netflix strikes again
Other urls found in this thread:
Well yeah.
>literally unable to stop himself from watching Netflix garbage
What's that shitty movie about again?
>another choker on underage
why does it keep happening
It's a very fair assumption
based asian cunny dabbing on the fatass
what movie
Thats an old meme
Thank God I'm only interested in 3D fictional lolis
>watching netflix garbage
>making a vast assumption about something that isnt even implied
>making the worst post on tv right now
>making the worst post on tv right now
but it still checks out?
kill me
t. upset pedo
i am 99% sure ive seen this girl in a hairbrush kino.
also this
She's fucking cute, gotta watch it now.
You can thank Woody for that
Netflix seeing how fast they can destroy any and all goodwill they accumulate.
who was this shit even made for?
It's extremely fair to make such a comparison
The white dude needs to be older but eh
Edgy kids/teens who wants kid/teen shit with deaths and gore because they think it makes then more mature, same demographic as most anime.
>hairbrush kino
A man of fine tastes and culture.
That's true though, don't blame them for being honest
also I would destroy that chink cunny
based Netflix
Nah, at least when anime/manga is edgy they can kind of go wild with it and just have kids getting blown to bits in between scenes of hardcore loli/shota rape.
This is just cringe.
Corey in the house is lookin good
It's true. Good thing is being a pedo is redpilled.
What did he mean by this?
>race-mixing is bad
based Netflix
>directed by mcg
It all makes sense now.
I went and watched the trailer
Why does a Chinese girl have a fluent American accent, American fashion sense and attitude?
holy crap these faggots drove that joke five miles into the ground
>makes a bait thread about a shitty movie instead of focusing on the Asian qt
Im disappointed
id rim her LOL
Only when the man is white. Serms almost mandatory for netflix to have wfbm relationships in everything
so is this girl actually underage or is she just short? i honestly can't tell with some of these asians
>non white c*nny
uh. no thanks
Sometimes you crave chinese food.
My love transcends all barriers
Theme of the thread
rate my insectfu, bros
Would bug
>being this buttblasted
chink fetishists are pathetic
say what you will, but this is a literally perfect tumtum
hi FBI
Too skinny. Need some meat on the bones
go to bed, murrica
Yeah, I will give her some meat alright
god dammit I want a loli to bully me for being so disgusting
there is literally nothing wrong with loving little girls. prove me wrong
God dammit, user
Don't do that to me
I love my nieces, but the way you guys love little girls you don't know is very weird.
Based, guess wikieat is gone for good?
Hey, is the cunnybot gone? I have been away for a while and I haven't seen the threads since I came back
alright, post a pic of you are niece, if she's cute I'll take her out on a date so we can get to know each other, that way it won't be that weird
oh, yeah, the admin quit and deleted everything, couldn't get anything back, not even the banners, sorry :/
>I love my nieces
you sick bastard
post pics
Of course it isn't the same, you sicko. I am not incestuous
no, no, but I made it multi-board now, tho still gave Yea Forums the biggest priority
moderation is been ridiculous on Yea Forums lately, tho
At least Rooney was salvaged
oh, found that one on 4plebs, yeah
maybe LB has some saved, but he still MIA too
A banner creation thread is always an option
In English social clubs saying you’re dining with your ‘niece’ is a veiled way of saying you’re taking a high class hooker out to eat
Mummy Russia. protector of Cunnies
yup, the META thread is for that too, feedback, all that
I was not expecting for the face to be that cute...
jesus have mercy on your souls
Jesus loves us the way we are :), do you not love me the way I am? :(
jesus never said anything was wrong about loving little girls. I'm still going to cunny heaven
those who love cuncun in a pure wholesome way would be the first ones to enter paradise, bother
is that Amanda Cerny?
she is so gorgoeus why cant she get good roles bros?
Why would that fat ape-faced manlet think she was ever going to come onto him?
who /nofap for cunny/ here
to prove my love is beyond lust it is the ultimate sacrifice
literally me
cunnys 4 huggs
thots 4 fuggs
is the one true path to elightement
what other boards should I be watching?
also, more of this funbun
shit, been so busy with /cel/ that I haven't been checking or posting the threads, 1 sec and I'll post some funny archived threads
alright, here's a taste
Looks like mom past her prime trying to relive the good old days. Poor girl.
why not Yea Forums or /jp/?
dang, so if you were in the back to the future scenario, would you?
no reason, want me to add them?
