Court of the Crimson Core edition
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/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General
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ill ask again on the new thread.
what do you think of Silkwood? Based on real events at a nuclear fuel creation plant where a whilstleblower reveals corner cutting taking place
sitnikov is qt and didn't deserve this my bros
>have graphite stuck in hand from grade school
>perfectly healthy
>Russian firefighter touches graphite
I don't understand. Is Russian graphite different?
Retelling of events >>> Based on real events
have you gained enough knowledge in these threads to control an RBMK reactor user?
Honestly lads has this mini-series changed your opinion on nuclear energy?
Should we keep building them?
For me, yes.
am i the only one that was cheering for KGB to beat up that cunt of mary sue character forced down out throats by libtards?
I would do everything right.
>tfw no nuclear reactor simulator game where you need dozens of people to operate it
>tfw /RBMK/ will never experience a meltdown or core explosion with each other
why contain it?
It's changed my perception of Chernobyl from one of simple Soviet incompetence to one of simple Soviet incompetence being juxtaposed with incredible acts of heroism and sacrifice for the safety of the world.
just finished episode 2. The character of Ulana detracted from the show a bit, but for the most part every scene without her is such pure, unadulterated kino masterpiece unfolding before me that I can deal with her shitty scenes in small doses
How hard would it be to make a simulated Control Room in VRChat?
I think the core of the meme-machine of /RBMK/ is going to explode.
Engineering in ss13 is probably the closest thing
We don't have many other options
Well fucking said.
>2 episodes left
>me that I can deal with her shitty scenes in small doses
Would you say her scenes are not great, but not terrible either?
based fellow retard that got stabbed in the hand with a pencil
You will like episode 3 then. Ulana's only “outrageous” moment is snitching the pregnant woman when a nurse couldnt tell at first sight. The rest is her just doing interviews, being called an assistant and getting KGBed for her troubles.
yeah but not reactor 4 of the chernobyl nnp.
any other reactor will be fine.
luckily the graphite that's in your hand isn't loaded to shit with neutrons
Don't worry user
She's part of the circle of accountability
>'how old?'
This. I interned at a power plant and they had a full replica of the control room in a training building that completely simulated everything so that they could train/re-certify reactor operators. Surely someone out there would know how to make a simulator as detailed as flight sims that people could play on PC.
I'm not at all against nuclear power but I am concerned about stations being built in countries that don't have the resources, regulations or stability to properly operate them. I think building them in Africa or most of Asia is a very bad idea at this point and I hope there are global regulations to ensure proper procedures are followed.
No but these threads have, no more plants no more fuckery the spicy rocks are to much for man to handle.
I wonder how hard it is, I played a simulation on a website user linked earlier, it seemed quite simple.
Did all the scientists in the control room die?
Yes, it's more robust.
no dyatlov lived and that other guy that didnt move lived too.
Boris (Mustachio that was not Akimov (The one that was ordered to go open the water valves with Leonid (the young engineer))) and Dyatlov survived.
>tfw south africa's power station has a meltdown and they call in the voodoo priests
comrade dytalov! comrade dyatlov! the hot pocket core of /rbmk/ its .... its gone! the memes are no longer contained! what do we do?? we did everything right! we had everything under control! the memes were contained! we did everything right! there's so much damage!
Not great
Not terrible
>has this mini-series changed your opinion on nuclear energy?
my thinking is that a nuclear power plant built and operated by the soviets can't be compared to the modern western nuclear program and safety measures
>should we keep building them
of course
I'll say it again, the only reason anybody was exposed to radiation other than the poor guys that were directly affected by the initial explosion was because Dyatlov ordered them to le feedwater and muh rbmk, if they had all done the same as Boris, stay in the control room and then extract, they would have all lived.
Dyatlov was the scientist who was calling everyone delusional about the core explosion?
Was he the scientists in the hospital who told the Lady to fuck off?
>Was he the scientists in the hospital who told the Lady to fuck off?
that's /ourguy/
>Was he the scientists in the hospital who told the Lady to fuck off?
You might want to rewatch it, but yes.
