Why was this battle seen as being so legendary?

Why was this battle seen as being so legendary?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Is there a more low IQ weapon than a hammer?

A keyboard.

*tips fedora*

What is the practical utility of helmets with anything protruding from them, do antlers provide a tactical advantage

it was just pageantry in the tourney

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Reminder that the show came this close to having good costume armour in season 1 and 2.

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Why wouldn't it be

That hammer has a pointed end, so it's more like a warpick.

When swung, all the force of all the weight behind it, is concentrated at that single point of impact. Such forces can easily crush armor.

A more low IQ weapon would be a blunt hammer or mace

I'd rather fight a man with a sword in this situation than a man with a hammer.

>a single blow to the chest ends 300 years of foreign rule over Westeros
>"why is this such a big deal?"

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It was over the love of one woman and tore apart a kingdom

blunt force trauma was the only reliable way to do fuckall against full plate

>literally future king vs usurper
>settling it like men, 1v1
>soldiers around them stopped fighting each other and just watched
pure kino

Based Bobby B removing Targshits.

>the final nail in the coffin of a legendary dynasty that conquered a goddamn continent with fucking dragons
>also a majorly personal event since history tells that Rhaegar kidnapped Lyanna from Robert's loving arms
>somehow they personally met in battle and engaged in a brutal balls to the wall someone's gotta die fight

You tell me why it's legendary

is there any merit at all behind jorah's description of swords as being effective at penetrating plate

>more like a warpick.

Horseman's picks are still war hammers, you can turn it whatever way you need. Almost all the later ones had spikes. The spike was used more for grappling or hitter a surface it wouldn't easily glance off of, smashing with the hammer end was the generic way of using it, nigga what are you even going on about low IQ blunt hammers...

Not in real life, but maybe in Martin land, where realism only applies when he says so


Becuase it was between one of the most talented man in his generation and one of the best fighters westerons had, both willing to die instead of letting their soldiers die while they sit their asses. Rheagar was the Prince that stood up against the rebels as the last hope of the realm and Robert the leader that took arms against the mad King. The Prince that fell in love and kidnapped a girl and the guy that was supposed to marry her, a guy that was famously known to not care about swords but become a great fighter in his adulthood just to fit into a legend he discovered in his books and Robert a guy that was born to fight and to go to war. Everything makes it legendary, even their personalities.

Explain how a sword would have a hard time with this.

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None, but andal kingdoms westeros were founded around armors and knighthood, since the Targs invaded it the great houses just started to Cope, they were no longer kings, so it was natural to express their houses in bigger meme ways.

Shit like this is just baffling to me, I like armour that's based on our own history but I can accept fantasy armour for the sake of aesthetics but when it's neither what's the point.

The king being murdered helped too.

Underrated. Have a (You)

reminder that Daemon "the warrior himself" Blackfyre would btfo anyone in a fight, targ, stag, and raven shits included

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indeed. in the age before reliable projectile weapons (arrows were good in numbers but not a 1v1 weapon really),the wielder was the only force behind a weapon. if you had the physical strength to effectively swing a giant hammer that could break both armor and bones in a single saying, why the fuck would you use anything else.

even in modern times this can be applied. would you use a sniper rifle (high skill) or shotgun (high powered low skill) in close quarters combat?

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"He came running at me, this dumb highborn lad. Thinking he could end the Rebellion with a single swing of his sword."

>nooooo, help me Aegor

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This, warhammers would be mixed in a line with other pole arms to finish off enemies who were disarmed, deshielded, or knocked down

The Baratheons came along the Targaryens though, so it would still be "foreign rule"

>there are people ITT that think arrows would go through plate armour

did you ever stop and contemplate how grotesque a real medieval battle would really be, getting cracked hard on the helmet and being shellshocked while your opponent just stabs you right the fuck in the eyes through the visor? Or even the knights who died of sheer exhaustion / heat stroke from fighting too long in full plate. I really want one medieval movie or tv show where the villain isn't slain in battle by a hero but just gives into exhaustion on the battlefield, choking on his own vomit as he spews all over his helmet and collapses and gets trampled without anyone even knowing who he is.

Huh? The Baratheons took over because House Durrandon went extinct.


not always. if you can swing a hammer fast enough the sword can do very little to stop it. the sword is either easily pushed back or outright knocked out of the hands. now this would be rare because you have to be absolutely beast mode to use a hammer this way, but that's what Bobby B was, and why he was a fookin legend.

well that got real dark, really quick

whats this?

