>tfw no gf
Tfw no gf
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Mods should put this thread on /r9k/ that would be epic
Got dumped early February after a year of dating. Fucked two girls I met at the bar since then. Still pining for the ex even though I know she’s a narcissist mean spirited critical / judge mental person. I hate this feeling
>tfw no rich betabux
Same. My ex is pretty ugly by standards too, but it’s just something about her that gets me going. It fucking sucks dude
Are you me lad, same exact situation except i fucked a girl off a dating app and another was an old co-worker. They'll be someone better, at least that's what I'm telling myself.
We'll make it bros. Life is hard, but we're harder.
>tfw no muscle gf
how for me to get black girl gf?
why is she so boring
Why do you want a XXX gf
How about working on your self and then finding someone you connect with. Rather then imagining some ideal thing will just fall on to your lap.
Cheers brothers. I’ve felt this way in the past about an ex a few years back. She came back nine months later with love letters saying I was the eternal love. I said no thanks as I had moved on by then. The most recent ex was better than her by a mile. So I’m just gonna hold out hope that the next one who matters will be even better than both
To honor gentlemen...
Gettin honor
Stayin honor
And if you can’t come in her
Come honor
too pure
Women are only good for being cum receptacles
>tfw live in industrial society
>How about working on your self
i'm fine with myself
> finding someone you connect with
thats the problem ADOOOYYYY
why is your psyche so contaminated?
Don't worry they'll invent superior robot gfs soon
Fuck off to your containment board, wojakfags.
>tfw you on Yea Forums
>tfw no gf
Kill yourself reddit nigger
Kill yourself normalfag
Kill yourself faggot scum
feels threads were awesome before the rise of the 90s born queer and zoomer scum.
Anons I am 5 foot 4.5.
How fucked am I
but I want to live?
Kill yourself faggot scum
It worked for Harlan Ellison
Just be yourself, that's all that matters.
>tfw no bf
Shut the fuck up fag.
Kill yourself faggot scum
I've had many girlfriends. I'm done with girlfriends and I'm done with the concept of "love". Humans are not capable of true monogamy.
All I want at this point is sex. Just multiple fuckbuddies, not "girlfriends".
Why the hate?
>tfw no tall, thin, big titty, big ass, wide hip, rich, mommy gf who shares all my fetishes, is completely loyal, loves to cook and clean and doesn't want me to improve at all unless I want to and prefers for me to be neet
I've been looking so long! I hope I find her one day, bros ;_;
I kind of oscillate back and forth between two different thoughts while I'm at my wagecuck job(I work with mostly women)
First thought being, god I'd love to eat their asses and lick their pussies. Second thought being, god I'd love to beat the fuck out of them and throw their stupid big mouthed cunt bodies into a fucking dumpster.
Perhaps it is the duality of man, perhaps this is just the nature of things. Either way, I remain in constant conflict
>San Fransisco
I'm not in the market for STD's, thanks
>was nice to you once
>you started to act like an absolute fag then you started stalking me and then ghosted me
Why not both?
I don't think this happened, I'm too lazy to stalk anyone.
queers should be executed
I legit don't get wanting a gf nowadays
>will hit the wall faster than ever
>will treat you like shit
>will try to get pregnant while with you
>will want you to marry her so she can divorce you
>might have an STD
a feminised faggot fuck like you gets nothing. go back to facebook.
>29yo khv
>30yo in little more then a month
>tfw 28 year old virgin
>only kissed and fondled around with one girl but didn't fuck her because it didn't feel right
>turns out she's a huge slut and got chlamydia
>feel vindicated but still lonely
>depressed and everything, even things I enjoyed before feel like a chore
>life consists of going to work and coming home and sleeping or mindlessly browsing here or youtube on my phone
>too fat, weird, and introverted to attract a woman
>have no useful skills to make great money with
>passionless existence teetering on the edge of nihilism
>just want to find my calling and through that make a connection with a woman and start a family eventually
Sometimes I feel like dying but I know it would upset my family. Wish I could find another way out of this and set my life straight but it feels hopeless.
are you a girl (female)?
not every woman acts according to your r9k memes
this. we all are real manly men here at 4channel
It's a fag guy
Feel anything magical?
