This is most upvoted post on r/feminism and don't reddit me, i just go there for a good laugh

This is most upvoted post on r/feminism and don't reddit me, i just go there for a good laugh

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Go back and stay there.

Go back there.

sounds like you like it more than here if you go there at all, fag

Go to /pol/ or reddit

I’m a sexist.
fuck women and fuck r*ddit.

>inb4 have sex incel
I’ve had too much experience with women, that’s why I hate them.

I agree with her.

Go back you fucking subhuman

go back faggot

Return to your hivemind

Feminism isn't about equality, equality is about equality. If you want to be equal, you're for equality, if you want to be sexist, you're for feminism.

Reminder that women are more happy when they are raising children in the home like they did for thousands of years and that consumerism doesn’t make anybody truly happy.


have sex

>abnormal shaming

Why do you fags get so angry over the littlest comments? You all deserve pacifiers in your mouths for being such babies.

Let’s double the work force supply without increasing the demand (women literally only do service jobs that don’t create anything.) That will surely not increase the price of housing and require a dual household income to survive! Also, daycare is just as good as being raised by your biological mother. I fucking love feminism!

this makes little sense when you consider the obvious fact that societies themselves are often unequal.


Be fulfilled (by raising children).

Have sex you redditor faggot

>If you don't want women to keep all of their legal privileges for being women while gaining all of the rights of men you're sexist
Daily reminder that every actress on this board was raped by some fat old jew to get where they are

This literally cannot be refuted. Please somebody from chapo trap house try and make an argument against this.

OK, I'm a sexist. And?

I really like that we're in a place in time in which you need to be open to the possibility and acceptance of a dozen or more genders but when it comes to political views you are either entirely with us or entirely against us, no in between, no spectrum, no compromise.

I'm crying

They don't even try to hide how cult like feminism is nowadays

Post hog conservitard

Fuck back off to /r/chapotraphouse tranny

She’s being nice, we should call them incels

Is that a tranny Malcolm in the middle?

She is right tho. If you laugh at it you're retarded and a sexist.

Name one good thing that’s a direct result of women being able to vote/being in power.

For me it's /r/twoxchromosomes and /r/girlgamers

have sex

Gotta get rid of the nuance so you don't have to ever think about an individual's views and opinions since that requires being thoughtful and all.

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Women's suffrage and feminism have been objective disasters for society.

>isn't feminine


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>mentally ill people trying to determine what is normal


Literally the first thing women voted for was prohibition, which created tons of crime we're still dealing with.

Women were a mistake.

>you either hate men or you are a sexist
Really made me oodle my noodle

Go back thou, from whence thee came.

Go women! Go feminism! Fuck men!

>tfw you started hating women more after you fucked them

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you have to go back

>shitting up Yea Forums
it all checks out

did arya really say this ?

Feminism = toxic femininity.

This. Only a virgin could possibly think that being in a relationship with a woman leads to liking women MORE.

omg LITERALLY have sex

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I hate women, but I have sex with them.

Islam will save us from the roastie menace. Marshmallow my brothers.

whats wrong with being sexist and or racist? I'm both and it doesn't affect me or anyones life at all. It's not like I treat them differently because of it, I just hate them is all.

>whats wrong with being sexist and or racist?

nothing. Feminists are proud of their sexism and non-whites and Jews are proud of their racism. White men need to be proud again now.


Racism was step one of creating thoughtcrimes. We are on step 8 right now

>You are either a normal person or a british slag

It is literally impossible to be a man and a feminist.

This but unironically