Marvel Planning Spider-Man/Deadpool Crossover To Introduce Deadpool To The MCU
this is reddit this is memes
Ehhhh... They would have to lose DP's mask. Having two dudes with no faces would get annoying.
I hope there is a scene where deadpool breaks the 4th wall and peter asks him who he is talking to then Deadpool looks back at the audience and winks
sup reddit fuck off
>Deadpool requires an R rating to be true to the character
>so does Carnage
there you go marvel there's your answer
Fuck you
refuse to watch anything with deadpool. this nigger is somehow more reddit than your average mcu capeshit.
If there isn't a 3minute+ barebacking scene between Ryan and Tom I'm demanding a refund.
Spider-Man and Deadpool are not meant to associate and are not meant to be friends.
The recent trend of forcing them together is embarrassing.
>we will never get a Wovlerine/Deadpool/Cap teamip movie
autism pool for the meme kids of onion reddit
Why? He's probably a character that doesnt need that.
It could easily just be a throwaway line. It already doesnt fit into the fox timeline
This is obviously fake seeing as how it also says they are considering a Disney+ series for him. Disney+ is for PG-13. They wouldn't do a Disney+ series for Deadpool.
>Deadpool requires an R rating to be true to the character
I see you havent read any comics
>Another user who doesn't read comics
Deadpool isn't all gore and crigny sex jokes
Cast him
>made a whole Deadpool movie with it being "kid friendly" yeah they will it will compete with DC's edgy Teen Titans
If they're going to use the exact same Ryan Reynolds Deadpool from the previous movies, he does need an R Rating. We're talking about the MCU here not comics.
You can't go from Deadpoool 1/2 to him saying PG-13 zingers
Joe kelly's deadpool is what the movie's based on, joe kelly wrote an incredible dp/spidey crossover, Dp and spidey are natural enemies, this will be gold. Screencap this.
This. Deadpool can just make a wisecrack about it.
honestly they should never meet. its better if it was some sort of universal constant.
>this will be gold.
Not with MCU Spidey
Everyone dissing this idea will go see it. Everyone; and that is why it will happen. You muppets.
>"Deadpool can work in a PG-13 environment (the comics mostly are), so that’s definitely an interesting choice to consider in bringing him to the MCU"
>For years people scream at fox to make Deadpool rated R or they won't see the film
>Fox do it twice
>Now suddenly when Disney owns the rights it's no longer important
Fucking hate that Disney killed Foxbros
Every single MCU flick is nowhere near as good as the average Foxverse film.
>perhaps what you need is an ETIQUETTE LESSON
You havent read any comic right? Or Even watched the cartoon version? dont talk a subject you dont know.
Whats edgy about titans? Besides some rachel stuff
Who? Bob?
1/10 awful bait
What spidey do you want, mopey fuck Tobey spidey?
Please. X-Men DoFP was still a mess, as much as it was miles above the other garbage X films that Fox put out. The first two Singer ones aged like cheese left in the sun. Nothing good game of the soft reboots of First Class and DofP.
Logan worked fine as a stand alone only because of Jackson's heavy control.
Deadpool one featured a better X-men team than most all the X-men films and it only featured Colossus and some OC Doughnut steel mashup of Cannonball and some Morrison mutant's name.
Deadpool 2 was a turd that shat all over Cable and X-Force from which Deadpool spun off from. It went over the top with the comedy and is not balanced like the classic Deadpool, more the the garbage mishmash Deadpool books are now.
And the casting of Domino is fucking racist Hollywood tokenism. They gave a light skinned mullato gal a bit of vitiligo and cast her as a literally white character.
Meanwhile one of the best black female characters at Marvel, Storm, gets wasted as a background character in another shitty X-men film.
Fuck Fox.
doesn't matter if it's PG-13 or R. deadpool is cringeworthy and lame.
Reminder that there's a timeline where Grammar doesn't break his hip and is properly involved in the entire OG X-men trilogy.
I thought he only popped up in the third one? Was he supposed to be in the first two, playing Beast?
and even when they did do that, they used to do it in a way to sneak past the comics code. Even the post code stuff wasn't adults only except for the MAX series. The Kelly Spider-man / Deadpool series a couple years back had no content advisory and that was after the first film.
>What spidey do you want, mopey fuck Tobey spidey?
Gayfield would fit as well.
It's basically the same problem as with possible corssover with Hardey's Venom. Holland doesn't act like mateur Spidey.
This would probably attract more women than Captain Marvel. Women love Spidey/DP.
ryan reynolds
>Jeremy Conrad