Ay, Tone

>Ay, Tone

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Other urls found in this thread:


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If you were racially jewish but you worshipped christ

would the nazis still beat u up???

i'm just curious

source on those?

5-6 million Jews disappeared from Europe following WW2 if not killed in the Holocaust where did they go?

Attached: jewsineurope.jpg (2400x1186, 269K)

Well yeah, the whole nazi anti-Jew thing was racially based, not theological. Some exceptions were made for half jews though, those who were Christian at least.

America dipshit

Really digging these Sopranos memes

Do nazis just think jews care about aryans genetically or what

Loads to England too.

Do you have any census data to back that up?

America and israel. Mostly america.

Ay Tone, if they got so much evidence, whys it outta line to ask to see it?

Attached: mix it with relish.jpg (2048x2048, 350K)

Populations always boom after a war. That's why "boomers" exist.


census is run by jews

>tfw ((they)) got away with it and will keep getting away with it

Attached: 1558013755856.gif (400x300, 1.64M)

Any census data you can show me?

How so?


"Hispanic" is not a race and is a way for the jews to lump mayans and spaniards together

>tfw Germans couldn't even liquidate a few million subhumans
They deserved to lose

>source: holocaust museum
surely you have a better source than that

In the end we all lost

all data that proves the holocaust was invented by jews

Holocaust deniers will come up with false information based on nothing and when you confront them with actual evidence they'll yell the evidence is planted by Jews. Holocaust denial is the dumbest shit in the world.

Maybe the pools and theaters were there when the complex was originally built?

I take it you don't trust German sources for German deaths during WW2? Same for Russian sources for Russian deaths, American sources for American deaths, etc?

>facts are run by jews
you need to take a break from the internets

Like what?

these are all jews

He didn't say facts are run by the jews. He said the census is run by the jews.


Then post an independent study or fuck off

I actually don't trust Russians on numbers, and Germans and Americans only lightly tbqh

All independent studies were done by Jews

Attached: jewish emigration from russia.jpg (319x302, 67K)

>why did they build pools and theatres
>Is it because the Red Cross and such would view the conditions of the camps to make sure that they were being treated well?
>Is it because they were built purely to trick them, like they trick retard NEETs who believe infographics written by other NEETs?
The Holocaust happened. Tough shit. Was it 6M Jews? Who knows. Doesn't matter. You've been tricked by the media to specifically think the holocaust is Jews only, when more NON-JEWS were killed. You've been tricked by the very fucking people you claim to be redpilled against, you useful idiots.

israel does DNA tests to determine citizen eligibility
so it seems they and the nazis are on the same page on that one

Independent study on Jew deaths? There are tons.

>According to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem, "[a]ll the serious research" confirms that between five and six million Jews died.[391] Early postwar calculations were 4.2 to 4.5 million from Gerald Reitlinger;[392] 5.1 million from Raul Hilberg; and 5.95 million from Jacob Lestschinsky.[393] In 1986 Lucy S. Dawidowicz used the pre-war census figures to estimate 5.934 million.[394] Yehuda Bauer and Robert Rozett in the Encyclopedia of the Holocaust (1990) estimated 5.59–5.86 million.[395] A 1996 study led by Wolfgang Benz suggested 5.29 to 6.2 million, based on comparing pre- and post-war census records and surviving German documentation on deportations and killings.[391] Martin Gilbert arrived at a minimum of 5.75 million.[396] The figures include over one million children

They got help from the allies
If people are fought by overwhelming numbers of animals they lose. Like in the emuwar

>ay tone why'd they leave russia when russians saved em from the evil germans?

That's over 10 years before the Holocaust even began do you read your own sources?

No, it was a military facility and it was no swimming pool but water reservoir built in 1944 because of Alianz insurance. Easy to look up and he know about it because no doubt someone posted the explanation before. So he must know he's full of shit and just spams it anyway because he doesn't care about history.


Ay t, if the krauts wanted to wack em all, how come so many survived? just doesnt add up

inb4 someone calls these researchers jews

>You've been tricked by the media to specifically think the holocaust is Jews only
Maybe you have. The Polish deaths have been pretty emphasized in the documentaries I've seen.

People post this acting like it means anything and isn't just how the World Almanac was put together with estimates and projections. The 1949 edition shows a big drop.
"The 1949 World Almanac gives the world Jewish population as 11,266,600. Moreover, it revises its estimate of the World Jewish population in 1939 upwards, to 16,643,120. Thus, according to the 1949 World Almanac the difference between the pre and post war populations is approximately 5,376,520.

