Just done watching this
What are some kino showing us a hopeful future?
Also who was that Hitler guy?
Look Who's Back
Other urls found in this thread:
ITT: movies /pol/ didn't understand
Hitler was a notorious homosexual man of the 1920s who began the LGBTQ+ movement as we know it today. Due to his progressive beliefs, he was destroyed by Russia and other historically homophobic nations
Hitler was a walking pharmacy
absolutely based
I didn't watch it fully but from what I've seen they did a pretty bad job if their goal was to make people afraid of "another Hitler". There are scenes where he is very affable and makes good points.
It's difficult to make national socialism look bad because it's what people actually want.
you're supposed to think he makes good points, it is the point of him being a crowd pleaser
It was a total brilliant laugh riot for the first 90%, and the final 10% is literally the single-most terrifying, hopeless psychological horror I've ever seen, and it even manages to make you feel like every time you laughed over the last 90%, you were part of the problem. It starts out as an edgy, politically-incorrect comedy, and by the end it makes you seriously examine the societal consequences and potentially catastrophic desensitizing effects of the exact genre it pretended to be.
Maybe it's just worse for me because I'm Jewish, but I'm not exaggerating when I say that no movie has ever made me feel even close to the cold, hopeless, existential dread I felt in the last 15 minutes. I'm not ashamed to say that by the end credits, my eyes had welled up with tears, not of sadness, or anger, but tears of fear. That has never happened with any film, before or since.
>oy vey anotha shoa
>Interracial couple in commercial
>People unironically making death threats and marching on the street to start the next race war
>Lmao get over it cuck
Pretty sure most of you kids watching this won't even look up Hitler in a history book.
He never was the figure the allies painted him as...thats the point of the show.
The CIA didn't exist in 1942
Oh yeah that ending was real subtle, I'm so glad someone could explain what the leftist director meant by it. The film operates on the assumption that you already hate Hitler and tacks on a dog killing to hammer it home. You're supposed to feel scared at the end because you were taught to. For a non-Westerner the ending must be really confusing because they don't have those associations
>People unironically making death threats and marching on the street to start the next race war
But BLM had the full support of the 44th President
Every scripted part of this movie was absolute fucking garbage. The method actor they hired was really good, but the """""movie"""" around it is german, unimaginative, by the numbers shit.
The point is that Hitler does make "good points" about the nature of immigration and nationhood that aren't addressed by the current political ethos, but instead marginalized. If we don't come up with a counter-answer, people will turn to him out of desperation.
There is no counter answer, only the answer. But libs will bury their head in the sand for another decade or two and wake up in societies on the brink of collapse, then blame it on the far-right while a bunch of towelheads burn their books down the street.
the movie was targeted at leftists to show them that even your common anti immigration, anti globalism neighbro is in reality a nazi that would follow litterly Hitler if that man was to return today. So, the moral of the story is it's ok to fight your 'normal' neighbor with all means necessary
friendly reminder
>kills dog
This is when I stopped watching
>an animal this size
>a dog
who cares
What did everyone mean by this?
>Watch BLM livestream
>Nogs chimping about cops while the cops are unironically standing there to protect them
>Some memester off camera lets off some shots
>Cue nogs running directly behind the police begging them for help
It was honestly one of the most pathetic and beta things I've ever seen and I grew up in Sweden.
in case someone wonders what the signs says:
>AH: A salafist comes back home to his screaming children.
>What a terror!
its a 10/10 joke in Germany
>Ein Salafist kommt nach Hause zu seinem schreienden Kind
>Was für ein Terror
doesn't make sense to me
>If we don't come up with a counter-answer, people will turn to him because he was right
I remember the actor (a jew) even saying he was 'disturbed' by how many people on the street came up to him and started talking to him like he was really Hitler, voicing their worries and concerns, he said the way they addressed him was almost like to a father.
a nail on the littlefinger of a white person, is worth more than a thousand jew lives.
sounds like the people on the streets really believed, for whatever reason (maybe they are stupid) its the real Hitler
or maybe its just PR shit
Now that I think of it I truly do see him as a sort of father figure
Maybe not the real one who was hooked on speed but the idealized version we imagine, like in the movie (acting was on point)
The film’s director and lead actor said that the time spent touring Germany, shooting footage that has been incorporated into the movie, had opened their eyes and that they had witnessed a shift to the right in attitudes.
“How can it be that so many people react positively to Hitler, accept him?” director David Wnendt told Germany’s ARD television.
The film shows actor Oliver Masucci, complete with Hitler’s trademark moustache, mingling among crowds of smiling people, shaking their hands, posing for photos with firemen and even tickling pet dogs and goats.
“People quickly forgot that the cameras were rolling and started talking to the man, to open up to him,” said Masucci.
yeah, supposedly a lot of the scenes weren't staged and were just general reactions. you know at some point, germans have to be tired of being the bad guys. hitler was unhinged, but he wasn't pure evil. he literally wanted only the best for germany and its people
Is the one with Mussolini any good?
>i live there and i missed a selfie with fucking hitler. its not fair bros
dont worry, Till
it wasnt the real Hitler anyway
>He doesn't know
>most people hanging out and saying hi to hitler are immigrant looking people like arabs and turks
wtf immigrants are based?
arabs and turks love Hitler
Turks obvisouly for being allies in WW2
Arabs because Hitler fucked 6789 quadrillion jews
OIS did tho
Believe it or not besides the typical degenrate Turks and arabs you have quite a few who admire - and live - the concept of family, patriotism, clean streets and a strong country.
