

Attached: banesworth.jpg (350x250, 13K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: aye.gif (441x441, 351K)

Escort them to their assigned zeppelin seats, my good chap, I'll telegraph it through.

Herr Bane?

Attached: 1500969042218.jpg (1024x576, 64K)

Dont forget The Magnificent Professor Pavel! We need his knowldege of alchemy.

CIA, I'm Dr. Pavel

Attached: cia-im-dr-pavel.png (1000x560, 755K)

>Escort them to their assigned zeppelin seats
kek i love shit like this lol

I shan't let his companions along, though, he doth does not get to bring them.


I do declare seeing these digits, my good lad

>11 fucking minutes of verbiose brit nonsense
pretty fucking based and Banepilled


"Uh, I don't get to bring friends"

You are mistaken, sir, these are but strangers to me, I did not break bread with them, nor shall I ever do so.

Mayhaps he does ponder, in his most private thoughts, what purpose does it serve to fire your arms at a gentleman heretofore he is tossed out of this aircraft and into the aether?

You seem like a gentleman and a scholar. What are you know as, m'sir?

These ruffians sought to acquire your bounty; they are in the employment of the one whose moniker is titled 'The Veiled Gentleman'

The designation that has by right been given to me is decidedly not of your affir, sir; what should indubitably concern you regarding this matter is the previously arranged procedures we have been, and in fact still are enacting.


say it with me





Wince-inducing and sapphire-pelleted, may it be said

Gentlemen, please escort this heated-cranium individual out of the premises

>tfw made this video

Attached: froge.png (937x775, 314K)

Absolute kino

Attached: salieri.png (634x680, 545K)

Speaketh of the devil and he shall appear!

Attached: dark-knight-rises-bane-and-friends-still.png (1280x933, 1.72M)

Attached: hh-t-265x546.png (264x546, 93K)



>7 years after the movie's release and baneposting still exists
one of the only things that makes coming to this shithole worthwhile

Baneposting is eternal

Attached: 1517413331545.jpg (500x741, 111K)

Holy shit that brings me back.

There he is. There he goes again

Look everyone he posted it once again. Isn't he just the funniest guy around. Oh my god.
I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room giggling like a little girl as you once again type your little bane thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha, maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Yea Forums pass so you just choose the picture. Oh we all know the picture, the uh epic CIA agent guy isn't it? I imagine you, little shit, laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos onto the floor. But its ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh that's right, did I fail to mention? You live with your mother! You're a fat fucking fuck up and she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all god damn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Yea Forums posting about a capeshit movie. Just imagine this, she had you and then she thought you were going to be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand and then you became a NEET. A pathetic Bane fag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even talk try to you because all you say is "FOR YOU. FOR YOU. FOR YOU".
You became a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now.

And that's all you'll ever be.

Attached: there he is.png (753x486, 671K)


if janny deletes this thread will you die?

It would be extremely financially non-gainful

you need to have sex


you're a sexy guy

with you

Good job lad

four cocks


for me