Boris told Leonid to stay in the control room instead of going with Kinomov.
yes and yes
I wouldn't live near one
One of my favorite memes thanks to this show so far.
What are some of your spiciest ones bros?
real talk
will they ruin the last episode like it happened with gay of thrones?
When I was 6 i stabbed a kid in the hand with a pencil
I feel terrible about it
Russian graphite is spicier.
There's no way, it's obvious these writers actually know what they're doing.
How did he get ARS?
>Was he the scientists in the hospital who told the Lady to fuck off?
yes and he was a gentleman and a scholar for doing such
because the reactor exploded
based retard
>watching scenes on youtube
>always a few comments making excuses for their incompetence
>russian usernames every time
Delusional, 40 years infirmary for you comrade.
One too many chest X-rays.
There's only one writer credited, and he's the guy who wrote The Hangover 2 and 3 as well as Scary Movie 3 and 4. I'm not kidding.
used to live 20 min from San Onofre, it's really not a big deal at all
you're more likely to die driving by it in a car accident whilst being struck by lightning with a winning lottery ticket in your hand than from a meltdown
Nah get outta here... That dude??
Fucking 3.6/3.6 comrade
4 billion times more complicated than that website. That being said, the only part that’s particularly tricky for the operators is starting up the reactor, doing power manipulations, or dealing with issues that arise from other parts of the plant (which happens a lot simply due to the sheer number of components. Maintenance, weather, testing, etc all affect the way the plant is run from the control room)
It's unbelievable.
Dude is a hidden gem. Scary Movie 3 and 4 were pretty good, not a fan of Hangover 2 though.
>Honestly lads has this mini-series changed No.
>Should we keep building them?
Yes. It is only sustainable way to maintain technological society with out completely fucking up this planet with pollution. Serious resources should be put on developing thorium breeder reactors. Fossil fuels in transportation should be replaced with carbon retake from atmosphere.
first season is pretty kino, second is so-so
yeah but how many producers? the guy looks and sounds like a goof
maybe he just needed to stop making "comedies"
sounds like more than a hobby project.
>"Go to the vent block roof, and report back what you see."
post yfw you get sent to the roof
yes thats what it means, and the film was accurate apart from the ending, which is supposition. but her death was very suspicious eh? who did it, the gubberment, the union bosses or the big bad businessmen?
Comrade Dytalov, th.....the prolapse is gone
What would have happened if everyone in the control room just said fuck it and left
have bryukhanov, fomin, and dyatlov even seen the actual damage yet? dytlov just walked away and has been in hospital ever since, and the other two guys were just taken away on boris' orders.
it would be considered teaching terrorists how to make a reactor explode. theres a reason you have to be security cleared to work in a plant
when i was 12 i did the same
he was punching my bag
fuck him
>has expended the whole Saturday rewatching The Terror, shitposting on /RBMK/ drinking wine
>gonna finish the day watching Fellowship of The Ring
Gods, what a good day
Yeah definitely, I think the only way we could get our hands on something even close to a full nuke plant simulator is if someone takes it directly from a real plant, which is probably a federal crime. Maybe someone could leak it, or some old school turbo autist gets bored during his retirement and creates it based on memory. Or maybe after some plant gets decommissioned and/or energy company goes out of business it’ll be possible to get it that way
Glad to hear you had fun, fren. I love you.
>second grade and a kid accidentally stabbed himself with a graphite pencil
>told him it was lead and that he was going to get poisoned so he started to cry
>that moment where they were feeling better
Looking toasty, comrade Sitnikov.
he must be like that dude who made that hansel and gretel shit for $$$ so he could make his ded sno kinos without compromise or having to answer to anyone
imagine living in a country without assisted suicide
How was there not one scene where someone was begging to just be shot?
Comedic people can give a lot more color to dramatic situations/tv shows.
Breaking Bad had cranston, odenkirk, a other funny guys doing dramatic shit and was really interesting to watch
Of course you will.
Youch! That's gotta hurt!
Latency period.
Did he deserve it though? Don't feel so bad about it.
>im eggscellent
>They made a silent scene for “his feet were so swollen they buried him without shoes”
This episode gave me feels for a year
*no one laughs because I watch it alone*
>when you touch a girl and she gives you cooties
I literally can't think of a worse way to go. I think IRL he was coughing up and choking on parts of his lungs and liver.
Can't even be given morphine because there are literally no more veins
I'd beg for a bullet
>Ramon Valdez died of stomach cancer
s-sir is that really necessary? I-I know what I saw ok?
Shit, RMBK bros, 2 episodes left. I hope it ends well and remains as the best rated tv show on IMDB
>>Caring about imdb rating
Fuck off, it's a great show and I want a lot of people to watch it. Being #1 there will help it get attention.
I got the feels when comrade fatso epic owned the libshit woman because he was smart enough to move from a position of an underdog to someone with power whether by connections or otherwise and put the cunt in his place by making her realize the USSR was the workers' state and she can go suck on a weewee if she wants to shame a man for being born into the working class. Fucking dabbed on.
This is your brain on communism.
>shoot irradiated victim
>bullet just loses all velocity on contact because the body is jello and pizza and just sort of floats around in the body
I'd rather have him shoot me right there then go back to the roof
>Aleksandr Yuvchenko alive?
Wait..wasn't he the dude looking absolutely fucked who asked for a cig?
>got stabbed with pencil in the face by post 9/11 somalian immigrant
Ok shekelberg.
I honestly don't know when you guys post facts or shitposts when it comes to radiation shit. Please tell me this is shitpost and not what actually happens.
Keep building them. They're much better than Wind turbines and Solar
Yes, and yet he lived because his wounds were not from the stuff from the core like the others, he only got second hand stuff from the dust covering the blast door he held. The others left him for dead and bam fucking boozle he survived to this day and they died a week later. He was, you could say, a big guy.
same bro
>Legasov and Shcherbina died before Bryukhanov, Fomin and Dyatlov
Not fair
>The three madmen volunteers survived
based drive soundtrack poster
Me too! It's in my leg though. It never goes away, user. It's been over 20 years.
I also have a little piece on the right index finger. I stabbed myself with a pencil when I was around 14.
>tfw you know your shit better than anyone else at work and still get fired by your fucking retarded boss
Are the Russians doing better now that communism has failed? Obviously the Ukrainians still don't know what the fuck they are doing but that is a side issue.
Thread theme song:
>get fired
Yeah they fired him from life.
They got sold to Oligarchy, so no, not really. Living conditions are the same or worse and most people were freed of their socialist safety net so things are even more depressing.
He was interviewed here in 2004 I can onlt assume he still alive.
In nearly every formerly-communist country, the people who were around during communism prefer it to whatever the current system is.
Of course, that's misleading, because they're going from an attempt at communism to a completely failed state regardless of the new system, so it's not really indicative of communism actually being better at all.
Well, I'm sure the free market will fix the issue. They just need to have faith that the economy will improve if the offshore their industry and import low skilled immigrants from Africa and the Middle East.
comrade Bryukhanov, are you not well?
1984 tier bureaucratic nightmare got replaced with an even more corrupt mafia state.
Russia has got the short end of the stick for a long time.
Due to oligarchs and kleptocracy, they don't have fully functioning free market and rule of law. It takes decades at minimum, probably closer to century, to fix Russian society from fatalistic negligence and authoritarianism.
uh guys... why did I see graphite in the thread?
Look, I'm not taking you assholes seriously either
now this is bullshit. are you telling me that Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Baltic states miss their Russian commie overlords?
You are not a very bright fellow, are you?
Go get cucked by Kadyrov some more lmao
It took a couple of decades to fix Japan. There are segments of China which are practically modernized but its social structure still reels from the effects of communist destruction.
"After graduation, Dyatlov worked in a shipbuilding plant in Komsomolsk-on-Amur, installing reactors into submarines. During a nuclear accident there, Dyatlov received a radiation dose of 200 rem, a dose which typically causes mild radiation sickness, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue and reduction in resistance to infections. His son died of leukemia."
>Definitively, Leatherbarrow said, none of the men died of ARS. The shift supervisor died of a heart attack in 2005. (Leatherbarrow attributes this to a mix-up with an employee with the same surname who did succumb to ARS.)