But dont tell /pol/ because they will call you a cuck and mohammed while never setting a foot in Germany.
>leaving out the massive tranny stuff
he was a pioneer for gay rights and a beloved figure in the gay community. Not surprising.
>end of movie footage of le ebin European nationalists
>this comes up
>banter in the wehrmacht
40% of german youth identify as homosexual or lesbian. It's inspiring to see them looking up to the founder of the modern LGBTQ community in germany.
>Turkey was an ally of Germany in WW2
/pol/ education everyone. Was the opposite. Ataturk literally told Hitler to go fuck himself on multiple occasions and Turkey declared war on Germany in 1944.
The actor isnt a jew, its the guy who wrote the book and soon realized that - what he had seen as typical right wing propaganda - were the things the common people had tod eal with in their daily lives.
With other words: the jew outjewed himself.
Good. We need him more than ever.
>when even a faggot hate gays so much so he put them in a camp
really makes you think
I agree. With trans rights at such a forefront today, we need the father of the movement back
>tacks on a dog killing
but hitler loved dogs.
Yea Forumseducation everyone. Turkey and Germany had a friendship treaty since 1941 and Turkey declared Germany on February 1945 the war. Just to get on the good side of the Allies while being surrounded by them.
hitler is based asf
Not only that but the Reich was the first nation in the world with environmental protection laws and among the first few to adopt animal protection laws.
He killed his dog IRL
>It is said that Hitler telled his generals that “Ataturk cannot keep the Jewish crowd which I want their elimination.
>In 1933, Hitler sent a mesage to Atatürk, “Don’t let these communist professors into your country.”, while Ataturk himself was putting into practice the university reform.
>Ataturk turned his head to the people who send this mesage to him; Tevfik Rüştü Aras, the formal minister of foreign affairs and Reşit Galip Bey, the formal minister of education:
>“A corporal cannot garble me to his murders” with a calmly voice. Than he gave instructions to hast
little corporal dabbed on
It was a mercy. Blondie didn't deserve whatever the subhumans in the Red Army would have done to her.
most nazi's were trannys tho what are you bitching about?
yeah and was inconsolable, everyone else in the bunker took Blondie's death harder than Eva fucking Braun's. He did it because he was afraid the Soviets would torture her.
because he loved his dog
better dead than captured by ruskies
No it wasn't/ He was skeptical that Himmler gave him a painless suicide method and tested it out on his dog to make sure it wasn't painful.
P twisted actually he could have just shot her in the head
Also the Russians captured Romanian dictator's Aontonescu's dog and treated it fine.
>Hitler was a jew
>Hitler was a homo
>Hitler had a mangled harbl
>Hitler fucked his niece
>Hitler was on every drug imaginable
All that and he had time to run a country and direct a prolonged war on two fronts. Extraordinary how talking about him only strengthens his memory. Truly the most significant figure of the century.
seething fag lover
As opposed to brutal torture or outright slow slaughter by the raping murdering Asiatic hordes or being caotured thrown into a zoo in Moscow for Stalins pleasure in an exhibit called "Hitlers bitch"?
A fast acting poison capsule on Blondi was the merciful thing to do. The dog handler then later(after the alleged suicides) shot dead the rest of the dogs in the bunker which included Goebbels 2 dogs, Eva Braun's Dachshund and Blondi's pups.
Hitler broke down in tears according to eyewitnesses, weeping loudly on the ground holding Blondi's limp body.
I mean he didn't run it well he basically destroyed Germany in 10 years.
>I'm gonna fail to beat UK then invade USSR THEN simultaneously declare war on the US. What could possibly go wrong?!
Stay mad, 40%er.
you forgot his uniball, small penor and scat tendencies
Within 10 years we will find out many other things, such as his Zoophilia fetishes, his pedophilia, his massive debilitating face tumor that were edited in every photos of him, his inward testicles, his various anal STDs and maybe his incestuous relations with his own mom
Literally the greatest life story aswell.
see wasn't a mercy, if it was he could have used a different method that wasn't a science experiment for himself. Also the soviets treated Antonescu's dog fine (it outlived him and came to live with King Michael).
he was actually weeping because he realized he had to marry a woman, something he avoided for his whole life
Then once he was married he killed himself a few hours later. rly makes me think
> _most_
Antonescu isn't Hitler.
I agree. A openly gay man existing in the 1940s, a time of pronounced homophobia? Very brave.
Someone is salty he was a meth'd up homo. No amount of whining sarcasm will change that.
I'm writing a fanfic version of WW2 describing him as a dark wizard that I will bury copies of all over the world, in hopes that some post-apocalyptic archeologist will unearth one in 1000+ years.
What did he mean by this?
>actually he could have just shot her in the head
Have you ever had to shoot your dog? I'd go with mystery suicide pills over it any day of the week and I've never even been trapped in a bunker with an encroaching army bearing down on me.
>when the whole world watches you and you have to wait for the marathon to end befor you can go to the toilet
>implying black kids don't have a terrible impact on school quality
Got your head reeaal deep in the sand there.
How do you explain the bonfires of Wiemar's jew tranny research?
>In just a few years, German men were organized into the world's most formidable army
Also Hitler never wanted war, amirite mein bruders?
