No one:

No one:
Literally nobody at all:
Not a single soul in this entire universe, or other universes:
Yea Forums: Why won’t women have sex with me, I’ve git a great personality that includes spending all day posting misogynistic comments on the internet. What am I missing?

Attached: D467A506-3E1D-489A-A777-C30A6DE7B27D.jpg (1508x680, 170K)

Link to Jewfilter?

>What am I missing?
That you are on the wrong board

how did he push the nose down into his chin

>iPhone poster
>using the gay ass nobody: normie faggot meme
>rejecting the blackpill

go back to twitter subhuman

>nose of the left
>chin of the right
>jawline of the middle

nice twitter meme user!

A thread died for this. why user?

by just doing it.

Just be yourself

you'd look alright, having a big nose is somewhat passable for a man


Me in the middle.

kill yourself normalnigger

OP here. I just want to know that having relationships is WAY BETTER than being petty. Know why? Because pettiness becomes a trait that you carry into adulthood and manifests as even worse traits, like dishonesty, manipulation, and revenge. Not good for a man. But relationships on the other hand are awesome. Yes, painful and awkward at times, but well worth it. Why? Because you get companionship, great experiences with your partner, you get to learn about yourself and learn about Women (really important), and let’s not forget sex and intimacy! great things. Really, the coolest things ever, way better than pettiness and future isolation. So, consider growing up a bit and being a good man, who doesn’t hold on to resentment, and who shows up kind and respectful in every situation.

Why are Jewish phenotypes considered universally ugly? Did humans evolve to find them off putting?

go back to youtube comments you eternal zoomer

garbage thread made by a retarded roastie. a thread died for this. shameful.

The second is the best, so cute.

based retard

>big tits ugly

>t. phoneposting discord tranny

what a bugman meme format


How second skull type is called? Its literally me... uhhh

surgery or photoshop?

Fuck off normalnigger

I have sex all the time. I often shit-talk women with my girlfriend. Maybe you are the one that should try having sex.

what kind of lunatic spends time making pictures like this

>Jewish phenotypes

You're just jealous you can have friends and a loving gf, stupid subhuman, too dumb to be social lmao