
Come At Me, Nephew Edition


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first for Pilou

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muh kween

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My wives say hello.

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And she never wanted to leave.

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Anyone have the chart showing pictures of Danys face/upper body from each season and comparing them?


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The manlet beyond the wall

she has a furry chin... how do i feel about this?

What makes a good Tywinpost?

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desu this was the best thing to come out of thrones this year, the music

Danyfag GTFO

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He tried to warned you. Why didn't you listen?

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>traitorous self obsessed incestuous genocidal sjw foreign whore comes to take over your country.

the high sparrow should have won.

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So I got all the steps for the master plan..

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>What makes a good Tywinpost?
it- it- Its smart?

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I dated this girl once that had that problem and anytime we would eat out I just couldn't stop staring at it. Had to break up with her. Shouldn't have to tell a woman to shave her fucking face.

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Why are you still posting about this shit show? It' had a shit ending and there are going to be endless cash grab spinoffs.

Cutest psycho!

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what is "Westeros Avg"?


the high sparrow is a nerd and only had 20 followers
wait why did cersei and kevan listen to anything he said in the first place? she killed them all with one explosion

Until Stannis Baratheon, First of his name, King of the Andals and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm sits on the iron throne I don't see any reason to stop.

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It's called being human user
Did you genuinely not know that this was the norm?


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Reminder: Her burning Kings Landing was completely justified.

>Dances on your grave

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dumb horseface

>rewatching because dad wants to watch
>just saw "Sons of the Harpy"
God Barristan's death was retarded

And a side note Jaime says he wants to die in his lover's arms, so dnd were prepping that shitty arc the whole time

Note how the lighting subtly foreshadows the fact that almost everyone will hate the ending.

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Jon is asshole why Dany hate?


It was so fucking retarded. D&D even got called out on it incessantly. I think they even responded to fans somewhere basically saying "Why do you even like him he's old?". They took the greatest living swordsman and had him get gutted by literal slave nobodies.

Cute bird

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>come with me, break the wheel with me
50 years later

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Dany a cute! A CUTE.

1.what's that thing he's charging
2.how many boxes of tissues does he need

>Why are you still posting about this shit show? It' had a shit ending and there are going to be endless cash grab spinoffs.
Because processing via shitposting and memery can and should be expecting to continue for a reasonble time period after the fact, you autist. You don't just immediately drop shit, even shit you hate (perhaps especially not shit you hate?). Especially under these circumstances when shit just isn't dropping in pop culture every week like it's the 80's or 90's. If it were genuinely traumatic or painful i could understand immediately moving-on but goddamn, at least try to understand how actual people actually work (even incels on south pacific stone statue head carving message boards).

Our hate is the flip side of our love for this kinda shit. The opposite of that is just ignoring it and if that were an option, most of us wouldnt be here.

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Barristan a dumb fuck who got played.

Imagine Dany as a 30something year old aunt, you're a 14 year old Jon and she sits like that in bed, beckoning you over. Asking you to fill her barren womb with your cummies

So, how different do you think the books' ending will be?

It looks like Jon will still be a Targaryen, Dany will still burn King's Landing and the Others/White Walkers will be dealt with rather anti-climatically.

Building a legacy.

Im so horny and so lonely

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We need more giantess Dany

typical commie retardation
>just kill the rich and everything will be perfect
>things still suck
>now kill all the sparrows too
>why are we all starving?

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Reminder they watered down the Sparrow's legitimate grievances with the monarchy down to "lol we hate tha gheys XD"

1. his vibrator
2. plenty after i'm done with him

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I expect bran to be king and everything else could be different

By being too much of a bookfag and not hiding his power level?

"The lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep"

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Book Jaime is my husbando

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Dany will burn kings landing, dany will die, Jon will be a Targ, he'll go north when it's all done. But there is no Night King, they might still be science project gone wrong by the Children but lets hope not. Maybe Jon goes north with them as a pact. They'll most likely get way more south than Winterfell. Hopefully.

