Why didn't he throw the ring in the volcano in Moria, is there something special about Mount Doom lava?

Why didn't he throw the ring in the volcano in Moria, is there something special about Mount Doom lava?

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No Frodo was just a nitpicky asshole

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Who the fuck cares

Your mom

Only mount dooms lava would melt the thing

have sex

But how would Sauron find the ring buried deep in hot moria lava ?

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It's specifically said in the movie and the book that the Ring can only be unmade in the very same fire it was made. So random volcanoes are no good.

Thx for the response friend

Legendary artifacts usually have only one specific condition under which they can be destroyed. In this case, it was in the fires of Mount Doom.

>volcano in Moria

Being this lazy at bait

By reaching in and grabbing it.

doesn't volcanoes come from the planet core how isn't it the same fire?

[serioues] what would happen if frodo ate the ring?

There was no volcano in Moria dipshit

the magma has different compositions depending on location hence why you get different minerals/metamorphic rocks in different locations.

Didn't you see the river of lava under the bridge during the Balrog fight retard?

He doesn’t need to find the ring to win

but the ring isn't made out of rock

lava underground isn't a volcano user

Being a tower forever isn't winning

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Who had the better menu: Moria or Mordor?

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Yes, they literally say this, retard. Books AND movies.

you'd be surprised

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IF they threw the ring in Moria lava, even though the ring would not be destroyed, how would the forces of mordor realistically retrieve it?

They'd fly eagles into it until they found it.

He wasnt only a tower, he was capable of manifesting mortal form, but that was just the form he decided to take. He never needed to leave his tower, without the ring being destroyed his victory was literally inevitable as he could just attrition everyone to death over the years.

He did the actually smart thing and not expose himself.

they’d ask the balrog