Only the most kino scenes

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Other urls found in this thread:

I’m so excited about the 4K release.

If it’s anything like the 2001 transfer it will be kino.

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>white man's burden
God I miss drinking whiskey.

>4:3 ratio

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what does kino mean

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what is this from? I recognize this set from the game L.A Noire. I'd love to watch this movie

idk the origin or actual meaning but it's Yea Forums slang for "really good movie/show"

>Why aren't you with Doris?
>I don't know
>Why aren't you with Doris
>I don't know, it's because I'm an idiot

I felt that performance anons. I felt it.

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It means theater in German and also Polish. They both use the same word.

Look at all that dead space, what a hack. Unless this was a production still. (I haven't seen the film in it's entirety)

dead space?

too hard

Intolerance by DW Griffith

>D.W. Griffith's epic intercuts between four separate stories about man's inhumanity to man. In Babylon, pacifist Prince Belshazzar is brought down by warring religious factions. In Judea, the last days of Christ (Howard Gaye) are depicted in the style of a Passion play. In France, Catherine de Medici presides over the slaughter of the Huguenots. And in California, a woman (Mae Marsh) pleads for the life of her husband (Robert Harron) when he is sentenced to hang for a murder he did not commit.

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I always it meant for something to be cinematic and climactic.

Forgot the word "amused"

The leads are weak

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Have you ever held a 35mm negative in your hands?

For those who don't know, motion picture quality are judged as:

Kino is for when a television or film transcends the art form. It takes on its own form of life adding incredible depth as it pushes past the consciousness of man. When you watch kino you feel insignificant. You suddenly feel small as you watch the expansion of the universe within this scene. The scene becomes more important than any film could possibly imagine.

>He doesn't watch joints

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>He watches joints

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in my language kino means movie so I always got confused when people used that word here

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the hell is this from? I've been out of the meme world for quite some time

Easily top 3 of all time

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Is this the most kino scene this year? And I know it released in 2018, but it qualifies as 2019 since that's when it got a worldwide release. It wasn't eligible for any awards last year, but now it is since it got a worldwide release


2003 film called Zero Day

are those Columbine shooters?

Hey, OP, go home and get your fuckin' shinebox.

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its from the movie zero day. Its inspired by them. They're no the same characters

Thank you. (let down it wasn't real) The Internet is ruining me.

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holy shit there's actually a whole Columbinesploitation

my nigga

its actually good too

90min of handheld camcorder, omg I'm thrilled

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but its not

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Thot Patrolled

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Based boomer

The Japanese version of that song had my laughing.

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You lookin' to become a penologist?

true kino is not just "cool scenes to watch". now these:
these are kino.



that table flip

What is that body type called

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Meh. It was better in the book.

Italian john wick


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dude that bartender is so god damn creepy
he was the scariest thing in that entire movie

Chad Boomer

whoever uses this word is telling you that he's a r*dditor

Lol, I just lost my shit watching this

First ever fap.
Also why I have a scat fetish now.

One of the GOAT

Only my dick

The Business Card Scene in American Psycho is just so perfectly crafted.
The fucking hilarious sound effects and brilliant writing and acting make it something to behold.
Excellent choice OP
Fantastic Choice

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>gatekeeping kino

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>First saw him in Gladiator
>Thought he was a run of the mill actor
>Several years pass and see him in The Master
>See him as one of the greatest living actors
How did he do it? That interrogation scene took my breath away.

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god i want to ram him so hard. i don't care if it's gay

>hollywood ISNT filled with pedos

Absolute unit

Imagine being the director telling her what to do in this scene.


They call cinema in parts of Northern and Central Europe 'kino' so you're using a Eurofag term to describe cinema.

Please use the full list.

In descending order it's:
