THIS IS JEOPARDY! Yea Forums edition

Here are the rules
1)You must answer in the form of a question.
2)When answering, include your next pick in the same post to avoid wasting posts.

A quick explanation on two of the categories. In the Slash Her category, you will be shown scenes of various female slasher victims, we are looking for the movie title.
In the Lip Service category, we are looking for the name of the actress being shown.

Alright on to the game, contestants are you ready?

Attached: JEOPARDY tv edition.jpg (1475x854, 231K)

When will they learn for 1000


Attached: WHEN WILL THEY LEARN 1000.jpg (666x499, 97K)

Who is Robert Downey Jr.
When will they learn for $400

Who is robert Downey jr

Attached: WHEN WILL THEY LEARN 400.jpg (666x499, 67K)

Who is Tom Cruise
When will they learn for $600

Who is Danny devito
Same for 200

Attached: WHEN WILL THEY LEARN 200.jpg (666x499, 102K)

who is danny devito
slash her for 1k

Who is Danny DeVito.

I'll take Don't Quote Me for $200, Alex.

who is midge
slash her for 1k

Who is Woolworth Davika
Lipservice for 10000, Alfred.

who is warwick davis

character study for 200

Attached: CHARACTER STUDY 200.jpg (666x499, 89K)

who is postman pat
slash her for 200

who is the joker

who is cliff clavin

don't quote me for 1000

who is Cliff from cheers. I'll take lip service for 1000

Attached: DON'T QUOTE ME ON THAT 1000.jpg (666x499, 80K)

who is mel gibson?
when will they learn for $800

Who is Mel gibson

lip service for 200

Attached: WHEN WILL THEY LEARN 800.jpg (666x499, 85K)

Who is Joe Pesci
Character study 1000

Joe Pesci
DOn't quote me for 800

Attached: CHARACTER STUDY 1000.jpg (666x499, 96K)

Here's what's left on the board

Attached: BOARD UPDATE.jpg (1475x854, 305K)

Id like to phone a friend

Who is Al Bundy

Gambling Man $800

Attached: GAMBLING MAN 800.jpg (666x499, 125K)

Who is Al bundy
Lip service for 1000

Who is Brandon Lang

Slash Her $600

Attached: SLASH HER 600.webm (640x360, 2.75M)

Who is Tatum Riley

Lip Service $200

when will they learn for 600

what is halloween 3?
don't quote me for 800 on the off chance I'm right

Attached: WHEN WILL THEY LEARN 600.jpg (666x499, 68K)

>not answering in the proper format


Attached: 1543762863930.gif (400x300, 14K)

who is hyden penitare?
quote for 800, alex

Who is Hayden Pantierrie
Gamblin man $1000

>reading comprehension

>ruins your thread

Attached: 54cab07a674871890b57460b_image.jpg (1031x1200, 910K)

So for Slash Her you name the movie and not the character?

What a load of bullshit

Attached: DON'T QUOTE ME ON THAT 800.jpg (666x499, 103K)

who is jaden?
quote 600

Who is Jaden Smith

Gambling Man for 1000

Attached: GAMBLING MAN 1000.jpg (666x499, 68K)

Who is the Coller?
Gambling 600

what is the cooler?

Lip service for 1000

Attached: LIP SERVICE 1000.jpg (525x256, 35K)


How the fuck are we supposed to keep track of who's winning if everyone's anonymous?

Attached: 1488092461733s.jpg (125x125, 2K)

who is kat dennings?
quote for 600

we are one

its ok bud, I got fucked for not saying smith on my answer

I was going to do the character, but figured it would be too hard for Yea Forums, even though anyone could just look it up.

Here's an update on the board, and we'll be taking a short commercial break while I go out for a smoke.

Attached: BOARD UPDATE.jpg (1475x854, 320K)

Go back for upvotes faggot

Who is Michelle Williams?