Stannis will probably take Winterfell, at the cost of his daughter.

it has to make you chuckle and think to yourself "that's Based Tywin alright!"

Congratulations user. You are the retard of the thread.

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hahaha wutevs dude next your gonna tell me girls brap too i guess. i actually kno girls and they dont. have sex icicle

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Yes, lol

But also in the books

>Be maester at Last Hearth
>All the bros are off fighting, following the Greatjon in Robb's war
>All the whores went south for more business since everyone's gone
>No one really left at the castle
>Been months since any physical or social interaction with other people
>Cold as shit outside, need to spend all my time in the keep
>Check in on the little lord in his chambers
>Open the door, catch him naked, in bed all playing with himself
>He squeaks, covers himself with his hands and starts tearing up, all embarrassed and shit.
>Begs you not to tell anyone
>Says he will do ANYTHING for you not to tell.

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fug we just need to elect bernie and then aoc doood it will be like college forever and no student loans!!!! :D

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>Implying you couldn’t put literally any ideology’s symbol over her

Why’d u choose communism, goy?

>Jon bonds with Rhaegal
>only ever rides him twice
>gives no fucks when he learns he died

What did they mean by this?

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>Reminder they watered down the Sparrow's legitimate grievances with the monarchy down to "lol we hate tha gheys XD"
for some reason I had a hunch he was going to be revealed to be Howland Reed

pretty sure they forgot rhaegal died, euron didn't seem to care despite accomplishing what is really a legendary feat

The costumes they made for Dany were really, really good. They were incredibly hot and no other show has come close to it.

I would pay a hooker for the boy

communism is literally the most jewish ideology, almost all the Bolshevik leaders were jewish

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Just remember the Tywin quote from the books "You cannot eat love, nor buy a horse with it, nor warm your halls on a cold night."

They ruined horses for poor Jon, fuck dragons

you mean the ones before 90% of the cast started wearing weird goth / bondage gear?

would he approve of his legitimate-born son that he died to protect to kill his sister and permanently unhouse his family from the throne?

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Fuzz is patrician

The entire season 8 was Jon rejecting his Targaryen heritage. Disgustingly disloyal.

All the ones in essos were hot as fuck.

Ok so who would you say is the greatest swordsman in all westeros? cause it's clearly not Jaime. for me, it's arthur dayne

i would punch you in the face

Why did they destroy my favorite character bros, the real Jon Snow wouldn't do this to Dany

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Soi response for a soi show.


Daenerys is Smeagol/Golum. Used to be innocent and sweet until the one ring/throne possessed them. Still of two minds, one good that remembers what they used to be like, one evil that's willing to go to any lengths to get back what's theirs, but in the end, the obsession with the ring/throne will consume and destroy both them and the object obsession. Also can't get over the fact the ring/throne belongs to someone else and dies having just obtained it from them.

George is a fucking hack. Tolkien rules supreme

for the series as a whole, who had satisfying deaths, and who didn't? pick related, although it was implausible and i wish he had gotten more episodes

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>would that I could

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I go to Korean equivalent of Yea Forums and they call Arya fucking Oompa Loompa

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A little less communism and a little more this, user

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What did he mean by this?

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Please don’t die in the book, my one true king!

What a fuckboy faggot


He will. I know for a fact.

Jaime's character arc got skewered, but it was the only death in season 8 that I felt was truly heartfelt and well-acted alongside Jorah's and Lyanna's.

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>Gurm made the wrong choice when he brought Jon Snow back. Screw Jon Snow. He had a great death and the characters should have had to bend the knee to the once true king, STANNIS STANNIS STANNIS

put ecg on his coat kek

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How do Koreans feel about season 8 on Ilbe. Do they also think it's shit.

How will he die GRRM? Finish the fucking book!

Westeros in a couple of centuries.

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What to they call Dany in Korea?


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Why did Cersei listen to anything the Sparrows said in the show if there were so few of them she could just kill them all in one explosion? How many were there, like 20? Why listen to any of them?

