Please help me understand doom patrol

one of my friends showed me the first episode of Doom Patrol, it made me feel confused and uncomfortable. It was just very.. strange.

It seems too vulgar for young audiences but too hammy for anyone older than 12. I feel like something was going over my head. It made me feel queasy and disoriented.

> All the characters are gross, shallow, childish and unsympathetic, including the narrator
> One scene cut makes over 20 years pass at the house after Brendan Frasier's re-awakening, and no character development has occurred in that time, and the mental wound from losing his daughter is still that gaping wide open?? really?
> Nicktoon-tier edginess like the narrator, the goat fart

Someone explained to me that it was actually a show about under-socialized adult homeschoolers and in retrospect it suddenly makes a lot more sense.

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the character design for elastic girl and the robot is hideous. i guess it's kind of the point for elastic girl but it's even more ugly than i can tolerate, it looks like a giant ball sack.

the brendan frasier robot looks like a constipated crash test dummy

makes them even less likeable when they are already hard enough to root for


>reddit spacing
go back

> All the characters are gross, shallow, childish and unsympathetic, including the narrator
> One scene cut makes over 20 years pass at the house after Brendan Frasier's re-awakening, and no character development has occurred in that time, and the mental wound from losing his daughter is still that gaping wide open?? really?
> Nicktoon-tier edginess like the narrator, the goat fart
obviously not reddit spacing right there newfriend

>anti-reddit spacing to just fit in
trying to hard, bro

go to reddit fag

im op, idk who this guy is . i guess less onions posters would have the confidence to write their ideas in walls of text rather than feeling insecure enough to need to break their words into little easily digestible 2-line shit nuggets in a nervous attempt to prevent their post from just being scrolled past

Well, you see, its shit and it was destined to be shit bc the source is lame.

>too vulgar for young audiences but too hammy for anyone older than 12

so you don't understand doom patrol because it's too close to the tone of comic books?

literally, LITERALLY, no one watches or cares about this retarded bullshit

This show just beats you over the head with its gayness. Just when you think it's done with the faggotry, it introduces a super gay street full of gays.
Congrats on not being gay, OP. You're still a fag, though.

>sniffing farts over doom patrol source material knowledge

LOL kys

I see you have trouble understanding written information as well.

A show about disabled superheroes dealing with trauma. It ain't high art, it's goofy sometimes but at least it's a bit different. Although the excessive cursing can be really annoying at times.

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Ah, yes. The good old D.C. tonal dissonance. They think they're not making capeshit but high art. The joke is, it's just the worst capeshit out there.


What the fuck is happening here?

it's good that twiki finally updated his hairdo

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I watched a bunch and it looked neat but is pretty poorly written. not to mention Brendan Frasher needs to go die in a ditch someplace already

A character gave everybody in the scene involuntary orgasms.

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Genuinely the best capeshit media outside of comics

>it made me feel confused and uncomfortable.
We call that kino, my boy.

I like how 9 times out of 10, whenever an actor is tasked to fake an orgasm on screen, its clear they have never actually had an orgasm.

Yeah it just looks like she is on some really good ecstasy lol

>Bitch and whine that all capeshit is the same.
A new show tries to do capeshit a bit differently.
>Bitch and whine still.

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The main thing that bothered me about the show is how somehow everyone in it has an excuse for being 70 years old, but played by actors in their 30s and it's really stupid.

That said, I have mixed feelings about the show and most point to it not being worth a re-watch or much care because very little of interest or value happened, none of the stories were very interesting, and nothing was accomplished by the end of it.

Also it's a crime that they wasted the best character, Flex Mentallo, on a shitty story arc that didn't even have him use his powers in any way, and then he just disappeared.


its more how the mcu/dceu aren't comic-booky enough and doom patrol is too comic-booky.

i liked how flex became the glorified transportation to resolve the big-bad plot. as that's usually cyborg's big contribution.

you ever seen child stars?
>quirky stars from defunct 90's shows, together in a house, living out trauma and ramifications of their tv quirks in one final revival sitcom.

> everyone in the show has a 70 years old character
> played by a 30 year old actor
> scripted like a 13 year old

Only just noticed it had a head like a weird penis.

>please help me understand
SJW fest, and it's a damn shame

not geting old and tooking years to not deal with their past is the worst past, because is unnecessary, not even a 50s comic book would do something that idiotic.

i read a few comics, there is a whole lot of material and ideas there, but the show is a tonal mess with a bunch of politically correct crap sprinkle all over.

its weird for the sake of it, but without the darkness of grant morrison run. also, after a while, its impossible to even care, because they propose impossible things that get the most lazy resolution.

most of the hype was for brendan fraser and dalton presence on the cast, but the writing fuck it all up, it tries way too hard to be edgy and weid for the sake of it without offering interesting characters to root for.

i always passed over these comics because they looked super gay but I like the show. god damn brendan becomes a cussing machine in the last few episodes though, that's literally all he does I think in the last episode.

"tonal mess" is really accurate , havent run into any PC crap yet

literally please explain what you like about it. i cannot fathom what about this show is good

it makes me actually queasy

Doom Patrol is great, it’s the best comic book show made so far.

How does not liking a show make you queasy?

>too vulgar for young audiences but too hammy for anyone older than 12
If you're older than 12 but can't enjoy some ham every now and then it's because you're still in the edgy serious teenager phase. Doom Patrol is childish bullshit absurd-ism for adults in the same vein as South Park or Jackass, but in a capeshit setting. Everyone's an asshole doing dumb shit and you're either amused enough by it to keep going or you're not.

It was kino for about four episodes and then quickly dove into quirky for quirky sake, needing to say fuck a dozen times every other minute because "dude we're a grown-up channel", and awful pacing all around.

Them all being immortal is the entire point, it's not just a random coincidence or excuses, if they were capable of ageing then they wouldn't be there in the first place.

>> One scene cut makes over 20 years pass at the house after Brendan Frasier's re-awakening, and no character development has occurred in that time, and the mental wound from losing his daughter is still that gaping wide open?? really?
i agree this is what bothered me the most about the first episode. You don't just have 20 years pass and pretend it was 20 hours

Time is fucked all over the series and the character arc for Jane is equally fucked

Jane showing up 20 years later and everyone being all, "Oh that's just Jane," and Cliff meeting her for the first time despite being there for 20 years was really fucking jarring.

The praise for Doom Patrol in the latter half of the season felt forced. It felt like people were like "y-yeah this is weird and I like it" instead of pointing out how dumb so much of it was.

The butt attack was fucking retarded

Stick to marvel brainlet

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*sniff sniff*