Have any of you met celebrities IRL?
Have any of you met celebrities IRL?
do you met Larson?
no, i'm not a vapid cunt that needs to post pix to social media
I saw Ryan Gosling at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Nice story bro
Why does he always look like he's just gotten outta bed
Is this what a femcel looks like?
do you met Rand Paul?
>that one year Aiden was guest DJ for an irish radio station
>Yea Forums thread was the comfiest ever
>it couldn't get any better
>everyone hoped for a big guy reference or some sort of Yea Forums meme stuff
>"now a song from my favorite movie"
>nightcall starts playing
Aiden knows we love him.
>you're walking on bus with your GF
>Aidan Gillen grabs your GF, looks you in the eye, and puts his arm around her
What do you do?
I live in L.A. and work in Studio City. I see celebrities every fucking day, it's not a big deal
Me on the left.
Yeah bro i totally believe you
i enjoy meet you mr. gandy
Me on the right.
I met Aiden gillen in Dublin on New year's like 4 years ago. He was with his son. He was like 5ft 9, small dude. He seemed sound though. Gave me a subtle nod.
Handsome chinamen are going to rule the fucking planet, aren't they?
me on the left
Jesus christ, I’m getting old
I've met this potato. But was too much of a pussy to say anything.
imagine mogging gandy
John Travolta sucked my dick outside a LA fitness.
Me on the left.
I met Indy Niedell today
What county you from sham?
lies. he only jerks off men.
Wow cool. Was he nervous? I feel like he gives off this low key extremely nervous vibe/ akwardness in his videos
Literally me
I saw Nikolaj whatever the fuck at a hotel i. Albuquerque. He was so attractive and I was like 16 so totally starstruck and didnt know what to say, he just kinda laughed, gave me a head nod and walked past me.
Nathan fielder gave a talk or something at my school and he was eating lunch outside of my apartment, went up and talked to him for a bit while my friends took videos. Apparently during the talk/ standup whatever he mentioned my fraternity and said he’d heard a lot of bad things. He also told me hed ‘take care’ of my gf at the time, who was there.
RDJ came to my high school once because his nephew went there with me. He was cool.
I saw tucker carlson scream at a waiter in the country club near me, his son and daughter go to school with me.
Good friends with a close relative of jeff bezos and tried to talk to him for a little when he was visiting her at my school but he wasnt very receptive, understandably.
When I was very young I met chris rock several times but do not remember.
Have others but they arent really celebrities just extremely rich people (its a ridiculously small world among the 0.1% if you’re in it- seriously wouldnt believe)
Me at the back.
I met Corey from Corey in the House once.
Ezra Miller
Just a cunt
me on the right
Pretty sure I went to school with this bitch. 2014, west of Seattle.
West Civilization's future on the right.
Me in the middle.
Tucker is based.
Wait Elliot Rodger looks like that?
He's actually super chill. Him and Bruce McKenna (wrote The Pacific and the Bastgone episode of Band of Brothers) were giving a lecture at my aunt's old college so we went to it. First thing he did was pop open a bottle of wine for himself. Apparently a few days earlier they stole a karaoke machine from one of the events. Both were super cool
the filter makes him look like Anissa Kate here
Not speaking politically here, but yeah he’s not bad. I suspect you are probably a weird basement dweller type (no offense and I could be wrong) so you wouldn’t have a problem with the fact that he’s pretty racist, and sort of full of shit when it comes to certain things he preaches on air.
However to the common person none of that matters anyway. Regardless in the altercation I witnessed he was totally justified and I probably would have done worse than him.
Omg that Chinese guy have a huuuuge head
Throw GF out of bus window, grab him by the collar, pull him close to me and lick his ear seductively whilst whispering:
"Perhaps I'm wondering why you'd cuck a man before he throws his GF out of a bus"
Tom cruise left me a 200 dollar tip.
kino midriff, absolutely s-tier
back when she was hot
Based 6'2 manlet
Fuck celebrities. Only losers obsess over them.
I'm a finn, and Colm was promoting a movie (Parked) at a local cinema. I saw him sitting at a cafe/bar before the showing.