Are they not?

Also it's clear that the authors are some dumb burgers or someone living similarly far away or they would not focus only on one ethnicity of victims or killed in only one place but poor education made them who they are.

There were pools and cinemas because Auschwitz was effectively a town at its peak.
It wasn't just concentration camp but also a factory that required a workforce, which required social facilities.
The scale of Auschwitz was horrific and don't let /pol/ influence you differently!

>They wacked Hitler! I just can't believe it.

Attached: Hitler Yosef cause of death triple holocaust .jpg (834x1025, 550K)

I think they only make these threads to get btfo every single time. Here's a tip if you don't know much about the topic and don't care about it don't pretend that you do because you may find someone who knows more.

>World Almanac is run by jews
It's easy being a holocaust denier

everyone is a jew except me

the authors are burgers because a lot of eu countries have made researching this illegal

Big questions.

big if true

>Neo-Nazis claim that jews faked the Holocaust
>Use this as proof that jews are shifty bastards worthy of a Holocaust

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"Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”
-Jean Paul-Sartre

Bullcrap countries where it happened are the only doing proper research. Excavation work, digging up, identification. There are historians who spent years of their professional career investigating singular cases a village or a family. And no, not Jewish. Shocking I know that death was the same for everyone. It must be the Cold War that prevented other people from hearing about this and now it's like they exist in some naive fantasy world where everything is black or white.

brainlet here but how does it not mean that ''6 million'' were killed if they only effectively grew in population by 400k in 15 years? there should be a lot more than 15 million of them in 15 years so mathematically it makes sense if a lot of them were killed, am i missing something

Ay Dutch, ya mind repeating what the hell the plan is again? Cuz I don't even know where the hell Tahiti is

Attached: Whoah Whoah, Dutch, What's the plan again?.png (1920x867, 2.09M)

Not everyone of course.

And that's bad because....

It's bad because it's bad and wrong. It's badong.

You're missing the part where holocaust deniers don't use their brain but instead just want to yell about jews because they need a scapegoat.

sarte was a jew

>There were pools and cinemas because Auschwitz was effectively a town at its peak.
Auschwitz wasn't just a death camp it comprised of 3 separate sections which housed POWs along with political prisoners IIRC

If they deny the 6 million do they deny non-Jewish victims that exceed that number depending on nationality and many Christian martyrs who were shot or given lethal injection? It's like they hate religion and civilization in general.

>The 1949 World Almanac gives the world Jewish population as 11,266,600
How did they collect their data? Did they just subtract 5.5m from a rough estimate because that's how many jews the UN said died in the holocaust?


"The history of mankind would be far too stupid a thing if it had not had the intellect [Geist] of the powerless injected into it: – let us take the best example straight away. Nothing that has been done on earth against ‘the noble’, ‘the mighty’, ‘the masters’ and ‘the rulers’, is worth mentioning compared with what the Jews have done against them: the Jews, that priestly people, which in the last resort was able to gain satisfaction from its enemies and conquerors only through a radical revaluation of their values, that is, through an act of the most deliberate revenge [durch einen Akt der geistigsten Rache]. Only this was fitting for a priestly people with the most entrenched priestly vengefulness. It was the Jews who, rejecting the aristocratic value equation (good = noble = powerful = beautiful = happy = blessed) ventured, with awe-inspiring consistency, to bring about a reversal and held it in the teeth of the most unfathomable hatred (the hatred of the powerless), saying: ‘Only those who suffer are good, only the poor, the powerless, the lowly are good; the suffering, the deprived, the sick, the ugly, are the only pious people, the only ones saved, salvation is for them alone, whereas you rich, the noble and powerful, you are eternally wicked, cruel, lustful, insatiate, godless, you will also be eternally wretched, cursed and damned!’ . . . the slaves’ revolt in morality begins with the Jews: a revolt which has two thousand years of history behind it and which has only been lost sight of because – it was victorious . . . "
-Friedrich Nietzsche

Has an agent already been dispatched to this thread or not? I see some suitable candidates but I'm unsure.


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First of all there was no pools not a single one unless you take dips in something like this. And it wasn't a city but an outpost that was located by a nearby town and some distance away from Krakow which was the largest city in the area.

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How did they do it then?

