Did he find peace in the end?
Did he find peace in the end?
he found the kind of peace you get from knowing that the coleslaw is ON the sandwich
Yes - he was at peace with his past and his true motives - he did not choose to change however
Maybe if he stays and becomes a hippie in California. But I've always wondered if he would defy Betty's wishes and try to get custody of the kids back in New York.
He's litteraly a millionaire, so legal fees wouldn't be an issue but that battle could get ugly. It would be hard to imagine Don not wanting and acting to take them back.
Yes. He became the new american. Moulded by advertising and lies, but earnestly so. Like every american that believes in charity causes he is deferring his soul to a corporation. And that is OK.
why did the series end with that gay coke ad ?
I guess not but he confirmed that he lives for advertising. He became his fake persona, made it real. He's not Dick Whitman but Don Draper.
>after all these years, finally, I've become a Mad Man
>"No." *tips fedora*
He's never happy in one place for too long, I'm guessing the hippie commune gave him just enough inspiration to head back to New York and make that Coca Cola commercial.
He's bored to tears with his domesticated blonde 50s throwback wife with no identity so he starts fucking independent hippie chicks, but then he feels emasculated by his next hippie wife so he starts fucking a housewife whose sole purpose in life is basically just pleasing her husband.
I miss this show so much, bros
It was made by McCann Erickson in real life, and there were a few similarities I think between the hippie commune and the ad that implied Don made it.
Why was The Suitcase so good? Immediately after I watched it I felt like I knew this would be the episode that people considered the best of the series
Don always wanted to make a coke ad since the first season you retarded brainlet faggot nigger cunt
This is basically the ending and despite what Weiner says about it not being cynical because Don really did have a breakthrough of self reflection he did turn around and sell it.
The difference between ending last episode Don and Don in throughout the series is that he's no longer the illusion that his marketing is completely contrived, devoid of his own real feelings.
It's a good ending to his Hershey pitch which was the beginning of his realization.
You guys remember those comfy "next time on mad men" segments at the end of each new episode that was just a series of scenes where characters are shown for like a second saying a single word?
That was comfy kino mements.
>tfw didn't watch the series until after it was off the air
how were /madmen/ threads?
Yeah, my parents complained that they didn't really show anything lol
Idk, I started watching it one or two years before it ended but I was on a Yea Forums hiatus back then.
They were made fun of for that reason alone lol theres some on YouTube
Did Roger find peace?
What did he even like about his friend's ex wife's neurotic and manipulative mother
I guess it hints at increasing emotional maturity since he no longer had to fuck 20 year olds to feel like a young man again
What kind of people watched this show back when it aired? I looked at the numbers and it seems like it did actually have tons of viewers but I can't find anyone irl who has seen it, only me and my parents. It seems like this show is a normie repellent somehow.
I watched it when it first aired. I still haven’t still finished it lol. I’m sure I’ll get around to finishing it