Wasted opportunity

Wasted opportunity.

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It was okay. They should have done an original story instead of adapting that shitty video game.
>im kino

It was ok, i laughed and it was well made.
I think for the most part they respected the original universe.

It could have been much worse.

I don't like the stupid Deadpool guy, the ""humor"" and the fact that Pikachu talks
You can tell most jokes are made for 13 years old. Why grown up men laugh at this escapes my understanding

A shitty CGI flick intended for children and man children alike.
If you still play pokemon you are a faggot.

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I liked it. Screw you OP

On the contrary, this script was very much intended for the late 20s-early 30s crowd. Growing up wanting to be a pokemon trainer, not working out and ending up working a job in insurance...it's very meta at times.

>movie about cartoon mouse in a detective hat is aimed at children


It was cute and surprisingly competently made

Any movie that can take Justice Smith and make me not hate him deserves respect.

>reveal Mewtwo in the trailer
>everyone assumes he's the villain
>he's actually the hero

Your expectations:
[X] Subverted
[_] Not Subverted

It was a good movie.

>mah niggas
Krabby, Onix, Hypno, Fearow

None of them were in it. Yes I'm a genwunner, but still.

Was it though?

Yeah, it was alright.

The story and characters are cliché and some of the acting is suspicious.

It's a movie about Pikachu, but he's a detective on the basis that he wears a Sherlock Holmes hat.

What were you expecting exactly? Because I went in expecting a lot worse than I got.

It's a good kid's movie. It's didn't try to revolutionize the genre.

>A shitty CGI flick intended for children and man children alike.
>If you still play pokemon you are a faggot.

Would love for the sequel to be set in England

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>"I-It's gonna surpass Endgame and make $800M+ easy, so EAT SHIT MARVEL KEKS!"
>"It's gonna make $2B and surpass Endgame AND Avatar!"
>"It's gonna be the only film remembered this year!"
>"It's peak comfy kino!"
>"It's Pikakino!"
>"So what if the main character's a mutt? GET OVER IT!"
>"It's being advertised more than Endgame! Mouse cucks on suicide watch!"
>"It's attached to the biggest IP in the world, so it'll make billions easily! You'll see!"
2 weeks later...
>film makes little over $300M, far less than Yea Forumsirgins expected
>mixed reviews
>normies like it due to being normies + s o y-fueled nostalgia
>cringey dialogue throughout
>mostly crappy CGI that people are claiming "looks good," which is a lie
>extremely weak & predictable third act
>pacing feels rushed
>no actual Pokemon battles
>most pokemon in the movie are just "I UNDERSTOOD THAT REFERENCE!!!" cameos
>film is slowing down severely + doing even worse than Shazam
>mostly boring in retrospect, even for diehard fans of the franchise
>nearly bombed in Japan, the country where the franchise was birthed from, and trailed behind Endgame the same country where capeshit isn't even popular.........oof
>"Well, it wasn't expected to do over a billion anway."
>"Well, sometimes, vidya can't always be adapted to the silver screen."
>"Pokemon was always niche, desu."
>"I was only pretending to be retarded in saying that Detective Pikachu would do over a billion, and you were the true retards for falling for it, so joke's on you, retards!"
>"The movie's a hidden gem and will be the sleeper hit of the year!"
>"It's only doing modestly well because of Disney controlling the media and trying to suppress its numbers, actually."
>"It still made money, so, EAT SHIT, MOUSE KEKS!"
Like clockwork, Yea Forums is always wrong.

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....I'm really getting sick of Hiroshimoot's word filters.

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>dumb capeshitter getting this mad

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Im really surprised. I dont understand why it isnt doing better, just saw it the other day and it was really good. The first like 4 minutes were really shit but after the train into Rhyme city it got better.