How would Rey know General Han Solo as a smuggler, but thought the existence of Luke Skywalker was a myth?

How would Rey know General Han Solo as a smuggler, but thought the existence of Luke Skywalker was a myth?

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wtf what happened?

How come after losing Starkiller base, a Dreadnaught, the Supremacy and their leader Snoke within one week, the First Order are still winning?

Why did Rose and Finn save the animals but not the children?

Because before Starkiller was destroyed they took out the galactic government with it. What other faction in the galaxy is powerful enough to go against them? Certainly not the ~20 people large "rebellion".

A smuggler turned rebellion leader is actually a believable story. A boy with a laser sword blowing up a space station with magic is not.

>THIS is a 10/10 Aryan specimen according to white people

How would you know one and not the other?

She has been force brainwashed to specifically forget about luke. Who was her father and Jedi master.

>How would you know one without the other
She knew the story of Luke and what he did m8 she just thought he was a fictional character the rebellion used for propaganda purposes therefore a myth

The problem is that is not well established that to this have logic, yhe FO should have had control of most galaxy from day 1.

So in a galaxy, theres only 2.5 factions, the Republic, the FO, and the rebellion (who are they rebeling against)

What the Hutts? Or Black Sun, or any other confederacys?

Because a guy with magic powers and a laser sword that he used to defeat the Empire sounds ridiculous. A smuggler whose ship is parked outside the place where she works sounds more palatable

Thats like saying President Reagon was fictional, or that Napoleon was made up by the British.

They must have ways of recording information. Didnt Luke set up a school to train Jedi, wouldnt that be public knowledge?

Consult a dictionary before posting again please. Also, have you been held back from the third grade again because of your inferior grammar?

But hasnt knowledge of the Force and the Jedi been common for millenia?

A slave boy on a backwater planet recognised a Jedi. Werent the Jedi used as inter-planetary peace keepers?

>attack the man, not the argument

Is this ad-hominem?

They didn't want to openly declare war against the Republic because the Republic had a fleet that could stand up to them. Instead they waited til Starkiller was operational, destroyed the Republic in one shot, then invaded everywhere else from the Unknown Regions (the invasion is covered in VIII's opening crawl)

Why would the First Order send janitors into battle?

If I could actually understand that argument, perhaps not.

Why does everyone trust Finn even though hes a defector and a liar?

And a hypocrite.

>wouldnt that be public knowledge

Not in a shithole like Jakku

The whole Star Wars saga is stupid and riddled with plot holes.

I liked the first few- of course, I was just a kid at the time- but after that they've been unwatcheable.

If Luke Skywalker cut himself off from the force, how was he able to force project himself to Crait?

But Anakin also lived in a shithole, outer-rim planet, and he knew what a Jedi was

Lol, turn off your brain and just give us your shekels.

The only place that preached the Jedi shit in jakku was in the sacred village who were no different than a rabid pack of niggers

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Why did Snoke say he was going to complete Kylos training, then upon seeing him insult his mask and admonish him?

How many Jedi were there at the peak of the Republic? A couple hundred spread over the entire galaxy? You're talking billions of worlds. When Jedi were at their height, you could probably go your whole life on most planets and never see one. You'll know the broad strokes. Like you probably heard of lightsaber. You know they're supposed to be magic, but who is going to believe that without seeing it?

Fast forward 60 years later and there's been like 5 notable people who have used the Force. Among them Luke Skywalker who disappeared.

So how plausible would that sound to you, gathering junk on your desert planet?

Because there is a clear moment in the movie where he reaches back out to the Force in order to figure out what the fuck was going on

Tatooine is like Laos shithole tier, Jakku is Somalia tier.

I love how anti-Kylo shitters try and vilify him for ordering these people to be killed in the beginning of TFA, but they weren't innocents. They were savage religious loonies who literally hung human bones as warnings form the people they killed.

I guess its like nazis.

Ive never seen a nazi in my life. Ive never seen goosestepping, i dont see groups of people walking around in nazi uniform.

Ive never had a conversation with a nazi, and as their ideas hold no place within mainstream academic discourse. Yet i hear the far left talk about them non-stop. They even wear swatikas on their arms.

Maybe the Jedi would be like that, you'd be taught to hate them despite never meeting them.

I choose tatooine

I miss TFA Daisy

I thought once you were cut off from the Force, that was it, no going back. Like how Exar Kun was severed from the force.

>Exar Kun
The Mouse put the kibosh to the EU history m8

Luke wasn't severed. He consciously closed himself off. Like imagine if you walked around for 10 years with your eyes closed. Exar Kun in this metaphor had his eyes cut out.

In TLJ, Luke opens his eyes again. That's when he starts feeling stuff again and that's why Yoda appeared then instead of 9 years earlier.