Dogs are pretty jittery too. You basically need a shotgun to kill it with one blast that makes a huge mess. That's why euthanasia with drugs is the best choice.
i finally realize that it's not jews or niggers or chinks but the white roastie that is the most dangerous creature on earth
He was channeling his primordial Aryan psychic energy towards the athletes representing Germany
So what you saying, that the Nazis weren't quite the bigots they're made out to be? Even transNazis were allowed to forego the uniform and just dress for how they felt. That's defintely a different story to the one I've heard about Nazis gassing fags. Now you have me questioning that whole Holocaust thing, how much of that is the truth?
>he's never surreptiously adjusted a butt plug
>"What is up goys? Just give up your firearms and we can all hold hands!"
Gas yourself, (((spastic))).
"giv lebensraum"
blatant IDF
that guy's not idf, i am
Sweet next Hitler when?
Meanwhile at allied bases
What a cute
>he fell for the whores in IDF uniforms propaganda
Propaganda by allies. Most nazis were trans
>Hitler fucked his niece
>And he was impotent
>And he was gay
Hmmmm. Something doesn't seem quite right here. It's almost as if it's mindless propaganda.
wish i had more
>fell for
I wouldn’t give it a potentially agonizing drug to just see if it would be painful
Maybe instead of a big conspiracy it's true and you're just a seething tranny who needs to dilate?
Cute IDF girls don't change my opinion on Jews and Israel
>when even a faggot hate gays so much so he put them in a camp
Just like 4channel
People that use "discord tranny" are actually former discord trannies.
>posting historical photographs makes you an Israeli soldier
cope tranny
agreed. The Nazi's were aheadx of their times on LGBTQ+ rights. They deserve recognize for their bravery and attempts to give rights to gay and trans people everywhere. The homophobic russians are the ones who erased the truth
Hitler dreamed of a rainbow nation, and all we got instead was a soviet red one
>He fucked a woman even though his cock didn't work
>He fucked a woman even though he was gay
>tfw no qt israeli gf to convert to Christianity and to turn into a staunch anti-semite
>It's okay to be a tranny because others are trannys
There's no evidence he ever had sex. He was forced into marrying a woman shortly before he killed himself though. I suspect the two are connected.
>>He was fucked by a man even though his cock didn't work
>>He pretended to like a woman even though he was gay
> No u
That was my point. There's no evidence of any of the outlandish claims. It's just retarded post-war propaganda pushed to justify the war, and Jews keep peddling it.
>eating fettucine Alfredo in the bath tub while coked out of your mind
based and redpilled
I still doubt Weil. She seems like a beautiful soul, but still, probably trying to trick me into some jew shit.
That said "Israel and the Gentiles" is a great essay about how the jewish god is cancer. Couldn't find an english translation though.
>And then, for no reason at all, the people elected hilter for president
Or something like that.
Is lupin, dare i say, /ourguy/?
>The actor isnt a jew,
That's surprising. If Hogan's Heroes taught me anything, it's that Jews play the best Nazis.
Why do shitskins have such low iq bros?
This is totally unrelated to the article or even this thread but I never really noticed how many sites now have every 'like/share/retweet' option on a news article right below the clickbait header and before any actual text of the article is even close to showing up on the screen. Almost masterfully disingenuous.
You say that like it was a science project for funsies and not an act of desperation with no good options. It's not remotely in dispute that Hitler loved his dog so I don't know why you'd try to paint the situation as him just having a giggle at watching his beloved pet suffer.
Written like a fucking preschooler
Tragic how this great man continues to be slandered almost 40 years after his death.
It’s not desperation at all, it’s simple preference.
he lost a war on two fronts and was only able to be in power while he was because he took over countries with no army that no one cared about
as soon as he started an actual war he lost
>Reclaimed territory that was taken from Germany after WWI
>Slapped Polands shit after they refused to help the Germans facing massacre, but actually aided it
>Britain and France had already given their ultimatum and were in a real pickle, because they didn't actually think Germany would risk war
>German intelligence (and later confirmed by historical docs) that the Soviet Union were hastily rebuilding their infrastructure, to be ready for war with Germany before 1944, as per orders from Stalin. So Germany said fuck it and invaded before the Soviets were ready to invade them
>Every other country the Germans invaded was for strategic placement
Shit, I don't even like the Germans, since they ended up invading my country (before the British could, since they were planning on it as well), but the useless fucking "muh Germans wanted to conquer the world" fraudelent meme is so fucking tiresome to listen to.
hitler: hmmm today i think i will attack my allies, the soviets, by sending all my soldiers to die in the snow and then using the supply trains to kill jews
>tfw you make Hitler too accurate so you make him kill a dog for fun to remind yourself and the audience he's supposed to be the bad guy
>because he took over countries with no army that no one cared about
Yeah France and Belgium were just irrelevant backwaters and not major European military powers and no one gives a shit about the Netherlands, Denmark, or Norway and never has throughout all of recorded history.
>should I wait for Stalin to build up his forces, which are many times greater than my own, to attack me? Or should I try and overthrow a clearly poorly run government which would likely collapse upon my invasion?
Germany literally could not win WW2. It wasn't in the cards for them at all
Read the part where German intelligence became aware that Stalin had shifted almost all Soviet manufacturing towards producing equipment for war, and had ordered his generals to make the Soviet Union ready for war before 1944.
