>the absolute state of Yea Forums
The absolute state of Yea Forums
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that's weird lmao
There are at least 2 dedicated literal poop threads up right now. Jannies are not earning their pay right now.
It's hilarious how the right side begs for the mods when lolicon threads pop up though
This is what happens when pol sends out colonists and you don't fight back.
fuck you trannygger
Quads of truth. Even KEK knows what's up.
which one would win in a fight?
t. jannie with his front fannie
Why is there a minion in that pic?
Nah, this is just a free day for a lot of failed normalfag waggies. They shitpost the hardest since they can't in weekdays
What am I supposed to be fighting against? Opinions you don't like? Meh.
dub, trips, AND quads of truth. /pol/ eternally btfo
desu both of those threads made me laugh famalam
Have dilation.
fuck off /pol/tard
minions are woke
>Not using Tomorrow
truth right here
>why should I fight off-topic threads? politics, pedos and literal scat threads obviously belong on Yea Forums - Television and Film
imagine being this idiotic
>using tomorrow
behold, the duality of men
>2 88s
What did Hitler mean by this?
>still using the 4chinzzels
kys pedoshit
based cunnie poster
>muh dark mode
Hello r*ddit
What do you recommend?
We need 2 go deeper