If Nazis were for the genocide of Jews, why didn't they do it when they had them rounded up in camps?
If they weren't, why are they now? Why is there not at least some traditionalist sect of Neo-nazis rebuking those calling for a Holocaust in favor of these humane segregation camps that deniers claim belief in?
It's like if 9/11 truthers were also Muslim extremists that openly supported domestic attacks on the US.

it's true, I know you prefer lies though

I don't get it

The numbers wouldn't add up if you took the numbers from lets say 1940 and they barely changed compared to 1945 but you are comparing figures from 1933, to say a population of 15 million people only grew by 400k people in 15 years is literally confirming the holocaust since their should be millions and millions more of them in that time span


Attached: auschwitz-plaque-killed-comparison.gif (800x1146, 543K)

>They deserved to lose
Yeah all it took was just the whole world ganging up against them.
I don't think genociding the jews was right. The jews as a race aren't the problem, the problem are the elite banking class that happens to be made up of mostly jews.

It was vast and had housing for workers - that weren't just SS - they had civilian workers too.
The scale of the operation is unfathomable to people who shitpost on the internet - probably why /pol/ finds it so easy to deny and talk shit.
The only thing that has come close is ISIS, and what they did is so miniscule in comparison.

>and it was no swimming pool but water reservoir built in 1944 because of Alianz insurance
A water reservoir with diving platforms.

Attached: 1558414082273.jpg (660x546, 121K)

"It is a matter of honor with me to be absolutely clean and unequivocal in relation to anti-Semitism, namely, opposed to it, as I am in my writings. I have recently been persecuted with letters and Anti-Semitic Correspondence Sheets. My disgust with this party (which would like the benefit of my name only too well!) is as pronounced as possible, but the relation to Förster, as well as the aftereffects of my former publisher, the anti-Semitic Schmeitzner, always brings the adherents of this disagreeable party back to the idea that I must belong to them after all. … It arouses mistrust against my character, as if publicly I condemned something which I have favored secretly — and that I am unable to do anything against it, that the name of Zarathustra is used in every Anti-Semitic Correspondence Sheet, has almost made me sick several times."
-Friedrich Nietzsche

>if they only effectively grew in population by 400k in 15 years?

>1933 = ~15.3 million
>1945 = ~15mil minus 6 million + natural population increase from births
>1948 = ~15.7 million

Unless you are saying there were ~6.4 million Jews born between 1933 and 1948 to make up for those that died?

You probably post it all the time and all the time you get btfo but just one more time for those who never encountered it.

1. 4 Million is a number estimated in May 1945 by the Soviets using the basic data such as size, capacity, time the camp was operational etc. Quite like deniers do the same to prove their point. And their both full of shit.

2. Number was rejected by Western historians naturally but Soviet-occupied Poland had to use Soviet calculations.

3. After 1989 Poland was free to use more historical plaque.

>be German
>ruin everything
>also lose
Rinse and repeat

I'm not anti-Semite, I'm pro-truth

Nietzsche clearly believes the Jews were responsible for the Christian "slave" morality

Fair enough, but he also didn't like anti-Semites using him to support their positions.

I know

>t. burger


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honestly I don't care if these are true or not, they're just funny and belong on Yea Forums

but they don't show the population in 1945, I'm just saying that it's abnormal for a population to only grow by 400k in 15 years, that is literally proving that something must have happened to stop their population growth because it should be A LOT higher

You didn't do a whole lotta btfo'ing in this post lad.

He did though.

So how many Jews were killed in the Holocaust? Based on your math it'd be less than 6 million.

You realize saying it's anything less than 6 million is a crime in some countries? How do you square that circle?

Can you show me one historian (just one) that supports the 4 million number?

/pol/ btfo

>OK we lowered it now but the total is still SIX MILLION goy never forget

Attached: hDDev3l.jpg (268x291, 4K)

holocaust deniers btfo

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>So how many Jews were killed in the Holocaust?
The estimates range from 4.9-6 million in the research I've done

>You realize saying it's anything less than 6 million is a crime in some countries?
Like where?

You might've noticed the concrete around the water. This indicates that it's no natural reservoir. This means that it can be emptied. Just saying. I don't think that Alianz had in mind swimming when ordering it not that it was in use for long in between mid 1944 and January 1945.
I guess Soviets only demolish and rearange things according to their alleged agenda some of the times leaving something like a swimming pool. Great thinking.