We can sit here in hindsight and say that the Germans were retarded, but they knew that the Soviets were arming themselves to the teeth, waiting for an opportunity to invade a Germany that had been weakened by the British. They did the best they could with the intel they had. If they hadn't invaded, the Soviet Union would have gotten too fucking strong to do anything against anyways.
nobody gives a shit about belgium, netherlands, denmark, or norway.
The Nazis in your photos are so anti-homosexual that they can dress like this as a joke and not even risk being thought of as gay. I hope you at least understand that part
Hot tub. Not bathtub. Fuckin weirdo. Also he was on acid
Makes me want to wife up a dog breeder. I bet she'd love to pound away and pop out pup after pup with a purebred German dude.
Holy shit is it almost 1985 already??
>my neighbour has so many guns wtf.. and theyre shooting people
>maybe I should buy a g-
>*1200 rounds per minute intensifies*
yeah im sure you would love to fuck a dog
How many times did he say "Jew"? I only counted one time towards the end. Very disappointing, desu. I thought modern Hitler would be more J woke.
If he named the Jew in any sort of convincing manner the whole project would get shut down hard
>Watch one video with mexican subs
>every related and recommend video for weeks is mexican
fuck off
What's it like being retarded dude?
Reminder that the great General Patton wrote this in letters to his wife shortly after the war had ended.
>Berlin gave me the blues. We have destroyed what could have been a good race and we about to replace them with Mongolian savages.
>The stuff in the papers about fraternization is all wet... All that sort of writing is done by Jews to get revenge. Actually the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. It’s a choice between them and the Russians. I prefer the Germans.
>I had never heard that we fought to de-nazify Germany – live and learn. What we are doing is to utterly destroy the only semi-modern state in Europe
It was only after the war that everyone began pushing "muh evil nazis".
Hitler strikes me as more likely to be a Transbian than just a gay guy
Senor Afolfo was my favorite Argentinian dentist
>it's actually real
What the fuck? My history teacher must have forgot to tell us that part
I mean, he grew up in the Weimar era, when homosexual deviance was commonly promoted.
Prior to deciding Germany needed to return to a time of traditional morals, would it really be so surprising to know he was fully entrenched in the lifestyles common at the time?
All negative propaganda against hitler reminds me a lot of Church of Scientology
Did your history teacher also forget to mention that Churchill, de Gaulle and Eisenhower all wrote books about the war?
Churchills six volumes was 4448 pages long.
Eisenhowers book was 559 pages long.
De Gaulles book was 928 pages long.
A combined 5935 pages written by three allied leaders. And not once did any of them ever mention the systematic killing of Jews. Not one single sentence.
>far right
I hate how hating on centrists has become the hip new meme, when the easiest way to get out of this mess is to turn to centrism.
All forms of Radicalism are inherently flawed, and it's only through the attempts at mediation that any true progress can ever be made.
Taking immigration as an example, fully open borders will never work because it'll make the fascists upset and lead to more criminals making it through with all the actual refugees. But, building the wall doesn't work either because then the communists get upset and it leads to people being unfairly killed in internment camps.
>They deserve to be in those camps!
>How dare you say any refugees are villains!
Not everything is as black and white as you retards make it out to be. The simplest way to get around this is to set up actual border checkpoints where these people can be vetted as to whether they are truly trying to escape either the horrors of war/Mexico, or they're only looking to commit more crimes that they're already running from the persecution for in their home nation.
Does he have a rape scene?
Of course. The Aryans as a race desire semen from Americans, Russians, and all sorts of other races. Hitler himself desired Stalin's wiener above all else but was heavily closeted, to the point that when the rest of the Aryans at Berlin were happily enjoying foreign semen, he was in a bunker, trying to deny his lust for Stalin semen by marrying a woman. It's no wonder he offed himself when he realized he can hide it no longer and especially when he figured out Stalin had no interest in insemenating him.
So it's basically a Buddha situation. Degenerate sees the light and becomes the chosen one.
>He was a homosexual.
>He was a prostitute.
>He only had one testicle.
>He had a small penis.
Jews crack me up.
He will return to us in our hour of need
They seriously don't understand just how brainwashed they've been their whole lives.
They are very desperate.
>when the easiest way to get out of this mess is to turn to centrism.
If society is crumbling
then there is no center.
thats exactly why hitler ended up in power. Because he ultimately talked to a german society instead of the Commies that were hellbent for a Internationalist movement to destroy nations.
the image and critique of Nazim and hitler is a strawman; An American would not critique it based on the National preference for their own kin, but the usurpation of the sovereignity of The People.
the modern understanding of Nazim is entirely a projection of the minds and beliefs of those directing the critique.
>A combined 5935 pages written by three allied leaders. And not once did any of them ever mention the systematic killing of Jews. Not one single sentence.
Reminder these are all images of Germans making vaudeville comedy akin to Monty Python.
It's true. You can look it up.
The only thing that comes close was Eisenhower writing about entering a concentration camp in Germany and seeing starved prisoners, which was a result of the lack of supplies at the end of the war.
Another funny coincidence is that every concentration camp captured by the allies turned out not to be death camps, but ordinary concentration camps like the ones the US had for the Japanese Americans. Meanwhile something like 90% of the camps captured by the Soviets turned out to be death camps.
So the Jews are like the fucking Leafs.
They just shitpost so hard they get the masses of anons to talk about the shitpost rather than the topic OP was asking about.
