ITT: Kino shots

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Unrelated to the general subject of the thread but has any fantasy-dwarf on film ever looked as good as Gimli?



block's you're path

Attached: kili-202x300.jpg (202x300, 21K)

Okay, I'll post an actual kino shot for you

Attached: memories of murder.png (720x390, 112K)

Jesus he's a fucking babe even for a manlet

hope for manlets everywhere

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How did they make these shots? I seriously don't get what kind of perspective trickery they used

I think the big guys in back were filmed separately, and the footage was green screened in behind the hobbits and Gimli.

I've read that the prop ring they used for this was like two feet wide, but that might have been a meme.

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Literally all they would have to do is have the small ones stand in a ditch in front.

look at the size of their heads and shoulders, way smaller than the guys in the back

Attached: Germany's Hokuto Style-Panzer Fist.webm (480x270, 2.93M)

this would have been actual kino if he wasnt an hologram

Attached: dakota.png (1919x805, 1.43M)

So glad they used normal sized humans to play the hobbits instead of deformed midgets.