He kind of did user

>The scale of the operation is unfathomable

This. It was so big and sprawling, so complex and winding, and being led by the most inept party of all time, that they managed to keep the entire thing secret while fighting a world war on three fronts and it only became known long after the war. Long after FDR, Churchill, and De Gaulle had given their accounts of the war, none of which mentioned anything to do with (((death camps))) or even the Holocaust™. But you know what we say when we come across something like that? That it's just pure coincidence.
You know what the funny thing is? It's normally the conspiracy theorists who come out with the illogical, uneconomical, and, frankly, impossible claims, all of which is backed up with zero evidence. It's funny in this case because that's what you have to accept to believe the (((official story))), and if you ask for rationality, logic, or even a scientific explanation, you'll find they don't exist and it's these who are the conspiracy theorists.
Either use your fucking brain or stopping posting here and get your memes from somewhere else.

fuck off. we are here for the lulz.


>it makes sense if a lot of them were killed
>people only grew by 400k people in 15 years is literally confirming the holocaust since their should be millions and millions...

Let's assume 15.3 million is accurate. Break that down to the demographics of male and female assuming 50:50 split.
7.6 mil approx - now how many would have been of childbirth age and in wedlock? Exclude all those under 16, exclude all those over 50 (highly unlikely they would be having children). Again that reduces the numbers down millions more. Factor in how many males were capable of producing children too and that reduced the breeding population down to a few million.

So how many breeding women were there in that population and how many breeding men? Certainly not 7 million of them. Further consider that childbirth is a minimum 9 month ordeal between pregnancies with the majority resulting in single baby births (not twins, triplets etc which are marginal to the total).

Whilst I agree that the numbers show a small increase and suggest something happened to depopulate the figure, the idea that there would be 'millions' more had nothing happened in that 15 year period does not add up especially where we factor in the 6 million or so that died. They would have had to be breeding like rabbits to restore the population to pre-war levels.

Attached: ay tone.jpg (214x235, 13K)

>get BTFO
>"it's just memes leave me alone"
how absolutely spineless

stop posting, jew

Do you think hologram missiles hit the WTC?

Holocaust to WW2 is the same as slavery to Civil War. Post-war justification by the victors. Literally no one knew about that the war was about holocaust nor slavery during either war.

4 minus 1.5 is 2.5.

So if 6 million was claimed before 1989, it should be 6 millions minus 2.5 million equals 3.5 million.

So where are you getting 4.9 to 6 million from? Where did the extra 2.5 millions accounted for by the soviets go??

I have no idea what was the Soviet version and I don't care. 4 million they were claiming for one camp made no difference to historical consensus.
So why are you so obsessed with only one kind of victims and not everyone else who lost similar number of people? What's with that obsession if you don't care about history you might as well let European honor the dead they suffered at the hands of Germans and Soviets. What's with the naive view that 6 million is an outraged number for war in Europe? Unless you live in country with no history of warfare you have no logical reason to find millions of civilian casualties unbelievable. The death toll for other wars was similar even without systemic genocide.

What do you think is more likely? That the Allies forged thousands of documents, planted death camps, deported millions of people supposedly killed by the Nazis, and forced thousands of witness testimonies all in the chaos of post WW2 Europe in collaboration with the Soviets in an effort to make the Germans look bad? Or an anti semetic regime escalated into full scale genocide?

Over 10m expatriated to U.S.


No one cares because no one cared about Soviet claims. It was never part of the equation.

Pretty much. Anytime one of those meme infographics gets debunked the /pol/smokers either stop posting or start namecalling.

Why would they spend time and resources sending people they hated to a spa?

Attached: 1551361222287.jpg (650x406, 49K)

>Unless you are saying there were ~6.4 million Jews born between 1933 and 1948 to make up for those that relocated

Protip: The Holocaust didn't officially begin until 1942. If you thought it was hard to explain how you can murder and completely remove any trace of 1m people per year, while staying within the boundaries of reality, you should try it with 2m. No wonder the definition of Holocaust Survivor has been changed so many times. Do you know now it just means "any Jew who lived in Germany for any period of time during Nazi rule"? Pure coincidence.

>no attempt at disproving many of the sources listed all throughout this thread
par for the course for a dumb holocaust denier.


The swimming pool was built as a water reservoir for the purpose of firefighting (there were no hydrants in the camp), that the diving boards were added later, and that the pool was only accessible to SS men and certain privileged Aryan prisoners employed as inmate-functionaries in the camp. The presence of the swimming pool does not say anything about the conditions for Jewish inmates in Auschwitz, and does not challenge the existence of an extermination program with its proper facilities in Auschwitz II.