>Be a mega slut for several seasons
>Meets Jon Sow
>Becomes pure again

How did he do it

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the power of a unfinished plot

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Grenn and Pip should have died at Winterfell.

i want nikolaj to be my dad bros it's not fair

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Why didn’t they just send in the Lannister soldiers or gold cloaks to kill them

I hope he gets more roles. He's a good actor and insanely attractive.

>tfw Dany is dead
Literally no better feel than this.

Sansa fuck off

robert wasn't a swordsman retard, he wielded a fucking warhammer

i want daddy nikolaj to sneak into my bedroom at night and rape me desu. i want to feel his special cummies sliding out of me

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Why did he do it bros?
Why did he messed up his genes with LA CREATURA?

maario naharis

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based maario naharis poster

It's the thing he does with his mouth, no lady can withstand his famous tongue ministrations.

i can't believe he was the worst swordsman of the cast, super disappointing desu

Germanics and nords have furry faces deal with it subhuman, its cold up here

BarathaCHAD here, Westeros needs to be liberated from Valyrian filth.

Dany literally restored the Baratheon family after they'd all been killed off

........ ... .. .... .... ... ..? .... .. ..., ............. ...!

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Get fucked Danyfag
t. ThorCHAD

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holy shit you're actually right

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Someone needs to edit him into Darkstar

>*writes documents*
>*looks up at you*
>You will marry Sir Meme and thats the end of it
>And speak no more of Castle Cuckheim...

It wasn’t that she looked attractive in his clothes, although she did. It was that after she had finished running with the dogs and horses, she would always come to him and it was like her blood was on fire. Something in that little taste of his life aroused her and sitting with the septa was a small price to pay for being fucked through all seven hells afterwards. That or he looked more attractive in a dress than he could possibly imagine.

She was knelt between his legs, only half visible behind the ridiculous amount of skirt that refused to lie flat and he closed his eyes to concentrate on her fingers. Her long, ruthless, unyielding and perfect fingers that were buried inside him making his hips buck every time she curled her fingertips. Cersei wasn’t good at being gentle but that had never mattered. Nothing she did really mattered so long as it was her.

He was so hard it hurt and he arched his back, trying to get some friction from the inside of the skirt, a move that wasn’t lost on his twin and her fingers worked harder and faster. A stifled groan turned into her name on Jaime’s lips and it earned him a look of irritation.

“No. That isn’t right.”

“Jaime,” he said and the shape of the word felt odd in his mouth.

She had partly unpicked the laces of her breeches and slipped her other hand inside. Her breathing quickened and her eyes were half lidded as she watched him writhe, practically fucking himself on her fingers.

He was panting now, watching her getting off on watching him was more than he could take. “Oh gods… please, harder. Jaime, Jaime.” He came with his own name on his lips, over the inside of the skirt and watched as Cersei moaned where she knelt, her body jolting hard, once. For a moment she seemed frozen in bliss, and then she crawled wordlessly down into his arms.

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oh no! I just spilled Kino all over your screen!

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same but with a drunk uncle pilou

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I feel like the turning point of the series is that scene in season 5 (I think) where Tommen marches a platoon of soldiers to the Sept of Baelor only to pussy out when a couple of unarmed guys wearing cloth robes come out to face him. Like, fucking really?

Besides AO3, where you guys get your fanficition from? I need to get rid of episode 6.

pilou seems like my cousins boyfriend who 9 year old me thinks is the coolest guy in the world.

The Baratheons are literally a bastard line of the Targs you showfags.

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Get hype for book

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kek this

You're the retard, actually. Baratheons are a renamed House Durrandon, which occasionally married in with the Targaryens, just like every other Great House.

>Six Kingdoms
>Elective monarchy

>Wheel broken

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Moose Bolton

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there used to be some livejournal pages where you could consistently find some actually decently written stuff instead of the mountains of trash on AO3, but most are long gone

He underestimates Ramsey and gets rekt at the battle of Winterfell. Ramsey leverages his death for more political power through an arranged marriage with Cersei. At this point he believes Arya/Jeyne to be dead, and when word that she has reached the Wall and been reunited with Jon begins to spread, he hires the Faceless Men to assassinate "Arya", inadvertently setting course for the true Arya to go to the Wall.