Can't wait until she's 18
Hollywood is going to destroy her
reminder that cuncuns need their daily brushies
She knows exactly what she is doing
not brushing your cunnyfu's hair for at least one hr a day should be punishable by death, desu
what a lovely name for a little gem
careful, tho, she's also a little jewish
I wanna eat her
what a little treat
i-is that kosher?
also, is hannibal worth watching?
wtf i hate hitler now
pretty sure the fuhrer would've agreed that cute blue-eyed jewish cuncuns are honorary whites
not sure if that mesh is age appropriate
this is peak autism
Because she's completely talentless, I mean just look at her in that webm for Christ's sake.
yes, of course, tummy windows are totally wholesome, user :3
*blocks you are stairs
what is?
isn't this the same case w/ Rebecca Black where the producers screw them over? poor kid.
sorry to 4friends for linking
I thought this thread would have been a classic since it wasn't getting axed
looks like everyone's on break or banned
am i just blinded by my dick? she does seem awful in that webm, this movie is filled with vine/instagram stars wtf is this?
what, no, this thread is super comfy, thanks for linking friendo :3
honeypot. saged
But anime is about cute girls doing cute things.
they also won't wait until she's 18
>It's a fat bald guy explains that Asian women are "the only correct choice for partners" episode
My favorite, always gets a laugh.
Imagine being such a beta you're scared of white women
yes, instagram is a honeypot full of ceepee too, I would stay away from those sites
She is a big girl
for him
All pedo stuff aside, do people really consider this cute?
She is very cute imo
first one to rub her tummy get to stay on my aircraft
she's cute
based. this x1000
they nailed the look of the dude tho
That joke went on 15 seconds too long.
This scene is fucking based and that girl is cute and funny. What show?
I love how redpilled my cunnybros are
that being said, I still love my insectfu
now imagine if he was a lean 8/10 and the movie wasn't watched by braindamaged americans. literally nobody would give a fuck
not the 2 mutts with brown eyes though
zhezhe's not a mutt, you cretin ;__;
why is he so Chad bros
I'm so fucking tired of California writers they know nothing of comedy.
>Oh let's just blabber for a minute after the punchline about how it totally wasn't the thing we thought it was!
fucking faggots I'm so mad that Trump is on good terms with chairman Kim there used to be a somewhat real possibility you'd be fucking nuked.
not bad
So adorable
why is she bleeding
apologies accepted
It's another Stranger Things type thing that pays homage/steals from popular 80s movies. Aliens attack and four ethnically diverse Wet Hot American Summer kids have to find their dead or abducted parents.
most of my fus are white aryan goddesses, but zhezhefu A CUTE
didn't do her justice. my bad guys
asians are NOT CUTE and they are NOT FUNNY
>why is she bleeding
rough anal sex
zhezhe's better appreciated in motion, tho
lift your arms up again
when did Yea Forums became facebook tier?
still a few nice lads, but the overall response is such a a banal, conventional, pc bullshit
She's not wearing anything under this is she?
lmao, that screenshot
>Yea Forums in one pic
I sense a huge increase in cunnyposting in the last few days
the washing machine, she spilled some wine, so I gave her my sweater
like this?
The future is looking bright
She is growing up :(
why is her face to fat?
it's fucking awful, even /pol/ is literally nazi-reddit for the most part
there is one autist constantly monitoring multiple board and posting "kys" replies, tho, probably sagebro, who's unironically mentally ill
still doesn't justify the faggotry, tho
that's a strong jaw, if i've ever seen one
we will never know...
we're always here, desu, as soon as moderation gets a tad less retarded, this happens
it's buccal fat. She's going to age like milk.
It doesn't show on phone, dumb fuck
all of them are ;___;
I have a full harem of daughterfus ready to go, tho
so she can stored nuts for winter, user
haven't you seen those natgeo documentaries?
what ever happened to posterbro?