Could it have been the direction they were approaching from was more stacked with camps, considering the Russians had to trudge through the Polish sector to get to Berlin? Or were the Soviets just that good at fabricating information?
They never mention dead jews in the camps?
These discord tranny threads are pure AIDS
Recognize your enemy, they seek to destroy your past, muddy your identity, pervert your children, and warp your future. They wish to put others who do not share your past, present, and future over you. They seek to destroy you and supplant it with something they control, either by greed or lusts. Realize these enemies cannot be bargained with, or befriended, or changed. Now you realize they must be destroyed, and in knowing this you realize every minute you allow them to remain they will continue to seek to bury the truth under lies.
>Or were the Soviets just that good at fabricating information?
What makes you think it's only the Soviets?
based memri poster
Nope. Here's a map of all the camps. Every camp to the left of the green line was captured by allies, and every camp to the right was captured by the Soviets. Wartime propaganda at the time was fucking massive, so it doesn't take a genius to put two and two together.
Death due to starvation, as a result of lacking supplies towards the end of the war? That was mentioned. The Germans outright killing Jews? Nope, not a word.
That was the entire point of the book. and its a shame they chickened out with the ending for the movie. in the book he is about to be (re)elected as chancellor with the slogan "it wasnt all bad"
Do not for one second listen to them.
Your race?
A construct.
Your ethnicity?
Your family?
Patriarchal and outdated.
Your sexual identity?
They will tear your apart and turn you into a perverse, self destructive mockery of what they themselves have become, slaves to the idea they built a false identity on, and like a man trapped in a lie they are too cowardly to come to the truth of it and be set free. One hand is shackled by lust, the other fear. They have no free mind despite claiming they are "progressive" and "free of hate", which is ironic since they hate the very thing they once were. And where does this hate extend from? Their masters. They feel their hate for themselves, and in turn project it onto others. This is why the jew has whites hating whites. They pump it into movies and textbooks not as a means of progress, but so you can self hate and self destruct.
>you're supposed to think he makes good points, it is the point of him being a crowd pleaser
>what is Logical arguementation and empathetical speech
this looks like what a democrat would say of Trump.
>. If we don't come up with a counter-answer, people will turn to him out of desperation.
There is no counter answer you fool.
It's National suicide
or National preservation.
>The actor isnt a jew, its the guy who wrote the book and soon realized that - what he had seen as typical right wing propaganda - were the things the common people had tod eal with in their daily lives.
>With other words: the jew outjewed himself.
that's a pretty... strange coincidence
It struck fear into my very soul, especially with Trump's election.
It's true, evil gets into power because people are evil. We need to do something about this before it's too late.
It is quite clear then that you must protect the jewish people at all costs user.
>you're supposed to think he makes good points, it is the point of him being a crowd pleaser
>Maybe it's just worse for me because I'm Jewish,
It is.
You love the torture.
>seething this hard over hitler being a fag
Keep posting these while projecting jew. You never saw a fag flag wave alongside the swastika.
>Not using the correct term; Sodomite
wtf i hate gays now
Look at what the Jewish writers say, what the producers say. Even the pornographers. They push it because they love it. The Jew is above all things a creature of manufactured neurosis. All above must be brought below, and all below must be thrown above. They simplify this as "breaking barriers" and "standing up to tyranny" today.
The Great Replacement is obviously a conscious effort, and there is a conscious propaganda effort correlating. But our culture is being robbed is far darker in strategy. Whites are not the targets of the continued browning of our heroes and icons: the lower races are.
Go see if you can find and share a video of Adolf Hitler encouraging the youth to take care of their elders on YouTube, with the subtitles. You won't find it, and if by some miracle you do, it will not be sharable. It will not be discussed, liked or even measured by views.
Because the enemy cannot be allowed inspiration from their past. They cannot have a role model and they cannot see the plans of yesteryear having been played out.
This is exactly the reason for culture and media slowly washing over in darkness.
The white children of 2060 will not have a superhero to relate to. They won't have a red haired beauty to inspire them to masculine ascension.
But the slave races will. They'll have all form of kinky haired, drugged out and toned down 'inspiration'. They won't ask "why did that man used to be so white, strong and free". "Why did that woman used to he so fair and beautiful". By any indication the remaining whites won't have it to remember either.
It'll all have long been torn down and swept away like the monuments our grandfathers erected for us.
Remember this the next time you see some brave filmmaker casting a historical figure or a beloved hero away from you. They're not doing anything for you anymore. They're doing it to erase you and they're doing it to give the new slave race something to remember.
>hitler died in 1945
>came to Yea Forums to discuss GoT
>fast forward 3 weeks
>now a holocaust denier
>Let's keep alive Nazis in the mental zeitgeist for 70 years nothing bad could happen
>a few dozen photographs of German men in drag
wow its fucking nothing
I can just imagine some braindead academic 40 years from now pulling up pictures of Monty Python sketches as evidence that transgenderism was rampant in early 1970s Britain. Give me a fucking break with this shit.
>If we don't come up with a counter-answer, people will turn to him out of desperation.
And why is this a bad thing?
>Be accepting of everyone! Shame all homophobes! Trans rights are human rights!
>oh btw Hitler was actually gay lol what a faggot lets laugh at him
Based and redpilled.
The jews don't really think gays and trannies are good, they just want to turn the west into degenerates.
