What is the greatest scene ever filmed?

what is the greatest scene ever filmed?

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Wow look how edgy I am guise!!!
fuck off

I've never raped anyone, but they make it look so easy in movies? Like, how do you even get a hardon in some dank underpass?

Me on the ground

problematic view

What about penetration? It's hard enough to penetrate a willing and wet pussy imagine doing it in a rape situation? Just strength alone would break your dick

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You eggplant!

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maybe at least mention the tittle?

The Dark Knight Rises

>that one incel who won't stop making this thread because it got a few dozen replies last time

Go ahead and fuck off back to Yea Forums, I promise you this cringy shit would get a much better response there.

Why is everyone on Yea Forums impotent?

>that one tranny who should (and will) kill themselves
Oh wait, that's all of them.

Should be common knowledge here, to be honest, but it's Monica Bellucci being raped in Irreversible. You NOOB.

Has this thread been made more than once?

The rape scene from Halloween

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this scene anyway has been a meme on this board forever

go back

>normal function of the animal kingdom
Wanna know how I know youre a virgin

webm related
nymphomaniac pt 2

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have sex

i imagine the girl gives you the erection not the general surroundings

kill yourself newfag
I hope you and your disgusting cunt of a mother both get cancer

>how do you even get a hardon in some dank underpass
Now I'm not an expert but I would imagine that you get a hardon from the anticipation of rape.

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>"Let's make pornography and pretend it's quality creative cinematography while accusing those who denigrate it for being "low brow" of being guilty of what we ourselves are guilty of..."

Was this post written by a woman. Hmm

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>Like, how do you even get a hardon in some dank underpass?
Hole detected

You're talking to people who beat off up to 5 times a day in their own filth

Choose your side, fucker.

t. girl
I remember my ex telling me that it was impossible to rape her because yadda yadda bullshit reason so I made a bet with her. Best sex I ever had.

leave cunt

those posts are from different people retard

Now I admit I'm no proctologist, but I'd venture a guess that that sort of action is bad for your anus.

Women need to be raped. It is the only language they understand. Women enjoy rape. Don't let them tell you otherwise, because they are notorious liars and don't know their own minds. Women want to be held down and fucked hard. They want to be made to cry and scream.
Women have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that women who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as women who have unprotected consensual sex? It is a fact. Women who are raped often have orgasms as well - some women have never had an orgasm in their lives save for a rape. The desire to be sexually dominated is deeply programed into the woman. This is a fact of evolution that cannot be denied without women becoming unbalanced. Feminism is really just an outward manifestation of an internal problem with modern women. These 'feminists' desperately want to be put in their place. That's why they act out so much and are so belligerent. Whether they know it or not, subconsciously they want to piss men off and get men to make them submit. They want to be slapped in the face, told to shut the fuck up, and then raped until they can't stand up. This is what women really want.

Prove it. But there's still the problem of either not being edgy enough, or being too edgy. Which one should it be?

Also: kys on cancer, retard, etc.

>Holocaust jokes everyday
>niggers must hang jokes everyday
>gore threads everyday
>pedo threads everyday
>>b-but making fun of rape, that’s not okay!
>male rape jokes everyday
>>I mean, making fun of FEMALE rape, that’s not okay!

It really isn't, shitlord. Women may be your equals but you don't get to trigger them.

>Prove it.
just how new are you? you're embarrassing yourself kiddo.
90s born queers were a mistake.

I bet you are one of those paranoid anons. Where are the rest of your corny buzzwords?

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>Women have a biological imperative to be raped. Did you know that women who are raped are twice as likely to conceive as women who have unprotected consensual sex?
This is a shit post but honestly if rape was really that bad then why didn't humans evolve anti-rape stuff like ducks and some other animals have?

paranoia doesn't enter the equation, why do you continue to out yourself newfag?

You must be new here user

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god I wish that were me

>Women may be your equals

Because I know that you are wrong. Now let me hear dem buzzwords? Who is seething and who needs to go back where? Come on, I know your ilk.

feminists only exist because their ancestors were raped

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I thought he was making fun of the other guy for spoonfeeding a newfag instead of telling him to lurk moar.

Watched Irreversible with a female friend and got laid afterwards. Not even kidding.

Also same with Basic Instinct with a different friend. Violent and sexual movies just work.

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>Because I know that you are wrong
kek, please continue humiliating yourself

Kill yourself reddit nigger

this. does not understand Yea Forums

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women shouldnt be allowed to become cops

Yeah, because repeating a joke more than a decade old really drives the discussion forward?

This is still (at least in theory) a blue board, meant for actual conversations, and where trolling is against the rules.

rape is the hottest sex you will ever have, that's why so many women are obsessed/fantasize about it

shut the fuck up tourist nigger


do women really like being in this predicament??

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no u

Lmao, is that probation worker from Misfits?

keep sucking that mod cock redditfag

That looks difficult

>I wish Yea Forums was reddit

Nice, you finally got that buzzword out of your system! I knew you had it in you.


Stay butthurt

why do you want Yea Forums to be reddit? why not just stay where you were happy?

Thot status: Patrolled

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why are japanese live action films so fucking terrible? They are literally film school tier quality. Why can't japs get their shit together in that regard? Is it that hard to copy some western shit? They are pretty good at copying everything else.

>Because I know that you are wrong
So fucking new he can't use the archive, fresh off the boat faggots should lurk more


Have sex

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Japs have no soul

I like Kitano's movies, he's pretty based.


Good, good... let the paranoia flow thru you.