>As for the other two men, Leatherbarrow said one is still alive and working in the industry, but he hasn't released his name because of privacy concerns. Leatherbarrow said that he lost track of the third man, but that he was alive at least up until 2015.
>In nearly every formerly-communist country, the people who were around during communism prefer it to whatever the current system is.
Economically? Yes, do you not see the absolute decay of their state infrastructure after the dissolution? All the old rotting buildings for one?
Since Chernobyl started airing on HBO, I've been sticking a graphite control rod into the tip of my erect penis so I don't break my nofap track
>It took a couple of decades to fix Japan.
Japan isn't Russia, it was bit less corrupt culture.
>Of communist destruction.
I'm sure china was a fully modernized state before socialism, just like the Soviet Union was a modern state before the five year plans.
In shitholes like Belarus Russia and Ukraine maybe, but none of the others.
there is no graphite in the thread user, you're mistaken.
le bigdims of communism non-shihole """"central european""""" we wuz nazis n sheeit ubermensch states, right?
I'm sorry I don't speak russian like you, comrade
Hahaha GOOGLE just might take a hint
Camarades, we're now imdb top rated tv show. Above that pro earth propaganda.
This is a very scientific approach, are you sure it is safe?
Unlike Dyatlov, I don't jam the control rod into my penis because I'm worried about perforating my urethra. A slow constant pressure applied to the tip of the penis with the pencil will make the erection go away so I can hopefully stop touching myself
Honestly, I can't say for sure and obviously it's not finished, but Chernobyl might be the best series I've seen.
Any citizen from those countries enjoy a better standard of living and probably earns more money than the average Russian, why on earth would they miss being a Soviet puppet exactly?
A simple circumcision procedure could easily prevent this situation..
You are delusional
Are you sure user? I'm quite sure I saw it while scrolling, isn't graphite only supposed to be in the OP where it's used as a shitpost moderator? Why would that be in the thread?
get him out of here
Comrade, report to the infirmary.
>Due to oligarchs and kleptocracy, they don't have fully functioning free market and rule of law
So America?
Pump your brakes, kiddo!
>better than season 1 TD
come on now user
Man...I can hardly get through this show. I mean, I do ultimately, because it's pure kino, top shit, but I unironically break out in a cold sweat, ringing ears, and visual snow every time I watch it.
Shit is too fucking real, dog.
Holy faggot, shut the fuck up. You already posted this, no one cares you tranny, get a fucking grip holy shit.
>leaders of belarus hate fags so that makes their country not a dysfunctional ex-soviet shithole
ask me how i know you're american
Comrades, I'm doing night shift in the chernobyl plant. I came to the bathroom when they started some weird test and I heard an explosion.
What the hell happened??
Nothing, carry on or you'll be marked as delusional.
And which country was this filmed in?
>He survived two meltdowns out of denial
Mind over body
America at least has semi functional legal system and rule of law.
just a hydrogen explosion in the control tank, nothing to worry about. on an unrelated note if you see any shiny black rocks DO NOT pick them up....
They both were condecorated in 2018 though.
>Yes please lets go back to living under a failed totalitarian state because my life is miserable
Old people are stupid, rat mentality
i know B E L A R U S is mostly an agricultural economy but I don't understand the picture. was there some sort of state sponsored pest eradication program in the spirit of Starship Troopers?
>when your staple food contain so much potatoes that potato DNA start merging with yours
Why didn't they portray real cigarettes from the time? Either simple filter-less tubes or loose paper hand rolled cigarettes.
A popular brand like Prima or any others would have been enough and they're cheap as shit with a very distinct packaging
Graphite is a neutron moderator, it enhances the reaction. Get your nuclear terminology right or get out of my thread.
Looks like OneyNG
hydrogen eggsblosion :DD Gondrol tank is FUGG'D ok
Is it reflective of the time period or of the Soviet attitude that everyone just seems cavalier about the possibility of looking straight at an exposed core? Even if you are 99% sure it's fine, most sane people would still prepare for that 1% by, for example, NOT using Eyeball 1.0 as your core observation equipment. Aren't these people nuclear engineer?
