What was the in-flight movie?

What was the in-flight movie?

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Probably some late 2000 to early 2001 action blockbuster. Charlie's Angels? X-men?

Crash with The Towering Inferno


Turbulence 3: Heavy Metal

An instructional video on what to do if your plane is taken over by terrorists

Decline of an Empire

Rambo 2. They were clapping and cheering for the hijackers as they crashed into the towers.


God willing, the in-flight movie was The Message (1976)

Non-offensive comedies that came out in August 2001:
Rat Race
Bubble Boy
Rush Hour 2

Hopefully it was Rush Hour 2. Poor bastards.

Joke trial. Explain this post.

I think it takes at least half a year before theatrical releases go into airline contracts.

They just got to the "radar range" gag when it happened

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Do you think they give a shit whether or not they had seen Rush Hour 2?

Of course not. Not when the hijacking started. But do you really want the last movie you ever see to be fucking Rat Race?

ok, 3. Because Mujaheddin are the good guys.

That makes way more sense.

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Bubble Boy, on a plane? LOL. Riiiiiight.

Pilot episode of The Lone Gunman


Star wars. It was only then, when they saw Luke and Han sneaking in a stolen ship that they realized the rebels were terrorists, and they'd been cheering for them all along.

I saw this captcha recently

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local flights didn't have in-flight videos during this time. in 2001 the cost of a video screen and the cheapness of the airline industry led to only international-flying airplanes to have in-flight movies.

I can imagine the films still running while all the chaos is happening and some guy who's fed up with their shit is just trying to watch the ending before they crash.

>*whispers* "It's a frame"

Falling Down.


these people died for real

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someone should make compilation of best jumpers, together with jury's vote from 1 to 10


Pic related hurts the most.

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And that’s a good thing

t. mossad


We made it up :)

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talk about a crappy day at the office

Lmao just take the stairs

I doubt in flight movies even existed way back then

Leave it to americans to choose killing themselves before walking down the stairs

The Simpsons season 11


I did I said mmmbbrmmm



they did, there were just screens in the ceiling that would come down and show everyone the same movie

Most people in the towers who died were Democrats. Should we really mourn for those scum?

Pure fiction!


I still have nightmares where I'm stuck in the North Tower. Shit freaks me out.

For AA Flight 11, it was Dr. Doolittle 2, no joke


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Final Destination 2

God I hate windows 10

Thank you user.

I'm really mad now that they had to go out watching such filth.

Henceforth I'm going to assume hey probably all wanted to die

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Trapping forty people in an airtight steel box and subjecting them to Dr Doolittle is the real act of terrorism.

what can I say the elevator wasn't working

Reminder that no jews died in 9/11


The plane was hijacked 15 mins after takeoff so they probably didn’t

A better film could have caused the terrorists to second guess their resolve. Dr. Doolittle 2 was part and parcel to 9/11. That's fucking hilarious.

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"Were taking the plane and turning off your negro films"

What movie could have stopped him Yea Forums?

Pass it forward
Anything with nudity...

DAMN! They aint gonna watch Rush Hour 3!

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Why did they not fight back like "lets roll" flight , bunch of pussies,

standard procedure for hijackings prior to 9/11 was to let the hijackers do what they want

Show some respect you fucking assholes

Could you survive if you had a parachute with you?


True Lies

They played a sequel user.

Oh my god, thank you for making me rethink my life

The Phantom Menace. Imagine the passengers hearing "Now this is podracing!" before crashing.

I doubt it would have enough time to open before you hit the ground at lethal speeds

>those splat sounds
Unironically horrific. The first responders powerless just watching people plummet was grim.

What would happen if only one twoer was hit and collasped would teh other twoer have sruvuved and been livebalen

retardodoe , bet your a faaty mcdfat gace as well

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Die Hard

Base jumpers make leaps from lower heights



Can you jump from a jumbo jet? I know they were up high on the Hudson for a while.


But Rambo 2 is literally Murrica fuck yeah: The Movie

why didn't they actually take the stairs? Did Americans really do this?

Fires blocked them also stairs gone.


uhhhh those skyscrapers must've had more than one set of stairs lol what was wrong with them?

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Rat race is 2000s comedy gold and I'll fight any user who says otherwise it's a mad mad mad mad world is comfy 60s comedy kino too

I can't think of a bigger SOUL VS SOULLESS. Rat Race is SOULLESS

Friendly reminder that James Woods tried his best to stop 911. If only they took him more seriously.

They're such completely different films that I don't really consider them to be related although it's technically a remake. But you can't deny that rat race is the pinnacle of trashy yet family friendly mindless 2000s comedy.

yup, planes were taken before then. The passengers used as hostages for bargaining. They just assumed it was the same deal.

You fucking Zoomers ought to show some respect.

Any rare 9/11 kino? I remember the user a few years ago in a 9/11 thread posting about an old YouTube video that was titled "superman lol". It showed rare footages of jumpers getting splatted, after impact to the ground, as shown on video.

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Not rare but the phone call of the guy trapped on one of the top floors, it ends with him screaming in terror when the tower drops and falls under his feet.

There’s lots of footage of people falling. They were showing some of it on the networks on 9/11. They’re still all over youtube

Falling Down with Micheal Douglas

Lost World Jurassic Park.

>Several initial news stories reported that "A Knight's Tale" was the in-flight movie available on the airliners that crashed into the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

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Stay out of the middle East Americ*n dogs

most of them probably weren't "jumpers" they just couldn't see where they were walking because of the smoke or were pushed out by the shockwave


this explains a lot actually

Why didnt they just jump out with an office chair then jump off at the last second to cancel it out?

LoL no.

And how can you be certain? They could roll it off

No in some sources you can legit see people hesitating at windows and then just going for it

Nah we like making brown idiots kill each other

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just like back home

Why didn't they get spiderman to help them?

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>oh shit the elevators are out
>better jump out lmao
just use the stairs you fat fucks

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Avatar, they were happy to crash.

Loose Change

What if someone on the plane was so miserable watching that movie they actually prayed/wished to die.


Exhaled through my nose in amusement

what if 9/11 wasn't an inside job?


It would be kino if They had passes the medusa touch

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>people mourn the dead in those towers when most of the world's problems are caused by people like (((them)))

Feel bad for the flight crew and probably a good 30% of the passengers. Also some of the stuff in cargo.

all of (((them))) stayed home that day

How did America learn to call it 9/11 before WTC accident explain pls

>be 10 when it happened
>still have recurring dreams of observing fiery plane crashes from the ground

That day kinda messed with me

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Americans are encouraged to have a good work ethic. That means you get a lot of favor with your boss if a plane hits your building and you keep working.