I miss him ;__;
>She's going to age like milk
so true. all of them will. that's why you must enjoy them while they're cute
so whats the story with this?
Jesus' mother was 13 and got pregnant to a much older man.
All rich people have that section on their houses senpai
the cunny room
literally this
we took waifuism, and made it perfect
looks like your mtypical cunnybro sauna, desu
>to a much older man.
you mean God?
I like that it got posted twice and that was all it took to get hashblocked.
where do you find all these new cunny bunnies?
it's what we do, brother :^)
>cuddle with 5 year old
>6 year old
I'll never understand boomers.
tap the file size underneath
wew, I'm an 11.5 kinda guy, so I guess I'm safe
well yea they are
fake news
me and niece/gf have a predominantly platonic relationship
I need to post this one in Yea Forums more often...
What's wrong with these people, cute and funny girls that aren't related to me creep me out. I could never have some weird asian sit on my lap.
Cunnies make me feel funny in my pp
what's wrong with these people, imagine not wanting this warm perfect little tushy parked on your lap for at least 6hrs a day
why cant roasties contain their anger when we prefer asian women?
>thought it's another Arya and Hound thread
oopsie :3
nothing makes a roastie seeth harder than seeing a handsome cunnybro with her lgf, tho
Would have been better if she didn't wear undies though.
im using Huawei
this thread gave me a cutegasm
Believe it or not, not meant in a lewd way. It's about aesthetic appreciation of the body and being free spirited and open. This should never be about anything lewd.
>tfw you master the tantric cutegasm
dunno, I'm not convinced...
Trust me. I am a classic "no lewd" poster on these threads. I don't think nudity equals lewdness.
alright you may have a case
Box is such a weird euphemism for vagina. Back in middle-school there was this sub 90 IQ thot who a buddy and I would bully because she'd always interrupt the class to share her opinion. One day we were being meaner than usual and letting her know what we thought she did for fun. I came up with the idea that when she was being particularly annoying, her parents would put a cardboard box on her head and she'd sit in silent amusement for hours. For the next few days we'd chant "fun box" whenever she was in ear shot. Eventually she broke down in tears and told the teacher, which led to us having a stern talking to about sexual harassment with our parents involved. I didn't know what the fuck was going on.
I got /fit/ in highschool and fucked her. In retrospect I was only teasing her because she had bigger than average titties in middle school.
I guess I'm a naive believer in nudity just being innocent and not lewd at all. I'd never in a million years want this to be about thothood and other degeneracy.
>t. genuine appreciator of aesthetics
me on the right
>would hire as babysitter
Is it wrong if I find the guy in the bottom right pic cuter?
I know. She seems very self aware and if you've seen the wedding dress webm you know she isn't a fan of undies. But again, I think it's about being free and free spirited. Nothing bad-lewd
Don't think she is ready for that yet but in time, yes. Right now just let her express herself freely.
>only one ban
kinda disappointed, desu
maybe back then yeah, but current zhezhe is just too dangerous
oh of course, I'm implying in 3 or 4 years
I mean the other wedding dress webm where she clearly has nothing on under it.
>white man fucking asian woman
when will kikes stop this?
Rip mr keks. gone but not forgotten. for 3 minutes
Is Zhezhe the vaccine to roasties?
looks like a shaved monkey
this one?
Yes, clearly nothing under it up top at least.
She's only wearing pantys, dumbass.
She can't wear a bra
all women above the age of 7 should wear a bra
Why would she need to wear panties? I mean, she's a model. They rarely do and it's not to be lewd.
wedding dress was blocked, so had to reencode it, lmaoooo
all cuncuns are
not even memeing, once we can artificially make babies in a lab, and make cuncuns stay cunny for life, what purpose would there be for roasties and old hags?
wait, which one?
oh, well, she's not wearing a bra cause she obviously don't need to, but I'm sure she's wearing cute cotton pantsus, desu
all women who need to wear bras should be executed, desu
SO I CAN jerk off
>Error: Upload failed.
phoneposters btfo yet again
>oh, well, she's not wearing a bra cause she obviously don't need to, but I'm sure she's wearing cute cotton pantsus, desu
Why though? I mean honestly, she seems more free spirited than to wear them. Again, not to be lewd, just to be free about herself. nudity=/=lewd
they always block the best zhezhe webms. they want to keep them for themselves
not gonna lie, i generally dont find asians attractive but she has a young lucy lu look to her
Someone sat down at a computer and wrote this dialogue unironically. If I were a movie producer I'd do my best to make sure that people who wrote garbage like this never worked in the industry again.