Slash Her $1000

I asked if anyone wanted to keep score in a different game I did, by using trips. Obviously people don't care enough to do so.

bruh this is fucking hard..

dont tell me youve really had that thumbnail saved for over two years, user

who is alexandra daddiro?
lips for eight hundred

I always save my pics, user.

Who is rose mccgowan?
Don't quote me 200

the s at the end of the filename means you saved the thumbnail instead of the full size image


And we're back

Attached: DON'T QUOTE ME ON THAT 600.jpg (666x499, 81K)

Who is Charlie sheen?

Who is Charlie Sheen

Gambling Man $200

who is jessica chastain?
slash her for 1k

Attached: GAMBLING MAN 200.jpg (666x499, 69K)

what is casino royal?
quote for 400

WHat is Casino Royale

Slash Her $1000

what is casino royale

lip service for 800

Attached: DON'T QUOTE ME ON THAT 400.jpg (666x499, 96K)

What is Central Intelligence
Lip service 200

Who is Sean Connery

Slash her $1000

who is sean connory?
quote 200

Fucking epic thread

Attached: 1558469897280.gif (620x413, 160K)

Attached: SLASH HER 1000.webm (480x360, 1.74M)

what is nightmare on elm street?
lips for 800

What is nightmare on elm street 2?

best choose a new answer when you guess son (not op btw)

Slash her 800 then.

Incorrect. This might be a tough one for people unfamiliar with the genre.

Ill take feed for 500

What is Freddy vs Jason?
Slash her 800

What is Texas chainsaw massacre?
I'll take famous titties for $200.

I'm sorry, the correct answer we were looking for was What is Sleepaway Camp

Beep beep beep


Mr. Ferguson, please stop pressing the buzzer and pick a category.

Lip service 800 Alex

Slash her 800, Alex

Attached: LIP SERVICE 800.jpg (400x268, 16K)

Who is Jazz Jennings?

who is jaden smith?
lips for 600

Lip service $800

Who is /our/ girl Isabelle moner
Same for 600 Alex

Attached: LIP SERVICE 600.jpg (662x307, 14K)

Who is mads Mickelson
Lips $400

who is natalie dormer?
lips for four hundred, alex

who is bazinga

lip service for 400

Who is... Brie Larson?

Those lips belong to Alicia Silverstone....Alicia Silverstone. Here's what's left on the board

Attached: BOARD UPDATE.jpg (1475x854, 339K)

dont quote me for 20

Attached: DON'T QUOTE ME ON THAT 200.jpg (666x499, 67K)

Tara Reid, character study 400

>Alicia Silverstone....Alicia Silverstone
nice touch

Who is Pamela Anderson?
Character study 800

Please answer in the form of a question.

Attached: CHARACTER STUDY 400.jpg (666x499, 76K)

Who is Jodie Sweetin?
Character study 600

Who is Kimmy Gibbler? Character 400.

who is candace cameron?
slash her 400

Beep beep beep

It's a funny hat

Attached: 2e287b1.jpg (650x400, 27K)

who is the chick from Roseanne?

The category is CHARACTER study, we were looking for the character, DJ Tanner, but close enough.

Attached: SLASH HER 400.gif (400x270, 1.32M)

Lip service 400

What is Friday the 13th?
Most expensive character study, 800?

what is final destination?
lips for 200

you dumb fuck

What is Halloween?
character study 600

Who is Andre the Giant
I'll take ape tit for $200

Hmmm tough one, Ill have to go with; who is SNEED
Ill take chuck for 800

What was the best Final Jeopardy theme and why was it from 2005 when the set looked like water?

Sorry, the correct answer is Friday the 13th Part V: A New Beginning

character study 800

dont quote 200

Lip service 400 alex

fuck off I dont watch horror movies
I've gotten four questions itt how bout you bud?

Attached: CHARACTER STUDY 800.jpg (666x499, 74K)

who is pam from the office?
gambling for 200

Who is Jenna Fischer
Lips 400

who is pam beesly
slash her 800

Who is Jenna Fisher?

Who is Jenna Fischer?