Warhammers and spears are way better than memeswords, swords are practically the worst weapon ever invented, it was more decorative than anything, in fact they sucked so hard, knights would screw off the pommel of the sword and throw it at other knights or use the crossguard as a weapon instead of the blade itself.

Any situation that a spear/variant can't be used reliably because of space a variant of knife would be better.

HBOs attempt at seeing how interested people are in a Roberts Rebellion series

it's why most battles were rarely absolute annihilations. usually forces routed. seeing you best friend's skull caved in and guy next to you guts pouring out usually led to everyone noping the fuck out


It was the decisive fight in a war that would ultimately topple an empire. It ended with the death if the mad king's son, one of the greatest fighters to ever live.

P.S. Fuck GRRM

>swords are practically the worst weapon ever invented

The practically of spears, warhammers and poleaxes etc is obvious but if you genuinely think this about swords you know fuck all about history.

someone please find the wikipedia page about the nobody who killed a nobleman on the battlefield so the nobody's own people sent him to the nobleman's commanders for execution

SJW hate him

I like the clap back

What is the worst weapon ever invented actually as a weapon?

what was the primary weapon of legionary again?

>war does not make one great

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depends, often an army would get massacred by horsemen after routing and very few would make it out alive.

hence why non-feeling psychopaths were so crucial, people who can cave in somebodies skull and feel nothing

pic related describes it

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Said the green bitch who sat there and let the sith take over the entire galaxy

That is exactly what happened on a massive scale at Agincourt thanks to English war bows. Crossbows could penetrate plate as well but only at closer range.

>there are morons like this in this thread that watch the little mermaid and say "real crabs can't talk"

Probably some dumb shit someone created for the sake of it, almost all weapons that have ever been widely used were practical enough in what they needed to achieve for them to be used en masse in the first place. It depends entirely on what kind of fighting the weapon is intended for, a Kusarigama would be shite in a battle but that doesn't mean it's a bad weapon.


The f-35

Well, you're not wrong.


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And then watched them fall from his grave. So what use does power have?

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the klingon batleth

Agincourt was won by mud and dense woodland forcing the French into a press where they could barely move their weapons, the arrows wore them down when they struggled through the freshly ploughed mud, they didn't just smash through all the plate armour.

>pre gunpowder battle on a film or tv show
>battle begins
>cut to mass brawl of 1v1 and total chaos
>no formations
>no flanking
>no lines


rome is one of the only shows ive seen do formation fighting in a pre-gunpowder era and even then one of the later battles shows retarded brawls.

inflicts fear on a failed saving throw, but aggros on a save

Do you think normies even know about the Battle of the Trident?

>usurps your throne

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based aaaggghhhposter

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Ask the Germans.

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Fucking based

Robert didn't grow a beard till he started getting fat

A lot of stuff was built up to be something they ended up not being. Robert even has that scene where he says that in war people just shit themselves.

You can recognise and receive the orders of your boss if he has a big fuck off goose or something on his helmet. Easy to rally to them, same as their standard.

Oh yea I forget it's established that they have magic arrows that everyone uses all of the time. Fuck me, retards like you are the absolute worst.


makes you look much bigger. also marks out a commander to his own troops, which makes it easier for him to give orders and remain in sight (soldiers are more likely to run away if they can't see their leader - they think he has abandoned them). also just for /fa/ reasons.

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Martin hates this ilustration


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Btfo everyone in the past decade

christ, the seven kingdoms look a thousand times better and more interesting in full colour and with actual historical armour instead of brown leather (tm).


I like how almost everyone ignores the fact that they were on their horses, wonder if they chose not too just because it's easier to draw or if the artists even read the books.

They tried kinda in the early seasons. Though it would have been easy as fuck to throw some surcoats around for some colour, with chainmail maybe. Leather almost always looks garbage.

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why would they even be fighting 1v1

they were on horses but bobby dismounted to finish him off

he mentions "bringing his hammer down onto his chest" doing so with either on horseback isnt very viable.

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i remember one episode where we saw the knights of the vale's horses outside the inn at the crossroads with blue (!!) saddle cloths and it looked so brilliant it was actually out of place. my eyes had subsided into a kind of delirium where only grey and brown existed.

Please delete this

I hate Martin for taking 8 years to write a book.

House Baratheon was founded by Orys Baratheon, Argon's bastard brother who killed the last Storm King and married his daughter, then took his sigil and house words as his own.

No you autistic child, it just means that in the same world where swords can feel lighter to the owner and still keep the same mass and a giant hammer isn't a bad idea, arrows can sometimes pierce armor.