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Goose Bolton

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What sort of fic are you looking for?

Who would win?

Big if true.

>Jaime loses hand
>Vic gets volcano hand
>JonCon gets greyscale hand
What’s GRRM’s obsession with the hand loss? Also why are Victarion and JonCon based for a cuck and a fag but the show didn’t use them?

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>Brings a fucking guitar to the party

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Did Aemon Taregaryen know Jon Snow was a Targ?

By that point the show had already diverged too much from the books, so they merged Victarion, Euron and Ramsey into Show Euron and gave Jon's Greyscale plot to Jorah.

jesus chrsit YOU JUST KNOW emilia got double teamed by Iain and Dabid later that night


I'm Niko

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This site has a few good ones, even though the writing them is a fat autist.

fuck t*rgs
biggest mistake robert ever did was not eliminate them from the phase of westeros completely

Why did they give the whole Castamere thing such a big focus in the show?


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Will Ramsey be boot GoT's endgame villain, or is it Euron?

i'm missandei because pilou is looking at her

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This, but look on the bright side. They pretty much eliminated themselves.

Patrician SanSan poster saving the thread

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What happened to Viserys and Dany

Orys Baratheon was the bastard brother of Aegon the Conqueror. Holy fucking shit I hate showfags so god damn much.

is sophie a fucking alcoholic

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i want pilou to use that gold chain to choke me

among other things

Ramsay is still only a midboss

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Never born, I decided to LARP as Aerys growing a brain and divorced Rhaella instead of continuing incest insanity. Married Barbrey Dustin instead.

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That’s the dumbest excuse I’ve ever heard. The books where out, Dance came out after season one. Season one now has Theon mentioning his uncles burning the Iron Fleet meaning it was Euron and Aeron, who was great caster but a background charachter whose name was never said and only even referenced as an uncle once and it was after the last time he was on screen. And they cut JonCon but still had the Golden Company and they did nothing but they included them anyway. So there is no point to your point.

What would you do if Jaime shit his pants in front of you?

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The Seed is Strong, while Orys married Argella, its the Durrandon genes that prevailed. Baratheons are 100% Andal, unlike the Valyrian filth that are the T*rgs.

based. same

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Also Steffon is the son of Rhaelle Targaryen

>Ywn be a 13 year old pretty boyJaime Lannister who after a day of fighting goes home and makes passionate love with his 10/10 twin sister

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i would probably laugh at him then help him clean himself to further embarrass him

Aegon seems to be fucking shit up pretty hard in the Stormlands. (The real Aegon, not Jon)

The tragedy of House Reyne is a well-known story in the Seven Kingdoms and is used to express how ruthless Tywin Lannister can be.


>clean yourself up, I expect this sort of behaviour from your brother, not a knight

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Durrandon are first men, the only Andals who actually conquered anything important was the Arryns


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And? Everyone in Westeros' Great Houses has some sort of relation. Robert's still the Storm God who BTFO the T*rgs and removed them from Westeros.
Durrandons and Lannisters assimilated to Andals. AndalCHADS win again.

wake up mom ;_;

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Pretty sure Rhaegar didn't give a shit about his house, considering he destroyed it in a vain attempt of fulfilling some prophecy.

I had to look up who Rhaelle was but you're right. Robert's grandmother being a Targ is what allowed him to take the Iron Throne to begin with.

They were fucking at way younger than that, bro.

>The real Aegon

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>Father, if you would just let me explain... *farts* *shits*

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I’ll never stop Bobbyposting

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>I was first convinced to start GoT at a Memorial Day party while wasted by my friend telling me I’d love it
>he says something big happened and get into it now before the show blows up more and it’s spoiled
>I tell him all I know about the show is there are /got/ threads on Yea Forums and Yea Forums as whole seems to like the Stannis guy
>the song Blurred Lines is on the radio and is actually new and not overplayed yet
>this was happening six years ago now, after season three aired
Holy shit the show is over and this was the weekend it started for me

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>Tosses her fresh corpse into the fucking sea not 5 minutes later
WTF was his problem?