Keep telling yourself that, you simp.
>muh girl is totally different and won't be like the others
>, god I'd love to eat their asses
remember when men actually wanted to fuck women? brainwashed zoomer nigger.
I'm gonna end up killing a teenager one of these days lol
just imagine the news, bros
Why user?
Kill yourself faggot scum
i noticed this the other day. her early stuff is great, but her premium vids and stuff now is fucking boring and awful.
>Crazy racemixed paedophile tries to kill a group of teens before killing himself
why not a boomer?
I hope you and your disgusting cunt of a mother both get cancer.
>tfw no disgusting used tampons in garbage causing nausea
just tired and bored
Kill yourself reddit nigger tourist
>>just want to find my calling and through that make a connection with a woman and start a family eventually
The modern woman is incapable of these kinds of connections. They love your $, status, and how you can make their life easier. Even if she "loves" you, if your paycheck is cut in half she's gone in 3 months.
And starting a family? Odds are your kid in a few years will be identifying as some genderless tranny or some shit. That and they'll spend every fucking second on their phone paying to watch other faggots play Fortnite.
not american
they actually enjoy living, and I resent them for that. I literally want to punch them when I see them laughing in the street. Specially the girls, fuck.
you seriously think they would fuck me? top lel
Shit, I knew it's just a meme.
I realize that and hold hope that there's a worthwhile woman out there. Otherwise I don't know what to live for.
I'm 34 and tnis is pretty accurate
Here’s something for you all: WOMEN DO NOT WANT YOU.
When you go on a dating app and see that you get theee matches on a month with desperate obese old hags and bot accounts, just think about the thousands of women who saw you and your profile and said “eww, not him!”. Now think about what these dating apps actually are( they are a way to for women to choose men from the safety of their home behind a screen, with no physical presence from the men (who are much larger and more intimidating than women) and no social pressure from others (wow, she’s kind of a bitch for turning him down like that in front of everyone!). When women have no physical or social pressure, like is the case in online dating, you are not chosen.
Do you understand the implications? If women were free of all outside pressures to choose the men they really wanted, you would die alone as a virgin never even having had a conversation with a woman. You are UNWANTED by women. Stop saying that online dating “isn’t like how women are in real life”, that’s actually true, but it just means that online dating reflects their true desires that they can express without a man attacking them or other women calling them cunty. Let that marinate in your subhuman brains, you are fundamentally unwanted by ALL women.
most of us tranny
>hanging out with group of friends, cute girl tells me something that I perceives to be an insult, I insult her back and leave her
>she texts me that night that shes sorry, she doesnt know how to socialize properly since she has aspergers, but she actually likes me
>meet her again and tell her I understand her problem, I have aspergers too
>she looks at me with tears in her eyes, we're about to hug
>wake up
>I dont have any friends
>I dont know any girls
>I'm all alone in my apartment
This literally just happened ten minutes ago. Feels like shit bros.
Kill yourself faggot scum
you have to be pretty retarded to believe every single married man out there gets treated like shit by his wife
Should I jeopardize my job and fuck one of my coworkers.
Quit porn and masturbating forever and turn to Christ. I did for awhile until i had a mental breakdown. Now i just fap to get rid of the thoughts.
>I realize that and hold hope that there's a worthwhile woman out there. Otherwise I don't know what to live for.
Bro, live for yourself. Better yourself. Workout, read books, watch movies, play golf. If the only thing that determines your happiness/fair level of content is some bitch, then your outlook is completely broken.