>stole his domain name and daughter

Imagine the smell of Rhaegar shitting himself as Bobby B caves his breast plate shattering all of his ribs.

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Its sad that 1930's soviet filmmakers put more effort into having proper armor and surcoats.

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Hammers and pollaxes were standard issue against plate. The Targ's sword is the retarded part.

I would be super fucking pissed I didn't get my ransom too. Fuck that guy.

the russians have really cool looking gear in that film as well. the prince's half-mask helmet is kino.

based but holy fuck how are that bad at using MS paint

Of course antlers provide a tactical advantage, why else would deer have evolved them?

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They had a literal god damned Florent in season one for the purpose of a throwaway line about them dressing like roosters, they could have done so much more.

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why didnt lyanna and rhaegar at least clarify that he didnt kidnap or rape her

>The Targ's sword is the retarded part.
It's not, since Rheagar would had been using a lance and the sword would had been just a secundary weapon (especially since it wasn't Valyrian steel).

Bitch loved the drama

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Fucking hell this looks good.

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Aside from the fact that it was a pivotal battle, it was also single combat between the usurper and the crown prince. A rarity, you often wouldn’t see commanders fighting each other personally.

The real question is; who has the cooler armor?

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dark dragonic knight aesthethic>everything

based as fuck

It was irrelevant. The country wanted to rise, Rheager was the one that wanted to usurp the throne but Varys told the King to go to the tourney, his plan got fucked, the mistery knight appears, the mad king gets pissed, and everything else goes to shit. The rebellion was the only path to war after the mad king asked for Robert's head and killed Ned's dad. The rape was just a excuse.

>Every fucking pussy uses a sword
>Bobby B brings a fucking hammer


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are florents other than Selyse even in the show? random extra has more effort put in than every main character

Well, stags have been a symbol of being cuckholded in mediterranean cultures for a long time. And house baratheon was cucked hard by the Strong.

>The rape was just a excuse
a beautiful excuse

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Please no gunz don't try and use firearms to talk about your stupid fantasy shit

>These are the king's colors!

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this, bobby the cuck king is literally wearing horns. his whole character was a cuck joke.

that hammer looks so dumb, holy cow.

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That line pissed me off so much. He looks like he could be any random highwayman

ironic. The only kid that was actually his was the bastard that nobody knew about.
Did Bobby even know about Gendry? Or did he just fuck some random flew bottom ho and forget about her?

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I appreciate the thought of Gendry having a warhammer, but that thing seems impractical.


holy shit I just got the connection between Bobby's son also using a hammer. Pure kino.

reddit's here

>stupid fantasy shit

so why are you here?

Yes bobby knew, didn’t he visited Gentry before?

pleb. "The keyboard is mightier than the warhammer"

oh gee i dunno

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It was not terribly uncommon for tired soldiers in full plate to suffocate in mud after falling and being unable to stand back up.

it's not mine an I generally save everything Bobby B related but yes it's crap in all but message

Because fights between Storm Warriors and Dragons are often the first part of a Warrior King/God's achievements and source of their authority.

Also called the Chaoskampf


Everyone remembers this battle, but no thought is given to its actual protagonists, Robert Baratheon wields authority because he led the rebellion and kept the new peace afterwards, but there's no doubt his rule was enforced by his mythic legacy alone, while his counterpart, despite being a total fucking nerd who read books and played the harp is forced (even by his own reckoning) to adopt the mantle of Targaryen knight.

Part of GRRM's big message is that myth and romanticism, especially of medieval war, often blurs everything around it, swallowing people whole to recast them in perfect legend.

>No can do my prince, I'm staying by lady Stark. Lord Eddard is sure to be by to collect her at some point and then I'll deliver him to my sister, securing the Dayne bloodline for years to come

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it was the dark ages after all

Martin hates fanworks and fans hate Martin for not doing work. Pottery

baratheons are crypto-targs, westerosi shits are unable to rule themselves without the hand of the dragon guiding them

No, before Ned, only Jon Arryn had gone to see him, investigating the same thing as Ned.

Flail. Although it's questionable whether they were even really ever used as weapons.

They clashed in the middle of the battle, thousands of people were fighting around them

literally what was the point of this? Why did Arthur care after the Prince was dead? Why was he so concerned about keeping her from seeing her brother?

To correct no guns retards

He knew, In the books he has 2 noble bastards too
It is, in the books some families have some slightly supernatural traits, Bobby's almost inhuman strenght justifies him using a giant meme hammer, but that isn't in the show.