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And still in order to claim the crown he said that he was the grandson of a Targaryen to make the claim valid.

>Everyone in Westeros' Great Houses has some sort of relation
I have no clue where you got this from, because it's not even kind of true. Out of all the great houses of Westeros, only the Arryns, Martells and Baratheons married into the royal family. There were some lower families who married into the Targs as well, such as the Velaryons, Hightowers and Blackwoods, but by no means is every great house related.

That was Stannis's one (1) failing, not getting to Dragonstone on time to stomp the rest of the dragonspawn out

Should we really trust this fatass will actually get TWOW done by 2020 or is it false hope?


Dany will soon be revived by the red priestesses of the east, and come back to wreck her sexual vengeance on Jon Snow

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Jon was being gaslighted just like Dany.

Give her a few more episodes and Dany totally would have burned King's Landing.

More importantly they set this up to mean JACK FUCKING SHIT for any future stuff because:

Drogon is heading for Volantis with Dany
Volantis Red Priestesses are Pro-Dany
The one we meet outright says Dany will murder everyone for their sins via fire.

Night King was not a sinner and so the Lord of Light did not let fire burn him.
King's Landing was a den of evil and so it was cleansed.
Jons half-Stark(Ice) dick could temper her crazy. So the entire season was about the Lord of Light separating the two before he could ruin it using a idiot dwarf who admits he's a moron, a goblin, Sansa, and the cripple.

House Lannister never assimilated into the Andals because they didn't exist yet when all the southern houses were doing that. Their First Men counterparts, House Casterly, were the ones who had to deal with that bullshit.

>real Aegon

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They could have lived if they took a few steps the other way.


What if it ended like this

>Strange man appears at Dragonpit
>"There's no need for this world to mature any further. It can slumber in the genjutsu of the Eternal Tsukuyomi."

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Btw, Tyrion paid the prostitutes and Littlefinger behind Podrick’s back to say all that shit about him and give him back the gold too, right?

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>Why did they give the whole Castamere thing such a big focus in the show?
I never understood why he would create a house Reyne and then use rain as an attempt at a double entrée that doesn't actually work in writing and is especially confusing as he already uses nature-themed surnames for the bastards of the various kingdoms and he could have invented a House Rain that was founded by a bastard of a particularly wet region of Westeros.

So does Bran just warg into another man to jack off to Sansa being raped?

Sequel where Dany returns to exact vengance on the traitors and extract Jons' seed WHEN?

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Are either of these chicks the one whose body is filled with worms?

>bronn actually got a downgrade

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I think she'll build the first Galactic Empire of Essos and find an army of Dragons to raise as her new army.

Since reviving people is supposed to fuck you up I assume whatever twosted good intentions she has will be gone and she's now full Dany the cleanser of the world in Fire.

Then they do some reveal that the Baby Night King White Walkered is another Night King leading his own group of White Walkers, preparing to strike down The Cripple so Dany can cleanse Westeros in fire.

I got into Game of Thrones around that same time because I thought it would help me connect more with friends and family. I was a total weeb at the time this show seemed like something vaguely "normal" that I could obsess over instead of anime. It's funny how society has changed over the years, with anime now being a normie thing and GoT being one of the most mainstream shows on the planet.


Bobby B is forever

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Let me get this straight, Tyrion, a guy who stated in season one that his goal is to live no matter, walks up to dany and basically guarantees his own death by telling her to fuck off. Here’s how this should have gone:

>Tyrion gets on his knees to dany
>my queen I can’t thank you enough for liberating the people of king’s landing”
>you freed your brother
>I freed him to kill Cersei, which he did
>but I should have told you first, I will resign as hand unless you say otherwise your grace

If she makes him resign he can plan on poisoning her later, if not he can advise her not to kill more people.

