crisis of faith.

and you're centering this entire argument around a literal unicorn that is your image of the perfect christian. As if that constitutes even a fractional portion of the religious.

you mean you never identified them as an extremeist group from the start? that's your own retardation

I believe was more making fun of the idea of fat old chainsmokers becoming masters of silent infiltration because the plot needed it.

And boring and predictable. I didn't get past 6 episodes but seemed predictable. Not even trolling.

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>a person who followed their faith to the letter
solid proof you have no idea about christianity or faith literally no christian ever thinks this is possible or something to be expected of them to be raptured
>being "punished" for doing so
what punishment? The lord's work needs to be carried out by someone before the true end times. See it's so painfully clear that you have no idea how religious people think.

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>being denied rapture into the kingdom of heaven
>not a punishment
oh kay then




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who says they were denied, the mini-rapture is only the signal for the beginning of the end times. Like I said you are completely unable to put yourself in their shoes because you do not understand their beliefs

>who says they were denied
the fact they weren't raptured.

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that can only be construed as a denial from the perspective of a non-believing tv watcher obsessed with a mediocre show.

I know for a fact that no one watched this fucking show other than me

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I watched it.

>only 2% of the population gets poofed
why does the show make it seem like everyone lost at least 1 person in their immediate family

Im with you user, CSI las vegas is great. Such as pile of shit, but fun to watch. Like Sarah's daddy issues and her feelings towards Grissom. Or how they wrote the only character with charisma off the show.

because it's poorly written and detached from reality

I see you have no actual arguments or counterpoints.

also the show establishes the devout still exist, and are still running around, all of them with different ideas of why they were not raptured, all of them with no faith in their higher religious leaders who were also not raptured, etc. With the main idea being the event shattered organized religion into so many sects there was no clear message for the general (read: not devout) population to latch onto, and no good reason for them to latch onto organized religion anyway. As, again, for the sixth of seventh time, the idea behind the departure is an event that cannot be reconciled into any belief structure (read: the loss of a loved one) occurred on a global scale. Disillusioning everyone the way loss does, simultaneously.

You cannot misconstrue faith and then write it off in whatever direction you like. It's incredibly lazy and pathetic writing. You have no other point to argue against. I have addressed everything you have said and your only retort has been "b-but the writers said!" which means jack shit when I am explaining why their writing fundamentally does not work.

Because that's how probability works. If there's a 1 in 50 chance one of your loved ones will poof, then the probability of that happening approaches 99% if you only love around 10 people. Birthday "paradox" nigga.

You're conducting yourself as if truly devout faith is common. It isn't.

your lack of understanding of biblical end times and faith are your problem, not mine.

anyone with even the most cursory understanding of the biblical end times would recognize the departure wasn't. As the entire idea is the series starts three years after the "rapture," and nothing even remotely biblical happened.

It worked for the show overall, but I think the characters suffered for it.

exactly, the show writing in three years passing without any reaction or change from christians proves my point, Thanks for playing.

the big issue with the leftovers is the book was one thing and lindelof's bullshit was another, and the chasm between them was never addressed or reconciled. As the book was how the stages of grief are bullshit, because no one ever gets to acceptance, and no one is ever the same after losing a loved one, then lindelof's bullshit was just "I MUST DO LOST, BUT RIGHT THIS TIME!"

Gave up after second episode. Seemed like it was written by a tublerina. Edgelord detached characters, none of which are either likable or interesting. Blah. West World and Ozarks seemed the same way. I didn't give a shit about anyone.

uh, friend, the idea is they did react and they were all fire and fury and christian soldiers marching for the judgement day for the first six months afterward. Then when nothing else biblical happened after six months, the fire and fury steadily diminished. As well as credibility of the remaining church leaders, as more and more was learned about exactly what happened, and how it followed no pattern.