>dem gams
>dat tushy
she's too much, bros, I'm gonna faint
fuck off phoneposter
>kinda funny joke
>ruin it by explaining for 30 seconds
Why does EVERY FUCKING COMEDY these days do this?
>posts on a phone
>calls other people dumb
I don't think it's common for them to go around pantyless, desu
russia's too cold for that
some cunnies have a few special features. Zhezhe excels in all departments. she is God's perfect Cunny
Box??? how the fuck did he think that
ah sorry I'm late
are the mods keeping up zhezhe pics but banning the other guy?
>tfw no KMau to tuck into bed
That sort of anime hasn;t been big since the 90's
there's still chuuni shit out there but the gore stuff is mostly gone
That's not exactly the webm of a girl wearing anything under the shirt.
Except he wasn't. That was the joke.
she's definitely the quintessential russian cuncun
but my maisie wife triumphs them all
How old are they both? Is Maise the successor or just contemporary?
yeah I saw that
yet the very first zhezhe pic is still up
>mods are biased against underappreciated cuns
Maisie is so boring
s-she's wearing jean shorts underneath :3
literally almost the same age
remember all the birth dates are in the cunnychart :3
Feminazis, man--always pretending that women are 1000x more competent and powerful than they are, and that men are all weak, sniveling rapists.
But if you put your average feminist in real competition even with your typical neckbeard, she would get curbstomped to hard she'd bever stop with her resulting tantrum. No woman will do anything difficult, dangerous or gross.
>Woody Allen
Why are Jews always ‘white’ when they’re raping children, shooting up schools and theatres, and murdering and torturing people serial killer style?
>s-she's wearing jean shorts underneath :3
I really don't think so and again, not to be lewd. Just seems too free spirited to wear undies.
>its a pedo thread
>projecting your lewd thoughts
pedos leave
these lgs are wholesome
yeah I have Yea Forums X I saw all the people replying to dead posts while not a single zhezhe pic got deleted
Nice story incel shame none of it is true.
what did she mean by this?
she is tho
at first glance she seems to have as much potential as any other
but in practice her pics are never that good
That this will be a wonderful Christmas
Big Guys.
no, no, you can literally see them from other angles
>not a single zhezhe pic got deleted
oh cause we started posting zhezhefus right after the ban :3
Agreed she should be a little more daring in her career. She's beautiful but holding back.
not for me, she's my one true queen, owner of my heart, and all her pics are pure cunny kino for me
Now that is a girl wearing nothing underneath.
>no, no, you can literally see them from other angles
Just sometimes. I think other times she isn't. And that's ok. Nothing lewd or wrong about it.
how can we make axilla-inspection day obligatory by law, bros?
I'm pretty tired, desu
>off by one
I agree but she should be a little more open
>t. Brosnan
Is this Ocelot's daughter?
now why would you do that
You should watch it just to see him get absolutely obliterated by the Chad. The whole movie was worth it just for that moment.
>phoneposter calling someone else a dumb fuck
j e j
nah, being extra-wholesome is part of her charm, that's why she's so special :3
Why is nudity not wholesome? Nudity=/=lewd. Seriously. I can be completely innocent and in fact should be. It's freedom and self expression.
I have vivid memories of jailbait poon, the word incel has no power over me.
well, in my maisie wife's case, cause her bubble tushy is too inherently lewd
once they get this developed I think you're allowed to lewd them without violating wholesome code
are you sure this isn't shopped because maisie has an incredibly flat tushy in 99% of pics
the actual definition of thicc as well, not what nigger lovers call all the obese whores
And yet, I see no panty line at all.