(Note: its actual function was to serve as a firefighting water reservoir, with the diving board added for a secondary use as a swimming pool; on the date of construction see e.g. Rudolf Kauer, Der 1. Frankfurter Auschwitz-Prozeß, 06.07.1964, S. 11723, 11770; on the use as a firefighting reservoir see e.g. the Dejaco-Ertl trial, Eugeniusz Nosal's statement on 08.02.1972 and Erwin Olszowka's statement on 11.02.1972; also note: the deniers claim the Soviets and the Poles were allegedly falsifying things all over Auschwitz; yet the pool is still there...)

A fire-fighting squad was sent from Auschwitz main camp to put out the fire in Crematorium IV and witness the shooting to death of the members of Squad 59B. The fire-fighting squad is then sent to Rajsko to put out the burning barn

Sobolewski was on the fire brigade and was ordered to put out the fire. He witnessed the execution of 450 Jewish Sonderkommandos in retaliation.[5]

Well it is true that they control the media which purports itself as an authority of facts but we know that's fake news anyways

>Why do you care if it's less than 6 million?
>But remember the 6 million honor the dead?

How can a difference in 2.5 million not alter the "6 million" figure? It's that simple. Answer the question.

>why make him a made man when they were just gonna whack him

Attached: arrROQ7.jpg (728x412, 17K)

The 6 million claim before 1989 never took into account the exaggerated 4 million number at Auschwitz created by the Soviets. The death toll is comprised of the following:

>Almost all Jews within areas occupied by the Germans were killed. There were 3,020,000 Jews in the Soviet Union in 1939, and the losses were 1–1.1 million.[400] Around one million Jews were killed by the Einsatzgruppen in the occupied Soviet territories.[401][402] Of Poland's 3.3 million Jews, about 90 percent were killed.[369] Many died in the ghettos of Poland before they could be deported.[403] The death camps accounted for half the number of Jews killed; 80–90 percent of death-camp victims are estimated to have been Jews.[394] At Auschwitz-Birkenau the Jewish death toll was 1.1 million;[286][404] Treblinka 870,000–925,000;[405] Bełżec 434,000–600,000;[406][287] Chełmno 152,000–320,000;[407][288] Sobibór 170,000–250,000;[408][291] and Majdanek 79,000.

All this shit is literally a google search away dude

There they go

4 million is already most of the entire population living in Poland. Unless the death toll was for all nationalities. It's still too high but I guess for those who only rebell against Holocaust education that Americans were exposed to since the 70s (started by Yehuda Bauer who dismissed non-Jewish victims, thankfully he changed his opinion since then) and this rage seems so irrelevant. Not my problem. I guess I should be angry but they simply aren't aware of the things that happened to the entire nation so it's not like they deny it. They just don't know about it.

>The jews as a race aren't the problem, the problem are the elite banking class that happens to be made up of mostly jews.
imagine typing this and also thinking it

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>It was never part of the equation

What? The 6 million figure was thrown around well before 1989. Why wasn't it reduced by 2.5 million when the Aushwitz number was corrected in 1989?

uhhhh nice try jew! haha

He did answer it, your reading comprehension just sucks.

Notably, up to and including 1948 these AJC stats are explicitly stated to be estimates for 1939 (e.g. 15,688,259 is given for 1939 in 1945-48)

Attached: alma.png (1474x599, 387K)

is the general objective consensus that the holocaust happened but the numbers are exaggerated?

Attached: ay tone.png (1004x1496, 1.36M)

because its purpose wasn't to kill until 1942, it was just a pow camp until then
no one ever claimed that, in fact current figures put the jewish population at 13,000,000
they probably couldn't get an accurate count in 1948 and just relied on older records before the war
and as a general disclaimer i believe the holocaust happened and was also necessary

>I'm just saying that it's abnormal for a population to only grow by 400k in 15 years

Which I agree with you entirely. 1 million couples having 4 children each over a 15 year period would result in a quintupling of that population.

It's just that the figures for a breeding population seem skewed somewhat when I think about child mortality, live births, married couples having children and with what frequency in that particular era of history where resources would have been scarcer and so on etc.

Hey, I'm probably overthinking it and entirely wrong anyway - it was just a kneejerk mental exercise.

>Yeah all it took was just the whole world ganging up against them.
The Germans declared war on America and invaded the Soviet Union two of the most industrious nations in the world they picked a fight that they lost where the fuck does this "gang up" bullshit come from?

Fucking hell Poland, you need to thank Germany.

