Pretty good for a Superbad clone
>dat pool scene tho
Pretty good for a Superbad clone
>dat pool scene tho
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Whose the one on the left? Was this her debut because I've never seen her
couldn't help but roll my eyes at the yas queen shit but it was ok
She was in Justified for a few seasons. Actually pretty good in it from what I remember.
jonah's sister was miscast. Almost want to say they should have swapped roles, but it would have been better if they just hired someone else.
It was okay if only they could've kept it as a Comedy with short dramatic moments for tje conflict to move the plot. But they wanted to transport the message which is more important then a quality movie I guess. Superbad is still king
I didn't feel that way. You sure it's not just because the hot one was a lesbian?
>be fat ugly jonah hill looking girl
>called gorgeous, cute, etc, butter-personality
On a scale of 1/10 how TITE is Kaitlyn Dever in this?
pool scene?
>But they wanted to transport the message
what message is that?
she was in a movie called Short Term 12 too
I don't see how that would matter. I just found her acting pretty shit and not inline with her character. Like user said above, they were calling her cute and shit when she looks like danny devito from batman.
the not fat one strips down to her underwear and swims underwater across a pool. Forget that she looked good, the shot was pretty good.
Be a free liberated woman go fuck around drink and take drugs its normal guys. Also blowing three guys in the back of a car while in highschool is pretty cool and normal afterall, enjoy being a whore.
I enjoyed the movie but still
>failed actress
>marry shitty comedian
>try hand at directing
>suddenly positive reviews
yeah no
bitch on the right look like jonah hill
you'd have to be a pretty sad incel to get worked up over that...and think they're trying to push some agenda.
>blowing three guys in the back of a car while in highschool
Please tell me this is a scene and not just dialogue
her directing was pretty shit, but it didn't hold the movie back.
Its just hamfisted and trying to normalise shitty behaviour. Also its cool for the female teacher to bang her student. Reverse that scene and everybody nowadays would cry about it for days.
Sadly no scene because the chick they called tripple a was pretty cute
>trying to normalise shitty behaviour.
>trying to normalise normal behaviour
Post the pool scene
You're probably trying to troll but blowing 3 guys at the same time is far from normal
maybe I missed something, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't three guys at the same time my dude.
She says we did it in their car
does she actually blow three dudes
this might be worth seeing if it's that blackpilled
because she's done it more than once, not three at once.
no nudity. Remember that scene in superbad where michael cera almost gets laid. Imagine that scene with only with two girls. That and the pool scene where she's in her underwear is the only thing close to nudity
No she says "i didnt actually blow three guys ... Actually i did it but it wasn't like i just (blew them right by the street or something)" you mong
Yes it did you easily impressed fuckhead
I'll have to watch it again, but I could be wrong. I don't recall it that way though
I do but maybe I'm wrong. Sorry for calling you a mong user
how so?
That toe qualifies as a foot
I know this is the film and tv board but who the fuck sees these types of shit? Are you guys zoomers or what?
I tried watching this movie last night. It is like SJW filled comedy. Do not waste your time watching it. It isn't funny. At all. It is a clone of the superbad movie, but they tried to appease SJW with unoffensive jokes and it all fell flat. My wife even hated it and she loves girl comedies. She said "I don't know how Hollywood is making it right now, with all the pure and utter shit that is boring and bad"... I have to agree. It's like Hollywood had a meltdown when Trump won the presidency and now it has went to complete shit, adding liberal narratives and propaganda to every film and TV show.
what exactly is wrong with this movie? It's just a teen movie. There's no real difference between it and american pie, except the female leads. It's literally superbad with girls.
>My wife
why does this post sound like those bullshit facebook posts where some soccer mom starts off with
>my daughter told me this morning...
and then says something clearly fabricated?
The scene in the movie at the beginning, where they are in the coed high school bathroom was hilairous! The boys were pissing at the urinals talking about the fat jonah hill chick while she was shitting.. FUNNY STUFF! Her best friend in the picture in the OP is a lesbian, who is in love with an obvious Fetal Alchol Syndrome skater lizzy. HILARIOUS!
Gigi kept my attention
Seriously, my wife can't help it your movie sucked balls fat Jonah hill chick. She does like you in that tv show though- "What we do in the shadows". That is funny.
Is there even coed bathrooms like that in any highschool? I thought coed high schools don’t have urnails because only men can use them
did they have sex?
No. I asked my wife if she noticed anything about that scene and she asked why is she shitting in the boys bathroom. I told her it was "inclusive" apparently. No, bathrooms don't work that way the last time I checked. They have the retards use a special bathroom because trannies are the ones most likely to have a chip on their shoulders and smear shit on the walls.
the language is pretty vague
>you know this why they say I give guys road side assistance, right?
>I gave them a ride home, that's all
>ok, that's not true, I blew them. But it's not like they ran out of gas and I showed up to suck their dick while they waited for help. We hooked up in their car. It makes sense to hook up in a car. I'm not gonna like suck a dick at my own home where my father can walk in at any moment
she said dick, not dicks. The rumor is that she gave roadside assistance to three senior guys the previous year, but it's never said at the same time. I still think it just meant she did it three times.
now I just feel sad for you.
it is california, I wouldn't be suprised
My wife feels sad for you having to take stuff like this movie to advance your career. This movie was so boring. Not funny at all. Why did you go from a funny role on a TV show, to a boring role that isn't funny in a made for Netflix movie that is a remake of a funny movie? That is sad. My wife like retarded female comedies but you failed to make her laugh.
This movie was boring as fuck. was a low budget Superbad with a liberal spin that made it in funny.
it hit a lot of the major beats, but it's like pepsi and coke. Close but not the same.
Kaitlyn is a very good comedian, she still has inconsistent points here, but she's the mvp, ith the right director that girl could be catapulted to the top.
nepotism the movie.
if she wasnt jonah hills sister, shed be a nobody, because shes fucking disgusting.
the fact she hooks up with the richest white guy at the end of the movie isnt subtle either.,
Which books are they shown to have read?
I really liked it, watched The Perfection too.
This weekend was leskino weekend.
I'm about to watch the perfection, torrentbro, what am I going into?
>be fat ugly jonah hill looking girl
beanie feldstein is literally jonah hill feldstein's sister in real life.
so "sucked off three dudes" is supposed to be normal behavior for the demure bookworm girls in high school in 2019?
what's that copypasta about all women being whores even the quiet girl in the back of class
no shit, my description is pretty apt.
>demure bookworm girls
only incels who get their perception of girls from hentai use these descriptions
>flaunts her ass while sassing teaching
Its behavior for all women, because all women are whores.
Movie is like the trailer for the first 30 minutes then it goes all over the fucking place, in a good way though I guess.
Which books are they shown to have read?
Which books are they shown to have read? (nice trips)
shilt thread?