You can tell he's not severed because he uses the Force to protect himself to Crait.

are you a fucking bot or something

She lives on a shithole planet full of drunk smugglers and scavengers. She's gonna get some misinformation.

Exar Kun isn't just EU. He is mentioned in at least 2 of the video games. His story was a fairly big deal in SWG.

>video games aren't EU

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What the fuck are you even talking about? Taught to hate them?

Except that the smuggler and the laser boy were concurrent and had hundreds of witnesses with lasting effects on the "world around them".

Can someone post the greentext spoiler? Also, it's a plothole, cringelord

There weren't hundreds of witnesses watching Luke duel Vader. And "hundreds of witnesses" thirty years ago are a drop in the bucket in a galaxy with trillions of people.

Disney fully embraced kotor. They only threw out the books. And the temple on yavin 4 where luke sets up his padwan training camp was built by Exar Kun.

How many people witnessed the holocaust?

"Hundreds of people" have seen Bigfoot and Loch Ness too user. Do you believe in them?

How can you witness something that didn't happen

their tax policy was pretty robust

At least 6 million

How many people did the animals kill in their stampede?

is it illegal to question darth & lukes duel?

Anons. See the below example

Why would people think the Jedi are a myth when they were active for thousands of years and only went inactive like what 50 years prior?


Rey probably never went to school and should talk like an American.

Still better than a nigger

I'd like one thread without political bullshit

>please don't talk about the politics of a flick with obvious political messages

Han Solo is a retard. The Jedi were at the peak of their power politically in his lifetime.

Id like Scarlett Jo to sit on my face.

Life sucks brother

Or is George Lucas almost as big a hack as Disney?

they should reintroduce art deco elements

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Lucas' intention was always to make a good product, even if the execution faltered.

Disney is either incompetent or malevolent, most likely both.

Because it's in the script

The Galaxy has 100 quadrillion sentient beings. 50 million inhabited worlds. There were 10,000 Jedi at their height. How many people would ever see a Jedi? How many people who have never seen a Jedi would believe that they had magic powers?

Why don't directors like Abrams and Johnson utilize blocking and framing like this?

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everything in the sequels appears to be a flat soundstage or a ramp too

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>How come after losing Starkiller base, a Dreadnaught, the Supremacy and their leader Snoke within one week, the First Order are still winning?
Because of bad writing involving world resets and lazy world building.
>in Chuck Wendig's Aftermath Trilogy, the New Republic demilitarized for no legit reason after the Empire was defeated, allowing the FO to grow in secret
>the New Republic was only established on 5 planets in the Hosnian System as their primary center of government for some bizarre reason
>despite being smaller in size than the Empire, the FO had more money, technology, and power than the Empire ever did within a small section of the galaxy, because reasons
>the Resistance knew of the existence of Starkiller Base, but did nothing about it until AFTER it blew up the Hosnian System
>the destruction of the Hosnian System meant the FO automatically won by default and controlled the galaxy, regardless of Starkiller Base being destroyed and Snoke's death happening unceremoniously
>most of this stuff is offscreen lazy writing due to Lucasfilm's incompetence in lacking foresight and not having a thought out plan in action from the get go due to focusing on political agendas over actual storytelling
>Instead they waited til Starkiller was operational, destroyed the Republic in one shot, then invaded everywhere else from the Unknown Regions (the invasion is covered in VIII's opening crawl)
Like I said, offscreen lazy writing to handwave away the context.

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They were the generals in the galactic war that happened in his lifetime and had been around for 10000+ years. They had a large presence in the capital Coruscant which Solo much have visited countless times. A man such as Solo who traveled the galaxy should know better.

Why did he shill for capeshit and TFA?

Nobody cares about non-rape. Now rape, that's socially acceptable.

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Why do the aryans keep saying it's rape? The aryans loved it.

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They talk about calling in the Republic fleet in VII. They show the destruction of the Republic system so that's not off screen. Starkiller Base is a military installation and the leadership all escaped. Hux escaped, Kylo Ren escaped. Destroying the first Death Star didn't end the Empire either or destroy their military advantage. The only "off screen" thing was the FO invading the rest of the Galaxy but that isn't really relevant to anything going on in VIII, except to limit the escape options the Resistance has

Except Solo traveled the galaxy after the Jedi were almost extinct and hiding. They were generals in a war that he didn't take part of or see. Would you know if General Mathis could bend spoons with his mind? No one would have a real reason to buy into the stories

Until they start making Old Republic movies and start deleting that shit too

Money. And he knew his retarded fans would let them get away with it

Have sex

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>the Republic had a fleet that could stand up to them.
the nu-republic had no fleet, according to the canon books

They kind of forgot they existed

They mentioned one directly in VII

>A couple hundred spread over the entire galaxy?
10k right before order 66

How can she understand Wookies or other alien races. How can she work the Falcon. How does she look cleaner than most people who live in the desert for less time in their lives.