>most women push for marriage
>most women push for divorce
These 2 greentexts should tell you the entire story.
shut the fuck up hole
nigga I’ll break into your house and kidnap yo ass, drag you to my little ol’ Shack in da woods and eat yo asshole raw, licking dat shit til’ you in pain and bleeding. then I’ll put my stiff pecker in deer and ram dat shit for hours upon hours, till da blood pouring from yo anus. Then I’d have u lick my bloodied stiff pecker nice and slow, cleaning up all da blood and shit from yo anus. I’d spray cum over yo face like an exploding bottle of champagne on da new year. afterwards, I’d deliver you back safe and soundly to yo place of habitation
>geez guys no one will ever want me
>this faggot: Protip no one wants you
like, yeah?
why not a meming queer?
What the fuck is your problem
but that can be flipped around because by the very fact that a woman is using tinder instantly disqualifies her as wife material.
no but it's your fantasy, you don't fantasize about fucking them, you want to lick a shit hole instead.
I did nofap for a couple months and barely felt a difference. I'm back into daily fappen now and it feels habitual rather than libido-based. I need to escape this conditioning again but it's hard as fuck. Not going to become a Christian.
You're right. I should be emphasizing on myself but everything feels like an impossible chore. How do I escape that? I'm stuck in a negative feedback loop.
take a shower, go lift weights, dress better, stop spending all your day glued to the screen, get a clue and have sex
please just kill me
ask any married man and you know they regret it.
>you have to be pretty retarded to believe every single married man out there gets treated like shit by his wife
Ok, bro. I'd bet most married guys aren't happy (even if his wife doesn't flat out treat them like shit).
I know married guys who have no free time because they're wife dominates the calendar with activities, vacations (expensive and on him), social events, and meets ups with "their" (ie, HER) friends.
These guys work 60 hours a week to pay for all of their stupid fucking bullshit (makeup, hair appointments, clothes, bags, boots, etc)
In the end the girl will most likely still cheat on or divorce them.
>boomer meme advice
Kill yourself 90s born queer
>I should be emphasizing on myself but everything feels like an impossible chore.
Start with working out. Even if it's just one or two exercises a night. Do it at home (push up, chin ups, free weights, etc). Watch a movie or tv show while doing it.
Don't try to change everything in your life at once, you'll fail and fallback on the "well, I tried to much at once and I failed, so I'm excuses" trope.
be yourself
have sex
im so sick and tired of faggot nigger reddit failed normalfag tourists
>stop spending all your day glued to the screen
Not him, but this is good advice (along with the working out).
Put down the fucking phone and read a book or watch a movie or tv show. If you've never seen the Godfather, you're a fucking faggot.
>tfw had the perfect gf and stupidly let her go because I thought I could do better
>years later shes married now
>pretty much impossible for me to get a date now
I want to kms every day bros... I fucked up so badly.
I work fulltime you 90s born queer piece of shit
this is your mind on r9k
>I know married guys who have no free time because they're wife dominates the calendar with activities, vacations (expensive and on him), social events, and meets ups with "their" (ie, HER) friends
>These guys work 60 hours a week to pay for all of their stupid fucking bullshit (makeup, hair appointments, clothes, bags, boots, etc)
You described dumb guys who work shit jobs and chose bimbos for wifes. It's fine, but selecting the biggest retards to represent a demographic is dumb
I'm an 80's born piece of shit you dumb faggot.
I work full time too, but I'm not glued to my screen like some faggot zoomer and I do enough working out so I don't have the muscle mass of an AIDS patient.
you can go back reddit nigger
>boomer meme movie
fucking kys you zoomer faggot
>tfw no Bonbi gf.
no youngfag, this is your mind on life experience.
Quit your shit job. Learn something that'll help you to get an actual job where you aren't treated like a slave.
kys normalfag
>You described dumb guys who work shit jobs and chose bimbos for wifes.
Wrong. Dumb guys with shit jobs can't get bimbos for wives, they don't make enough $ for them.
I'm talking professionals (lawyers, accountants, engineers). Their wives love the "title" and salary of their husbands and work to show it off and exploit it constantly at dinners, vacations, etc.
Some of my bros haven't played golf in months because every fucking weekend their wives guilt/force them into some nonsense that takes them somewhere they don't want to go.