I'm 100% sure both of these statements are completely incorrect
You can tap the (...) on your phone to show filenames. At least, on Windows Phone you can.
amen, brotha
trips confirmed
This is not the stance and attitude of a girl wearing anything underneath it.
do your job and stop masturbating mods
Okay incel.
you can literally see her wholesome granny-panty outline, tho :3
Why is this thread still up?
Goddamn that's hot.
The good ones are, the bad ones are about self insert of manga writer saving the world then getting with his crush from highschool.
no wait...
>you can literally see her wholesome granny-panty outline, tho :3
First, I don't see any such outlines. But, in a bigger sense, why is it "wholesome" not to be without undies and, in fact, be nude? Nudity=/= lewd. I mean that.
>still posting these ugly slavs
cause its racist to say they're different
i think they are waiting for the one hardcore poster to arrive before deleting
nudity leads to lewdness, lewdness leads to thottiness, thottiness leads to dating blacks, dating blacks leads to the complete decay of the moral fiber of society and the end of human civilization as we know it
I finally got a qt asian gf, she makes me so happy bros
she has some good pics coming, lad, I can feel it
this thread is fucking disgusting. mods!!!
>to arrive
oh, the mod is about to arrive, alright :^)
nu/cel/ needs a franny thread, just sayin'
who is that qt? or is that just a stock photo?
if kristya was my niece/gf, I would be genuinely nervous of ever visiting the balcony, desu
Young urban professional whites and white-acting minorities who recognize the 80's were comfy but can't admit that it was because it was 95% white
I agree with everything you say beyond thotness and dating blacks. That is true degeneracy. But nudity in and of itself, when done freely and innocently isn't what leads to that. Getting boobs and wearing nigger make-up and such is what leads to that. Nudity, when done right, can be innocent. The thots that go that path rarely do actual nudity. They start wearing very lewd outfits and wearing thot make-up. I disagree with the link from nudity to lewdness. I hope that makes sense. In fact, I bet it prevents the crazy thot clothes and make-up since those are based on teasing once they are developed and seeking attention from blacks.
I've never posted on /cel/, do I just make a new thread for every cutie I have saved and dump all my pics?
What happens if I click that link?
inform a noob about cel?
stock photo
I actually made that ages ago...
it would be extremely painful
>go to pool with kristya
>she does this
Gucci Mane lookin good
whoever keeps posting, I would beat you the fuck up irl if I knew who you are, over and over again. You are absolutely disgusting.
Is that Sam Hyde?
Will I get put on some kind of watchlist?
did she died?
>implying you're not already on one
I'm sure you would big guy
For you!
>yeah i posted in that thread, what's up bro?
t. SEETHING pedo
she is very flexible but it still made her back a bit sore
we had to stay in bed all day and cuddle
that is literally the idea, yes, and hopefully more people will join, and post more rare and new stuff
nothing, we're trying to rebuild wikieat in a new chan, same rules an everything, but better platform
you never went to wikieat?
basically what user said keep it extremely wholesome, tho, it's for waifus of all ages, not just cunnys
neck yourself, before I do the job for you
fuck his chin has a chin
abloo bloo bloo
Holy shit, this is some real creepy stuff. I hope the context make it reasonable?
le smart and edgy female character
I always thought /cel/ is just an imageboard for discussion that also happens to have loads of pics, just like 4keks
So it wouldn't be frowned upon if I went to the Moner thread and dumped a hundred hand-selected fappable Moaners I have saved?
Why would I do it myself when you'll do it for me?
Indeed. She needs to wait for puberty to get some breasts. Thats why there are no boobs under the top. Dumb user!
>I hope the context make it reasonable?
The little girl farted in his face while the bigger girl held him down.
How's the context?
I would never let my cunnyfus walk around naked, tho, or be seeing naked by other man
asalamicunny salam
how can cunnygams be this powerful, lads
>inform a noob about cel?
imagine a mixture between reddit and porn website comments but its threads about little girls
jews are not a race
never even heard of wikieat
where's cel hosted?
do I need seven proxxies?
>porn website comments
stronk legs are my weakness
I know why the drress is tailored that way, but on her izt just looks like Gondola creepy.