And then you can fuck off back to Yea Forums. It's shitheads like you who have ruined this board completely.


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I've been on Yea Forums for 11 years. youre still struggling to work out who you're responding to and crying about 4han not being reddit.

Keep projecting, doesn't matter to me. I still know you are in the wrong here. Loser.

Pic related
No contest

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Most rape doesn't involve vaginal penetration actually. I read that 72% involves anal penetration and 40% involves foreign object insertion. Only like 15% of rapes include vaginal penetration and those are likely the "rape" rapes

Go dilate

Go on...

We finally did it bros

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youve ceased to make any sense at this point redditfag, you've had the tools to discover the truth handed to you and yet you continue to embarrass yourself. you niggers will never make this place reddit.

how did he face get cut from a punch>?

>that reddit spacing

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I like how the other dudes just holds the ass and does nothing

He fucks her in the ass in that scene tho.

Interesting stats user. No lube tho. Does that mean most rapists have thin pencil dicks to more easily penetrate the clenched asshole of a struggling victim?

This scene was incredibly angrymaking

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Kill yourself

I'll take you first, mosca.

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>tfw the guy paying for your vacation bombs your photoshoot
Tag your sponsor, thot.

>look mom i'm greentexting

More paranoia.

Apparently the same is true for frank langella's dracula. Fairly infamously so too I hear.

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You have to go back

No. YOU have to go back.

Why are you even in this thread?

Why are you?

You're acting like an absolute retard.

And so are you. Congrats, I guess.

Excellent question

Based and bigpilled

Anal takes like 20 minutes of preparation and lube to even do though.

he's still going this asshole


nah bro, he's feeling his other nigga through the pussy/ass wall

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These threads are LITERALLY a form of incel cope. Prove me wrong when you're done crying over the fact that she won't sleep with you, bros.

your mom's sex tape

what movie??

It's not an interesting story really. She would do everything to keep me for penetrating her (except screaming). It took me like 2 minutes to took off her pants and panties. By then, she realized that she couldn't overpower my strenght so her idea was to cover her pussy with her hands but that was effective for like 2 seconds.
I'm gonna say that she enjoy it but it gave her a whole new way of thinking.

>incel cope
reddit nigger

Have Sex?

punches can cut you.

>more incel cope

Continue to cry. She's still not gonna sleep w/ you bo.

what movie desu?

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If you fuckers didn't ALWAYS take the bait, then these threads would archive in about 15 minutes.

>w/ you bo.
translate this nigger speak

Keep crying incel. You're never getting laid, ever.

>White perp

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where's the copypasta?


except i already did hundreds of times

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>more incel cope

Nah, you'll always be a loser who resorts to lying about not being an undesirable virgin & coping with online cringe like this. Stay mad.

What movie is this

>obsessively responding to "incel" comments
>purposely not quoting properly because of severe autism
incels are way too obvious.

you think thats gonna stop a dude who was ballsy enough to actually rape someone?

>pussy/ass wall
Now that's the wall I get behind, Mr President!


baiting queers like you just cant handle the fact there are plenty of people who've been here for years and had sex and relationships. you wouldn't be spamming incel if you weren't a reddit tourist to begin with.

I think you confusing Koreans and Chinese with Japanese.

it doesnt take balls to force yourself on someone far weaker than you.

Yeah nah, you're still a coping incel who uses threads like these as a defense mechanism for your sad reality. Cry harder bro.

Name me a single live action Japanese film or tv show that isn't Kurosawa or Le Based Takeshi that isn't complete shit.

>it doesnt take balls to take a risk that'll put you in prison for many years if caught

the best part is the lead up where it dawns on her that she will be rape'd. 11 seconds pinpoint exactly where her hope fades.

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its eastern Europe jail?

It's the norm outside 5 eyes countries.

dem titties tho

kill yourself nigger


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Why would a gay man rape a woman?

for the lulz perhaps

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God I wish that were me(the girl)

Kill yourself faggot scum

>mfw the other kids at her sons school kept calling his mom "oreo" after this came out

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>for the lulz
haven’t heard or read that in such a long time, holy shit

Why she didn't just defeat his cock???

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The Nazi choking the German actress in Inglorious Basterds

Some of us who literally have sex do it with women who are active participants in the activity

>implying getting raped wouldnt make you wet


I honestly can't tell anymore if an user is b8'ing or just a fucking newfag. are newfags even attempting to hide anymore?

>h-hey guys he isn't pretending to be edgy and twisted like the rest of us, w-what a newfag lmao

back to 2007 Yea Forums you fucking outdated loser lmao

ok serious question - how blue were that actors balls after he was done with that scene?

this scene is overshadowed by the fire hydrant beating scene

Why doesn't Yea Forums know what "fantasy" means? Rape fantasy is literally just that, a controlled fantasy where there is no actual threat or danger because it's either simulated or just thoughts. But no human wants to be actually fucking raped.

>But no human wants to be actually fucking raped.
Yeah because if you want it its not rape duh, I mean, come on man!

>Why she didn't just defeat his cock???
Oh I am sure she was doing her best to clench down on it

>let's make porn and call it a cinematic film
is this one of the Jewiest film ever made?


the blowjob on the train scene in part 1 is way better

Excessive masturbation to NTR.

wtf is ntr

I'm surprised no one posted full
it's pretty good scene

cuckold porn

Its not very effective to accuse other of being cucks, if you use terms that only a cuck would know.

this. i never understood rape, its hard enough concentrating on maintaining the erection with a woman thats down.