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Bran doesn't watch rape for sexual reasons. It's art to him. that's why he calls it beautiful

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Because it’s something that we’ve been following for the past 8 years

She's like, a 10 in the 17th century hot. Which I guess works with GoT. If you're sort of all into that medieval hot sort of thing.

All three have been dead for nearly 300 years

Imagine if Kinvara resurrects Daenerys

Freeing his brother is already treason.

With his repeated incompetence the fact he's been a Hand for two season is only because of Danys self-righteous benevolence. So he'd still be tossed away in a pit to die because he's a moron thanks to the plot and even Sansa told him he's stupid now.

Dumb and Dumber really did Tyrion dirty.

you may find this difficult to comprehend user, but...
>people change
>people vastly under-estimate how future events are going to make them feel in the moment, despite being able to predict them fairly well
>people lie to other people all the time
>people lie to themselves constantly

Heh, it could basically follow the same trajectory as nu Star Wars if you swapped things round a bit.

>implying she hasn't already
I think if they ever do a sequel series and include Dany, it'll just be her initially, with Drogon having fucked off to some mysterious land long ago. Should temper her worst impulses, for a time.

Nice fanfic, Dany is dead and had an on-screen death, unlike Stannis who's still out there.

How literally fucked is he?

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He wargs into Sansa and makes her finger herself while she remembers being raped.

Does anyone hate what they did with Jaime with him getting caught with his golden hand not being covered? He responded with durrr I’m the stupidest Lannister.

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Super fucked. Unless he meets some White Walkers and they team up in exchange for murdering the cripple.

What if Brienne killed Stannis, but he was resurrected by Melisandre and he was sent to Volantis to create an army of devotees of r'hllor

Yeah that’s not far off from why my friend wanted me to get into GoT either, just not anime. I was talking about Twin Peaks and reccomending it to my friends at the party and they asked me if I watched any current shows and I was drawing a blank.

Drogon is literally heading to Volantis to get Dany a 1UP/Phoenix Down

He already understands symbolisms and pointy things kill so Religious Fanatics that want the world in flames is right up fore made fleshes alley

Maybe this is why Bran wants to stop him. I could be funny if the Greenseers cannot warg Dragons.

Lol, where have you been all week?

the rumor is that they already shot the resurrection scene as its existence was confirmed in a discussion of editing / deleted scenes for the finale. Since we already knew they were filming extra scenes to confuse the spoilers, this makes sense, but prior to the episode airing the assumption was going to be possible multiple endings for the blu-ray, not an actual sequel.

The logical assumption would be that it would constitute an epilogue for a future Season 9 and the actual continuation series would take place many years after the events of Season 8 and her rezzing. So, immediately after her resurrection she must lose her last dragon or her and the dragon just fuck off to somewhere else to wait

based ashara cheating on ned

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should I do it? how mad would Catelyn be?

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Okay here's her arc:
Swear revenge on the people that wronged you.
Be told several times that revenge will only leave her empty and angry and hateful.
She exacts revenge several times.
In the name of revenge, she does the single most fucked up thing yet.
Her revengelust sating made her so strong, she was able to kill Satan Himself.
Everyone who wronged her has died and now she's happy.
She goes to find more exciting adventure.

So the lesson is: Always pursue revenge, it makes you happy and stronger.

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sadly cat got killed

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Yeah, I remember Emilia talking about them shooting her hand for something. Something like that would be incredibly easy to keep raw and under wraps for a later date.

Smart? Tyrion the Imp was smart. He organised the defense of Kings Landing, and destroyed half of Stannis's ships in a single blow. He played word games with the highborn of Westeros, drank, whored and ignored his duty to his family.

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No conflict between Stannis and dany they will be married and rule in the golden age in the end that was promised

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The Lord of Light has plans and he shall see them done.

Thinking how Emperor Palpa-Dany got done dirty. I'd easily spend a whole season of Dany being increasingly brutal as everyone gaslights her to embrace her worst parts. I wish Olenna was alive just for her to smile as Dany did everything she advised her too. Unlike that Jester Tyrion.


Night King is not Satan. If he was evil Drogon could burn him as thats how the Lord of Light works. Burning sinners alive.

What game is this?

crusader kings 2 with the GOT mod

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>in a discussion of editing / deleted scenes for the finale
A discussion where and by who. The only things cut was some Tormund Brienne thing and we have no idea when they cut it.

I think that was her touching the throne since it doesn't require Kit or anyone else there.

>What were the last days on set like?

>Oh my goodness, it really is the most heartbreaking thing to be filming the last of everything.
>I became an emotional wreck.
>They were like, ‘Emilia, it’s only a shot of your hand, it’s OK. Just get over it now. We need to get some work done.’ And I was like, ‘But it’s the last time!’ Everything was making me very sad.

Crusader King's 2, since I'm too shit to write fanfiction this will have to do to deal with the ending

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Could well have been. I'm holding out hope for extra shit on the blurays, but I guess we'll see.

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robert best king

So did Eurons actor know anything about the character from the books? I heard he intentionally messed up his last scenes just to get that ridiculous comment about causing the Kingslayers end while fucking da queen.

there were maybe 2 or 3 actors that gave a fuck about the books, even a little bit

>a future season nine
D&D said enough times “seven kingdoms seven gods seven books seven seasons” as their plan only to do a fake “bargaining” that we now know is true to break the finale season into two short ones just because Sopranos did it and so did Mad Men and Breaking Bad so they thought they had to pretend to do it that it totally calls this claim out as bullshit.

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Robert b is gonna go down as the last good king of Westeros before shit went really down hill.

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>mfw the final antagonist was Greyworm

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Euron’s actor learned about book euron and was super stoked to play book euron he hated this shit.

He should be happy. The whore destroyed his bitch of a wife and helped his bastard continue the family when his bitch of a wife and her incest spawn tried to destroy his own family.


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They wouldn't run any potential sequel series, and you can bet your ass HBO would "strongly encourage" them to leave things open-ended if they thought there was even a chance of writing one someday.

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>got the Kingdom in debt to the tune of millions, most of which was owed to Tywin Lannister

That's what I thought I heard. D&D hate all the cool shit like magic so of course they removed it from Euron.

I don't wanna burst any bubbles but I just don't see any kind of resurrection being something they'd film, that wasn't leaked and that they'd put as an extra somewhere.

I don't even think the blu-rays tend to have many extras regarding deleted or extra scenes.

>Tywin has gotten into debt from lending money to the kingdom
>So the Iron Bank....... Instead of supporting the Lannister's enemies, it supports the crown
Wait why did the Iron Bank join with Euron? What the fuck


Because the plot said so.

Just like Cersei can blow up the High Septon and no one but Olenna gives a shit.


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>onions face

Arya isn't gobliny enough. Give her a huge nose and green skin with goat eyes. Much better self-portrait of her.

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Actual ending right here.

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I remember at least one leaker around episode 4 that suggested it was a possibility, but can't remember if anything else that source posted was ever verified.

All the same, even if something like that were filmed for future use, I can't see any reason they'd put it on the bluray. You're absolutely right in that regard.

>Did Euron's actor know anything about book Euron
Maybe a little user, just a smidge

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He talked about the Nightshade in one interview


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you're just jelly user

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try dry humping as a 7 year old shota.

>debt meme

Monarchs declared debts void ever like 50 years

>I'm the man who killed Jaime Lannister! XD
cringiest line in the whole season.

>sell merchandise combining Stark wolf and Targaryen dragon
>even use it as decal at a wrap party
>Jon and Dany never marry
>Jon never identifies as Targaryen or as both Stark and Targaryen
>Jon even kills Dany
>never had a kid together
What the fuck was the point?


Ben Shapiro refers to Yara as Asha

Our guy confirmed?

From what I've read of bookfags, Jon Snow is still dead in the books.