When a fucking reading from the book with some shitty fan art is better than the scene in a multi million dollar production.

Orys was a fucking badass Wyl of Wyl chopped his hand off so a few years later he captured his son and chopped off his two hands and his two feet, the he died from war wounds smiling at the hands and feet

There were a lot of meme guns invented before they really figured out how to make semiauto work.

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Because it was two generals and claimants to the throne with a personal grudge having a duel to the death in the midst of a chaotic and decisive final battle of the war. Rebellion leader and the heir of the king having a bit of a wack at eachother in a muddy ford.

w-why dont you take a one way trip, one way trip, one way trip to sh-shutty town!

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you're hobby is much more pathetic than ours

Let's not only not give them white cloaks or Dawn but let's also cover the armour in a layer of shit to mask how cheap and quickly made it is.

The worst thing about this is I don't expect a suit of white armour for one scene but why no cloak, or why not a white tabard with some mail you can reuse for literally anyone else, why make it look fucking garbage when there's so many options.

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did Gendry also have superstrength?

i don't recall him knowing about gendry, maybe varys did and so he looked after him

>Why was he so concerned about keeping her from seeing her brother?
The child was the HEIR to the throne and the brother was one of Robert's men. The other 2 kids were killed the same day Ned went into King's landing. There's one theory that Dayne was trying to kill everyone and keep Ned alive but it's pretty stupid desu. Dayne was just doing 2 things a kingguard should do: protect the heir and keep up with the orders.

I can't even tell if youre trolling or not

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I don’t get how Dayne was even the only swordsman good enough to be able to duel wield.

>There's one theory that Dayne was trying to kill everyone and keep Ned alive but it's pretty stupid
N+A=J is the patrician parentage theory, and makes the tower of Joy better

They did Dawn so fucking dirty.

>Dayne was even the only swordsman good enough to be able to duel wield
He was the best swordsman in the kingdom, even better than Barristan so if anyone would be able to learn to dual wield effectively it'd be him. But at the same time he has a Chosen One Space Sword that he wields in both hands so dual wielding is retarded for Dayne, which is probably why D&D made him do it

Honestly what is a sword supposed to do against full plate? People say Prime Jamie could fuck up the Mountain sometimes but a sword lacks the reach of a spear or the impact of a hammer. Did Martin just go with everyone using swords because they're cooler or are swords actually practical?

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The dual wielding was stupid. Anything besides sword and board is dumb.

In the show he did, but he knew in the sense of "My king, another bastard was born, this time from a blonde women from flea bottom". I doubt it in the books

He was a legitimized bastard, Robert was well aware of him. He went into hiding when Joffrey ordered all of his father's bastards kills, and left to join the Nights Watch, to be safe there from Joffrey, that's how he met Arya.
He's one of the many reasons why Cercei hated Robert, he embarrassed her by recognizing him.

A hooded lord that wasn’t Jon Arryn paid the armorer double the going rate to get the boy an apprenticeship. Bobby probably knew and did a courtesy since Gendry’s mother died when he was so young.

I dislike the show , but man there is some good art of it

This is really a suspension of disbelief thing, no one could beat the mountain in full plate one on none, because he'd just run at you, grab you and wrestle you to the ground before sticking a dagger in your vulnerable spots.

He's not legitimised or even acknowledged, the only acknowledged bastards are Mya Stone and Edric Storm.


I think they would use longer, heavier two-handed swords with blunt edges, and could smash them into the plate. Sort of similar to how a mace or hammer would be used. And then they could stab it through any gaps in the armor too.

I want this to be true,they are literally identical like two drops of water

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That's so weird, someone that loved the books must have been tasked with doing that one costume.

Maybe jorah was referring to his time using longclaw, a magic valyrian steel sword. If he was referring to normal pleb steel however he was definitely talking nonsense.

Hmm, I really liked the use of spears during the Mountain vs Oberyn fight. It seemed really practical.

>what are estocs
Also anybody have a high res version of pic related?

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The Lannister footsoldiers and targaryen armor used by Arthur Dayne also Loras armor

Everything else is trash they somehow managed to make black armor on a snow background boring

Attached: Loras Tyrell - A Game of Style.jpg (470x706, 108K)

based /tesog/ poster

>why the fuck would you use anything else.
if you're fighting against lightly armed or unarmed infantry a sword is the better option. the value of a hammer was against other opponents in full plate.

