Why couldn't she just let him have this?

Why are women so cruel?


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that's hershlag for you

jews gonna jew

Source on apology? Cause all I’ve seen is that he made her look like an idiot

read the article you dumb zoomer

>after claiming
but he proved it without doubt

I really can't blame her. Unless a woman is extremely high status/famous, having too many sexual partners attached to their name is a detriment to themselves/career. It's why a lot of these famous actresses/artists who aren't on the top of the pyramid as far as status goes are secretive with who they're involved with or who they've had a history with.

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Damnit moby you fag NEVER apologize. Its like blood in the water to roasties.

why is that a picture of David Cross

>I really can't blame h
she is a lying, deceiving kikepig jewswine whore

Did he, in fact, get stomped by Oby?

>I really can't blame her
Yes you can, she's a w*man

she's splitting hairs. she only fucked him a few dozen times. But never dated

Who can stop this madwoman?

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Moby is a weirdo. I'm not able to feel sorry for him

lmao, that "apology" is hilarious. He is basically "apologizing" for letting people know they went on dates. He doesn't deny anything, he just kinda makes fun of Hershlag for being so immature that she has a hard time accepting her "mistake" in going as far as kissing him and sleeping in the same bed


you will never be a real woman, filthy tranny eunuch.

day of the rope is coming.

>moby fucked 18 year old hershlag
>fucking moby

Isn't Obie Trice dead? Or is that the other guy?

He has a bullet in his head because it was too dangerous klto remove

Proof was the one that died

Hershlag is right though, Moby is so retarded he couldn't even do a Google search to check how old she was in 1999.

That barely seems like an apology. More like hey I forgot to tell you we dated.

You cant change reality with regret, Hershlag-sama

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why do roasties lie about their past relation ships ?

>He is of African-American and distant German descent.

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Netanyahu is a garbage human. I agree with her on that

stop making these threads

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Probably they met and then Moby found out she was going to be at an event where he was also going to be. So he was like "maybe I'll see you there?" and she was like "haha yeah maybe"
Then when they saw each other at the event Moby thought it was a date

Ovaries good, testes bad. Repeat after me, class

lmao of course he wilted.

I wouldn’t admit that I smiled at or said a friendly word to Moby.

Here let me school you on female programming 101

If it benefits them personally: it's good
If it does not benefit them personally: bad.

This is literally the female operating system core code. Her relationship with moby does not further her own ambitions, therefore it either doesn't actually exist or is "creepy " or wrong.

>Apologize to a woman
oof, yikes, YEESH


can she sue him now

most modern SJWs are anti-israel only because they're pro-muslim

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for a moment i thought they were calling netanyahu nintendo

What a crazy world we're in that liberals are attacking Israel while /pol/ and the right scramble to defend the Jews.


Would you really disagree with any of these headlines unless you're a goyim coin gobbler?

Shouldn't have apologized to her yid lawyers, they dated and she's pissy because it hurts her "brand"

>Source on apology?

His Instagram. instagram.com/p/Bx4zzbEhxgU/

>AIDSMoby is now 100% cooler than the actual Moby

Why did I spend so many of these threads making this same point only to get seething replies questioning my sanity? She is defending her pussy brand, of course she probably sucked Moby off, mightve even rimmed his asshole. But the mental image of that is bad for her business.

>Ovaries good, testes bad. Repeat after me, class

That's not what happened at all. You've created your own narrative, and are raging at your own fiction.

Seek help.

then stop lying HERSHLAG

Top comment is that he didn't need to apologise

He didn't really apologize.

That was Fuckin moby!? Hahahaha. Thought it was just some random nerd.

>Women supporting people who want to treat them like second class citizens


why is Yea Forums always buttmad when talking about based Portman ?

They weren't but they were talking about Nintendo, not Netanyahu.

most Yea Forums posters look like moby

He always was. Based boomer dad AIDS is the most underrated member of the crew.

Why hasn't she denied the Evian bottle then?

Slimy Jew whore who is aging like milk and is turning into a kvetching kike mother like they all do when their looks go. Also she got all pissy about Mel jokingly calling her OVENDODGER because heebs can't handle the bantz.


Moby's 36-year old ass boned Padme's barely 18-year old ass and boned her set to "Duel of the Fates"

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"Oven-dodger," "kill yourself," and "I wish you were aborted" aren't really bantz. Psychos can't tell the difference between fun and cruelty.

She's spot on about the 'feminist' stories thing though.

that was winona, retard

Hairlets are not allowed to breed
And that's a good thing

This, in the moment women are rarely as cautious about their sexual resume as they are after years of retrospect. Moby is too naive to realize "I never dated him" is code "I really wish I hadn't." You don't have to like it, but you should at least to try understand it. Most of the time, this will never be a problem for the guys that girls had regretful sex with, as long as said guys DROP IT. Don't make a spectacle of trying to reaffirm what you shared, because you leave her feeling like she has little recourse other than scorched Earth to protect her image. Only a beta will be THAT desperate to ride ONE GIRL's coattails and overstate what they were to each other or even try to reestablish it, and society has no Geneva Convention for the brutal dragging betas will suffer for stepping out of line. Moby should've just had a wank and kept quiet instead of making news of all this.