That's why that (((spammer))) has no problem attacking gays and transexuals, he's just desperate to attack Hitler and nazis.
While people talk about his deeds, all he can say is
>lol htler is gay xD
>make a movie where Hitler is absolutely evil
"dude they didn't make him realistic and made him to be too much like a comic book villain
>make a movie where Hitler is charismatic
"They didn't make a very good movie since I actually liked Hitler and agreed with a lot of his points"
Just admit you're a nazi and get over it
With how much the Nazis hated Jews and under the circumstances of war is it really so far fetched to believe that they tried to kill as many of them as possible?
The Nazis didn't kill jews retard, they just held them against their will and worked them so hard that some of them died. It's not LITERALLY executing them and they certainly didn't gas them. They may have killed a couple of millions, but certainly not like six or whatever fucking number it is now.
>Just admit you're a nazi
Who in this thread denies that?
>all these racist incels thinking their stupid ideology is right
The time of the rope is near soon we’ll hang you and all the other racists.
No you won't.
Yes we will just you wait.
Jesus Christ, this LGBT op is so pathetic i feel almost sad for you (not that this will spare you the gas chamber but whatever)
>“How can it be that so many people react positively to Hitler, accept him?” director David Wnendt told Germany’s ARD television
Gee I wonder
It's always the same with you millennials, you will some day do something.
Not today though, because today you are comfy in your home posting from your computer with your beloved superhero movies one click away.
But you will totally rise up tomorrow.
Always tomorrow.
Your days are numbered.
Its because its funny, that is why Bugs Bunny cross dresses, the sheer craziness of a strong manly man dressing as a woman was funny to a bunch of Soldiers. Its an Oxymoron, a contradiction and contradictions are funny.
And every day, you'll add +1 to that number of days.
You are millennials, you are a generation of spoiled kids who have never faced a single challenge in life.
You will not do anything at all.
I mean, why not do it today?
Why wait?
Because you are not going to do anything, you are too lazy.
Certainly not. But when so much evidence points to the contrary, building a narrative of genocide based entirely upon biased witness testimonies, many of which were proven to be complete hoaxes, a couple of confessions which we later found out were due to torture or threats of torture, and the Soviet propaganda apparatus simply isn't enough.
I don't even like Hitler. I think he was a faggot. I just don't like being lied to.
Go back to your discord, tranny. And remember you will end up gassed in this timeline.
If you dress up as something, it can only be because you want to be it. Like those people who go as Osama for Halloween.
absolutely seething pillowbiter worshiper
Yeah, people love fascism.
Most nazi's were trannies man what's the problem?
This thread just makes me hate jews and fags more, if anything. Everyone knows Hitler wasn't a fag, this is just retarded. It's like jews trying to convince me Marx was a unicorn or a hard worker or something.
>hitler was unhinged
dilate & cope, tranny
40% of trannys kill themselves. Hitler was in that 40%
Post source on pic please.
>Everyone knows Hitler wasn't a fag, this is just retarded
Your feels do not override historical fact
Hitler literally killed Ernst Rohm because he was gonna blab about their gay love affair
Keep on ranting we all know that your days are gonna end soon.
Post link then
(((They))) are desperate.
Its from a book called Soldier Studies: Cross-Dressing in the Wehrmacht. And as I expected it was performance.
You’ll get the rope you delusional redditor
are THOUSANDS of pics in this 1 album alone. Imagine how many nazi trannies there actually were.
So what you're saying is that it was basically another shoah?
How soon, exactly?
Reminder Hitler was on all those drugs because he had AIDS
Your story requires corroboration
>haha it was just a joke it's not gay unless the balls touch mein fuhrer....
>stormfags seething upon the realization that their beloved role model was a fag
You can’t make this up
Hitler was also secretly Jewish, too. That's where Israel got the idea of separating jews and muslims and making them use separate schools and even bus routes.
>exactly one minute apart
lmao did you just reply to yourself?
>Nazi's were LGBTBBQ allies
So supporting gays in the current year is evil right-wing Nazi behavior?
Hitler actually caught all his AIDS diseases from a (male) jewish prostitute
Dude, no one here worships Hitler. But you seriously come off as unhinged. Call me a fag or tranny or nazi, idc. You sound completely fucking retarded. srs
The Jew doesn't actually care about gays. They're just another tool in their toolbox of subversion and destruction.
Actually, Hitler was a half black half asian disabled asexual transgender who supported the liberation of esquimos from the concentration camps held in the USA.
Yes. The far-right has a problem with homosexuality and general sexual degeneracy. I've noticed a lot of white nationalists end up being exposed as homosexuals and vice-versa. For instance a gay porn actor recently revealed he was a white nationalist and got arrested for selling drugs (Cameron Diggs). Another prominent white nationalists (Kevin Alfred Strom) was convicted for molesting young boys.
Some food for thought:
You got me.
Fuck off with your hispanic-shaming. Hitler was a Puerto Rican.
>if you post historical photographs you're secretly jewish
sorry history is so triggering for you man
Any non-jewish sources?
Absolutely seething faggot lovers
Fact: Jessie Owens had to fight off hitlers advances at the Munich olympics. Look it up
Actually he was one of the kids that played with me on Xbox back in 2007, he was the first transexual healslut to have ever existed, and he was also very keen on keeping argentinians out of our matches due to the fact that their whiteness put Germans to shame.