I'm curious. Do you remember which episode was that?

cuh-fuckin'-RINGE!! what a total waste of a get!

Lmao you faggot literally the best weapon to use against a person in armor IS a warhammer or mace.

It's just not though, the mountain's inhumanly large, what's a spear gonna do to stop an 8 foot man covered head to toe in plate armour just running straight at you. Outside of the reality of it anyway I hated the show Oberyn duel, it's like Gregor's not even trying to kill him, he literally knocks Oberyn over several times and doesn't capitalise on it, not to mention all the momentum disappearing from his swings and charges as soon as Oberyn deflects like he's not beating on him with a big hunk of steel.


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It's more like Bobby was a blood knight, thrill of battle, bloodlust and all that, rather than him casting for his men

I hate what they did to Loras and Renly in the show holy fuck.

Oh shit, I didn't saw the helmet the first time.
Poor Robert. The living proof that heroes don't have a place in peace times.

Take a fucking look at it mate

This is where he says it. He's talking about the differences in the use of a curved sword and a broadsword.

Yea Forums btfo yet again

>Loras FUCKING Tyrrell doesn't polish his Goddamn Armor.

Why does the champion of chivalry have lower standards than the Minas Tirith militia?

>Dawn,a legendary greatsword exceptional even by the standard of valyrian steel swords
>just take a prop from season 2 and paint a little sun on the pommel lol

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And then they stopped doing it once someone invented long-range armor-piercing death sticks that you could point at the important guy wearing a huge sign on his head for you.
>Cortez would just tell his conquistadors to shoot all the Aztecs with 3-foot-tall headdresses and their entire force would collapse

Look Ma, I joined a movement!

Based brainlet poster

Bjon is way smarter than Jon and seems to be unnaturally talented at everything. Also N+A=Lady Val

Bigger do you see what you have posted?

He's such a talented leader that his men stabbed him to death

I agree, but that's not how the singers sing the song.

Martin can shut the fuck up and finish his books

It's designed by artists that don't know fuck-all about either of your points.

The thing is I really just cannot relate to the idea that someone would look at that and think yes, this looks good. Does taste that shit really exist?

Will we ever see Fingolfin challenge Morgoth to single combat though.

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A complete absence of taste maybe, either that or just lazy as fuck with no ties to the art except a paycheck.

That would require an adaptation of the Silmarilion and there is no one who can adapt that properly so probably not.

Using a sword against full plate is lower iq


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the Germans were kind of behind the curve in WWII on this since, while their officers uniforms were pretty dope looking, they made them obvious targets on the battlefield

It's a shame, imagine the hype.


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imagine inciting or engaging obvious /pol/ bait into a /got/ thread

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Would have made a good Renly tbqh

yeah he is really smart, plus you get the sense that he has grown into a man in the fifth book so he has character development.

Well Robert is Renly's older brother so it has sense Renly looked like Robert


>R+L= 3 Dragon Eggs
user i just....

>Book Jon
>Generally pragmatic, capable of lying when he has too, seriously considers Stannis' offer of becoming a lord, has no problem playing politics

>Jaime Lannister=AA
Hang on are we pretending that he's not

In reality it’d be Mordhau grip (holding upside down) and using like a mace or half swording (one hand on the blade) for more precise stabs of they used a long sword at all. Either way, foot knights typically used pole arms when fighting other opponents in plate.

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Good, I hate Martin

>anything WW2-era is now /pol/ bait
t. actual /pol/ baiter

I wonder if that’s Ned to Roberts left

sometimes i like to sit in a bath tub full of marinara and pretend I am a meatball

Braavos = illuminati is true tho. The death cult = Jewish, the religion of the 7 is just a way to trick goys into praying to the god of dead without knowing, there's not such thing as the 7 in essos, and their supposed history makes no sense, the andal history and religon are nothing but lies by the formely enslaved ghisfags.

That sounds expensive to buy that much marinara sauce. Even with the cheap stuff from Aldi that's gonna be a hundred bucks or more. Can't you find better uses for money?

Nah he wasn't present at that battle

lol none of that below office chat happens.

if the iron bank was jewish their money would be fiat you fucking retard. Only white men use real gold.