He may have been the cause of the first one too. Also he likely killed his own son
It's unironically what happened IRL down to the aparatchiks telling Sitnikov to go eyeball it.
>be me
>spend years of my life making shitty hollywood comedies so I can work my way up the ranks
>finally get the call
>"so look, with Trump in the White House and all, we've got this cool new idea for a russian comedy. We're thinking it's gonna go something like--"
>tell them not to worry, I've got them covered
>they'll get their comedy
>they'll all get their comedy
>all those motherfuckers who underestimated me
>I'll show them fucking comedy
>already posted this
I definitely haven't lmfao, guess someone else is a faggot too.
i figured all russians / billy russians / ukrainians look a little weird.
Is khomyuk real or they just needed a badass woman scientist to avoid complaints?
Why the fuck do you retards think the core exploded. Cores LITERALLY cannot explode, its not possible.
I mean I haven't laughed as much as with the memes of this show lately.
Colorado potato beetle. Came to USSR from US in 40's with Lend-Lease supplies and it is considered one of worst introduced species in the world. An ecological and economical menace to Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Baltic states. Enemy of Belarus if anything is.
Since Russian St.Georges crosses ribbon shares colors and has recently become prominent Russian symbol. East Ukrainian separatists and Russian diaspora nationalists in general are called coloradas across eastern Europe.
then why i see graphite
You know, they said the same thing about Chernobyl.
>slav spergout hour
the best part of these threads tbqh
You don't see graphite.
Wait so Boris went up to the roof and stared into an open fucking reactor core and lived to tell about it?
how the fuck are there so many quality memes already, HOW
Kino series makes kino memes
what is this then?
No, that was Sitnikov and he died. Boris was the one that looked similar to Sitnikov. He was the one that stayed in the control room and told Leonid not to go. Boris lived because he never left the control room, same as Dyatlov, who never came into contact with the core.
She is a mix of like 5 or 6 other people. Having her character be a woman adds more variety I think
What do you mean 'already'? The series is almost over!
Burnt concrete.
Nuclear is by far the best form of energy and I'll be a fission shill for the rest of my days.
why is spicy?
Southern spices.
And so I told them. I told them "the core exploded" and they believed me. True story. Then I had them waste billions on 'clean up' efforts. Helicopters, miners. I had them ship sand from the beaches. Honest to god, sand. Played them all like a damn fiddle. But you know, that's just me. That's who I am, and this is just a typical weekend for the Legmister.
Because its hot you retard fucking get a brain.
but it burns and i feel weak
>when you let the furries set up the SM
Concrete, comrad!
3.6/3.6 nice
Men, inform the Captain. There has been a graphite sighting.
What happened to the guard who goes with him?
are you sure? climb the main mast and take a look
he didn't see anything
Games that will tide me over between episodes, anyone? Not sure the metro or stalker series will do it really.
>gets his eyelid caught and ripped by the cold metal
>ngh! King's bollocks, god damn you bloody nonce! I hurt my eyelid! that's just burnt concrete!
What would happen if they exploded a nuclear bomb inside the sarcophagus?
WarGame series play as Soviet kino
Is there Dyatlov Big Iron yet?
>the water volunteer guys survived
What the actual fuck? How??
They didn't get that many rads from the water, either it wasn't very irradiated or they were just incredibly lucky. They didn't even get radiation sickness I think.
/r/ing this except he's getting hard over the core
why didn't anyone jump into the core
Godzilla already had me realize Nuclear Energy is shit
Turns out the radiation wasn't as bad as they thought it would be. If they had gone two days later then it would have been a real suicide mission.
World in Conflict. WW3 Real Time Strategy. Theres a campaign that let's you play as the soviets, it's great, formidable story, one of the best games i've ever played.
How is that a 'core'? It doesn't look anything like one. Its just a light show. Its all movie magic Leonid don't you see?
I have a similar dot on my hand under the skin, but no idea what it came from
>Comrade dyatlov why did you teleport five supermatter crystals onto the same tile then start the conveyors?
pencil sharpener
You got stabbed or stabbed yourself with a pencil. It's graphite. It's nothing to worry about unless you injure your hand, then it might get infected.