Pic related is my proof.
I honestly can't tell if this is an user trying to make Jews look retarded by claiming Hitler contracted a disease 40 years before it existed, and lumping every irrate insult at Hitler hoping one sticks or an actual mentally ill Jew.
Anyways, I like it.
All of them. Sorry if anything that triggers you and points out what faggots you all are is "jewish"
>homosexuals are attracted to political extremism
I mean there's a link here, but I don't think its the one you think it is...
AIDS has been observed as far back in the 1920s. Hitler was the true patient zero tho. There's a reason it spread from a Canadian flight attendant whose dad was a WW2 vet. His dad literally stormed Hitler's bunker and caught his AIDS
>tfw you realize that Sweden was NatSoc until about 1970 and that's when things started going downhill.
Did you know that Hitler, on top of being the first black female to male transexual, was also the first Baneposter?
You mean like how sinners go to church, but still sin? Or how sick people go to hospital, but still get sick?
>the absolute /pol/ seething ITT
Well, they are all jewish, so they're not reputable. Better luck next time.
and just like Nazi Germany, Sweden is also known for its huge and open homosexual population
Bost linc
agreed. Jews made all this stuff up. Like how the nazi's persecuted gays when in reality most nazi's were gay themselves
fucking kikes have set LGBTQ rights back decades with their lies
Not to mention that Hitler was one of the main financers of Captain Marvel and a self-proclaimed feminist.
Did you also know that Hitler was a massive My Hero Academia fan?
You're so salty it's hilarious
sorry if history is so triggering for you m8. It's not my fault he was a buttmuncher
He was also DSP's first subscriber, to the point where he referenced his anger in many of his speeches.
Yeah, that is a British motorcycle and a British loicense plate, m8. How mentally fucked are you?
since when can't /pol/ handle the bantz at all? They're getting dabbed on hard ITT and just coming off as bitter and butthurt
Reminder that every university in Israel has government-funded groups, in which students get paid to "defend Israel and Jews" on social media for 5 hours a week. If any anons are wondering why this guy is spamming random crossdressing soldiers.
You, like all the people that hated trump
still don't get it.
You can't use ad-hominems to discredit anyone that agree's with the premise, the political interest that is being represented (in 30s Germany through NatSocs), which is ultimately the preservation of an in-group, and to define The Nation as that in-group. The situation is that The People no longer recognise themselves, to many actions are degradng and eroding society. It is horrible that a political group gots to define the State as the Sovereign, and this is the true critique of National Socialism and Communism; but a Nation is not a fucki g supermarcket of identities and opposing cultures inside a territory.
actually it's a german motorcycle and a german motorcycle plate
>it’s Israel’s fault the nazis were gay
Israel didn’t even exist yet man
I voted for trump.m8. I just don't like fags.
We know, user. Jews are snakes. We all know they are full of shit, too. They're unironically bringing people to our side. This is a funny thread.
Someone’s mad that there are thousands of pics of tranny nazis and like 2 for everyone else lmao
Sure you did, Moshe.
It isn't , actually. And the numbering scheme is British.
Agreed. The LGBTQAAP community is on our side due to the realization that most nazis were trans and that Hitler was gay
Literally a whole wiki article that talks about how he took it up the ass btw
Hitler was also famously known for, on top of being a transexual, being the biggest hater of barneyfag, to the point where he rebuilt the SS with the sole purpose of getting rid of the biggest hater of MLP.
It's not that he liked MLP, it's that he knew that MLP's time had passed, and that it was time for it to be forgotten.
MLP would only be remembered as a blight of the 2010s.
And this is Hitler's latest legacy.
If you see barneyfag, tell him he has made a very powerful enemy in the form of the first mixed race non-gender to male transexual.
If you want to fight nazis on the internet, why don't you refute them with coherent arguments?
Why does posting historical photographs make him Israeli?
actually it is, the numbering is german as well
Hitler also loved black people to the point of taking it up in the ass from the BBC
What's the name of the German motorcycle company? Because I actually know it.
imagine getting so worked up by memes. I thought /pol/ were hardened badass internet trolls?
>dis raysizm
Hitler WUZ black!!!
We do it’s just those nazis ignore them and throw ad hominem about how we’re Jews for debunking their shitty arguments.
Then they forget that ever happened and throw the same debunked arguments in the next thread.
Der poopin shovin
this but unironically. Read what Jesse Owens happened to him at the Munich Olympics.
It's literally in his memoirs.
Hitler broke the racial barriers held up by the Jews and had tons of black and muslim friends. Do not believe the propaganda against him, he was for the brothas and was gong to promise all the niggas in america their own nation until the US government intervene to stop it.
>haha, i'm just pretending to be retarded
Thought so
Attention, everyone.
I have an important announcement to make
Hitler was in fact a gay man,
This. He also craved the BBC
Did you also know that, one time, in one of his many trisexual trips to Japan where he fucked japanese traps and extremely tight asian girls, he also met Akira Toriyama?
Hitler was a very dear friend of Toriyama, to the point where he had influence on Dragon Ball, which culminated in the creation of Goku's Super Saiyan transformation.
You never thought how funny it was that Goku's godly transformation was him going from a black haired and black eyed man to a pale, blonde with light colored eyes?
It was him.