The kid is in her dead body and will rez with mommy.

Better off than any of Cerseis incest babies since being Cerseis spawn automatically means you're screwed. Even when she isn't drinking to make the baby fucked up.

>Our guy confirmed?

>ayra killing the night king makes sense

>Dumb Jew who can't even debate with the baseline of bong television presenters.
He can be your guy if you want to be retarded user, but don't lump us in with you

>come back to wreck her sexual vengeance on Jon Snow
Jon is probably the only character I'd like to see Drogon rape to death.

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There was none.

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Screen cap: Jon and dany have a kid in the books

thanks user, will look back on this post in 2040 and wonder if it will still happen


Rob and Jeyne

Auny aunty give me braps

>lord of light hooks Dany up with Jon
>gives Bran visions to break them up to drive Dany crazy so she'll burn nonbelievers by the thousands
>it fucking works
>will now revive her at her angriest so she'll burn all of Westeros
Holy shit. It fits

No shit they will

>unironically being scared of AOC

I'm starting to doubt that. George doesn't like prophecy or happy couples. He'll maybe make Dany pregnant just to make her lose the kid and fulfill Mirri's curse some other way or maybe not at all cause it was just a statement.

And if Dany's death is the third holy shit moment, which it has to be, her death is assured and I can't see them rushing this hard to make her crazy and Jon to kill her if he doesn't end up doing it because she goes mad.

We were warned the Lord of Light wanted fo burn away all the sin. All the sacrifices done in fire, all the burning of innocents if it will achieve the Lord of Lights goal.

All of it part of the Lord of Lights grand design. Even Stannis as a false messiah sacrificing his daughter so his priestess will be on the track he had set for her.

There are a ton of prophecies that do come true in the books. And Jon and Dany might still die and have a child

>prophecies that do come true in the books
True, like Ghost of High Heart and some of the visions Dany saw with the Undying and we've got Moqorro who can see into the future a bit. But George did have Marwyn say this

>Gorghan of Old Ghis once wrote that a prophecy is like a treacherous woman. She takes your member in her mouth, and you moan with the pleasure of it and think, how sweet, how fine, how good this is... and then her teeth snap shut and your moans turn to screams. That is the nature of prophecy, said Gorghan. Prophecy will bite your prick off every time

So I think for things that are deliberately vague, full of metaphors or very old, that those are the tricky ones where they won't be fulfilled how we think they'll be or as literal as we might like.

I don't see why the show would not have the kid still there if there's supposed to be one though. That would definitely be a big departure from the ending George told them that'd affect two main characters who were in George's original 5.

>I don't see why the show would not have the kid still there if there's supposed to be one though
It just didn't fit with the timeline or pace they'd set coming out of season 7. They'd have had to find some way to delay the plot for months and months, unless they were down with Jon killing his own unborn kid, which I suspect they weren't. Probably a good call there.

Only awful character assassination made dany a commie at the end.

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He remembers Joff getting btfo by the mob but he’s still naive enough to think he could have a good faith negotiation with the sparrow in front of all those people.

nice game

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>That's where Ned Stark found me...
>Why didn't you tell Lord Stark?
>You think the honorable Ned Stark wanted to hear my side?
>He judged me guilty the moment he set eyes on me
>By what right does the wolf judge the lion?
>Help! Help! The Kingslayer!

Jaime... my name is Jaime.

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We were robbed. Jaime is the hero we deserved, it also would've made the lord of light important to the overall story

I would hold the rope while they lead (((you))) to the tree

He probably can, or else he wouldn't have said that.

>I guess Jon just kind of forgot about being robbed of being a badass dragon rider
>I guess Euron just kind of forgot that killing a one armed sister fister isn’t more legend-worthy than a dragon
>I guess Drogon just kind of forgot what the fuck his comprehensive and intellectual abilities are and just fried a fucking chair when he could smell Jon Soi’s cum all over the dagger
>I guess we all kind of forgot that Dabid and Dyke want to play Star Wars and leave the “lame” fantasy shit behind

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