all memes aside
what's the youngest you would go? keep in mind she won't tell and no one else will know
All memes aside
101, otherwise you're a dirty decade-phile.
I'd say 'bout tree fiddy
As long as she's hot, age doesn't matter.
16 is legal here
that's low enough
depends on the girl, some look fine at that age, some look like kids
also, only foreplay, full penetration only like at 14
also, strictly a hypothetical scenario
t. well off and intelligent person
well that's just your opinion dude
girls can take anal starting around 8-9 and in some cases even younger
and vaginal, girls at 12 can already take a dick
>she won't tell
doubt_it.jpg reminder that women are feeble minded creatures
this, obv
leave then pleb
quality thread finally
Uhhh how do you know this
It takes about age 7 for them to stop being pudgy toddlers and just look like short people.
15 probably
I'm 21
13 years old can already take a dick without dying and some have banging tits, that's honestly the only difference between kids and adults. Of course, only few 13 yr Olds are like this, so 14 to be in the safe side.
You go to a high school and you'll be lying if you tell me you wouldn't put your name dick inside most girls there if you could get away with it.
Whenever they had their period. Not interested in fucking without making babies.
depends how sexy the little girl is
Its not a quality thread until someone posts laura b.
why do people pretend not to be pedophiles?
This is misleading
They can charge you if you live in the five eyes just to make an example of you
I got you bro
maybe in ausfailia. not the land of the free.
valensiya > laura