>I would never let my cunnyfus walk around naked, tho, or be seeing naked by other man
I feel like there's a lot of conflation between innocent free spirited nudity and lewdness. I'm sorry some of you can's see the subtle but certain difference.
>Instagram """comedians"""
Who thought it was a good idea to cast these talentless hacks
Its funny cause box means pussy Dabid
>I always thought /cel/ is just an imageboard for discussion that also happens to have loads of pics, just like 4keks
no, no, no, see, they're kinda the opposite, that's why we need to save /cel/
4keks is just unorganized shitposting, doesn't even have a theme, you can post penguins if you want, I wouldn't ming
/cel/ is all organized by girls, trying to gather discussion, but mostly high quality pics, videos, instagram stories, and things like that, so you can rip whole threads if you want
>So it wouldn't be frowned upon if I went to the Moner thread and dumped a hundred hand-selected fappable Moaners I have saved?
not just not frowned upon, but heavily encourage
same thing with any celebrity, no matter the age, taytay, roonroon, that other alienfu, all waifuis welcome
Let's get this thread to 404
why don't you just...leave?
The moment you realize cucking is a global problem.
But this is faked for clicks and lolz. Cant be true that someone is this low selfesteem
So its an important work, like Stranger Things.
theres no reason to go there. there's too many cringeposters so why bother when you can get your waifu pictures yourself?
Rumors say that Kristya strangled a man to death with his legs.
The man died with a smile on his face.
oh man, wikieat was awesome, cause it was very much like old Yea Forums
>do I need seven proxxies?
I honestly don't think so, but it works with TOR if you're paranoid
almost 100% of chans fully work with TOR nowadays
plus we would never allow anything illegal
Post more cuckino.
someone post some Yana for true long legfu
bitch, plz, I would probably kill you with one punch, lmaooooo
>we had to stay in bed all day and cuddle
>thread on autosage from post limits
No fuck off, /cel/ is great
>learn the name of a cute actress
>can't be assed to scroll through 5 years of instagram photos
>there's a /cel/ thread
>acquire pics
I got all my Peytons from there
I don't post on 4keks too often, why did old /cel/ even die?
>neck yourself, before I do the job for you
come on, faggot
I can smell the onions from here
I just finished this movie holy fuck it sucked
>boohoo we're so oppressed ;-;
The face zhenya does when see a janny
>imagine a mixture between reddit and porn website comments but its threads about little girls
lmaoooooo, not bad, actually
/cel/ is always been more about teen thots than little girls, tho, that's why they hated my ass so much :^)
>can't be assed to scroll through 5 years of instagram photos
>there's a /cel/ thread
>acquire pics
so you can go there once and then never again
>theres no reason to go there. there's too many cringeposters so why bother when you can get your waifu pictures yourself?
you could say the same thing about Yea Forums, desu
and the answer is the same, cause it's fun
>thread on autosage from post limits
>I don't post on 4keks too often, why did old /cel/ even die?
4keks was meant for posting ONLY when we couldn't do this here, that was the whole idea, but some people liked it so much that started posting there everyday
>why did old /cel/ even die?
the admin got tired, and didn't want to run it anymore :/
I can't really get into /cel/ tbqh. I like interaction not just looking at posts from days ago
>plus we would never allow anything illegal
oh that's good
it's nice to have strong policy and moderation to point out when the door knocks
Creepy funny. A joke disguised as a fetish. Not even pedobear fetish but brap poster fetish. Reminds me of Totally Spies.
so like i said, there's no reason to go there
>and the answer is the same, cause it's fun
if you find that fun
>just looks like Gondola creepy.
it is mostly a social construct, yeah, I agree
but still, whoever gets to see my maisie's bare tushy gets a cap to the face
classic incoming
Your definition of "go there" seems to include "discuss stuff"
You might be insane
literally cannot think of a better way to go, sempai
you're confusing posts. read again
i can see why cel suits you
yup, exactly, plus rare stuff, instagram stories
/cel/ is not that much for hanging out, which can be fun, tho, but mostly a picture repository to find pics you may not have
some anons record streams and stuff like that, so there's a very utilitarian purpose to the whole thing
yup, see above
how about some rory little?
