Any tv relate tattoos with a significant other?
Any tv relate tattoos with a significant other?
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these are the most disgusting, sad, pitiful, etc. tattoos I've seen in a long time. You could write a dissertation of the wearers' dysfunctionality, among other subjects.
It's coming.
>hating gays
Ur one of those nazis aren't you
pic are breeders
>disney-themed thin blue line tattoos
That is very, very niche.
>thought it was 2 fags
>the left is actually a bitch
holy fuck white women are trash
No just a gay who does his toes
>Yea Forums
>significant other
Nope. This one is on the breeders.
You sound very gay being this defensive. From 1 gay to another you need to acknowledge the gayness
>blue lives matter Disney tattoos
what the fuck is even going on here?
cringe and normiepilled
that's a strange combination
Tattoos are disgusting. Why are they so popular lately?
White gays who are white first and gay second. Based.
Damn that’s pretty cool, I’ve got a runescape tattoo on my leg
A tattoo of this would top it, I think.
I'm getting a joker tattoo
No gay has a sunflower tattoo on his thigh, you're just in denial
I hope their co-workers bully them incessantly.
what's up with jew aesthetics anyway. it always looks so alien and sterile.
that's a woman on the left you fucking homo
Based get for a based post
Lol these decals are on the rear window of every pickup where I live.
I'd like to see you fuck up a tattooed Yakuza
Stay seething. America is the greatest country on Earth and supporting the police and a symbol of a successful business which is also a symbol itself of economic prosperity in one tattoo is actually really beautiful. Maybe you should take notice that it's both a man and a woman that have these tattoos. They have sex, maybe you should too.
Probably both police officers that love Disney. Really not that niche these types of people are everywhere. The average Chinese citizen is really no different from the average American. They are both being instructed and manufactured in the exact same way
I'm that faggot that thinks if someone gets a tattoo its their business and I'm not one to judge but fucking christ that's bad.
Literally Zootopia the tattoo.
How is this relevant to my post? Does a gangster having tattoos make them any less disgusting? Fucking retarded inkskin.
Most people hate Gays.
wow. I'm American and have had more sexual partners than I can count. Your projection and armchair psychobabble is off the charts.
because covering your body in tacky doodles is supposed to make you seem more interesting or something
>Getting leg tats.
>Getting Disney tats
>Getting any tats.
What flag is that even? A disney flag?
I hope one day to be an expert on gay thighs but I have seen enough to know that a sunflower is not farfetched
What is that? Some kind of spawn thing?
Blue Lives Matter. Pro police.
How do you know it's blue lives matter?
Oh and I'm sure you're just so above all that?
Why is that bad? Is it too patriotic or something?
There's literally no reason to support the ((((police))))) unless you are a pig yourself.
>had more sexual partners than I can count.
That's not a good thing.
What matters though is that those two are in a committed heterosexual relationship. They're not down at the local glory hole sucking and fucking other men feeling a swell of pride as their "partner number" grows larger and larger with each penetration. And just because you identify as a woman doesn't make it heterosexual.
Zionists confirmed as the next Nazis. Hail Netanyahu!
I've never met a single person with a Disney obsession who wasn't a soulless husk of a human being
Oh is that what that means? Never knew that. Knowing that actually makes me feel better because I see it all the time. Thought there was massive anti cop sentiment.
Imagine being a pro authoritarian and thinking you're not an unamerican shit. Fuck off to Russia or China you commie shits.
Punisher logo that got popular with special forces who were sick of the government and now it's big in gun communities and anti-government separatist groups and also with edgy fat dorks who wish they were special forces.
It's not. It's bad because tattoos are all bad. Especially on average Joe white American over 40.
Stop shaming him for not being able to count above 3. After all why count more than the number of uncles you have?
Not him but the whole thing has become a tad cringey. Same with the punisher skull and gadsen flag and all that. It's just overdone. This is coming from someone who likes cops.
Plus, it just seems like a really random thing to combine with your disney tattoo
Literally yes. The government does not want mirthful autists online organizing and creating schools of craft and ancient cults in the Greek and Roman styles. That is literally their biggest fear.
They keep us safe from hordes of niggers.
There's no reason not to support the police unless you're a criminal who needs to get shot.
It’s not. You just asked what it meant.
Ah fuck the antifa trannies are here. When you go into the female bathroom and some normal person comes in and see your freak ass and beats the hell out of you. You'll be begging for the police.
What does that even mean? Incel.
these are the sort of people that would be first in line for mandatory microchip implants
Nigger, the police in most cities ARE basically ANTIFA's comrades. And in Europe they don't even bother to hide that fact.
Is that some libertarian bullshit?
t. Some Neet faggot who hasn’t left his parents basement in a month.
Cringe and niggerpilled
Based and adlerpilled
That black and white flag with the blue line is what all the pro-cop boomers have, they're all over america
Nah, those fags are pretty thoroughly hated.
Anyone have the picture of the riot cop with the giant grin, I think it's captioned
>Now the fun begins
>The violence has escalated
A palatable belief in the doctrine of Christian irony-that is not inhuman-fueled into a school of mirthful autists writing books and creating films would break the Frankfurt school and Troskite hold over modern politics and professional vocations that would lead to a new Bronze Age-lite Spiritual revolution that would break social Darwinism and the pragmatic routines of life stranglehold over all, espically the youth. People would see mystery in the blades of grass and the feathers of the birds but not in some gay baby way, in actual masculine fully actualized mature way, and with a glint of mirthful humor in the eye
Based and schizoidpilled
It's ironically the law preventing Americans from protecting themselves from the brown plagues.
just more presumptions and fairy tales. have a nice night
sorry man. I make good money and don't have to put *common* tattoos on myself to build an identity. I wish you the best.
this guy reads
wearing shoes like this with no socks should be punished by a death penalty
>wears sperrys with socks
yes with knee high silk stockings and shorts that tie around the knee
she cute
>blue lives matter flags
tattoos are for "black" "people"
It's bad because those two things together basically symbolize the globohomo agenda in an almost mark of the beast style icon, though I highly doubt that was the intention. Disney essentially has a monopoly on the mass entertainment industry, and manipulates the public consciousness by pushing overt and subliminal narratives through their media, while simultaneously profiting and expanding their control by buying up nearly every fucking popular franchise under the sun and destroying everything that made them unique or interesting in the first place. The Blue Lives Matter colors represent an often blind support for the police, although I'm not saying law enforcement is inherently bad or anything. The problem is that this mentality typically ignores the corruption of most large police departments, and turns a blind eye when said departments start getting access to military weapons, equipment, and surveillance technology.
TLDR: MIC social engineering
sure, give me a mossberg and break his legs.
disney attracts retards