Honestly what even IS graphite? It sounds made up.
>Disconnects from the server
It's stuff that's found inside nuclear reactor cores AND NOWHERE ELSE!
>yfw based Dyatlov denial'd himself neutron free
If its housing the core you didn't see any because the core didn't explode.
if they needed graphite so bad why didn't they just start throwing pencils into the core
did they not have pencils in belarus or something
baased retorpt
>playing on a server with furries
Hasn't changed my mind it all. Its only made me realise even more that Communists fuck everything up.
There was already plenty of graphite in the core because it didn't explode, keep up.
are they ever gonna find khodemchuk bros
>he's still there
just watched the first two episodes on you guys' recommendation and goddamn, this shit does not disappoint
anyone have any gifs or some shit of the burning core?
>Stationed in the northern main circulating pumps engine room, likely killed immediately; body never found, likely buried under the wreckage of the steam separator drums; has a memorial plaque on the west side of the Phase 2 ventilation building; posthumously awarded the Order "For Courage" of third degree[11]
>implying he wasn't a secret sabotageman
Comfy, godspeed
no, we don't, because it didn't explode.
Nice try.
Fake American shill.
i'm surprised someone hasn't ever gone in there with a shovel and tried to pick khodemchuk out of the core
it's been 33 years, lads
just feedwater, i've seen worse.
have any of you guys seen this channel's content? it's rare footage taken from the cleanup work from chernobyl. it has some commentary from a man who was supervising the soldiers who went up on the roof. he was also up on the roof.
it's really fascinating
not great but not horrible
>anyone have any gifs or some shit of the burning core?
The core didn't explode. Go to the infirmary, the feed water is making you delusional.
>Going about and digging into radiated debris
Wait till you guys see Episode 5. They do a reconstruction of the test so we get more of Akimov. It ends with a cut to black as he hits AZ5.
Clearly doctored images
fuck all that gay shit. when are we gonna see more of bryukhanov and fomin. i want an episode that shows them trying to shuck and jive during the trial
That would explain why he's credited for 5 episodes on IMDb.
Are you Craig Mazin? Where do you hold this info from?
i have a chunk of graphite in my face. accidentally stabbed myself with a pencil trying to look through a microscope in grade school
>Yuvchenko still alive
The absolute unit. Only one who went near the core to survive.
To give the writer credit this has been a project he has been working on for over a decade. There's a per episode podcast where he discusses his research and production. The more i listen to him the more it sounds like he knows how to write good shows and only does the shit movies for a paycheck. All of the tropes and cliches you see in movies he avoided in Chernobyl consciously. He talks about his research material like the book Midnight in Chernobyl which actually came out after he and his team had already been working on the show's preproduction.
>Scary Movie 3
>literally the best of the 5
is there anything this man can't do?
A very, VERY brief trial in Ep 5.
Just a lowly production assistant.
>Only one who went near the core to survive.
Hm, that seems a little fishy don't you think? If the core exploded, there would be no way he could have lived.
That guy must be some kind of robot.
will we get a corium lava scene?
the way the radium girls died was fucking horrible too. they slowly died over months with their body parts like their jaws and fingers melting away.
Why doesn't anyone ever talk about Igor Kirshenbaum?
People bring up his arguably poor stuff but they forget HBO has him on their paycheck to review scripts and pilots. He also does the Scriptnotes podcast, a definitive must if you think of screenwriting into the industry.
pic related
Nah, the rest of the series is about soviet corruption. The series is gonna tank with the next 2 episodes.
>It ends with a cut to black as he hits AZ5.
Also to add to this, the director said he's copying the scene from another movie, where a disaster is alluded to the whole movie, but is then shown in full in the last scene. I cannot remember what he said it was.
fresh meme
That cigarette is called a Belomorkanal, it was the most popular brand in the Soviet block. It is historically accurate you tard
>this guy keeps facetiming me asking if I have any boron
Pretty sure that section is sarcophagus wall and buried in concrete.