I acctually miss /waifuism/
It was way better than /4KEKS
>you're confusing posts
Nope. This is the actual conversation you just tried to pass off as a sane argument
>theres no reason to go there
>yes there is, it's for having a central resource for actress pics
>so you can go there once and then never again
>so like i said, there's no reason to go there
If you attacked me, I'd just shoot you.
Welcome to civilization, nigger.
She deleted her instagram.
Bht she still has amazing abs
roller skates are death traps
but if it's just an archive why bother if you can get them yourself?
you're confusing using it once to get older pictures and having a need to keep going there. follow the discussion more closely but like i said, i can see why cel suits you
>having a need to keep going there
New pics/new actresses you want pics of
Stop being autismal
what a shame
my collection is small
there's a million instagram profiles I should be scraping
but who wants to sit there and do it?
>if you find that fun
I was having a blast posting on /cel/ with LB before it went down, desu :/
new /cel/ needs an autodump like Yea Forums X has
New pics/new actresses you want pics of
some parts of the old one used to be ok but it just wasn't worth it. i dont think i've gone there in about a year and dont miss it
New pics are the same as old pics, you can't be assed to find them yourself and they might not even be on instagram anyway
I'm not gonna rip youtube videos myself
don't mind if I do
I mean, if you're into niggers and seeing the same pictures from 2016 posted over and over, sure, but that's def not my thing :^)
and so if you'd rather wade through the all the bad stuff on cel than do that then it suits you and you're the sort of person it's made for
4keks is the same shit you nigger
>>yes there is, it's for having a central resource for actress pics
this, most people just go, post a couple pics for the day, insult some incel, and that's it
I was posting only once a week, but then started posting more once I started more hateful (You)s, lmaoooo
>She deleted her instagram.
what, no, I still check it
What bad stuff? I don't have to wade through shit, I just save the pics
That's like ripping lg instagram pics and complaining about all the people commenting weird shit
Two butt cheeks, both a-tan on summer days
On fair Verona, where we point our gaze,
From ancient hard on to new lewdity,
Where civil lust makes civil hands unclean.
>but if it's just an archive why bother if you can get them yourself?
cause other people might find pics you don't have, is not just for reposting available instagram, not to mention instagrams tend to disappear nowadays a lot too
I miss a lot of stories sometimes, and I can always go to /cel/ and get them there
also, you get to meet new girls
I found jolie on /cel/ for the first time, and been in love ever since
instagram comments are much easier to ignore though
I can get them myself though thats the point. cel is for a few types of people and im not one of them
>360 replies
>instagram comments are much easier to ignore though
You're just plain wrong. You might have actual autism if you can't just not look at the text while scrolling from pic to pic
Holy shit that abs. Why can kids get that fit Yea Forums whats your excuse?
>there's a million instagram profiles I should be scraping
>but who wants to sit there and do it?
and that's kinda the point of /cel/ :^)
yup, we need to fix the filenames too
nextchan has a cool option that let's you dump a whole thread in a .rar with one click
I'll talk to the admin and see what we can put together
>some parts of the old one used to be ok but it just wasn't worth it. i dont think i've gone there in about a year and dont miss it
I think it got gud like 6 months ago, when the cuncun started hitting 11.5
we had some really good maisie and zhe zhe threads
anyways, it is not a "daily chan" at all, yup
>same pics from 2017 posted on 2018
Lol her insta is dead, sadly
they're hidden. you may be actually blind if you think they're the same
It definitely got worse over time. I realised I didn't need it for anything so it wasn't worth going there and definitely not posting anything there
4keks is literally the opposite of that, sempai
80% of the threads is nothing but daily fresh content, and we haven't posted a single nigger toddler in the history of the board, lmaoooo
everyone in 4keks is basically people that can't stand waifuist, not to mention some actual stimulating conversation every now and then
the fact that both places exist is a good thing, tho, that way I don't have any nigger-loving plebs infecting my patrician master-race board :^)
Again user, it should be very easy to tell which of the content in a thread is pics and which is text
The only thing forcing you to read the text while crolling through pics is your autismal mind
>if i keep calling people autistic I'll feel better about myself
yes that place is even worse
>I cannot scroll past text without reading it and getting mad about how shit it is
Sad what twitter did to you underageb&s
fuckin' kek
10/10 post, brother
>I can get them myself though thats the point. cel is for a few types of people and im not one of them
oh, that's cool, tho, all boards are like that, desu, if it doesn't click, it doesn't click
oh dear. read your posts back and cringe
yeah exactly
I barely read anything on /cel/ desu, and when I did it was hilarious
like every single emily thread was just the same anons endlessly arguing about her age, it was pretty keksy, desu
I-I'm bulking, no bully
you should hear the version I did for Angie Varona
lemme go get it
Two buttocks, both alike in dignity,
On fair Varona, where we lay our seed,
From ancient fap breaks to new fantasies,
Where civil lube makes civil hands unclean.