Lucky Ones:
>Ireland (they didn't even need camps to get to less than 1/2)

>Britain (not low enough)
>Sweden (lol)
>Spain (Just threw away what Franco set up)

>the Yad Vashem Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority in Jerusalem
hahahahaha yeah that sounds very trustworthy

>pre- and post-war census records and surviving German documentation
so what you're saying is around 6 million jews ran away from germany
yeah i believe that

inb4 googling, research and evidence is for jews

>if 6 million was claimed before 1989

The six million is an ancient Jewish trick, purely symbolic and completely divorced from reality.

Attached: 1545930097880.jpg (823x1174, 266K)

>After 1989 Poland was free to use more historical plaque

But bizarrely the only country that hasn't allowed it's (((death camps))) to be scientifically tested is Poland. Do you know how many of the previous (((death camps))) have been shown not be (((death camps)))? All of them. Do you know which ones are still considered (((death camps)))? The only ones that have never been investigated scientifically by an independent body. Do you know what happens if and when those are determined not be (((death camps)))? Well, people start saying "so where were the death camps?" and you obviously can't answer.
So now with all of that in mind, do you have any idea why they've never been allowed to be investigated? I'll give you a clue, it's two words, the first word sounds like "pure" and the second word sounds like "coincidence".

Pic related

In the period between 1934 and 1943, the Congress, the Roosevelt Administration, and public opinion expressed concern about the fate of Jews in Europe but consistently refused to permit large-scale immigration of Jewish refugees. In a report issued by the State Department, Undersecretary of State Stuart Eizenstat noted that the United States accepted only 21,000 refugees from Europe and did not significantly raise or even fill its restrictive quotas, accepting far fewer Jews per capita than many of the neutral European countries and fewer in absolute terms than Switzerland.

According to David Wyman, "The United States and its Allies were willing to attempt almost nothing to save the Jews."[86]

U.S. opposition to immigration in general in the late 1930s was motivated by the grave economic pressures, the high unemployment rate, and social frustration and disillusionment. The U.S. refusal to support specifically Jewish immigration, however, stemmed from something else, namely antisemitism, which had increased in the late 1930s and continued to rise in the 1940s. It was an important ingredient in America's negative response to Jewish refugees.[87]

MS St. Louis
Main article: MS St. Louis
The SS St. Louis sailed from Germany in May 1939 carrying 936 (mainly German) Jewish refugees. On 4 June 1939, it was also refused permission to unload on orders of President Roosevelt as the ship waited in the Caribbean Sea between Florida and Cuba. Initially, Roosevelt showed limited willingness to take in some of those on board. But the Immigration Act of 1924 made that illegal and public opinion was strongly opposed.[citation needed] The ship returned to Europe. 620 of the passengers were eventually accepted in continental Europe, of these only 365 survived the Holocaust.

The United States' tight immigration policies were not lifted during the Holocaust, news of which began to reach the United States in 1941 and 1942

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>and as a general disclaimer i believe the holocaust happened and was also necessary
Why did Hitler ransom off one of the most important Jews he got his hands on? Why did he focus on illiterate eastern european peasants?


>hahahahaha yeah that sounds very trustworthy
What issue do you have with the source specifically? What claim do you find so unbelievable?

>reddit spacing
go back

>Not even posting the wooden doors one

"Holocaust" means "sacrifice" as in, a blood sacrifice. They want it to be so in order for their false messiah to come.

Here's the original. /pol/ stole the meme

Attached: asdg2w.jpg (404x681, 86K)

I don't mind /pol/ but there's literally 0 reason for this have been left undeleted for an hour and over 150 replies

Yeah why didn't the Allies notice it right away? They had smart phones back then, right?

Now seems like a good time to post this

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It's true though. The guy who happened to descend from jews and sells bread in the next street isn't trying to destroy the western civilization.
In fact, these guys were used by the bankers in London. Those let thousands die just so they could fulfill their sick dream of creating Israel, at the same time they could fuck up Germany (who tried to escape from the international banking system), AND cripple multiple christian nations at the same time.
If a fiction movie was written about it, it would be considered too unrealistic.

Also the word "holocaust" doesn't just refer to the WW2 holocaust. Think "nuclear holocaust."

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Because it's not the number you were looking for.

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before, and WAY before

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Why does OP go through this much effort?

Attached: autism sopranos2.jpg (895x3316, 612K)

Letter signify the unknown in case you don't know.

Probably because the nazis were massively in debt into the industrialists at that time, and at that time they also preferred to deport jews and make them someone else's problem.

/pol/ BTFO