>>Cortez would just tell his conquistadors to shoot all the Aztecs with 3-foot-tall headdresses and their entire force would collapse

What are some good history books to read on Cortez and the other conquistador invasions of SA? I've always found that part of history really interesting.

git gud

Don't forget:
>Tells Cersi he will support Danny after dead are dealt with even though Literally everyone tells him to not do this.
>Keeps telling Danny he can't bend the knee as the North made him their king and he can't betray that trust. Never once occurs to either of them to consider marriage to form a union despite the fact they clearly like each other enough to fuck anyway.
>Doesn't want to become King of Westeros, Sam tells him he's actually a Targ with a strong claim on the throne and that he is fucking his aunt. Doesn't proceed to swear both Sam and Bran to secrecy and try to push that piece of info to the farthest deepest parts of his brain to forget. Instead tells his step-sisters, one of which clearly is having a pissing contest with Danny and is known to do political shit behind his back w/o telling him. He does this even after his fucking girlfriend tells him not to as well.

Jon's such a fucking dumbass. How did he not get the fucking lesson in politics that getting stabbed and killed should have taught him?

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Ned was present at the Trident, all of the rebel commanders were, Ned, Bobby B and Jon Arryn. Ned was second in command of the rebellion at this point and leads them to King's Landing because Bobby was injured killing Rhaegar

He learned that from Ned.

Ned at least has honor and duty holding him back, Jon just has plain stupidity

>We looked for you at the Trident
I thought that meant Ned was there

Yes he was, he went from there straight to KL because Robert was injured

The arrows reached the parts of the armor that were least protected, as well as the horses. There were so many arrows it did major damage to the knights.

>the filename
That would have been a great look for Renly in the show. Canonically Renly was supposed to be really strong and powerful looking. The show turned him into a gay stereotype, a twink. He was supposed to be a powerful looking guy, like Robert in his prime.

For sure

No, Ned was there, Arthur Dayne wasnt.

Retarded /pol/eddit, go fuck yourself and open a fucking book.Jews controlled gold for centuries, and more important there's many banks in essos, the iron bank is only one of many, westeros had it's own banks and were slowly dying.
Cortez went to mexico, not to fucking south america

Good archers can semi-reliably shoot into eye-slits on armor at short-medium range. That's why foot knights still carried shields.

>The show turned him into a gay stereotype, a twink
Loras too. One of the best swordsmen in Westeros, the son of a great house, happens to be gay, and all D&D can do is
>hey this guy is gay he's like really gay look at him being gay did we mention he was gay

>what's a spear gonna do to stop an 8 foot man covered head to toe in plate armour just running straight at you.
It's gonna go into the joints of the 8-foot man's armor and cripple his limbs, which is what happened.

Oberyn's spear was something crazy like 11 feet long. The Mountain didn't have a reach advantage in that fight. And being big and strong doesn't change the fact that he's just flesh and bone under that armor. A poisoned spear tip to the thigh or shoulder is going to fuck him up just like any other man.

you have to go back

>jews controlled gold for centuries
imagine being this retarded. How would you even control gold? it's not fiat, it cannot be controlled.

Do you have any idea how armored even the joints on a plate Harness are? Especially scaled up for an 8 foot giant of a man?

There is nowhere save maybe the armpit that Oberyn could possibly stab info from the front and actually hope to even come close to touching flesh, and pauldrons make the armpit completely inaccessible from weapons the size of a longspear.

Gregor is essentially a grown man in leather metalworking gear fighting a toddler with a stick. There is no feasible way Oberon can even hurt him with that thing.

Now if it was a poleaxe you might have an argument.


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The fights sounds way more interesting that what i thought, on horse with Rheagar managing to hurt Bobby between the plates a few times before being killed. Now i get why Martin dislikes some of the fan art, as they usually just have robert looking cool and rheagar as a faggot in the mud, instead of having 2 guys actually fighting for their lives.

>Why was this battle seen as being so legendary?

It was a fairly decisive battle, which is rare. It's almost like the battle of Hastings. The King's forces were all but destroyed leaving the road to the capitol open. If the loyalist army was mostly intact and fought a series of battles getting pushed back to the capitol, The Battle of the Trident wouldn't be so important.

By being the bank. You are a retard user, a dumb retard that doesn't know shit about european history or even something as jewish as clipping

>Melkor's stance

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oh i didn't know that thanks, fucking youtube videos

This retarded mix of libertarian boomer bullshit and retarded memer makes no sense. Thinking jews were not control wealth before fiat is just being dumb.

>legitimized bastard
You're not using that phrase correctly

>by being the bank
and whats stopping me from just hoarding gold, retard?

Attached: Ntpb4RM.jpg (819x566, 313K)

>thinking gold isn't the white man's currency
you're a socialist shill

why'd you post caracalla?