From forth the fatal loins of this hot hoe
A pair of mammoth melons take their life;
Whose much-pursued lascivious overthrows
Do with their nips bury their fanboys' strife.
The fearful passage of her camel-toe'd cove,
And the continuance of adherents' rage,
Which, but their jacking's end, nought could remove,
Is now the two hours' traffic of our page;
The which if you with patient ears attend,
What here shall miss, our toil shall strive to mend.
*cough cough* How to get to /cel/?
yeah, she's not active at all ;___;
that's cool, if you don't enjoy it there's no point, we can totally agree about that
brynny threads were pretty good, tho
I never keep up with any of the gossip or anything, so it was the only place to do that
>brynny threads were pretty good, tho
they used to be good and comfy then got pretty bad (like her i guess)
Th-thank you kind sir.
>dat get
the cunnygods bless my path once again, based me :^)
>yes that place is even worse
it depends, tho, if you like nigglets in diapers, it is the best board in the whole world, so it is all relative, sempai
the important thing is to have different places, so people can go to whatever place they like the most, Yea Forums, /cel/, /4keks/, /waifuist/, lolifox
every board serves its purpose, and that's a good thing
>that shadow
she deleted that because she felt bad
rip thread the reddit goober calling everyone autistic will have to rage somewhere else
Is it safe to go to those sites? I don't want anything to do with pizza...
kekekek, we will seriously never be completely sure if she's been lying or not
it is the best cunundrum ever
fuckin' lol, you guys are so awesome, I swear
all except some of the lolifox boards, use TOR for that
dawwww, brynny's pretty hawt, desu
I guess the people in those threads change too, cunnybros are more relaxed, then they drop them, and redditors start picking them up once they see bewbs...
no problem, man, just have fun
wait, if who's been lying about what?
holy keks, this thread ended up being pretty epic
thanks for the laughs, brehs
>janny purging the redditors has saved the thread from page 10
shes Yea Forums related now
i can't believe these fucking pedos are not banned
janny is not a smart man
emily about her age
according to that celebrity birthday website she's 2 years older than what her instagram profile used to say
>he thinks bans actually do something
i'll bet it was written by a girl or by a netflix guy
[436 / 172 / 128]
alright, this is epic
wasn't there an image confirming 11 two years ago or something?
>but still, whoever gets to see my maisie's bare tushy gets a cap to the face
Why? If she is doing it innocently then why should it matter?
Janny is a little groggy after waking up from his hot pocket coma
Finally, now we can resume our movie discussions
honestly Yea Forums is so bad now this post could actually be 100% sincere
Literally and unironically whew lads.
>*loud slurping, gurgling, sloshing, gulping, stomach rumbling sounds*
yup, but then people say she was lying from the start amd so on, it never ends, and it's beautiful
it's a purely irrational male possessive thing
something I wouldn't want to share with anyone else
I like to harbor those primitive ape feelings sometimes, it takes a lot to bring them out in me
>post sneed/jack sparrow/bane
>3 day instaban
>faggots ITT post literal CP
>janny keeps the thread up
I have a feeling his an oldbro, tho
>A black belt and handlebars
Why is she so powerful?
have a yuge super rare rory, brother
drop by 4kes or /cel/ one of these days, and ask me to .rar them all 4U
that's a big soda
damn she look finna on dat black dick shet man brehs
was getting MAD part of your plan?