Complete the sentence:

Complete the sentence:

>It's simple, we ____ the _______

Attached: screen-shot-2017-08-22-at-73442-pm-copy-1b39e7db-8f97-4e76-ae54-66d17af589b6.jpg?crop=900:600&wi (1440x639, 168K)

Kill the roasties

say the n-word

hang nogs

Feed the seed

dab on the jannies

Attached: apufreakout.gif (400x400, 1.64M)

Fuck the asshole

shoop the whoop

sage the thread


charge the lazors


Crash the plane.

Attached: 1558790421053.jpg (643x375, 82K)

lose the game

Have the sex

Get the dubs

Attached: boomer_check.png (553x527, 91K)

Only right answer

The only correct answer.

feed the seed

crash the plane

Attached: 1489165652226.jpg (1280x809, 168K)

Sneed the feed

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 9K)

>based bane got in before the cringe sneedposter
Further proof that Bane is immortal and Sneed is dying.

>It's simple, we some kind of the suicide squad

Rise the fire.

Attached: 1558648878215.jpg (1200x700, 62K)