Presumably at some point you would want to exchange some of your gold for goods and services

leather armor is so fucking gay

Caracalla had a disdain for plebs

I had to read Malintzin’s Choices, which was about the native woman who helped Cortez. You could also read Bernal Diaz del Castillo’s account of the conquest.

then you just exchange it why would I go through a jewish bank?

ah okay i thought you were implying he was a jew lol

yes but GoT was 90% full plate at least in westeros. the dothraki were promised the chance to kill the soldiers in metal suits.

Salt it's the white's man currency you absolute pleb, gold was used in most cultures because it last, it doesn't rust, that's it. You are just a dumb memer. A child that god "redpilled" in the last few months and still has no idea what he is talking about, as if fucking incans or indians didn't use gold as currency.

The joints are armoured too and they're fucking joints, regardless do you understand how hard it would be to aim a spear into one of them perfectly as a man barrels towards you, like fucking hell the dude has full control of his body, move your own body it's not hard to shield, move or otherwise fuck up someone aiming for a joint.

>yeah lets use some faggy spice that women cook with as currency
wow a socialist is also a feminist color me surprised

Full plate wasn't cheap, I doubt 90% of Westeros was rocking a full suit of armor

Fucking Wakandan
Becuase your gold doesn't have the seal of the king, it's foreign gold, you have to exchange it for our official gold.

Thanks for the quick chuckle

>>Cortez would just tell his conquistadors to shoot all the Aztecs with 3-foot-tall headdresses and their entire force would collapse
Just like the white walkers.

Also Stannis was with him

Plate at least was a lot more pervasive in Europe than people reckon, especially among men at arms and retainers by the late 15th and 16th century. Most men at arms in ASOIAF seem to be sporting mail and at least partial plate with knights pretty much in full harness. Problem is GRRM isn't very consistent.

>imagine inciting or engaging obvious /pol/ bait into a /got/ thread
How the fuck is that bait?

This shit is going to wrongthink accusation level.

Audibly keked

>talking shit about salt

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No one's gonna give a shit. Gold is gold.

Please tell me how to get that shit. That is glorious.

You really have no idea of history right? You are truly ignorant and not just some faggot wanting to be dense, you are legit just a child that didn't had history classes and doesn't know why banks are called banks

These threads made me start reading the books and they're actually decent so far, about 50 pages into the first. Never watched the show it seemed gay.

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>You are just a dumb memer. A child that god "redpilled" in the last few months and still has no idea what he is talking about, as if fucking incans or indians didn't use gold as currency.
>still has no idea what he is talking about,
> as if fucking incans or indians didn't use gold as currency.
They didn't. ( the Incas at least).
The economy was run on labour.

They thought the Spanish had the 'tism because they demanded gold all the time, the bantz around the time was that the spanish had to eat gold as a diet.

wrap you head around that.
A society were the concept of Value `+ Gold doesn't exist.
USA Colonial script I think worked similarly, you have the bradburry pound aswell.

You are a legit leftist. I don't need your Marxist history.

show is gay

The timeline of armor development is all fucked up.
The Westerosi have been wearing full plate harnesses for seemingly hundreds of years.

what do you think about dany's chapters?

And guess which civilization won? The one that valued gold.

Unironically this.

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have sex

I just read her first one where her brother twists her nips and says he would let all the Not-Mongols' horses fuck her if he had to, I lold. Is she the one Emilia Clark plays? I've literally never seen the show I've just been coming to the drama threads because of the finale.
The night watch seems cool.
Eddard is cool.
Isn't there a midget that's going to show up at some point?

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I have yet to see better Robert vs Rhaegar art than this right here.
I just love the way they are both standing in their stirrups.

Absolutely BASED

How the FUCK does everybody still speak the exact same language with no major dialects and sun-languages forming in a divided continent the size of Western Europe.
Haven't the Andals been in Westeros for 2000 years? Shouldn't new languages have began to form in each of the Seven Kingdoms and more especially the more isolated regions (Iron Isles, Dorne, etc)
The North was never ruled by the Andals, shouldn't they all still be speaking their original tongue or at the very least some sort of First Man-Andal pidgin?

Attached: the north is bigger than great britain and france combined.jpg (1536x1087, 211K)

GRRM doesn't give a shit

>Completes his Azor Ahai Prophocy by dying.

Robertfags think this battle wasn’t actually part of an elaborate two person ritual suicide to save the world.


>And guess which civilization won? The one that valued gold.
that is a falacious post.
The Civilization that won was the one who killed the other.

