Best Drama TV Show - Vote

>The Wire
>Breaking Bad
>Game of Thrones
>The Shield
>Twin Peaks
>The West Wing
>Friday Night Lights
>The X Files

If i missed one, let me know.

Attached: chernobyl.jpg (1200x675, 166K)

You forgot The Leftovers and accidentally included The Wire and Game of Thrones.

Game of Thrones is absolute garbage. Only a redditor would consider it an all-time great. And you're missing Six Feet Under.

>Game of Thrones

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What, don't you like The Wire?

The first 4 seasons were kino. Plus it was an all white cast, i liked it even more for that reason.

>breaking bad
>gay of thrones


The Terror

answer is easily mad men

breaking bad, got, x files, 24, lost, and the shield shouldn't be on the list but the americans should

Deadwood. So underrated. After Hickock is dead it turns into the best show HBO ever made. Third season is a little weak, but I've never seen a show have a better second season.

Only the first season was good, rest was shit.

x files shouldnt be in that list, it is not a drama. its a sci fi show that has some drama in it

The Young Pope

x files doesn't belong, too much procedural monster of the week episodes
i would vote breaking bad if you had put a poll up idiot

Was it really really good? I might watch it soon, give it a try

there's only been 3 episodes and only the first one was good.

>5 episode mini series
>hasnt even ended yet
/rbmk/tards are fucking stupid

Watch it, just for based pullo. THIRTEEEN

Fuck off

Just finished first season, I can’t imagine it getting any better. probably best atmosphere + dialogue show ever had

Lol op got btfo because of his shit list

Your ranking is so bad the thread should be deleted. Fuck you

pullo and voreanus are the worst parts of the show. Only based ceasar and marc ant matter

I like it, but the people vs O.J. was better imo

My list of greatest kino's

The Sopranos
The Wire
Breaking Bad
The Terror
GOT (Up until season 6)
Batman - The Animated Series
Fawlty Towers
Father Ted
The Simpsons (Up until season 12)
Star Trek - The Next Generation
X-Men - Animated Series
Dragonball Z

Kinos I need to watch

Boardwalk Empire

>Plus it was an all white cast, i liked it even more for that reason
The Wire had an almost all black cast and it's leagues better

>get called out for being stupid
>get upset
lol butthurt retard

it's overrated

Mods please delete this thread. It is beyond stupid.

The Wire is over rated

anyone who doesn't easily recognize Sopranos as best by several leagues, is a raging plebeian.

Game of Thrones is destroyed by season 8. Its trash.


they had 3 good seasons, the rest were walking dead tier


fucking based

lol stop this nonsense hyping

Chernobyl is not a memorable or amazing show in any way. Dumb zoomers.

bump for lost

Ye this. Kinda dumb to try to associate Chernobyl with such good shows especially LOST.


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Seconding The Americans, but I would definitely place Breaking Bad on the list

Attached: thumbs-up.jpg (303x303, 20K)

>Only Yea Forums likes Chernobyl

Its got good ratings across the board tho. Critics and Normies love it too.

No one cares shill

both fuck and thank you

Best by far. I could re watch it every 2 years or so and still be entertained.

Die faggot.


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i claudius

>being this triggered

Chernobyl is reddit and gay

>tfw the golden age of series kino is over

>Mad Meme
>Attractive people have it easy: the series



Have you even watched it, you mouth breather? It's probably the only thing even worth watching right now. Has been great.

Yes I watched it. The first episode was good, the next two were simultaneously reddit and gay.

No Sons of Anarchy?

the le strong wymyn character ruined thing for me

Bix nood muhfuhgn mup da doo didda

>almost everyhing on this list is trash
Embarrassing op

Jesus, imagine thinking anyone cares.

No Six Feet Under?

>no LOST
Shit list

>Chernobyl hasn't even gotten halfway and they already saying it's goat status

I swear they must be shilling this show at this point.

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>3/5 episodes
>not halfway

As much as I like Chernobyl, it shouldn't really be in the running for greatest show because it's a miniseries. Should be in its own category.

>start making different categories based on length
>1000 categories of liquid trash
>1 or 2 good ones
Why? 99.9% of television is unwatchable

OZ. Fucking OZ.
>Muh aging pills

shut up retard

Chernobyl is not kino. It is a half decent show, but after episode one it gets boring and it starts with bullshit drama. Just look for an Imgur thread on Google about a guy who wrote a book on the case, it will take you 25 minutes to read it and it will be by far more entertaining and educational than that lame show.

nice parroting retard

meme show