He also hates Dragon Ball Super for the creation of Super Saiyan Blue, due to the fact that the only way to get blue hair in real life is through hair dyes, an act of pure degeneracy, to the point where he managed to get the Dragon Ball Super anime cancelled.
>imagine getting so worked up by memes
jewish is way above gay on the list of the worst things to be desu
He was history’s first user of blacked porn in fact
>it's a /pol/ ineffectually cries over hitler being called gay thread
christ you're such babies
>had tons of black and muslim friends
Not just friends. They fought for him.
>Muslim members of the Waffen-SS 13th division at prayer during their training in Germany, 1943
There are actual links and studies by pro historians to support the gay stuff at least. So you're just coming off as passive aggressive and salty.
He was also the founder of BLACKED, but that was just business.
Hitler masturbated exclusively to goth camwhores, and only the ones who had black hair.
So post links?
what a schizophrenic thread
This is why far-right shills pro-muslim immigration today. It can be said to be hypocrtical though, as the msulims are not too fond of gays and most far-rightists are gay and worship gays
But I have proof.
Here, a very rare picture, this was taken right before Hitler met with Toriyama in one of his many reunions regarding Dragon Ball.
And here's Hitler with Amin al-Husseini. Currently known as Ryan Gosling.
>We do it’s just those nazis ignore them and throw ad hominem about how we’re Jews for debunking their shitty arguments.
Respond to what this user said and refute his arguments.
Not that i'm surprised.
Blade Runner happens in a cyberpunk setting, which of course is full of transexuals, which is why Hitler, as a black asexual to male transexual, helped write the movie.
Hitler is probably the main reason why Blade Runner 2049's plot is pure brilliance.
>Jews still don't understand that the more you try to ridicule nazism, the more people will be drawn to it
It's admittedly pretty funny to see them dig their own graves
>I voted for trump.m8. I just don't like fags.
then why engage in this at all.
Those pics are even a good case of the rampant degeneracy German Society had just been through in Weimar.
The people who promoted that shit culturally got into people that ultimately worked to undo it.
It ends up being even more tragic and suspicious from you.
If everyone is ironically a nazi, not ironically
isn't it even more ironical you are posting images to character assasinate dead nazis?
Sounds like you've never debated a Jew before, user. They'll tiptoe around facts, or attempt to find one tiny meaningless inconsistency in your 500 word argument and deflect the conversation away from the original point.
IMAGINE how different the middle East might be today had the nazis not gone full retard and ended up being friends with the middle east? Two cultures that could have been strong together, now fractured and subverted.
>If everyone is ironically a nazi, not unironically
it's not just /pol/ who likes hitler. the entire world did before 1939. jfk did. the entire arab world still loves him. the people on the indian subcontinent admire him. as does eastern europe and a large chunk of the people in the americas
this thing about hitler being the antichrist is the product of 75 years of non stop kvetching from the western neoliberal matrix. sorry if that makes your greasy little hands more shakey but it's objectively true nonetheless
someone's butthurt they lost an argument I see
One of the darkest chapters of Hitler's life was when, as a teenager, he became addicted to an anime girl gacha game called Fate.
It is said that Feigelein, his most trusted general, fed his addiction to gacha games to the point where he was lending him up to TWO THOUSAND marks a month.
This all ended up in him being mocked, although him being a racemixed transexual probably had even more to do with the bullying he suffered from.
Literally question 2
sounds based desu
Then why engage in this at all.
Those pics are even a good case of the rampant degeneracy German Society had just been through in Weimar.
The people who promoted that shit culturally got into people that ultimately worked to undo it.
It ends up being even more tragic but more suspicious from you.
If everyone is ironically a nazi, not unironically a Nazi
isn't it even more ironical you are unironically posting images to character assasinate dead nazis?
>This is the proper reply
Did you also know that Hitler spent some time as a Yea Forums janitor?
He quickly rose through the ranks due to his charisma and his speeches on how to keep up the good fight against cunny posters, and took a very important place in the Bane wars as one of the rogue mods who actually, stealthily supported Baneposters.
Nowadays he's still a mod, and his current targets are Emilia Clarke waifu threads, Sneedposters and people who type "yikes" and "oof".
He's also known for not having any respect for janitors due to how their attempts at moderating are always seen as petty, so the good news is that he will not ban you for making fun of them.
>Churchill wrote about it in books much later down the line after the holocaust lie had been established in the zeitgeist!
>Eisenhower saw some starved prisoner corpses!
What exactly is this supposed to refute, retard?
Maybe not but 99 percent would say that it's preferable to trannies in ladies athletics and Somali rape gangs in every city.
>literally moving the goalpost
The lie that Churchil and Eisehower never mentioned the Holocaust which said retard.
I'll concede on Churchill.
Eisenhower on the other hand, never did. He examined corposes of people who had died due to disease or starvation, due to a lack of supplies. Ohrdruf was never a "death camp". Even Jewish historians admit to that. Hardly an admission of systemic killing on his part.
>The lie that Churchil and Eisehower never mentioned the Holocaust
The claim was that Churchill and Eisenhower never mentioned any systematic extermination in the books they authored immediately after the war. Had the holocaust actually happened, details of a systematic extermination would have been mentioned in the combined 5000 pages.
>The claim was that Churchill and Eisenhower never mentioned any systematic extermination in the books
Which is an outright lie.
its just hanging with the bros i see nothing wring with this
Any other quotes from the 6 volumes that explicitly mentions an extermination?