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Moby boned Portman hard

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Based dub poster of truths

Who still likes Lana del Rey now she's confirmed to be a Harvey whore and another Moby conquest?

This board is no different than a bunch of elders gossiping over celebrities after reading their favourite tabloids. What the fuck is wrong with all of you?
>loves to talk about celebrities
>complains about jews
Is the 15-25 y.o age bracket just a reincarnation of people born in the 1920s? You're all prematurely boring as fuck.

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Based Moby probably had his face in Portmans dirty ass

based moby. hershlag exposed as roastie ho. you aint shit hershlag. everybody listens to techno. fuck jannies and fuck meminem

Hey, Moby, you can get fucked by ******

I'll take celebrity gossip threads over GoT, Star Wars, and capeshit.

that was Winona "weinstein cock" Ryder

>And Moby, you can get stomped by Obie

>assuming everyone on this board is conservative
Why is lefty/pol/ so Goddamn annoying?

Herschlag is not your typical jew

Moby was way out of line, fucking queer cunt that he is

this thread proves once and for all that the only thing Yea Forums is more afraid of than jews is women

Wtf I love Moby now!

i just rememembered Mel is Australian and it all makes sense

Jewish women are actually the apex.

He wrote an autobiography(ghostwritten). Natalie was just a paragraph in it amongst a list of conquests. She turned it into a story.

>t. Loser who has no friends to banter with

>She turned it into a story.
Yes, it was she who specifically sent the chapter about this apparent hookup to news websites to promote the book

>defending jews

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girls love to play the im innocent game. she must of been weird to date too. Hence why he is like okay whatver sure we never dated.

Does he say if he licked Nat's asshole in the book?

Both are lying but she is the lesser of two evils. This is a faggot who brags about rubbing his pencil dick on other men. The degenerate kike enabler needs to be gassed before the kike.

huh? why the fuck would he have to apologize for writing that?

I find it more believable that Moby would lie for attention than that someone would go out with him desu

Review copies are a norm amongst publishers. Natalie might not like admitting she was a Moby superfan as a nubile 18 year old but we all have a duty to history to record truth unvarnished.

Old kike hag doesn't want people to know she was a whore back in her cock carousel riding days!!!FACT!!!

Blame it on the #MeToo era. Just because Moby hinted that they were dating, which also implies that they were physical, he has to apologize so that he won't be crucified for taking advantage of a naive 18yo girl.

I'm talking about how he used the specific excerpt dealing with Portman to promote the book

Exactly, if he told that story before he said he dated Hershlag, it would look like she dated a sexual pervert borderline sex offender, it just looks really terrible on her side and shes trying to raise a family in peace not be connected to some faggot bald headed sex pervert who makes shitty techno and tries to shame anyone not vegan. His semen probably tastes like corn pastures, nobody wants that.

Kek this.

The reason you guys always fail now is made clear in this thread. Still defending Moby even though he'd laugh while you burn. Whiteknighting for fucking MOBY to own the roasties

>shitty techno
huh? mobys good

Mel was born in the USA

>Pushing 40 and crying about how to weren't banging a musician

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Normal for book promotion to allow excerpts to be published in press to garner interest. Unless Natalie is part of the publishers promotion team she doesn't have to comment or inject herself.

Come off it, you know exactly why they chose that particular excerpt

Moby literally had hundreds to thousands of groupie sluts in their prime when he was a top act. He'd still pull groupies and superfans to this day based on his legacy. Women know their value and give it away accordingly.

I know

Because it can use her star power to sell the book. And what? It's a biography, dating a movie actress and getting an insight into their personal lives together is a high point of interest to a book on his life.

Good for them. fuck israel
>/pol/ not zionist as fuck.
/pol/ is a board of retards that believe jews in the media are bad and jews in companies are good, they believe the meme that there's good jews (based redpilled right wing israelis) and bad jews (leftist people from disney, becuase disney is totally a communist thing).

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>a book on his life.
who asked for that?

>jews in the media are bad and jews in companies are good
what about jews in media companies?

so they're leeching off portman, and when portman responds you're saying it's portman who turned it into a story

Biography is a hugely wide genre. Literally everyone with a modicum of fame has profitable biographies churned out by punishing houses. David Foster Wallace wrote about the niches shortcomings with regards to athletes.

Yes. Its only a trap when you fall in otherwise it's a what'sit thingamajigger.

Yes. It's a biography. He wrote(ghostwritten by others) about an event in his life that others would find interesting. A third party injects herself between the author and potential reader.

>you can write any shit about anyone, promote it on the Internet and if they ("third party" ?) respond they're actually the ones who are turning it into a story
Never mind that Portman is at least partially right about Moby or his editors not doing basic fact checking

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Why the fuck do they still apologize when they're in the right? Are people still this stupid? Now he's despised by everyone.