200 is off the board so I'll go to 400

Attached: GAMBLING MAN 400.jpg (666x499, 73K)

Jenna fischer
Gambling 600

what is rounders
lips 400

Good Will Hunting

no wait

Team America: World Police

what is rounders?
same category for 600

what is rounders
slash her 800

Attached: LIP SERVICE 400.jpg (400x220, 18K)

What is Rounders

Don't quote me 200

What is the departed?
Gambling man 600


who is angolina jolie?
gambling 600

Who is Angelina Jolie lips 200

Who is Angelina jolie?
gambling for 600

Attached: GAMBLING MAN 600.jpg (666x499, 75K)

Who is Angelina Jolie?

Slash her 800

what is rain man?
lips 200

What is Rainman
Lips 200

Attached: LIP SERVICE 200.jpg (251x168, 12K)

what is rain man
dont quote 200

who is scarlet johanson?
Slash her for 1000

Who is Jlo??
Dq 200

mfw no daily double

Attached: schrute3.jpg (240x165, 6K)

Who is Ariana grande?
Don’t quote me 200

Incorrect and a reminder there are only 3 clues left.

Attached: BOARD UPDATE.jpg (1475x854, 362K)

who is ariana grande?
slash her 800

can we get another board update?

Who is Haley Berry?
Slash her 800

who is halle berry?
let's finish off character, alex

Who is Zoe Kravitz?

Slash her 800

Slasher her 800

Who is beyonce ?
slash her for 800

Also, I stole the idea for this category from a thread with her as the OP from a few hours ago.

Who is missandei's actress?
Character study for 600

Who is Kerry Washington

Slash her 800

We were looking for Kerry Washington...Kerry Washington

Attached: SLASH HER 800.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

what is Howard the Duck

What is leprechaun 3?
Character study 600 please

What is leprechaun 3

what is leprechaun 3
slash her 200

Attached: CHARACTER STUDY 600.jpg (666x499, 77K)

who is alf
slash her for 200

Who is Alf

this gave me a boner alex

Alright, closing out the board.

Attached: SLASH HER 200.gif (640x355, 3.65M)

Who is chewbacca

what is nightmare on elm street?

what is hereditary
character study 600?

What is the exorcist?

Correct, congratulations user!

I thought this too

thanks for a great thread OP

Attached: 2019-02-15 19_01_56.png (627x282, 35K)

every now I come across a thread like this and feel a little less guilty about frequenting this shit hole

good stuff lad

Thank you for the great Thread Alex, go beat Cancer's ass

>implying there's no double jeopardy

Sorry buddy, no double or final jeopardy tonight. Unless somebody else wants to come up with some clues.

fantastic thread OP, thank you

Thanks Alex for the fun times!

honestly this was one of the best threads on Yea Forums in a long while, fast paced and rewarding, thanks OP
how long did it take you to get this all set up?

Attached: 1532190529334.jpg (600x926, 295K)

Who is Zoe kravitz
FUCK YOU for $600

Well, I've done it like 4 or so times already, so I've got a system down. The hardest part is trying to come up with creative categories and clues. It took me about an hour to an hour and a half to come up with them all. Two of the categories' clues were simple enough once I had the category in mind (Slash Her and Lip Service) because I just had to find the images and clips. Hardest part is making the clues interesting and somewhat challenging, even thought most of these were pretty easy.

I'm sorry user, you are incorrect and almost 30 minutes late

Attached: K.jpg (1200x1800, 211K)

>I've done it like 4 or so times already
well fuck me I guess I've missed them all so far

That was really fun thank you for taking the time to do that OP. How often do you do this?


I've got the other games saved, I could redo one now if you want, but obviously someone who's already played would know the answers.

Not too often, I don't put a lot of effort into it, but it's still tough coming up with a variety of categories that are Yea Forums related.

>I could redo one now if you want
thanks but I'm gonna be climbing into bed in a few minuites, I'll just keep my eye's peeled for the next one

What’s the point of jeopardy if nobody is keeping score?