It's frustrating because he has such a shallow "pop-history" John Green view of history and yet still pretends to be some sort of wise bard creating a perfectly crafted believable world, and yet expects us to believe a divided continent is completely homogeneous linguistically for 2000 years.

the midgets already showed up multiple times
pay attention

Anyone have that webm of an unarmored guy taking down a guy in full plate with a sword?

>reeee why is grrm less autistic than me
his story is not about and has never been about being hyper-realistic and historically accurate.


He basically made a Novel out of a wikipedia entry on some historical event that involved politics desu.

His work will unironically BTFO itself when compared to tolkien's.


>Beyond-the-Wall, a hyper-violent, tribal society with inclement weather and limited agriculture can raise an army of 100,000
>North can only raise 20,000 or so with much larger lands, similar weather but more agriculture
bravo grrm

100k was the entirety of the wildling population north of the wall, not the size of their army

>>North can only raise 20,000 or so with much larger lands, similar weather but more agriculture
No. The north can raise way more than that, every region can, the numbers are, just like in real history, the number of people that could be managed, feed, and rised in the spam of time they had. Mance's army was rised for 6-8 years, includes women, and it's more of a massive migration, than a real army.

kek'd & checked

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I’m going off show numbers, cause I haven’t read the books in a while, so bravo d&d

>Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Tolkien, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Lord of the Rings had a very medieval philosophy: that if the king was a good man, the land would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Tolkien can say that Aragorn became king and reigned for a hundred years, and he was wise and good. But Tolkien doesn’t ask the question: What was Aragorn’s tax policy? Did he maintain a standing army? What did he do in times of flood and famine? And what about all these orcs? By the end of the war, Sauron is gone but all of the orcs aren’t gone – they’re in the mountains. Did Aragorn pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby orcs, in their little orc cradles?

>Eddard is cool
yeah he is,in fact he is far cooler than you already think he is

Why is the North so fucking huge? Why wasn't it carved up into more kingdoms or some of its land given to the Vale, Riverlands, Iron Islands, or make an entire new kingdom of it?

>"I did begin a story placed about 100 years after the Downfall, but it proved both sinister and depressing. Since we are dealing with Men, it is inevitable that we should be concerned with the most regrettable feature of their nature: their quick satiety with good. So that the people of Gondor in times of peace, justice and prosperity, would become discontented and restless — while the dynasts descended from Aragorn would become just kings and governors — like Denethor or worse. I found that even so early there was an outcrop of revolutionary plots, about a centre of secret Satanistic religion; while Gondorian boys were playing at being Orcs and going around doing damage. I could have written a 'thriller' about the plot and its discovery and overthrow — but it would have been just that. Not worth doing."

>―from The Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien, Letter to Colin Bailey


Because the North is in the North.

Same reason Canada is huge, no one wants to live there.

giving lands to other kingdoms would make it look fucking retarded, the geography already separates it
and it WAS split up back in it’s history, until the starks established dominance over the rest (and then were subjugated by the Targs)

Yes because HBO tests ideas for series on this scum pond of a website

Yeah, Bravo, he did something worth doing.

And this somehow demerits Tolkiens work?
This is the retarded part
each told a story they wanted to tell.

One wanted to touch Higher themes
and the other did not, if Grrm got triggered by Tolkiens work that's on him.

>and it WAS split up back in it’s history
Interesting, in what ways? Is there an old map showing this or something?

Good God, what happened to the costuming department?

It's made to look cool and intimidate your foe

look up the definition of the word quibble. martin loves tolkien and his quote is not meant to be taken as some grand criticism.

piercing weapons retard

>And this somehow demerits Tolkiens work?
No, i'm not autistic, i don't believe fantasy writers are football teams.
Tolkienfags have been triggered for decades, Dune, fucking narnia, harry potter, everything that isn't tolkien triggers them

>look up the definition of the word quibble. martin loves tolkien and his quote is not meant to be taken as some grand criticism.
If this is true then it does makes sense.
I just don't understand this faggot
>Tolkienfags have been triggered for decades, Dune, fucking narnia, harry potter, everything that isn't tolkien triggers them
I'am a tolkienfag and unironically like Dune.
>Dune, fucking narnia, harry potter, everything that isn't tolkien triggers them
Stop pointing the finger user.
It's only you thats triggered byond redemption by Tolkien.

this is just one of many, these lore specials are on every seasons special dvd sets
There’s compilations for every season floating around. The short ones are good for getting into a lore hole for a while

they literally hired a different one after like s3 iirc