
Is he the most iconic character in film?

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Not even in his franchise


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And this guy are only enjoyable personsons of the movie for me.
Doctor Pavel is good too.

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he looks remarkably like masketta man


How many people do you see wearing Bane masks throughout history? Compare that to how many examples of powerstancing there is throughout history and you'll know CIA is the most iconic character in film

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I really enjoy Meimen

There are a lot of big guys though

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We take the dubs and give it back to you. The people!

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that would be sneed

Impressive. Very nice

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Posting because at 2 AM yesterday morning a BANEposting thread reach bump limit.
I hope to recreate that success today

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Get in here, lads; show me what you've got saved up

Watch it baney

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Based. I only come here for baneposting

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Extremely checked

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>4 u

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Of course

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>Doctor Mengele, I'm NSDAP.

I know it's a meme but the shining should atlas be by cinema or film.
mulholland Drive deserves it's spot

reminder baneposting murdered this board. not even the corpse remains. All that is here are the flies seeking to slurp up the rot and spew forth the next baneposting level meme.

/pol/tards murdered this board, along with Yea Forums in general

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Mask is stupid looking and he’s not even that
> (big)

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Head temperature rises

wew lad

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I saw this movie in theaters with my dad and I was so fucking confused for the first ten minutes. The opening dialogue between Bane and CIA makes absolutely no sense. Wtf were they thinking?

Search "occupy wall street was 2011 tdkr", with the quotes, for my explanation.

Dead meme

no, but he's the biggest

Do you like Christopher Nolan's movies? His early work was a little too new wave for my tastes, but when Batman Begins came out in '05, I think he really came into his own, commercially and artistically. The whole movie has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the movie a big boost. He's been compared to Stanley Kubrick, but I think Nolan has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor. In '12, Nolan released this, The Dark Knight Rises, his most accomplished movie. I think his undisputed masterpiece is the Plane Scene, a scene so memorable, most people probably don't listen to the lines. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of Baneposting, and the importance of big guys, it's also a personal statement about the movie itself.

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Then show me his body

checkin' them digits boss

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